IMac :: How To Get Source Of Ticking Noise - Fixing It?
Jul 12, 2009
I dont know how long this has been going on for but ive just noticed it. ONLY when the display sleeps, the upper left hand side of my 24" imac makes light ticking noises once every few seconds (its very light ticks, theyre hard to hear unless you put your ear to the computer). It doesnt occur when the screen is on and when everything is on, and it doesnt occur when the computer sleeps, it only happens when I put the display to sleep, which seems weird. I don't think its the HDD, I've checked the SMART status and all is fine, I've also checked the console. Why is this ticking noise occurring when the display sleeps and no time else and what is making it?
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Aug 28, 2007
My Macbook had a wierd nosie coming from the fan. Its sounded like a ticking noise and got more frequent as the fan speed increased.
Its only a week old, but never notice it before, properly because I use it infront of the TV.
However, I have use a can of compressed air and blasted the rear ven, which seems to solved the problem. I have loaded the machine upto 4500 rpm and still no ticking noise.
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May 30, 2008
not sure if anyone else is experiencing the same problems but every 20-30 seconds or so I can hear the hard drive clicking and going away, is this normal ? Its not the mentioned "loud screeches" or other kind of annoying sound, its just like a little click, this is after the 10.5.3 update, just wanting to know if some of you experience the same thing ?
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Feb 3, 2009
In the past two days I installed both an external HD with TM and windows vista ultimate with boot camp (everything works perfectly).
I think the noise only started like, around two days ago, but I'm not sure. I got my mac around a month ago. I think my last pc did this all the time, so at first I thought it was just normal HD writing/reading noise (I think it's the HD), but as that pc wasn't exactly new or stable and I seem to remember that my mac didn't do this at first, I thought I'd ask.
It makes the noise for a couple of seconds when I, for example, start an app, close one, boot or shut down, and at random times when I'm just doing nothing. It doesn't make it during music playback. It's completely irregular so I doubt it's a fan hitting something. It doesn't sound like that either. It's really pretty soft, and fast paced, sort of like morse code. When in vista, it makes the noise almost all the time, like 80% or something.
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Sep 19, 2010
After returning 4 21.5" imacs with yellow screens and hard drive noise, I decided to try a 27" and finally a beautiful screen with no problems, no hard drive noise. I was very happy...untill I started hearing a humming noise that sounds like it is coming from the power supply. The noise stops when I put it in sleep mode. I tried a bunch of things to determine if it was the fans or hard drive and that was not it. I am pretty sure it is the PSU humming all the time. This is the first imac with a perfect screen and now it is humming. I am so frustrated.
What should I do? Have the power supply replaced or return it for another one and take the chance of getting one with a yellow screen? I am still within my 14 days of original purchase date.
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Apr 24, 2012
constant ticking anybody know what this is
iMac, iOS 5.1
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Aug 6, 2009
I open it up yesterday, hooked it up to my Mac Pro and started using it. It looked great, needs a calibration of course, but overall I was impressed.
Then I started to hear a ticking or almost a creaking noise. I thought it was my desk 'settling' as I had added some extra weight to the desk, and because I was leaning on it at the time to connect the cables up etc.
I closed my eyes and leaned next to the machine and waited - it wasn't coming from the ACD speakers, it was coming from the monitor itself. I checked it out on some Apple support threads, sounds like it's an issue of heat contraction and expansion as the monitor starts up. 10 minutes into having it on it was somewhat slowed, but my goodness it was annoying.
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Apr 11, 2012
My MacBook Pro just started to making a clicking/ticking noise. I am assuming that it has something to do with the fan because when I shut my computer down, the noise stops, but once I start my computer back it, it starts once again.
MacBook Pro
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May 4, 2010
Just upgraded my aging MBP to the new i5. But I hear a ticking noise from the hard drive. Is this normal?
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Jun 6, 2010
my macbook pro makes a slight ticking noise when i move it or tap it just a little bit it seems like its coming from the right palm rest any thoughts, i think it maybe the hard drive or something. oh yeah 2010 mbp 2.4 ghz 320 hard drive
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Jul 19, 2009
This isn't strictly a Mac question, but I know there's a lot of knowledgeable users here and I'm sure some have the MyBooks too. I'm in the middle of the daunting process of reformatting my two 500GB MyBook hard drives (the standard black ones) to a Mac friendly format having been a Windows user for a while... having such a large HD on the iMac makes it not too painful, thankfully. However, I've got one of my drives hooked up at the moment, copying away. It's making a consistent ticking noise as it works.
It's been a while since I asked very much of my drives (generally I just read off them file by file as it were; playing video), so is this noise normal, or is this drive on its way out do you think? As I say, it is a consistent ticking, like the ticking of a clock really rather than scary whirring-clunk noises, and there's no trouble copying files onto my iMac at the moment. I just don't want to copy stuff back over if it's going to die on me. I've got a stack of DVDs here anyway and I think it's about time I updated my DVD copies of my files...
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Sep 15, 2008
every once and a while, when I am working on my MBA, i get a loud "ticking noise" in the upper right of my keyboard.It sounds like the harddrive is trying to think or something, but it only happens for about 5 seconds and it occurs even at idle if i dont do anything that requires the computer to use memory or access the cache, etc...
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Jun 24, 2010
I am just wondering why, when I close the lid, it makes a ticking noise. It is as if something is stuck in the hinges but I've checked and cleaned it and it seems fine. Anyone else had this problem or know how I should fix it? It used to be smooth and ticking-noise-free, but now its gone funny.
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Jan 10, 2011
As per title... Loud grinding sound, goes away on restart, seems to be happening more consistently in the past few days (noticed it last week for first time). The MBP is 3 years old I have an appointment at apple store for tomorrow, im pretty sure they'll just say that the right fan needs to be replaced (applecare warranty ended a month ago of course)
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Jun 19, 2009
So I turned on my Macbook Pro today and this clicking noise is coming from the rightmost fan hole. I am really nervous that it is a serious issue as I use my Macbook for probably 15 hours a day for all sorts of artistic ventures.
After exploring, I've discovered with I use it on certain angles, the clicking stops, or increases/decreases in noisiness
Anybody have experience with this? Is there a way to clean it of the issue?
I haven't had any problems with my system before, and the computer itself is operating perfectly
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Jul 3, 2006
have a BlackBook... just noticed today that when i touch the track pad in the middle and then lift my fingers off, it makes an annoying click noise. (it almost sound like a bug zapper) This does not happen if i touch the track pad on either side... just in the center...
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Nov 5, 2010
My MacBook Pro 15inch makes a hollow sounding click/ping noise when I move along the track pad. It's NOT the motion sensor, that noise is more defined and pinpointed. This noise is random, sometimes occurs non-stop for an hour or two at a time every time I move the mouse, but usually occurs at random. Sometimes it also occurs when i have my computer on my lap or tilted and move it from side to side. But again, it is not the normal motion sensor noise.
I'm on my third MacBook Pro in less than 30 days. My first one corrupted all my files and my second one pinged like this one. I just need confirmation that this is actually OK and I will get a good MacBook and the money will be well spent. I think most of my issues stem from the fact that I'm new to Mac and just don't know what is normal.
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Nov 7, 2007
I've recently been getting a clicking noise from my hard drive, and when it happens 90% of the time my mac crashes for about 10 seconds. First thing I did was verify my disk in disk utility and I got a response I'm not entirely clear of the meaning so I've attached a screenshot of what my response is. I'm going to try some other 3rd party app to see whats up with my hard drive such as techtool pro...I'm on a 2.33 ghz 15" macbook pro with leopard.
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Nov 14, 2010
I have an aluminum macbook that is abou a year and a half old. It is making a weird scratching noise every few minutes. It sounds like I have DVD spinning in my disk drive and I am moving the laptop around. There is no disk in it so I am worried it's coming from my HD. Any ideas on what I should do?
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Mar 16, 2010
late 2009 mac mini 2.53GHz/4gig ram/320gig hd
ok the issue is that I'm constantly hearing the ticking or clicking sound from my mac mini. Could any tell me what could be making those sound?
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Dec 5, 2014
I bought my iMac last month (Late-2013 model) and notice some low/small "tick-ing" sound came out from the bottom section of my iMac i guess. I often hear that when there's no other sounds in my room. It happened whenever i scrolling down web page on Safari or when doing some graphical process on Photoshop, scrolling Dashboard and other graphical-related task.
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Aug 19, 2008
I'm new to this forum and I just bought a new iMac 20" 2.66GHz, I turned on my computer and noticed a weird sound (buzzing or humming noise) not loud but loud enough to here I notice when I messed with the Brightness it went away is there something wrong with that or is that a known issue?
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Nov 16, 2010
Cheapest I found are about $160 shipped on Newegg or Macmall? Any other recommendations?
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Jan 1, 2010
I have an external USB hard drive (WD Elements 1.5TB) and an external DVD drive (LiteOn iHAS422-08 in a Vantec NST-530SU enclosure) hooked up to the USB ports on the back. I can't seem to get more than 5Mb/sec out of them. That's USB 1.1 level performance from these USB 2.0 devices, even though I have no USB 1.1 devices hooked up to the machine (other than the keyboard). Bluetooth is off. I've tried completely powering down but that didn't change anything. What could be the cause of this problem?
iMac G5 Rev B
OSX 10.5.8
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Dec 9, 2006
I've been given (!) a G5 iMac which is practically brand new. It's only problem is that it suffers from the sudden shut off issue which seems to plague the G5 thanks to a faulty Power Supply and some caps on the mobo which get taken out by the PS. I've replace the power supply, but can't afford to get the mobo fixed, and since neither Apple nor any of the alternative operating system makers such as Linux will be supporting this system into the future, I figure that the hardware is essentially orphaned. I'd dearly like to use the screen though, as it's in great shape and is a beautiful display. So, my question is, can the internal screen be connected to an external source such as the video card of another computer? It would be great to use it for my music production machine. If anyone has any ideas, let me know. In the meantime I'm going to have a look around inside this beast and see what I can do.
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Apr 12, 2009
It seems I have to go a roundabout way in order to connect to the Internet using a USB Dial-Up modem. I thought you could double click on the Safari icon on the Dock and get connected to the Internet. But every time I try to do this, the Diagnostics page keeps cropping up. The only method I have found to get connected is thru the Network folder under System Preferences, which to me is a backhanded alternative to what should be a more direct means by clicking directly on the Safari icon. Is there something wrong with my Internet set-up causing this run around? Also, I am unclear as to whether my 20" screen is setup properly?
Is it true that in order have the sharpest screen readout/visual appearance and still cover the complete display area that everything seems actually smaller than when compared to a 17" inch display usage (which is the size of the LCD monitor I am using with a Power Mac). Finally, what is the best source to find out all about my iMac & its features? The documentation sent is very scant. Aside from the petite booklets (with same information repeated on the computer), is there any extremely pertinent guide I am overlooking that comes with the computer? Any other major sources?
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Dec 2, 2009
While me and my friends were trying to figure out possible causes of this issue on LED screens, someone came up with the brilliant idea that the problem could be caused by the sound speakers. His recently LED TV had the same problem. He found out that what was causing the yellowish tinge on his TV were the Sound Speakers. Volume speakers use magnets, so the magnetic field was screwing up the colors on his tv tending to yellow.
After having removed the Sound Speakers the yellow tinge disappeared in about 2/3 hours. I tried this on my led screen laptop with a magnet I had in the kitched, and guess what! It worked, color changed, not for yellow but it changed for sure. The Sound Speakers on new IMacs are near yellow tinge, that's why some people are getting it worse. I've reported to apple. Faulty design Quality Control. If you have his tell us if you're using internal or external speakers. This may lead us to more clues.
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Mar 30, 2010
How do I disable the external video source from my MacBook Pro on my iMac without disconnecting the cable? Is there a key combination on my iMac?
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Nov 23, 2009
I have accidentally slot in my SD card into the disc drive. Is there anyway I can take it out again? Will apple charge me for this? It is still in the warranty period. Anyway, I have to pay if they charge me. So careless!!
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Sep 9, 2009
So my brother was upgrading to Snow Leopard from Leopard tonight...and during the install, the time remaining went negative, then shortly thereafter everything froze up so he was forced to power down and since then nothing has been right. He can't restore from backup because apparently there isn't enough space on the disk, then we tried to repair persmissions, it says it cannot and to reformat hard we do that, reboot and then try to re-install leopard only for now, and when it comes up to choose a destination drive he is just a blank box, his hard drive doesn't show up!
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