IMac PPC :: How To Fix Continuous Rebooting On G5
Jun 12, 2012My IMac PowerPC G5 is rebooting itself. I have tried resetting PRAM, to no avail. What should I try next?
PowerMac G5, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
My IMac PowerPC G5 is rebooting itself. I have tried resetting PRAM, to no avail. What should I try next?
PowerMac G5, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
Why my Imac keep rebooting itself?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Lion
My iMac is really slow when I turn it on. The internet starts to come up but I get the dreaded spinning colored wheel. I have another Windows computer that hits the internet immediately. I am seeing the spinning wheel more and more all the time.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do i get the imac to fully startup?
View 4 Replies View RelatedAfter I power on the imac searches for startup disk but then restarts never reaching the startup disk.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
During an upgrade, power was interrupted and when rebooting, the chime sounded, but screen remained gray.
iMac, iOS 7.1.2
iMac 27 locking up after sleep mode requiring full power shut down and rebooting in safe mode then shutting down and rebooting normally.. Permissions and this check show no errors, the only error sleep mode failure. Boot up is very slow as well as wake up when possible is slow. Yosemite seems to need a new release in order to correct the boot problems. System operates more like a Windows machine than Apple machine what's going on?
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
Since yesterday I have not been able to boot normally into Leopard. I had just switched of my ADSL modem and the computer froze after that it never boots in normal mode. I am in safe mode, the audio does not work in safe mode, everything is working. I am attaching the crash report in text format. I did try to boot after removing all the peripherals, also tried to reinstall but the computer does not accept the install disk , just ejects them. I am in real trouble now, suggestions are welcome. I am using a PowerPC machine specs PowerMac G5 1.6ghz with 1.25 GB RAM running OS X 10.5.5
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have just received my 3rd "You need to restart your computer" fatal message in 10 minutes, and I believe that it might have something to do with my external harddrive. I have attached the recent error log jut below:Quote:
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhy is my notebook (MacBook Pro) beeping on startup and the screen stays black?
MacBook Pro
is this normal , the comp is not heating though
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
what this error is that tries to launch every minute in console and how to fix it?[1]: ( The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
It is really slowing down my Mac
MacBook, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
As of yesterday my battery no longer holds a charge. Was running fine on the power cord. Now this morning when I boot up the computer. It goes on the apple loading screen, gives me the apple sound but instead of loading into the desktop. It goes back to the gray screen with the apple in the middle loading. It does this repeatedly and won't load onto the desktop. Need some advise on what I need to do. I'm also not sure if I have any of the original boot disks.
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy 2008 Mac Pro keeps on rebooting randomly. About 2 minutes after boot, the cd drive makes an short noise, and the screen turns black. After a few seconds the mac will reboot. This happens almost always, and it makes the mac unusable to work on. When i do not start any applications on the mac after boot it will keep on running, but as soon as i start an application it will do the same.
Mac info:
2008 Mac Pro, 2 3.2 Ghz xeon's
128 GB SSD
14 GB Memory
3 x 1 TB HDD
NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT
Mac Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
This has not happened recently. When I want to work on a clip, iMovie HD will suddenly crash.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi was playing Diablo3 when i suddenly experienced heavy, unusual lag. I tried to reboot to see if that could even things out. No success. It took longer then usual to boot up, and when i finally reached the login-windows asking for password, it wouldent react to my typing and clicking for about 5 minutes. I could move around the mouse and the keyboard did get signal (it un-dimmed the scren when i pushed any key after letting it dim over time).
Then i tried to do a clean install of OS X Snow Leopard (formating the drive and then install). After longer then usual,reached the "choose your language" window. This window too had extreem long respond-time. I managed to start the installation but it stopped at 33minutes remaining, giving me the "Install Failed" window. this told me "Mac OS X could not be installed on your computer. The installer could not copy the necessary support fies. Click restart to restart your computer and try again.". I tried it again but it gave me the same result.
it made me believe the hardware was the problem. First i swapped the Optical Drive with an older vrsion MacBook (2008), this gave me the same install-problem (stopped at 33mins left) Then i swapped HDD with the older MacBook. It managed to boot and start "normally" with exactly the same problems as the original HDD. The first thing that gets to my mind is that something might be fried inside the computer.
I restored the original HDD with TimeMachine (needless to say i still got the problem). I'm in the middle of my exam-papers, so its reaelly annoying its happening now.I also tried installing OS X SL using an external HDD with an image of the installer disk made in disk utilities, but this only gives me "kernel error" during booting (the annoying dimmed screen with a black box in the middle telling you to restart).
Today i took a look in the Activity Monitor and it shows the CPU acting strange, spending 100-120% on kernel_task ALL the time (see added picture).Is something wrong with the CPU? Is it possible to fry only one core in a CPU leaving the others intact?I have different components available for change as long as they match each other (Macbook pro 2010 and MacBook 2008).
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
It´s driving me bananas: Since Lion, Preview now reverts to continous roll every time I open a document. How can I set it to Single Page as default? Cannot find anything in the Preferences.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedI just updated to 10.1.3 yesterday. Ever since, FCP X 10.1.3 is constantly creating backup folders....that contain nothing in them. In one day alone, it has created more than 2,367 folders and its still going.
Even more concerning....where are the actual backups? All of the 2000+ folders are empty. I did not make a back up of 10.1.2 before upgrading.
I've had my Macbook (10.5.8) for over two years and have had no problems until recently. It's crashed twice in the past month, and before that (for a few months) it has been extremely slow. I've cleaned out everything I didn't need and placed most of my documents onto a external hard drive in hopes that this would speed things up - it has not. When the thing crashes it basically reboots itself with out any warning, losing my data. Both times this has happened I had photoshop and Acrobat 6.0 Professional open (I've been editing photos of texts of my research and turning them into pdf - some of these files are quite large (400 colored pages) ie. 600mb). The system usually crashes and reboots while I am editing an unsaved pdf in Acrobat.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've installed Boot Camp, but every time I restart it logs automatically into windows, so I'm forced to hold down the ALT key to choose which operating system I want to log into. But I'd rather have it automatically log in to OS X, since that's the OS i use 99% of the time.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I tri to update my Intel iMac from 10.5.8 to 10.6 (from retail disc), the iMac keeps rebooting.
View 6 Replies View RelatedYesterday my wife's iMac froze and she tried powering off manually by holding the power button down on the back of the machine. Then she tried to boot it back up and got the welcome screen but she couldn't select an account to login to. Tries restarting again and gets a blank blue screen.
Call me out to take a look.
Not knowing much, I googled some help sites and performed the following:
SMC reset
PRAM reset
Verified disk permissions and repaired disk permissions
Boot from install disk (repaired permissions and verify disk)
Restarted and everything seemed to be working fine. Until this afternoon. She was in the middle of an upload and the computer restarted itself. She's in the middle of the upload again (almost finished). But when it's finished, I'd like to troubleshoot this some more.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have a problem with OS X 10.7.3 on my MacBook Air 13'' Mid 2011:
What happens:
System hung yesterday. I tried to reboot, the macbook chimes, the apple logo with spinning gear appears, then screen with gray textured background and apple logo on top-center appears. No spinning wheel or somthing. I can use mouse cursor, but there is no login screen. I waited an hour and tried to rebbot again, but...
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Brought my iMac to store because it kept shutting down and rebooting on its own. Been 12 days and still haven't heard back from them and when I call I get the run around of the computer repair being "in progress". What to do next?
For the past month I think I've kept my macbook plugged into the wall. And the battery meter now says 95% but it says fully charged and the green light is on? Is keeping it plugged in hurting my overall charge?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI've been trying to audio record my piano playing with my unibody Macbook using Quicktime Pro 7. The recording is absolutely terrible--there is so much buzz, as if the microphone is being held right next to the back of the piano. In truth, I set my laptop about ten metres from the piano. The buzzing continues. It's as if the equalizer settings are set to max.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI really hope somebody can help me with this. I've had an iMac for several months now. Before that I had a PC. Very soon after I bought it I started to get pounding rock music in the background whenever I tried to listen to anything. It's loud enough to overwhelm whatever it is I'm trying to hear. It isn't going all the time, but something seems to start it, and then it goes for days. I must have downloaded it accidentally when I was blundering around in the first month or os. If it was a PC I'd be able to find it, but Mac is still a mystery to me. I seem to remember that I downloaded something to do with a waterfall, "Dakota Falls" perhaps. The video was a waterfall which sat on the desktop. It looked quite pretty, but when I got rid of it the music wouldn't go away. So right now i can't listen t anything on my new iMac, and obviously I can't watch movie's or anything. It's really frustrating. The OS is Leopard. Also can anyone suggest a decent book on Mac that isn't too superficial. I'm not totally certain of the connection between the waterfall video and the pounding music, but they seemed to occur.
View 24 Replies View Relatedrunning OS X 10.5.8 on a MacBook Pro. Lately my mac has been buggy, and I'm not sure why. When a decent amount of information is processed by any given application, it crashes. These crashes have included Mail, Safari, Photoshop, Foxfire, etc.. even the entire computer has shut down. Using the reset option does not help. I ran Repair Disk Permissions and it always fails. I get messages like "The Underlying Task Reported Failure on Exit". I wanted to try to run repair disk through the install disk but I cannot access it. I have Disk 1 in (Maybe I'm supposed to use 2?).
When booting I tried pressing 'C' and would eventually would get the "must restart" gray screen. I then tried pressing "Option" instead, selected the Disk drive, but the loading screen with the apple just kept going for about 20 minutes and I finally gave up and restarted. There were no longer any disk attempt whirring sounds.
Has anyone else out there ordered and received the MacBook Pro with HD Matte finish? Today I received my new MacBook Pro (the brand new 15" with 8Gigs RAM) with the HD display matte option. I was surprised by the silver bezel but have discovered that is normal. What I am not as sure about is there is no longer a smooth surface glass enclosure. (The silver bezel sits deeper in the enclosure and the screen a bit deeper still - there is room for a glass overlay.) This likely makes sense because of the antiglare, but I wanted to make sure. I guess I'm used to the old MacBook Pro 2.8 with the continuous monitor surface. Can anyone out there verify that I am not 'missing' the glass enclosure?
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