ICloud :: Not Syncing Devices?
Jun 17, 2012When I try to sync my computer it just says "Registering Computer" and gives up... it was working fine, syncing my Safari bookmarks, dock items, dashboard, etc..
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
When I try to sync my computer it just says "Registering Computer" and gives up... it was working fine, syncing my Safari bookmarks, dock items, dashboard, etc..
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
i dont know why pudtaes made on my phone doesnt update automatically on my laptop.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI thought iCloud would sync all of my devices. For example, when I bookmark something on my iPad, it doesn't show up on my iMac. I have everything checked off in sysystem preferences for all devices under iCloud and still no sync.What to do?
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a macbook pro, iphone 4, and iMac. Both computers are running Lion and my iphone 4 is up to date.Â
I believe I set up iCloud correctly on all three devices. However, only the iMac and the iPhone seem to be syncing properly. For some reason, mail sent from me.com via my macbook pro doesn't show up in my other devices. Also, iCal entries made on my macbook pro are also not showing up.Â
macbook pro
I have an iMac, a MacBook Pro and an iPhone 4s. All of theme are running the latest OS & iOS.
My MacBook and iPhone seem to be sycing Mail and iCal fairly well. I can't seem to figure out why my iMac won't join the party.
I think I have all of the settings turned on correctly in Preferences. I am using a Gmail account, Hotmail account and iCloud account in that order.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
In the past, I could put an appointment on one computer and it would sync immediately with my 2 laptops, iPhone, and iPad. This is the reason I loved Mobile Me and paid for it for years. iCloud work fine for awhile, but now some of my appointments are not syncing. I have checked all of the settings and they are correct. I put an important appointment on my main laptop last night and it is not on any of the other devices; I then put it on my iPhone and it is not on my iMac at work. All of my software is up to date and current. I really depend on this feature.
View 1 Replies View RelatedOn my Mountain Lion iMac, I enable Contacts Syncing across my devices.A few minutes later, the Mac is totally useless as "AddressBookSourceSync" uses up to 6.6 Gb of RAM..Nothing is then possible. Even opening a Finder's window takes 20 seconds. Rollover the Dock takes one minute. iMac 2011 with 8Gb of RAM and Mountain LionÂ
iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), 8Gb of RAM
I have an iPhone, iPad and Macbook but can not get my photo streams to sync on all my devices. Example I have 5 different streams on my phone but they are not visible on my macbook and iPad
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), iOS 7.1.2
The Notes function will not communicate to or from my iMac to my iPad or iTouch in the Cloud.The iPad and iTouch communicate ok with each other.The other functions in the Cloud are working perfectly between all 3 devices.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I have an iPhone 4S, iPad 2, and a Mac running OSX 10.7.3. I have recently noticed a problem that while ical entries made on the Mac will synch to all devices, ical entries made on the iPhone or iPad won't synch to the Mac. I have tried the troubleshooting tips on the apple site, including turning off icloud on the mac for calendars, but it still doesn't work. It essentially means I cant trust my Mac calendar to be up-to-date.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a MacBook Pro with the latest update of Yosemite installed, an iPad 2 with iOS 8.1.1, an iPhone 6 with iOS 8.1.1 and other things seem to be syncing like my bookmarks, reading list, and all other iCloud data as well as iMessages and text messages. But the one thing that does not seem to be syncing is my browsing history in Safari.
I've tried going into iCloud settings on all three devices and turning off Safari sync and then turning it back on but no luck.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 15, 2.6GHz, 16GB RAM, 1TB Hard Drive
I have an iPhone 4s with IOS 8, an iPad 2 with IOS 8, and a mid-2011 iMac running Yosemite. All are updated. The iMessages on my three devices do not sync. An example: This morning I sent an iMessage to a friend from my phone after she sent me a message from her Android phone. The messages do not appear on my iMac or iPad, just on the iPhone. I completely deleted said contact from my contacts on all devices, but when I added her back, the same message/no message situation existed. I read the following about "continuity" on the apple website:
With OS X Yosemite and an iPhone running iOS 8, you can send and receive SMS text messages right from your Mac. So when friends text you — regardless of what phone they have — you can respond from your Mac or your iPhone, whichever is closest.2 All the messages that appear on your iPhone now appear on your Mac, too, so your conversation is up to date on all your devices. You can also start an SMS or iMessage conversation on your Mac by clicking a phone number in Safari, Contacts, Calendar, or Spotlight.Â
iPhone 4S, iOS 8.1.1
After installing iTunes 10, I have been having problems syncing my podcasts between my iPhone4 and my Mac.
Hardware details:
[a] iPhone 4, iOS 4.1
[b] computer - 2010 Core i7 MBP running 10.6.4 and iTunes 10.0.1:
Issue description:
[1] Podcasts if played on the computer *will not* sync correctly with mobile device; the podcast on the iPhone will ALWAYS overwrite the podcast on the computer (i.e., if podcast played most recently on computer, but still unplayed on iPhone, podcast will show as unplayed on computer after sync).
[2] Podcasts if played on the iPhone *will* sync correctly with the Mac (i.e., if podcast most recently played on iPhone, podcast will show as partially played or completely played, at the correct stopping point, on Mac after sync).
[3] Songs on the iPhone when playing will sometimes begin in the middle of the song - as though if they were a podcast picking up where I left off. The songs are all iTunes Store purchases, and they are correctly marked as Music, with the "remember playback position" box left UNCHECKED.
Wanted to ask whether other folks are having similar issues, and if so, whether they've been able to find a solution. If not, and you're having a similar problem, wanted to ask if you could take a quick second to send a quick feedback/bug report to Apple: [URL]
Historically, I've seen Apple be responsive to customer issues - but it's on us to let them know this is a problem.
We have one mac book, two iphones and an ipad and are having trouble syncing them all to the one computer.I have set up a different user account (with the itunes library shared across all users) for one iphone and ipad (who belong to the one person). However when we connect these devices it states that they have already been synced with an itunes account and will need to erase it to do so. They iphone was set up with an old computer and the new ipad through icloud. I have selected to manually manage the music (both with the old and new computer) but itunes keeps telling me it will have to erase the iphone/ipad to sync with this computer - all we really want to do is put music on the devices but definitely don't want to loose the contacts and all the other information.
iTunes, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
I want to disable the syncing of settings for my mail accounts across devices. It is causing issues.Â
Right now when I set up or modify a mail account on my iMac it changes the settings on my Macbook. This isn't an iCloud account. They are my email accounts with 3rd part service providers.Â
1)Â How can I turn the sync function off?Â
2) The issue it cause is that incoming ports get changed on one of the machines without me changing anything. Then my emails stop coming in on one of the machines.
I have an MacBook Pro with 10.5.8, iMac with 10.7.3, iPhone 4S and the new iPad. My problem is that I want to sync my emails with all my devices (like google email) but I cant do it properly because my work email is a POP server. Changing my email server to IMAP is not a option currently.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI moved my mobileme to icloud and everything is syncing well except my macbookair. I tried to go to the mobileme icon in settings and sign out and back in, but that still didn't allow it to sync.
MacBook Air
So I have set both my MacBookPro and my iPhone to sync my AddressBook via iCloud. The sync does seem to happen fine when I reboot my iPhone.But it does not seem to happen automatically whenever I change my Address Book on my MacBookPro.and I thought that is the whole point of this feature, isn't it?It seems to work fine when I click the Sync button in iTunes ...
Info:iPhone 4S, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Two related questions:
1.iCloud is in my browser but I'd like to keep my calendar and contacts etc. open all the time outside Safari and on the dock.
2. I have iCloud in my iphone 4 and ipad2 , latest OS,but can't see icon or keep icloud open there?Do I really have to go through Safari everytime I want to see my icloud calendar or contacts?As you know, there's already my calendar and contacts icons from before iCloud.There and accessible but not synced to changes from my laptop.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Ipad2 & iphone4
I have a MacBook Pro and an iPhone 4.I signed up for iCloud using a gmail address. I checked and its the same for both devices.Contacts seems to be syncing with iPhone, but NOT with MacBook?Calendar seems to be syncing with both?
Info:MacBook Pro 15, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 3G memory
Since migrating over to iCloud, my iCal entries aren't syncing with my iPhone. I'm getting a message saying - The calendar [url].. was not found on the server. Make sure the URL is correct.
Info:Macbook pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
I recently switched from a MacBookPro to a MacBook Air and have therefore been switching my iClour from one machine to another. Everything seemed to be working fine with iCloud, but today when I logged onto my work iMac, which alos yns with my iCloud and all my bookmarks are gone. I have checked and they should be synced but they just will not come up. why this would happen and how i can get to synd with my Air, IPhone, etc?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Since a few days, my Mac is constantly syncing (iCloud), I get the sync icon spinning in the menu bar. I am not using iCloud for file sync, I uses Dropbox, so I don't know why it's syncing frequently and for a long time.
Info:Mac OS X (10.7.3), 3 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
I have an iMac and a MacBook Pro. Both are on Lion 10.7.3 and iCloud. Bookmarks are set to sync to iCloud on both computers, but they don't sync automatically. If I add a bookmark on one, it will not appear on the other unless on the second computer I go to System Preferences->iCloud and uncheck and recheck Bookmarks. Everything else seems to sync as expected.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My iPhone is not syncing with iCloud?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSometimes works, sometimes not. IS there a way to force sync them? My ipad currently shows 335 contacts, and my Mac Lion, and iphone show 79.
I have a ton of data on the ipad that I want to access from all devices. Wierdly enough, SOMETIME the transfer occurs, sometimes not. This morning I entered a new contact on the iPad, and it instantly appeared on the Mac and iphone. So why don't the other 280 or so do that!?
Info:Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I would like to be able to create or view a meeting or contact on my Mac(Outlook 2011), iphone, ipad or icloud(any computer) and have it automatically sync with the other devices in this list?
OSX Lion, Mac OS X (10.7)
My reminders app is not syncing across all of my devices. For example when I complete a reminder "Grocery Shopping". I mark it completed on my iPhone however it does not show completed on my Mac nor completed on my iPad Mini. I am signed in to iCloud on all of my devices with the same user name and password.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCalendar, contacts, reminders and bookmarks work well in syncing all of my IOS device and my iMac. I can't get Mail to sync on any of the devices.
iMac 20 2.4 Intel, Mac OS X (10.7)
For some reason iCloud has decided that my account is no longer verified. None of my Mac computers or iOS devices are able to log on the the iCloud account. When trying to access the iCloud settings on my Mac I get the message that the account is not verified and that I should follow the instructions in the email sent to me. I have not received any email. No matter how many times I click the "resend confirmation" button I still am not getting the email containing instructions on how to reconfirm my account.
iCloud, Mac OS X (10.7.3)