IMac :: Why Does Time Machine Slow Down

Sep 24, 2009

I have a 6 month old top of the line iMac. I always can tell immediately if Time Machine is running b/c the computer becomes choppy. This lasts for the duration of the backup. It is most noticeable when I move my mouse. The mouse starts to act jumpy rather than gliding. In activity monitor it shows during the backup that I still have 50-80% idle so I don't understand why I take such a performance hit. I do backup wirelessly to a Time Capsule. Is this the issue? It is often backing up large amounts (though I'm not quite sure why). I'll download about 100MB of pictures and it will do an 800MB backup.

I just can't shake the feeling that something isn't correct. I've noticed this back on regular Leopard and now on Snow Leopard. Apart from this issue my iMac works perfectly. Please let me know if others see this or if you have any ideas what the problem is. Also, if I can't fix this, is there anyway to slow down Time Machine backups (without hacking type stuff) so it only runs once or twice a day? I really don't need hourly backups.

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OS X :: Does Using USB Hard Drive For Time Machine Slow Down The IMac?

Aug 27, 2010

Just finished setting up my new 27" iMac and the last piece of the puzzle is to setup Time Machine. I have an external 500GB hard drive that Im not using (even though my hard drive is 1TB, Im only using 157GB right now so the 500GB should be fine). My concern is...will it slow down the computer when its backing up since the drive is USB? Would it be worth buying a Firewire 800 external drive (~$150)?

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OS X :: First Time Machine Backup Very Slow

Jan 6, 2011

I know that the first one is supposed to take a long time, but can someone let me know what is going on? I have a 2010 Mac Mini that I have upgraded to 8GB of RAM. I am running the OS off a LaCie 1 TB external running it through FW800. Everything is running well. I just picked up a WD My Book Studio Edition II 2 TB FW800 drive to use as additional storage (partition 1) and Time Machine (partition 2). I have daisy chained the FW drives.

I set my Time Machine up to backup about 400 GB of files from one FW drive to the other. At the same time I am copying over about another 400 GB of files from the OS drive to the partition 1 extra storage portion of the new drive. The 400 GB of copying is taking about 3 hours. That seems OK to me. The Time Machine backup is much slower. I have had it running for about an hour+, and it finished 400 MB of 400 GB. Not that math is my strong suit, but that is on pace to finish my Time Machine backup in 33 days.

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OS X :: MacBook Slow After Time Machine Restore

Jan 4, 2011

A few days ago I had to use Time Machine to patch up my Macbook Pro. For some reason the laptop froze at a blue screen when starting. I fixed this by using Time Machine and went back to my backup of december the thirtieth. Everything went smoothly and works perfectly! But the laptop is much slower then before. At first I thought it was because the system needed some time to set everything straight again, but the performance aren't improving. I'm using a lot of music program's. (Pro Tools 8, Logic 8) I can clearly see that my laptop can take less then it did before. Same thing for a game. The game doesn't run that smooth now on the same settings.

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OS X :: Time Machine Slow Initial Backup - Fix

Oct 31, 2007

My initial experiences with time machine were not great, glacially slow initial backup rate, left external HDD in unstable state that could not be repaired, stuck on "preparing" etc. The initial backup rate was minutes per Mb-unacceptable. Here are some steps I took, based on watching this and apple support discussion groups--this may not work for all problems being experienced. Turn off time machine Although TM doesn't require exclusive use of an external drive and will use HDs that have other data, you are placing those data at risk: Before you turn on TM backup anything you have on your intended time machine external disk, partition (as GUID) first, then erase (format as HFS extended, journaled) and check/repair permissions. (Don't let time machine format the disk)

- Exclude the external disk from spotlight indexing (or turn off spotlight altogether); certainly do not commence initial backup while spotlight is performing initial index after leopard install
- Turn off any virus checking!
- Remove TM plist file from any previous attempts and erase and trash any previous backup files
- Exclude any large frequently updated database files (Entourage, Parallels) from time machine.

If you have multiple drives that you don't intend including in your routine backup, make sure you exclude them in TM. Avoid daisy chained FW drives for the initial backup, time machine disk should be directly connected. That's about it, Time Machine backed up a ~90G system from a 2.4Ghz SR MBP to a LaCie 500G d2 (FW800) in about 120 minutes and has continued with hourly backups since.

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OS X :: Time Machine - Slow Backup Then Just Fail

Nov 30, 2008

Time Machine will backup at a rate of 0.5KB/s (rough estimate) then start to speed up a little bit, then just fail. I have tried restarting my Mac, repairing permissions etc, and I've attempted about 10 times to get it to backup. I have spent about 20 minutes on Google trying to see if there is anyone with similar issues - closest I found was someone who's Time Machine would fail once a week.

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OS X :: Time Machine In Snow Leopard Slow

Sep 8, 2009

I just tried and everything seems non-responsive or on a 2 minute delay. I use Time Capsule and Time Machine and things are just not acceptable at this speed.

Also, I don't think the archives are right. I used to have a ton of things on my desktop - most of which I cleaned recently by moving or deleting the files.

However, going back a few months in Time Machine, the only files that show up in my desktop folder/view are the ones that are on my desktop today. All the older, moved or deleted files no longer show up in Time Machine.

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OS X :: Time Machine Backup Always Same Size And Really Slow?

Oct 26, 2009

I've recently re-jigged my system and upgraded to Snow Leopard. I've manually restored everything I want from a Time Machine back-up and am now back in business on my main drive. However, I now want to re-enable Time Machine but I'm having some problems; every time I back-up the total size is the same! I've excluded all the things I don't want, such as system-files, applications folder, developer folder, virtual machines folder, and a folder I use for large downloads (so they're not backing up at different stages). Every time though the total back-up size is calculated as the total data on my drive, minus the things I've excluded, and it crawls along at only a few kilobytes to a megabyte or so per-second!

For a volume with just under a terabyte of data that's an awful long time. This doesn't seem right though, as it means that my back-up volume is just going to full up after a couple of back-ups are taken, which is unacceptable. Anyone know what can be done about this? Both the internal and external volume are Journaled HFS+, my only though really is that the back-up drive already has Time Machine files on it, indeed the biggest portion of my files (about 850gb) is already on the drive in the exact-same folder structure as I'm using now, so those files shouldn't even need to be backed up!

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Time Machine Is Extremely Slow?

Apr 3, 2012

Runnning OSX Leopard 10.5.8 on a G4 tower with 2GB ram, three internal IDE drives and an external USB drive for back ups. I noticed TM is running really slow doing it's backup. I had it running for two days and saw it copied only 3.8GB of 57GB.  TM backs up all mounted drives correct? Am I wasting my Time with TM? Is it suppose to run this slow or am I missing something?

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OS X :: Time Machine Backup Moving Slow (Using Flow)

Dec 2, 2008

I'm trying to backup my computer using flock but its moving very slow. I want to reformat my external before I start backing up again also. Can someone let me know what would be the proper way to format my drive and how to fix the slowness problem?

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Mac Pro :: Backups...time Machine Slow - How To Make Fast

Oct 31, 2009

I am finding time machine too slow and i am looking at super duper or carbon copy cloner has anyone used either of these programs ,are they better than time machine

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OS X :: Time Machine On Public Network / Backing Up Is Very Slow

Mar 9, 2010

I'm on a really slow internet connection when Im on my campus vs at home. My computer trying to backup Time Machine incessantly has been going on long enough. It slows things to a crawl: I need a solution. Is there a way to tell Time Machine to screw off trying to find my Time Capsule when I'm not at home? You'd think this would be a very simple thing to implement, but a google search and a search of the forums has turned up nothing.

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Hardware :: Replaced My AEBS With A Time Machine - Internet Is Now Slow?

Mar 22, 2008

not sure what the problem is here. I replaced my AEBS with a 500gb time machine, and my internet is SLOW. Not just during backups, but... all the time! I've searched around online and others seem to be having some issues similar to mine. What about you all? has anyone replaced an AEBS with a Time Machine and found network performance to be slow?? And i should re-state. Network throughput is fine. Transferring files between computers is no big deal, but the actual internet surfing is VERY slow.

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OS X :: Time Machine Freezes / Slow After Snow Leopard Upgrade

Sep 10, 2009

I have a mid-2008 (June) MBP 15". Just upgraded to SL last night. I am having a serious issue with time machine. I've been using it with the same external HD since I bought my mac last year. No issues up until I installed SL last night. This morning (my first backup since upgrading), time machine started backing up (~ 9Gb) but just stops at around 300Mb. The clock keeps spinning, but there is no change in the amount backed up.

I'm reading that other folks are having this issue as well. Has anyone figured something out? I've run disk repair (nothing found), restarted my mac & external HD (several times each), and cancelled and restarted the time machine backup (several times). Each time it freezes at a different amount (i.e. 34Mb, 284.2Mb, etc...).

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OS X Mavericks :: Time Machine Backup Slow Even After Restarting In Safe Mode

Jul 1, 2014

I have an extremely slow Time Machine backup. I've gone through the motions and tried to resolve the issue by doing the suggested restart in Safe Mode.I don't use Norton Symantec but I didn't the Norton Remove script through the Console already. I don't run any anti-virus software. This started when I was backing up to at Time Capsule. I backed up to the TC for years before this started. I then moved to backing up (started fresh) to a external HD connected via USB. I have a 2010 Mac Mini with OS X 10.9 (Latest Version)

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OS X Mavericks :: Time Machine Extremely Slow - Spotlight Never Finishes Indexing

Jun 4, 2014

I am really careful about OXS upgrades, I have a Macbook Air 13" 4GB/256GB ssd, 2013. last monday I finally did the Mavericks upgrade; Mountain Lion was working great, but as Yosemite coming soon, I thought that was a good time to do it. Guess what... 

Time Machine is NOT WORKING. I never had a problem with TM, and I use Mac since 90's, so I even can't remember when it came out, but I trade at least 4 Macs using TM and never had an issue.

Now, over Mavericks, it is taking forever. By just now, after almost 30 hours, it is backing up 8.57 GB of 60 GB. I already did the reformating of the TM's drive, it did not work.

I got a new HD external, reformatted on Disk Utility, turno ON and OFF and ON TIme Machine as I read it many times on other posts, and nothing.. It is just taking forever. I never saw this on any other OSX.

Spotlight is indexing too, taking too long, and probably this is the reason (or one of the reasons...) for TM take so long.

I started over wifi, I have an Aiport Express Extended thing, but my Macbook is really close to the first one, on the chain. I made sure that airport is connected to this one, and, it is.

I plugged my TrendNet USB-Ethernet cable, which works really great and fast. Nothing changes, System Preferences recognizes both connections, wifi and ethernet, both are working, but speed did not change at all...  

I can't really believe that Apple will leave Time Machine users on this ridiculous situation. But what to do next. 

MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

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IMac PPC :: Time Machine; Transferring An Intel Lion TM Onto A Leopard Machine?

Feb 27, 2012

I have my data saved on an external hard drive (OS 10.7) as I sold my previous Mac and am thinking about buying a power pc iMac using Leopard - does anyone know whether this will be able to open and transfer my data to the older Mac?

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Time Machine Backup Slow Even After Restart In Safe Mode

Jul 1, 2014

Ok... So, I have an extremely slow Time Machine backup. Many people do. I've gone through the motions and tried to resolve the issue by doing the suggested restart in Safe Mode. I even followed some of the other tips that are on this string: slow time machine backup 

Nothing has worked. I don't use Norton Symantec but I didn't the Norton Remove script through the Console already. I don't run any anti-virus software.  

This started when I was backing up to at Time Capsule. I backed up to the TC for years before this started. I then moved to backing up (started fresh) to a external HD connected via USB. 

I have a 2010 Mac Mini with OS X 10.9 (Latest Version) 

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Windows On Mac :: Parallel 5 On Imac I7 Slow Start Time

Jan 30, 2010

i ve got the parallel 5 on the new imac and loaded windows 7 from bootcamp, however the start time of windows 7 is extremely slow -- takes up to 5 minutes.... and the speed of launching application is not fast as well... sometimes even jammed the imac, ive then given them 4 cores with 4gb of ram (out of 8) and still nothing changes...

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MacBook Air :: Bluetooth Mouse + Time Machine = Slow Mouse

Apr 20, 2009

I just upgraded from a MBA rev A to a rev B. I experienced this with both machines, so it's not just a rev A issue...

I use a Bluetooth Mighty Mouse and everything is fine... until my hourly wireless Time Machine backup starts. Then the mouse cursor becomes very choppy and sluggish. As soon as the hourly backup completes, the mouse's responsiveness returns to normal. Throughout all this, the trackpad is just as responsive as always -- no change there. I don't have another bluetooth mouse to see if its just the Mighty Mouse.

When this happens, the Activity Monitor is not spiked. The fans aren't running loud (so I don't expect its an overheating issue). This doesn't happen during a large wireless download -- just Time Machine. It's not a big deal, but rather an annoyance.

Any ideas why? Or even more to the point, any ideas on how to fix it?

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OS X :: Restore Old IMac G5 To New IMac Via Time Machine?

Feb 11, 2009

My old iMac G5 PowerPC finally had its day -- the logic board died on me. Instead of spending $900 on a new logic board, I decided to purchase a new intel based iMac.

I used Time Machine to back up my data on my G5. I obviously want this data on my new iMac. However -- I don't want the old applications (like iLife 06, etc etc.). I would obviously like to keep the new applications (like iLife 09).

So I guess my question is this: If I do a full restore, does that only do my files or does it include all my apps from my G5?

If it includes the apps, is there a way to do a piece meal restore to only get the files I want (music, photos, videos and documents)?

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OS X :: How To Use Old Time Machine With New IMac

Nov 20, 2008

I just today bought a new iMac to replace my old one. When I powered the new one on for the first time, I told it to restore all data from the Time Machine back up from the old machine. That all worked fine. However, when I set the time machine drive as the new machine's time machine drive, it does not recognise the existing backups i.e when I launch time machine, I can't go back through time.

Does anyone know how to get a new machine to reference old time machine backups?

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IMac :: Using More Than One Time Machine HD?

Jun 7, 2010

I use Time Machine with an external western digital hd, and I've just ordered a second one so I'll also have an offsite backup. I plan to back it up once a week and leave it in my car. Rather than doing a fresh backup onto it every week, can I use it as a second Time Capsule?

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MacBook Pro :: Using Time Machine On External Hard Drive/Time Machine Error Code - 43

Aug 23, 2010

I was trying to set up my Time Machine to an external hard drive. I didn't continue because it asked to "initialize" the hard drive which I had a lot of important things on.

I have another external hard drive I'd like to use but, my Time Machine has this error code of -43. What is this and how can I use my Time Machine on another external hard drive?

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OS X Technologies :: Can't Open The Program Time Machine Located In The Folder /applications/time Machine

Mar 13, 2012

can't open the program time machine located in the folder /applications/time machine anymore, message says program ain't working for unknown reaason, but I still can open time machine in the menu bar. any clues what the trouble might be? and/or is there any way to reinstall time machine only on os x 10.7.3? 

btw., on the system backup hd which is a mirror of the imac system, the programm still works

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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IMac :: Use Migration Assistant With Time Machine?

Sep 3, 2010

I have a new imac and had parallels windows 7 preinstalled. If I use Migration Assistant with time machine to move all my stuff from old macbook to new imac, will the preintalled parallels be erased.

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IMac :desktop Hd And Time Machine Backups

Sep 12, 2010

After having my 1TB G-Tech G-Drive Q desktop external h.d. crap out on me for a second or third time, this time for good, I give up on G-Tech. (I also had a faulty 500GB G-Tech portable which had to be replaced.)For many reasons, my iMac's Time Machine backups have to be stored on an external hard drive rather than on our Time Capsule. Two or three times in the past year or so, the external h.d. has become corrupted or something and has had to be reformatted, losing all the previous backups and starting all over again. This time, since the external h.d. is toast, I have no backups at all.

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IMac :: Time Machine Says I Don't Have Enough Space For A Backup?

Nov 18, 2010

I have done a clean install of Snow Leopard and used migration assistant with time machine to bring system back to original state. My problem is time machine now says I don't have enough space for a backup. The iMac has a new hard drive so I am not sure what is going on. I could always Format and restart TM but I am not real happy about trying that. It will be may last resort.

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OS X :: Time Machine Backup Macbookpro To Imac

Nov 25, 2008

I have a macbookpro 17" leopard en imac 20" leopard.

I want to use time machine to back my macbook pro but i have no space of my first external(western digital). And normaal external disk ntfs usb not supported by time machine.

So my question is it possible to make my external ntfs disk for time machine or the imac with shared disk or map or something?

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OS X :: Time Machine Restore From IMac To Macbook?

Aug 7, 2009

My iMac just died on me, however, I had everything backed up using TimeMachine. Is it possible to restore that TimeMachine 'image' onto my Macbook as I cannot replace my iMac right now. Or would I use the migration assistant instead and choose to migrate over the old account?

The iMac was a late 2007 model and my Macbook is the CLE version (Alu Dec 08).

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