ICloud :: ICal Invitations Are Sent Out In German?
Apr 7, 2012
My iCloud calendar invitations are sent out in German even though my icloud.com account settings say the account is managed in English. What can I do? where is the email generated? within mail? within ical? I'm running an English version of Mac OS X 10.7.3 Lion. Mail is in English.  Could this be because the account was originally a mac.com then a mobileme and now an iCloud account. Some sort of legacy information on the account that there just isn't an option to change anymore?!
MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3), iCloud
Invitations for external (not users on the server) is not working.All mails are handled by ISP, including the iCal servers account.The "Allow invitations using email addresses" is checked, and setup with a working mail account at the ISP.  By looking in the logs for iCal Server I get this:[URL]This is leading me to think that the server must be trying to log in at the ISP with it's own credentials (given in the "Allow invitations..." setup) but trying to send with a users mailaddress as sender.This is of course not allowed by my ISP, since everyone could potentially send mails from each other, but how do I change iCal to send the invitations from iCals account?
Since migrating over to iCloud, my iCal entries aren't syncing with my iPhone. I'm getting a message saying - The calendar [url].. was not found on the server. Make sure the URL is correct.
I have a second MBP that I am syncing to iCloud and when after the initial calendar download from the iCloud server, it won't allow any changes or updates and gives me the following message: "iCal can't log in to you iCloud acount because your password may be incorrect. The server did not reognize..."
I Start working in singapore in two Werks and Look forward to get a New mcb!I want to have the German Keyboard in it and now just asking if this is possible...?I checked the online Apple store of singapore and didnt find any specifications.
On my Mac and in iCloud, I can only add Reminders to two Calendar types, Home and Sarah. I'd like to add other reminders for calendars labeled Work, for example. However, I can only choose to reclassify Reminders in the other Calendar types that have Reminders- so only Home and Sarah. Do I have to do something in iCloud for me to gain this ability?Â
icloud calendars is checked in system preferences, however my ical appears empty on my macbook pro. Why is my iphone calendar not synching with ical in macbook pro even though icloud preferences are properly set up?
I have Configured my MBA(OS X 10.7.3) mail with the Icloud, Exchange Server, and Gmail. In ICal I have made my Gmail Calender as the Subscription, Exchange Calender, shows as the Separate Calender in Ical. The Gmail Calender entries are Sync with Icloud. But I couldn't Sync the Exchange Server Calender entries from Ical to Icloud. All i need is "Sync my Exchange server calender with Icloud".Â
My ical is not syncing with my iPhone 4s. I had mobileme and upgraded to iCloud. I also have Mac Lion and feel like I have all the upgrades required, but any time I enter a new event in my iCal, it never transfers to my iPhone. Note: when I enter an event in my phone, it DOES transfer properly to my iCal on my Mac.
I was looking for an old appointment in iCal and have realised that since I started using iCloud, all my previous events are missing from my Mac.  I have tried opening Time Machine but it doesn't seem to want to open iCal.If I untick all the iCloud calendars in iCal leaving only "On My Mac" ticked I end up with no events at all.
How the blazes do you you get rid of MULTIPLE entries in ical? I have read many answers and printed off a few to follow them but invariably i get to a point where I am unable to take the next step! I back track and and unable to find a fault of where I went wrong!! Then I have to ask myself WHY? Why on earth am I having to go to such extreme lengths to get rid of the unwanted entries?Come on now Apple it is you who should be providing the simple logic answer to this?I decided to give up? just ignore the other entries it easier than going frantic trying (and anyway I am frightened I may throw the macbook in my temper)
All of a sudden iCal from my Macbook Pro has stopped syncing up to iCloud, though events added on my iPhone and iPad are showing up fine on iCal. After poking around a bit I found the following (clicking on the little "alert" icon in the Calendars dropdown popped up the error).
The syncing stopped a few days ago and I don't remember making any major changes to my setup that might have triggered this. Restarting iCal and rebooting the computer didn't help.
My wife and I both have our own Apple ID's but would like to share one calendar in iCal in the iCloud so we can add events on our iPhones and we both can see them?
Mac iCal not going to iCloud. updates from iPhone do. Mobileme updated to iCloud. iCloud is updating from phone but not going to Mac. no iCloud icon in Mac system preferences
I think I have set it up as directed, but I get this message on the ical on my Mac. The server responded with "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized" to operation CalDAVAccountRefreshQueueableOperation.
I used to be able to use my calendar in icloud and it was synced with the ical on my computer and my iphone. All of a sudden there is no info on icloud. I really prefer the cloud as it functions so much faster than the one on my computer. I figured out how to export my calendar from ical but how do I import it into the cloud? And why did this happen in the first place?
I have encountered a problem with consolidating and migrating my calendars to iCloud. Previously I had been using MobileMe, but like a lot of iOS device users, I had made the mistake of also synching calendars and contacts locally. This had the effect of creating an "on my mac" calendar, which I did not realize for quite some time that I had been using.Â
In the process of migrating my MobileMe account to iCloud, I realized this and set about uploading the local calendar to iCloud. I used the following procedure:Â
1. Highlight the "on my mac" calendar and export it to an ics file.
2. From iCal, select File>Import and select the ics file I had just created
3. In the window that opens, selecting one of the iCloud calendars to import the events intoÂ
However, what I find is that the calendar hardly imports any of its hundreds of events. I rely on this calendar to keep track of events that I attended in the past, but it seems like no events in this local calendar prior to January 1, 2012 got imported into iCloud. I don't want to try and re-import it, since that might create duplicates of the events that have already succesfully imported.Â
Is iCloud not allowing me to import old events? Is there a way I can import the entire calendar to iCloud?Â
When I open my iCal on my Mac at work, and also on iCloud via the intertnet, I realized it's not synced up to my phone and items are missing. WiFi is on on the iPhone. I can see what I input on desktop/icloud in the phone, but not what's input on the phone in desktop/icloud online. It should all sync up automatically right? Also, how do you put music onto iCloud?
I am considering whether to switch to iCloud when I upgrade my iPhone 3G (I also have an iMac running Lion and an iPad). However I am concerned about the security of my data, particularly iCal and Contacts. Am I right in thinking that in iCloud the only copy of these is stored on Apple's servers? Call me paranoid but I would not be happy with the only copy of important files existing on a third party's servers, even if that third party is Apple. After all, not having multiple backups flies in the face of good backup practice. Is it possible to have a local copy/backup of iCal and Contacts when using iCloud?
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have an ipad and a Mac for work and use icloud to sync ical. What is infuriating is that the ipad is only retaining details for the preceding month and wiping anything before that. Why is it happening and how do I stop it?