IMac (Intel) :: Keeps Shutting Down After 15 Or 20 Minutes Of Use

Dec 4, 2014

Recently my 27" iMac keeps shutting down after 15 or 20 min use. It's very irritating and it's take awhile to restart again.  

iMac, iOS 8.1.1

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Intel Mac :: Its Monitor Keeps Shutting Off Every Couple Of Minutes

May 13, 2012

Lately my iMac monitor keeps shutting off every couple of minutes.  It seems like its in sleep mode but if i move the mouse or press a button on the key board it doesn't go back on. I have to press the power button 2 times to get it to turn back on.  When the monitor turns on everything is still there right before it shut off.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6)

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IMac (Intel) :: Randomly Shutting Down For No Reason?

Aug 30, 2014

I have had this for the last few days, so I don't really know what's going on... 

Anonymous UUID:       D4B5793A-92CF-4E5D-33F8-94D77B084C5C  
Sun Aug 31 00:07:39 2014
panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff8002c5220d): "zalloc: zone map exhausted while allocating from zone kalloc.8192, likely due to memory leak in zone kalloc.64 (1440851328 total bytes, 22513266 elements allocated)"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-2422.100.13/osfmk/kern/zalloc.c:2494
Backtrace (CPU 2), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff81348c3c70 : 0xffffff8002c22fa9


iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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IMac (Intel) :: Keeps Shutting Off Randomly Running Mountain Lion

Aug 26, 2014

My 2007 iMac keeps shutting off randomly. I'm running Mountain Lion. I have tried unplugging it from the back waiting and plugging it back in. Sometimes when I have turned it back on, the fan will run loudly.

2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
4GB Ram
OS X 10.8.5

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.1)

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IMac (Intel) :: Opened Windows Leave Shadows After Being In Same Place For Few Minutes

Jun 19, 2014

I have a refurbished iMac. Everything was perfect after I noticed that if I don't move any given window, it will leave a shadow on the screen like this: [URL] ....

and this: [URL] ....

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IMac Intel :: Unable To Turn On System / General Power Was Turned Off For Some Minutes`

Jul 1, 2009

my iMac won't turn on. The day before yesterday happened the same thing, but after a few tries with the power button, it eventually turned on - and all ok yesterday. Both the day before yesterday and today, the general power was turned off for some minutes, but the iMac wasn't running. So now, I've tried to reset the SMC, removing everything attached, but nothing.

At least I can clearly hear the tic tic tic button, probably of the timer, because I set up a schedule to let it turn on at a certain hour. What can I do? It's a white iMac, never had a problem.

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IMac PPC :: G5 Keeps Shutting Down

Jul 1, 2012

Recently a email link was clicked on and since then my wife has been having issues with her G5 shutting down.  Sometimes the box will not completely boot at all and others it will boot up for a moment and then shut itself off. 

I have looked for teh Flashback Trojan and appear to be clean. If i boot the box in safe mode when booted in safe mode all seems okay. I have also recently reset the PRAM and have had the machine up for a few minutes and it has not shut down yet. 

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Intel Mac :: Why Is It Shutting Down By Itself

Apr 10, 2012

I have a late 2010 27in iMac and it has shut down randomly by itself 4 times in the last month or so, including twice in the last couple of days. I have 16G of RAM and am only using up to 8G ever. Just to be clear, it shuts down and does not restart automatically. I never have the screen brightness higher than half so I don't believe I am overheating it? I really want to know why this keeps happening.

iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: It Keeps Shutting Off

May 3, 2012

My imac keeps shutting off - blank screen for no reason - when i click the mouse ot comes back on immediately to log-in screen - any body have any ideas how to reolve this or what the problem is

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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PowerPC :: IMac G5 Shutting Off On Its Own?

Apr 1, 2007

I have a iMac G5 (Pre-iSight). I just got home and my computer was off, I didn't turn it off and I asked my mom, she said she didn't come into my room. I was posting something on here and my computer shut off on its own. What gives?

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PowerPC :: IMAc G5 Keeps Shutting Off

Feb 2, 2009

I have a refurbished iMac G5 that randomly just shuts off. It makes a little "zzzttt" sound, like something is short circuiting and then dies. Sometimes I can power it right back on and sometimes I have to unplug it and wait a few hours before it will come back on. While it's running, there are no issues. It functions beautifully. Anyone else had this type of problem or can you suggest a solution? Here's the info on it:

Mac OSX 10.4.1,
Machine Name:iMac G5
Machine Model:PowerMac8,1
CPU Type:PowerPC G5 (3.0)
Number Of CPUs:1
CPU Speed:1.8 GHz
L2 Cache (per CPU):512 KB
Memory:1 GB
Bus Speed:600 MHz
Boot ROM Version:5.2.2f4

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OS X :: New IMac 20" Not Shutting Down

Feb 4, 2009

I've learned quite a bit from this site in recent weeks as I found it following my purchase of a 20" iMac (2.66 GHz) a month ago. I've got a question for the group and I'm quite certain it's a stupid one so please be gentle. As I do every night, last night I put my iMac to sleep at around 11:15 pm before going to bed. Upon awaking this morning I couldn't get it to wake up. Hitting keys on the keyboard didn't do it, nor did moving the mouse around. I'm not sure if this is important but both my keyboard and mouse are wireless. Power to the other things on my desk was still on so it wasn't a power problem.

Anyway, I hit the power button on the back to see if it had simply shut itself off and nothing happened. I hit it again. still nothing. Finally, hitting it a third time did the trick and the computer roared to life and came on normally. It had never done this before. It had always immediately awakened in the morning upon hitting a button on the keyboard. First, is this common for an iMac to shut itself down? Second, why would the power button be unresponsive? Finally, if the machine had actually not been off (which I doubt very seriously) did I do a big "no no" by hitting the power button to turn it off/on?

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Intel Mac :: Keeps Shutting Down By Itself After A Few Hours?

Feb 15, 2012

My iMac keeps shutting down by its self after a few hours

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)

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Intel Mac :: Not Shutting Down Properly

Mar 22, 2012

I have an i mac (quad core) running on Mac os x 10.7.3. I am finding increasingly that despite me closing all programmes properly the mac doesnt shut down.  I find it goes to the grey screen and the mac spiral appears, I have to push the power button to shut the machine down.

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Intel Mac :: Safari Keeps Shutting Down?

Apr 15, 2012

After around 10 to 15 minutes of using Safari, no matter what website I'm on, it will suddenly close on me. A message will pop up saying something along the lines of - Safari unexpectedly closed - and will have the options to report, reopen or close. I know it would be useful for me to tell you exactly what it said, but by the time I opened up a new Safari and logged in, I've forgotten what it said, it did however mention "Steinberg" something.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac :: It Shutting Down When I Try To Use Any Apps

May 24, 2012

My iMac is shutting down whenever I try to open an app. Everything was going fine, then I tried to open Skype and was forced to shut down the computer using the power button (there was no error message, just this message to shut down using the power button). I restarted it and deleted Skype thinking there was something wrong with the app. Then I tried opening Firefox and it asked me to shut down again. And it does it whenever I try to oPen any app.

Info:iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011)

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Intel Mac :: Keep Shutting Down And Rebooting On Its Own?

Jun 19, 2012

Brought my iMac to store because it kept shutting down and rebooting on its own. Been 12 days and still haven't heard back from them and when I call I get the run around of the computer repair being "in progress". What to do next?


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Intel Mac :: It Has A Bad Volume And Keeps Shutting This

Jun 30, 2012

How do reload the iMac,,,it has a bad volume and keeps shutting my iMac


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Intel Mac :: Why Is Computer Shutting Down

Jul 4, 2012

For the past two nights, my iMac has randomly completely shut down. I set it to sleep before going to bed. When I woke up, it was shut down. And the weird thing is that it was shut down, and when it started up, no applications or anything were open. Generally, I'll shut down and it keeps everything open and running, then when I turn it back on, everything is where it was. I don't know if I lost documents or anything... or everything. I've never seen this before since getting Lion. 

I checked my energy saver schedule... I had it set to SLEEP at midnight. But it is never set to shut down or start up. And even if it was, why are all the apps closing when it shuts down? 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7), 2.7 i5 quad

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MacBook :: Shutting Down Randomly - How To Prevent From Shutting Down

Mar 23, 2010

I have a MacBook which has recently been shutting down when it feels like :/ this all started a week or two ago (well not the shut downs but other issues that I'll get too), basically the fan I think has been knocked as it is bumping the top or something as the whirring is getting loud and it sounds like every now and again it hits something

Also CPU usage seems to be averaging out at 20% for Safari and 100% for HD Video where as it used to be very small amount for Safari and 30 - 40% for HD.

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PowerPC :: IMac G5 Overheating And Shutting Down

Dec 31, 2010

I don't know if it is a fan or a drive that starts up and runs really fast and loud, then the computer shuts off. I always thought it was the fan, but now am not sure. I have moved it to a place where it is exposed to more air, but that has not seemed to help. Does anyone have an idea or solution to this problem? The nearest Mac dealer is about 80 miles away, so if I can fix this on my own, I would like to try.

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PowerPC :: IMac G5 Shutting Down Randomly

Sep 2, 2007

a close friend has a 20' iMac g5. the Computer now shuts downs sporadically and she says it gets a lot hotter any idea what's wrong?

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IMac PPC :: G5 Shutting Down Automatically Running OS X 10.5.8

Mar 30, 2012

My G5 Power PC imac shuts down on it's own.

iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: IMac Randomly Shutting Off

Apr 23, 2012

My IMAC with Lion desktop is randomly shutting off.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Lion

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OS X Yosemite :: IMac Shutting Down Unexpectedly

Dec 6, 2014

I have a late-2009 27" iMac i7 with 8gb Ram and a 1TB HD. I updated my OS to Yosemite soon after it came out. Now, I admit I don't use the computer that often, so it took a while to notice the issues but, we first realized there was a problem in early November when my husband could not download a game (presumably because of the wi-if connectivity issues supposedly fixed in the latest update). It was around a week after he finally was able to download tthe game, that he was playing it and the computer would just shut down out of nowhere. No warning, just shut down and restart with the "your computer shut down unexpectedly" screen.

Now, because it happened so many times, I started to get worried about all of my photos and music that is stored on thIs computer, so I went to do a back-up on my time capsule. This was when I noticed my computer had at some point been renamed (not by any human) to "my Computer (3)" when prior to yosemite (as far as I can tell) it was named "my computer". Also at this point I could not for the life of me get the time capsule to back up the computer as it was looking for "my computer" and all that was available was "my computer (3)". This is when it had been working flawlessly for years. I ultimately had to wipe the TC completely, reformat it and start a back up from scratch. It was for the short period of time that the time capsule was not connected to the computer that we noticed it was no longer shutting down unexpectedly. however, one the TC was reconnected and doing a back up, anything extra that you would be doing (with the exception of web surfing) caused the computer to crash.

So, simple fix, right? Turn off the auto back ups while and try to remember to turn them on every so often. fine , dandy, whatever. However, I have done the latest yosemite update and the wi-if still does not seem to be staying connected, disconnecting every few minutes. Now I'm seemingly having more issues with a game that is well within the limits for my computer and the game will not start.

iMac (27-inch Late 2009), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3)

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Intel Mac :: Shutting Down Without Filling Form?

Apr 29, 2012

Just want to know if I can shutdown my imac without having to write everytime my admin name and password?

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Intel Mac :: Shutting Down In Sleep Mode?

Jul 4, 2012

My iMac keeps shutting down in after about an hour in sleep mode.  I have to press the power button to turn back on.  Energy saver settings are still default settings.  I'm running osx 10.7.4. 

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: IMac Keeps Waking Up - How To Short Of Shutting The Computer Down

Dec 16, 2009

I don't know if this has been discussed here but all of a sudden my iMac, running Snow Leopard, 10.6.1) keeps waking up all on it's own. I believe this started after the latest update of Java and Super drive firmware (I believe these were the latest updates).

Is there anything I can do short of shutting the computer down.

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IMac :: Keeps Shutting Down Midway Through Windows 7 Install?

Sep 9, 2010

I can't figure this out. My iMackeeps shutting itself down part way through the Windows 7 Boot Camp install. I can't get it completed. Usually about at the point were files are copied it turns off.

Is it possible the fans are not working properly while booted to a CD causing it to overheat and shut down?

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PowerPC :: IMac G5 Randomly Shutting Down - How To Prevent

Sep 21, 2007

My friends iMac G5 just recently has been randomly shutting down. Does anyone know anything I can do to him fix his computer?

I checked [URL] and there seems to be issues with power on some models, but his serial number just misses the infected batch.

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