ICloud :: How To Get Rid Of Duplicated Entries From ICal Calendar
Jun 19, 2012I have duplicates in my ical that show multiple entries on for each entry and birthday calendar. Everything that I've read is not working thus far.
View 1 RepliesI have duplicates in my ical that show multiple entries on for each entry and birthday calendar. Everything that I've read is not working thus far.
View 1 Repliesit worked great to start with but recently its just not happening
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
Apparently I allowed iCloud to delete all of my calendar and reminder information from my Mac.Can I restore it from iCloud, if not can I restore it from Time Machine?
View 1 Replies View RelatedDeciding on whether or not to use iCal or my Google Calendar. I like the look and feel of the ical overall, but it seems nice that the google calendar will sync over the air with my phone.
View 3 Replies View RelatedEver since Icloud, everytime I enter an event it doubles, or triples the event. This occurs even with all but one of the calendar types checked. I would love to just delete those other types of calendar because I dont need 5 types of calendars. Things were working great until Icloud dammit Steve lol
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I lost all my Google calendar entries on my IOpad and my Mac? How do I get them back and stop this from happening again
iPad 2, iOS 5.0.1
The main issue is that in iTunes>Devices>Info>Sync Calendars, I see of Local calendars listed and also iCloud calendars listed (they show a portion of the address (CalDAV?) that they use to sync), and the issue is that I have DUPLICATE iCloud calendar entries here and I would love to remove them.
Here is my setup:
MBP with Lion and iPhone 3G with all updates.
All of my calendars sync with iCloud (I also have an iPad, but not issue with it.) and there are no duplicate calendars or events in iCloud on the web, so this is fine.I sync my iCloud/iCal calendars to my iPhone 3G (iOS 4.2.1) via iTunes and this is going well, so no problems here, either. I would just like to remove the duplicate iCloud calendars from iTunes under the Info pane so as to simplify life and my understanding. Also, there are other apps (like TimeTable) that go and read the master list of calendars. So, on this app, I see ALL of the calendars by name without being able to distinguish them any other way.how I can climb inside of iTunes and remove the duplicate iCloud calendar entries?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
How the blazes do you you get rid of MULTIPLE entries in ical? I have read many answers and printed off a few to follow them but invariably i get to a point where I am unable to take the next step! I back track and and unable to find a fault of where I went wrong!! Then I have to ask myself WHY? Why on earth am I having to go to such extreme lengths to get rid of the unwanted entries?Come on now Apple it is you who should be providing the simple logic answer to this?I decided to give up? just ignore the other entries it easier than going frantic trying (and anyway I am frightened I may throw the macbook in my temper)
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have an ipad and a Mac for work and use icloud to sync ical. What is infuriating is that the ipad is only retaining details for the preceding month and wiping anything before that. Why is it happening and how do I stop it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHave no idea why this has happened, but basically I have been syncing using itunes manually via a cable, got the email from Apple to upgrade, went through the process, now its all on icloud, but I have noticed I have dupliate ical entries.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI installed Lion on my iMac and on the next day registered for iCloud. Immediately all data in iCal disappeared. Calendar was empty in iCloud also. Have tried to recover data through Time Machine, but unsuccessful.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I went to my calendar (iCal) on my MacBook Air and all my appointments were gone! All that is displayed are all my Facebook friends' birthdays. I went to System Prefs > iCloud and saw that Calendar was unchecked. I checked it and it tried to sync for 30 seconds and then failed. The box was automatically unchecked. I tried this repeatedly. The calendar on my iPhone, which is also synced to my iCloud account looks fine. What happened to my calendar on my laptop and how do I get them back?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2), iWork '09
I have an iPhone 4S, iPad 2, and a Mac running OSX 10.7.3. I have recently noticed a problem that while ical entries made on the Mac will synch to all devices, ical entries made on the iPhone or iPad won't synch to the Mac. I have tried the troubleshooting tips on the apple site, including turning off icloud on the mac for calendars, but it still doesn't work. It essentially means I cant trust my Mac calendar to be up-to-date.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWith iCloud, there are double entries when looking at All Contacts, and so things Contact details like event have double entries on iCal too. Since all Contacts are made on iCloud now, Should all Contacts be deleted from My Mac?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
icloud calendars is checked in system preferences, however my ical appears empty on my macbook pro. Why is my iphone calendar not synching with ical in macbook pro even though icloud preferences are properly set up?
MacBook Pro
My wife and I both have our own Apple ID's but would like to share one calendar in iCal in the iCloud so we can add events on our iPhones and we both can see them?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I think I have set it up as directed, but I get this message on the ical on my Mac. The server responded with "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized" to operation CalDAVAccountRefreshQueueableOperation.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I used to be able to use my calendar in icloud and it was synced with the ical on my computer and my iphone. All of a sudden there is no info on icloud. I really prefer the cloud as it functions so much faster than the one on my computer. I figured out how to export my calendar from ical but how do I import it into the cloud? And why did this happen in the first place?
imac i7
I have encountered a problem with consolidating and migrating my calendars to iCloud. Previously I had been using MobileMe, but like a lot of iOS device users, I had made the mistake of also synching calendars and contacts locally. This had the effect of creating an "on my mac" calendar, which I did not realize for quite some time that I had been using.Â
In the process of migrating my MobileMe account to iCloud, I realized this and set about uploading the local calendar to iCloud. I used the following procedure:Â
1. Highlight the "on my mac" calendar and export it to an ics file.
2. From iCal, select File>Import and select the ics file I had just created
3. In the window that opens, selecting one of the iCloud calendars to import the events intoÂ
However, what I find is that the calendar hardly imports any of its hundreds of events. I rely on this calendar to keep track of events that I attended in the past, but it seems like no events in this local calendar prior to January 1, 2012 got imported into iCloud. I don't want to try and re-import it, since that might create duplicates of the events that have already succesfully imported.Â
Is iCloud not allowing me to import old events? Is there a way I can import the entire calendar to iCloud?Â
How can i synchronize my iCal with iCloud calendar??
View 1 Replies View RelatedTwo weeks after I migrated to Lion, I stopped syncing my iPad and iPhone through iTunes and turned on iCloud.I had 15 years of calendar data, and after the iCloud syncing, most of the entries were duplicated or even triplicated.It took me 5 days and about 5 hours with Apple tier 2 advisors to resolve the problem.The support communities had useful info, but it was scattered around.I am consolidating the useful stuff in this posting so that it may help others.
1.The important thing to understand about iCloud is that it considers itself the "master repository".Its primary purpose is to backup your data, but it cannot distinguish your data if it originates from multiple sources.My 3 devices (mac, iPad, iPhone) synced fine via iTunes.But when I connected the 3 devices to iCloud, iCloud did not continue from where iTunes left off.Instead, the calendars on the 3 devices were Merged in iCloud, resulting in duplicates.However, many repeating events (events that spanned multiple days) were not duplicated.
2.At this point, your calendar is corrupted.Don't try to fix a calendar while you are connected to iCloud (see why below).Your best choice is to delete the calendar from all platforms and then restore your pre-iCloud calendar from your archive or from Time Machine. First, disconnect your calendar on ALL devices (Apple->Preferences->iCloud->uncheck the calendar).This will delete calendar from those devices.Then go into iCloud and delete the calendar there (click the Edit button at the top of the calendar list and then click the minus button).
3.Restore your pre-iCloud calendar to your mac.Because this is pre-iCloud, all your calendars should be under the "On my Mac" section.Go into Apple->Preferences->iCloud->check the calendar.iCloud will start syncing immediately and your iCal will say "iCal - Updating" in the title bar.When it stops Updating, check your data.You will see that all of your calendars in the Mac are now in the iCloud section.
4. Add a test event and see how it updates on iCloud.Now go to your iPad and iPhone If you did step 2 correctly, both of their calendars should be empty.Turn iCloud back on on those devices through Preferences, and the data will sync to your devices.By default, the mobile devices only sync I think 2 weeks of data.I discovered that even tho I could get 15 years of data to sync to my iPad, the iPad could not display it.So I am going to have to tolerate having only a short period of data on my mobile devices and keep the whole archive only on my mac.TIPS I LEARNEDBackup your calendar and address book BEFORE you go to iCloud.Use the File->Export menus to export an archive of the whole calendar (.icbu) or whole address book (.abbu).In addition, you might want to export each of your calendars and address book groups as individual .ics files and .vcf files.This way, if you need to combine calendars, you can simply import a .ics file into an existing calendar in iCal.Why can't you delete duplicates while you are connected to iCloud?I tried to do that, and just when I got close to the very end, iCloud seemed to get confused, and then it suddenly put all the duplicates back.Several hours wasted.If you delete the calendar from iCloud and then try to restore it to your mac, it is very important to disconnect iCloud first. Otherwise, iCloud syncs the deletion back to the mac and deletes the calendar you just restored.Just remember, everytime you disconnect from iCloud, it deletes the calendar on your device.So the sequence must be:disconnect iCloud first, and THEN restore. When you turn iCloud back on, iCloud sees this as a whole new calendar.I was used to the replication idea of Lotus Notes, where the newest time stamp determined which event to keep in a sync conflict.iCloud does not work that way.It doesn't use timestamps and has no idea of latest event.It just merges everything.When you first turn iCloud on, if it asks you if you want to merge your Address Book, realize that iCloud will merge at the field level.So for a contact, if you made changes in work phone on two devices, that contact will now have 2 work phone fields.How to restore a Lion calendar from Time Machine:Â In Finder, go to the Go menu.Press the option key, and Library shows up in the dropdown menu.Select Library and then open the Calendars folder.Copy everything in it to a safe place and then delete the originals.Now, open Time Machine, and it will navigate to that hidden folder.Restore everything in the Calendars folder.How to restore a Snow Leopard calendar from Time Machine:If you have since migrated to Lion, use the method above to get to the Calendars folder and clear it out.Now open Time Machine and go to the Library->Calendars folder and restore everything in that folder.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I would like to sync my iCloud calendar information with the iCal application on my MacBook Air - running system 10.6.8. How do I do that?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
iCal events from not showing on iCloud calendar on my MBP, Lion 10.7.4. They also don't show up on my PC on iCloud calendar. However they DO show up on mg iPod Touch Calendar. I have looked at all the settings both in iCal and iCloud, read all of support files and websites for both, but I am missing something.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 13-inch, Mid 2010
Is there a way to sync the iCal in the Macbook Air to my calendar in iCloud? I'm looking to sync my iPhone's calendar with my Macbook Air calendar.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I am unable to sync a new calendar in ical with iCloud. The iCloud location is not available.
iCloud, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I am trying to sync my ical with my google calendar. It doesn't work.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
How do I sync a Google Calendar subscription on my iMac with iCloud Calendar and my associated iOS devices? I subscribe to my google calendar on my iMac (because my University forces me to use google calendar) but cannot see the events on my iCloud account, MacBook or iPhone4.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Understanding where iCloud Calendars are displayed in Calendar and in iCal
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have problems with synchronizing iCal with iCloud calender accounts on my Mac Pro running OS 10.6.8. (Error message "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" pa handlingen CalDAVAccount RefreshQueueableOperation.) It works fine on iOS devices.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Transfer my iCal Calender data to my primary iCloud account
Transfer my iCal Calender data to m