Intel Mac :: Cannot Find Downloaded Game?
May 14, 2012I am new to MAC, I downloaded a game and I cannot find where it downloaded to?
View 4 RepliesI am new to MAC, I downloaded a game and I cannot find where it downloaded to?
View 4 RepliesThe only place I see the icon is under imac 10.5.8 3gb
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
I down loaded brother program for my printer but I can not find it on the pc? where do i look?
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.0.x)
I have downloaded Lion last year and installed it suddenly i didn't know that the installer self-deleted itself after the Lion installation was complete.Now i want to create a usb bootable disk to clean install it into my iMac but i cant find the question is, do i need to create a bootable usb or the Lion installer is available when i want to re-install it?
iMac, Windows7
I downloaded Microsoft Office students 2010 onto my new iMac but now can't find it and believe I need to have a "platform" to run it such as windows or OX. What do I do now? I also don't know what operating system I have, how do I find that?
How can I open a game that I purchased from Game Stop with an Activation Code?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
If i download a game- - for windows as u can see, can i run that game on steam?
View 1 Replies View Relateddownloaded the darkness 2 on my 27 incn mac 3.2 ghz intel core i3 and 4 gb memory it wont start up and gives no error code need it fixed.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
About a month ago, a friend who had just purchased his first Mac emailed me and asked why his Dock DownLoad file disappeared. I had no idea why. He still hasn't been able to reestablish it.
Yesterday, I downloaded something and my Dock DownLoad file vanished. I have tried rebooting, using (useless) Help, Spotlight, Search, and several other things. NO JOY. NO DownLoad file.
1. Does anyone know where to find DownLoad or how to bring it back?
I have experienced several idiosyncrasies with Snow Leopard, but when I call Apple support, they are very nice, but haven't a clue as to why it's happening.
2. Another problem is that the Highlight gets anchored on something in Mail, Word, and some other Apps. When I click somewhere else, the whole area between the "anchor" and what I click on is lit up. Apple doesn't know what causes it. I have to go through multiple machinations to shake it loose. I don't know what it is that causes it or specifically how to "shake it loose". Neither does Apple.
3. When typing in Word or an editor, there are times when the type changes to UpperCase and won;t let go.
Another problem is that, at times, when I click on a file, it fills the screen. Apple is aware of this problem and is trying to find an answer. Nothing, to date.
Apple support can't tell me why the MacMail Inbox spinner disappeared or how to get it back.
There are times when I can't access the hidden Dock. After rebooting and trying other things, the Dock finally shows up but any additions that I have put on the Dock are no longer there.
When I put a DVD in the slot, for the first few seconds, it grinds but does smooth out.
I thought that SL was supposed to get rid of the "foibles". "What happened on the way to the Forum"?
Is anyone finding other SL idiosyncrasies? What are they?
If anyone can help with items 1., 2, and/or 3. I'd be grateful.
BTW, Apple says that items 2 and 3 MAY be caused by the wireless Magic Mouse and/or the wireless keyboard; however, when I use alternates, it still happens.
i bought a game and i go 4 mim into it and just freezes 2 times in a rowe.
iMac, iOS 5.0.1
My powerbook g4 is giving me a startup disk almost full message. I think its full of a few years of downloaded do I find them to trash them and clear some space?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am a new Mac user (well, came back after an 8 year absence) and am trying to install Firefox but I can't find the download anywhere so I can actually install it! This is what I did.
1) I clicked the download Firefox for Mac button at the Mozilla website.
2) I saw the little grey box at the top of my Safari browser telling me that the download was complete, but now I can't find what I downloaded from Firefox anywhere!
3) Of course I checked the Download folder, the Desktop, Applications, and did a search in the Finder for it and it seems to have disappeared. And of course I have tried downloading it several times.
4) Last night when I first attempted to download Firefox, there was a little window somewhere with what appeared to be the download, but it said something about it not being there because I moved it. Well, I didn't move anything anywhere.
i cant find a movie i downloaded
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View 1 Replies View RelatedI've downloaded a classical piece, which is played and downloaded, it seems, with the little bar in the middle of a white screen.It disappears. I can't find it in the directories, with spotlight, or anything. Why isn't there a way to track it down?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 4GB Ram
I need to get a file from school through FTP, I'm using the terminal and when I use the get command it says it downloaded the file but I can't find it anywhere.
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MacBook Pro
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MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
Could you play games like call of duty that is for pc and put it in the IMac?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to play an old mac game called warlords on my intel mac laptop running leopard. I have yet to find a version of the game created for something other than mac os classic or windows. Is there any way around this? If I used boot camp and dual booted into tiger would that fix my problem cause tiger has the classic environment but I dont have a ppc. If that would work I am wondering if there was the potential for some of my stuff on my 100 gb hard drive to get deleted in the process because I only have 30 gb left and no external hard drive to back stuff up on.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI upgraded to lion recently and now my preschooler can no longer run The Cliffor Learning game. Error message is this machine no longer supports power PC
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010)
My sister spammed a bunch of keys on my keyboard now my screen for the game had this like 3 inch gray border around the sides making the display for the game very small (about the size of a ipad mini) on my 27inch imac
View 1 Replies View RelatedLast night I played Skyrim on my iMac and it was fine, but I updated my Software and now when I open it the screen goes black and the game only appears on the bottom left corner and it keeps flashing..
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
As ( I am told , you don't need anti virus etc ) on a imac. is it safe to down load some games from site such as bigfishgames ?
They are advertising some new awesome looking games for the ipads in their emails, I do like to relax by playing games such as scrabble or doing crosswords, also I like to download you tube video's that instruct you on craft subjects. I suppose the question is , Is it safe to download anything really?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I've bought several controllers from game stop and none of them seem to work on my iMac, I have a couple first person shooters including duke nuke em' but I'm hesitant towards buying more because of the controller issue, the Xbox 360 controller doesn't work either what is the best option?
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
So I am basicly trying to play warcraft 3 on my late 2011 MBP 13. I managed to install the via a older snow leopard macbook. The problem that I have and is specific to my video config is that some textures go black. This does not happen on any other macs on Lion with a video card that is not HD 3000. For instance playing on a 2007 macbook is ok on lion. I attached screen shots from each machine so you understand better what I am talking about.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
i just bought the game Spore and i am having troubles with it. 1st after i download the cd an update pops up for the game back to back to back to etc. and its the same update. Then when i run the game everything works fine (the begining cut scenes) but when the game is about to start it cuts off and an error popup comes up.
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iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
I spent two hours with a couple of the tech folks at the AT&T store yesterday, trying to get my new Nokia Lumia 900 to sync to my Macbook... but with no luck. No matter what we did, I kept getting a message that the server was not secure, and so the calendar and address book wouldn't sync. Other things probably as well, though these two were my primary concerns. And, yes, we had downloaded the Windows Phone 7 Connector. It didn't seem to matter. Any suggestions, other than taking the phone back and getting another iPhone for a couple hundred more than I paid for the Lumia?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.4)