ITunes :: Cannot Upgrade To 10.6.3

Jun 22, 2012

Itunes asks me to update to 10.6.3, but when I attempt to do it, I recieve an error message that the update can't be verified and it might be corrupted.  

The upgrade stalls at 0%. How can I resume the installation or shouId I clean-install a whole new version on top downloaded from the apple site. Would that work and retain all my library, song counts, playlists, etc.? 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: ITunes Upgrade Disconnected Ipod And AppleTV From ITunes Library

Feb 6, 2010

This upgrade sent out 5th/6th February 2010 has caused my family's iPods and my AppleTV to disconnect from the iTunes library and demand a return to factory settings for all units. Still have not got any of them to sync with the library or reload the back-up settings in the case of the iPods

I am running a MacBook Pro 2.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 4GB memory

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Applications :: Can Itunes Girft Cards Be Used To Upgrade Itunes Music?

Oct 1, 2009

if i bought some itunes gift cards, can i use the money, to upgrade my music to itunes plus?

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ITunes :: Can't Download The Itunes Upgrade 10.6.1 - Get Error Signature Is Invalid

Apr 11, 2012

I cant download or install the 10.6.1 update to itunes,,,i get an error sometimes that says signature is invalid, or just that the download failed..

iPhone 4, Windows XP, and windows 2000

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OS X :: Need To Buy Leopard To Upgrade ITunes?

Apr 8, 2009

It says that this upgrade requires Mac OS X something so do I need to buy leopard or how do I update?

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Power Mac :: Upgrade To ITunes 10.1?

Feb 18, 2012

My Daughter's iPod requires iTunes in 10.1 or higher, but my PowerMac G4 won't allow me to upgrade (I currently have v 9.2.1).  when I downloaded the installation thing it says I needed OS 10.5.3 and I'm running 10.4.11. 

I have a dual 1.6Ghz power PC G4 processor.

For that matter, does anyone know if I can upgrade my OS to 10.5 or above and/or if it would be worthwhile to do so? 

Mac OS X (10.4.11), User is a dope

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ITunes :: It Won't Quit To Allow Upgrade

Mar 8, 2012

Current iTunes stubbornly refuses to quit. I cannot upgrade to the latest version.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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ITunes :: New Upgrade Crashes - MAC OS 10.7.3?

Mar 11, 2012

I've just upgraded to iTunes 10.6. When I relaunch iTunes it crashes. I've rebooted and it still comes up and crashes a few seconds later. I'm running MAC OS 10.7.3.

iMac i7, Mac OS X (10.6.5)

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ITunes 10.6 Upgrade Crashes

Mar 19, 2012

Running iMac with Lion 10.7.3, upgraded to iTunes 10.6 and it will not open. Crashes with message "unexpectedly quit while trying to restore its windows."I have even downloaded 10.6 again and reinstalled, "Successfully Installed," but same result.

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Is It Safe To Upgrade To ITunes 10.6 Yet

Mar 21, 2012

Suffered badly with this update a few days ago and, making use of TimeMachine, dumped it and reinstalled 10.5.1. Everything running ok again.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iPhone 3G, iPad2

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Applications :: How To Upgrade ITunes Without Having Password?

Oct 12, 2009

I was wondering if I could get some information about my itunes issue. A friend authorized my computer to play music he bought from itunes. I am thinking about upgrading to a bigger drive but I do not have the password to the authorize. If I use disk image of the itunes folder, will that help me transfer the authorization to a new hard drive.

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OS X Server :: Upgrade From 10.2.8 To 10.4.9 To Install ITunes 8?

Nov 25, 2008

I have a 1GHz Power PC G4 running system OSX 10.2.8. I have 256mb memory. I need to upgrade to 10.4.9 to install itunes 8. Will I be able to do this and how do I go about it? Also will I need to buy more RAM.

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ITunes :: Cannot Connect To Store After 10.6 Upgrade

Mar 23, 2012

iTunes cannot connect to the iTunes Store after 10.6 (40) 64 bit upgrade... then I created a new User Acount for my wife and I discover that she can connect to the iTunes Store. 

MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 750GB hard drive, 16GB memory

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ITunes :: Upgrade My Software On IPhone?

May 16, 2012

how do i upgrade my software on my i-pHONE

Info:iPhone 3G

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ITunes :: Unable To Download And Upgrade V10.6.1 To V10.6.3

Jun 18, 2012

I was doing a software update in an outdated Mac OS X 10.7.3 to get all the latest updates through its Apple Software Update. However, one of them failed to upgrade: iTunes v10.6.1 to v10.6.3. After rebooting to let Mac OS X 10.7.3 to 10.7.4, Apple Software Updater shows it 97% partially downloaded. I have over 31 GB free, so it can't be a free disk space problem. I tell it to resume download, but it quickly fails from 169 MB to about 172.7 MB (176.9 MB is the whole size) with "The update "iTunes" can't be installed. The update could not be verified. It may have been corrupted during the downloading. The update will be downloaded and checked again the next time that Software Update runs." 

I think the download is bad and is needs to be manually(?) deleted for me to retry. Where is this corrupted file at?

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ITunes :: No Music In Library After Upgrade To Lion?

Feb 22, 2012

I just upgraded to Lion and now all of my music is gone in my iTunes library. How I can get it back. Is it now in the cloud since I have an iCloud account? I can see all of my music on my iPad. In addition, all of my music is on the hard drive in Music>iTunes>iTunes Music. Is there a way to create a new library and add the music from the path it just outlines?

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ITunes :: Remote App Very Slow After 2.X Upgrade On IPhone 3G

Feb 23, 2012

I'm using Remote on my iPhone 3G to control music from a iMac. After an upgrade to version 2.X of the app, it performs very slow. Loading the library or controlling it can take more than 30 seconds! The previous version 1.X did very well with iPhone 3G. I would like to go back to version 1.X but have no backup of the previous version of the app. In my opinion, this updates should not support or be applied to older hardware, it become so slow that it makes no sense to use the app anymore. update a version that can work fine with iPhone 3G or make version 1.X available in the iTunes Store. Im not updating my apps anymore, because each time I do so, the phone lags more than before.

iPhone 3G, iOS 4.2

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ITunes :: Error Message - Need To Upgrade QuickTime 7.5.5

May 16, 2012

But then when I access a download site and run the download, I get a text edit mess and not a download of software. How can I get a Quicktime update so that I can use iTunes (the whole program is stopped)

MacBook (13-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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ITunes :: 10.6 Upgrade - Library No Longer Getting Recognized

May 23, 2012

Well subsequnt a recent upgrade to iTunes 10.6, my Library is not recognized. I have tried various ways of loading the xml file, and it just comes up as a blank/ new Library. The other day, for no reason I could tell, I launched iTunes and it created a new Library and will not open my usual Library. This problem did not exactly coincide neatly with updating to 10.6 either, so frankly I have no idea what happened. So, maybe I could restore using iTunes 10.5. But I can't find any download links for 10.5. Is there somewhere to download previous versions of iTunes? Or do they remove anything and everything for previous versions with each update?

Macbook Pro 2.26Ghz, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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ITunes :: Upgrade 720p Movies To 1080p?

Jun 4, 2012

Apple when they did their press conference for the new Apple TV - specifically stated that previous purchases of movies from iTunes could be updated to 1080p.  There was no charge involved, I just needed to redownload them.  I wish that were the case.  What am I missing?  All my preferences state 1080p.  Viewing my purchases shows all my movies I can download and pretty much all of them are available in HD.  Yet, they are still downloading in SD (720p).  Why?  Online support/itunes sends me in a loop as far as downloading in 1080p.  It never answers the question. 

Do I need to re-buy (not going to happen) all my movies in HD to get HD?  That wasn't what was stated by Apple.   

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ITunes For Mac :: 11.2.2 Upgrade - Radio Seems To Be Interrupted Frequently

Jun 3, 2014

Since the upgrade to 11.2.2, radio in iTunes seems to be interrupted frequently...maybe every thirty minutes or less and it's very annoying. It seems that iTume is back to the first release when the radio streaming interrupted whenever the ad would air. 

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ITunes For Mac :: Freeze After Upgrade To 11.2.2 When Connect IPhone?

Jun 3, 2014

just upgraded to iTunes 11.2.2 and the program freeze any time I try to connect the iPhone. I restarted several times but the behaviour does not change.

Running on iMAC OS X 10.9.3 / 4G RAM

Here the log: 

03/06/14 22:42:29,560 SyncServer[3553]: [0x7fb48be064d0] |SQLite|Error| Detected out-of-space situation: 0 (Undefined error: 0). 570448572416 bytes free in as-imac.
03/06/14 22:42:29,562[160]: ([3553]) Exited with code: 1


iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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ITunes :: 10.6 Upgrade Crashing When Adding Music And Now At Launch

Mar 9, 2012

It first started when I tried to add music files to iTunes by draggin them into my library. It began processing and adding them to my library, but then crashed.After this, I tried reopening iTunes, and it crashes on launch.This now happens every time. I can't open my iTunes.

I've tried deleting the added files out of my iTunes folder, and I'm still getting crashing.I've even tried re-installing iTunes -- no luck

Info:iTunes, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 iMac

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ITunes :: Forced To Upgrade It And Lost All Contacts On Phone?

Apr 15, 2012

I was in I-tunes just trying to sync my music on my I-Phone and it asked me to upgrade...well when I went to upgrade when it was finished I lost everything on my do I retrieve this information back?

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: ITunes Saying Need Newer QuickTime / Have Latest Upgrade

Apr 16, 2012

I just reinstalled my operating system, and I'm in the process of migrating files from my external drive back to my internal.I'm trying to use iTunes, but it keeps telling me I need QuickTime v7.5.5 or later, and the version I currently have (with no software updates available) is 7.2.1.How can I get the later version of QT so I can continue to use iTunes? I haven't encountered this problem before so I'm not sure how to get around it.

Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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ITunes :: Doesn't Play After Mountain Lion Upgrade

Apr 24, 2012

I just upgraded from Snow Leopard, installed Mountain Lion, 10.7.3, and with it the recommended iTunes upgrade 10.6.1. It seems to have broken things. 

If I click to play a song I can get the play window, but it'll be frozen at 0:00. Starting, stopping, dragging the cursor: nothing will make the time advance or music play. This happens with samples of music, purchased songs, video samples. The Console isn't showing any error messages. 

I've logged out, and back in. I've shut down completely and rebooted. I've check that stuff still plays OK on my iPad. 

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes For Mac :: 11.2.2 Upgrade Has Deleted Song Library Except For Purchases

Jun 4, 2014

I recently upgraded to iTunes 11.2.2(3) and all of the content has disappeared from my iTunes library aside from what I've purchased from the iTunes store (this seems to be syned to the online store, which would explain it). I can still see all of the song files when I go to username/music/iTunes/Library on my hard drive and it's frustrating because I've tried to link it back to these files several times under iTunes/Preferences and it still won't update the songs in the iTunes application. 

MacBook Pro, iOS 7.0.5

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OS X :: Upgrade An Operating System - Special Files To Back Up Outside Of Itunes

Mar 29, 2010

I'm going out this week to buy Snow Leopard and I've never in my life upgraded an operating system before because usually by the time a new OS comes out I need a new computer anyway. However, that was when I was a Windows user. Now, I'm using a Macbook Pro that I've had since December of 2006 and it's still running like a champ, but I would like to have all the latest features that come with Snow Leopard. My questions are as follows:Is there anything special I need to do prior to installing the new OS? Should I do a clean install? If so, are there any special files I should back up outside of my iTunes and iPhoto libraries, and my documents?

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ITunes :: 10.6 Upgrade Deleted All Playlists, Purchased Items, Podcasts

Mar 21, 2012

I just upgraded to 10.6 - and was horrified to find out when opening iTunes again, my playlists, podcasts, purchased items, etc weren't there. It's a total iTunes reboot! All my audio content is stored on an external HDD (yes, its plugged in) - though the iTunes Libraries are on my laptop. 

how to recover these without having to go through the hassle of Time Machine? 

MacBook Pro

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ITunes For Mac :: 11.2.2 Upgrade - Wish List Is Not Visible And Store Searches Are Blank Too

Jun 17, 2014

Upgraded to ITunes 11.2.2, the latest, using 10.6.8 OS on an Imac and first I noticed no images in my Wishlist. Just a blank screen, with the ability to sort by name ,etc tab.   Now when I do a search for an artist or an album on the store, I get a blank screen also for results, i see the text for showing the options of Aps, Music, Movies, but no images of search results.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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