ICloud :: Get Find Phone App To Open On Mac After Its Been Downloaded
May 20, 2012How do i get the Find my phone App to open on my mac after ts been downloaded ? So i can find my phone .
View 3 RepliesHow do i get the Find my phone App to open on my mac after ts been downloaded ? So i can find my phone .
View 3 RepliesI've lock my Mac using find my phone and can't unlock it
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3), iPhone 4S iPad 1 iPod Touch
"Find my phone" is grayed-out on my macbook air so I am not able to check it. Why?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have transitioned to iCloud.com from Mobile Me. I have enabled a search capability for my iPad and now have two iPhones as well as an iPod that I would like to add. I have looked at the page and the box that says my devices does not seem to be able to edited in this fashion.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
About a month ago, a friend who had just purchased his first Mac emailed me and asked why his Dock DownLoad file disappeared. I had no idea why. He still hasn't been able to reestablish it.
Yesterday, I downloaded something and my Dock DownLoad file vanished. I have tried rebooting, using (useless) Help, Spotlight, Search, and several other things. NO JOY. NO DownLoad file.
1. Does anyone know where to find DownLoad or how to bring it back?
I have experienced several idiosyncrasies with Snow Leopard, but when I call Apple support, they are very nice, but haven't a clue as to why it's happening.
2. Another problem is that the Highlight gets anchored on something in Mail, Word, and some other Apps. When I click somewhere else, the whole area between the "anchor" and what I click on is lit up. Apple doesn't know what causes it. I have to go through multiple machinations to shake it loose. I don't know what it is that causes it or specifically how to "shake it loose". Neither does Apple.
3. When typing in Word or an editor, there are times when the type changes to UpperCase and won;t let go.
Another problem is that, at times, when I click on a file, it fills the screen. Apple is aware of this problem and is trying to find an answer. Nothing, to date.
Apple support can't tell me why the MacMail Inbox spinner disappeared or how to get it back.
There are times when I can't access the hidden Dock. After rebooting and trying other things, the Dock finally shows up but any additions that I have put on the Dock are no longer there.
When I put a DVD in the slot, for the first few seconds, it grinds but does smooth out.
I thought that SL was supposed to get rid of the "foibles". "What happened on the way to the Forum"?
Is anyone finding other SL idiosyncrasies? What are they?
If anyone can help with items 1., 2, and/or 3. I'd be grateful.
BTW, Apple says that items 2 and 3 MAY be caused by the wireless Magic Mouse and/or the wireless keyboard; however, when I use alternates, it still happens.
i have an iphone4 and am trying to access apps, on the phone it keeps telling my my password is incorrect and on the computer it keeps telling me that im not authorized to access apps on this computer (1 of 5) - the password is fine. Also when i attach my phone to the laptop it says charging not supported or something similar?
iPhone 4
How do I activate the Find My Phone on my Mac?I have I-Cloud but it only has the option for Find My Mac.I am looking for phone. The phone has the Find My Phone App loaded.
View 1 Replies View RelatedJust did a sync and everything looks good. The only weird thing is that My iphone shows 5 more contacts than my addy book on icloud.Â
Does the "address book" use more than just contacts to show you your total? Like does it count notes, or calendar inputs as "contacts"? Or even contacts eith more than one phone number?
iPhone 4, iOS 5
I thought the point of icloud was to be able to make calendar appointments on your phone and have them go to the calendar on your computer?
Info:iWeb '08
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iPhone, iOS 5.1.1
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View 2 Replies View RelatedIm trying to check my contacts and photos recently backed up from my mobile and wanted to know how to access them on the web?
For some reason they don't show up in icloud online.
how can i retrieve texts to my computer from my phone.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do change phone no on iCloud keychain? currently i am running 10.9.4 mavericks and there is no option to change phone no under prefreces> iCloud>account details. i can only see option to change security code.
MacBook, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I just upgraded to icloud yesterday. All my contacts synced okay, but when I enter a new contact in address book on my computer it doesn't show up in icloud online or on my iphone. When I enter them in my iphone address book, they do show up in icloud and on my mac. Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a MacBook Pro and I just got it,I'm trying to log in to my iCloud but i can not access my number to verify the code they are trying to text me because i changed my number. What do i do now ?
MacBook Pro
My powerbook g4 is giving me a startup disk almost full message. I think its full of a few years of downloaded videos...how do I find them to trash them and clear some space?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am a new Mac user (well, came back after an 8 year absence) and am trying to install Firefox but I can't find the download anywhere so I can actually install it! This is what I did.
1) I clicked the download Firefox for Mac button at the Mozilla website.
2) I saw the little grey box at the top of my Safari browser telling me that the download was complete, but now I can't find what I downloaded from Firefox anywhere!
3) Of course I checked the Download folder, the Desktop, Applications, and did a search in the Finder for it and it seems to have disappeared. And of course I have tried downloading it several times.
4) Last night when I first attempted to download Firefox, there was a little window somewhere with what appeared to be the download, but it said something about it not being there because I moved it. Well, I didn't move anything anywhere.
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iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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iMac, Windows7
I Can't Find my Library Folder (suddenly after I Downloaded OSX Lion).
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
I just received a usb cable to connect my samsung phone to my ibook. The computer does not recognize my phone when I plug it in. Additionally, they sent a mini disc with it. Is there something I am supposed to do to get this to work?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a new MacBook Pro 13'. I already configured Icloud and I can find on maps devices sucha as Ipads, Iphones and Mac´s, but something is happened with my own MacBook Pro, I cant locate it on the Maps, I only see the image of the MacBook Pro and the instruction for locked it or send a message. I did all troubleshooting explained on support web page (location activevated on security, etc) and the problem still remains.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Icloud