ICloud :: Configured Mail In 10.4.11 To Specifications And Get Error Messages
Jul 3, 2012
Configured Mail in 10.4.11 to iCloud specifications and get error messages and still cannot send and receive. Get error messages, "does not recognize password" etc. Have working on Snow Leopard, iPhone iPad but not 10.4.11 PPC Mail. I used Apple support set up. I originally had a .mac account and have tried both XXXX@mac.com and xxx.me.com as username. I Upgraded my password to stronger suggested strength. (one cap and one letter minimum 8) I verified Keychain. I have even deleted everything including Keychain and account and started over numerous times, still no joy. Ports are incoming 993 and outgoing 587. Will not be upgrading this machine due to production software issues but was told I could stll use the .mac email
Dual 2 GHZ G5 with 23 ACD, Mac OS X (10.4.2)
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Jun 18, 2012
In order to use my mail, I now have to use the browser instead of my mail application because of the new "upgrade". Unfortunately, my online mailbox keeps blacking out saying that my messages more than a week old cannot be displayed at this time. I cannot upgrade to Lion because I use software with my clients that is no longer supported in Lion.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 6, 2012
I keep getting error messages in mail but email appears to be sending OK and receiving OK now - after nightmare of going over to BT broadband. How do I check everything. I can't find connection dr sometimes. When I do it says everything is working. Error messages say message cannot be sent...it also says my server is offline when it appears to be on....
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), iOS 5.1.1
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Jun 22, 2012
mail error cocoa 512 can't delete messages
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Sep 7, 2014
I cannot delete messages from my mail box ...
Mac Pro
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Mar 18, 2012
I am migrating my mail and archive folders from Mail to iCloud. I moved 20+ folders and over 8k messages with no problem by dragging and dropping the folder from 'On my mac' section to 'iCloud' section in Mail. The last two folders were the largest with over 1.5k in each folder. Over 1200 of the messages in each went in to iCloud without a hitch. Then I got this error:
The IMAP command “APPEND” (to [mail box name]) failed with server error: Message contains NUL characters.
There are 149 messages left in one folder and 203 in another folder. Try as I might, it will not work. I tried Rebuild mailbox option in menu and exported to Mail and mbox format and then re-importing. Still does not work.
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May 21, 2012
Messages says "no account configured", how do I configure it?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 1, 2012
I set up my icloud account at work using Mail because I was tired of writing personal messages from my iPhone. Initially I opted to not save any messages locally, since I prefer keeping my personal correspondence in the cloud and on my private devices. Unfortunately if I choose that option, then no messages are displayed in the inbox or sent folders.I am accustomed to the IMAP way of things, where Mail displays the server contents when online and in offline mode, no messages are displayed because they aren't saved locally.Is this possible with iCloud?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 2, 2012
I recently did the mobileme to icloud swtich to keep my me.com email.Since Snow Leopard doesn't have an iCloud option and the MobileMe account option no longer works, I had to switch to create a new IMAP account with all of iCloud's server info.Ever since, the mac mail.app has been downloading messages practically non-stop.Every few minutes it will download 5000+ messages and growl notifications will fill up my screen. My mail folder is currently at 20gb and growing. I know there isn't that much mail data on the server as I originally had my mobileme limit set much lower. I tried deleting the account and creating a new one again, however it still happens.
15" MBP 2.53ghz 8gig ram, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Dec 11, 2014
My husband and I both use our one alias iCloud mail accounts. Both the alias and the main account were created in my name (not his) and yet his name appears as the sender and recipient on messages sent and received through the alias. I've rechecked settings in iCloud and his name is not anywhere. Why is this happening and how can I change it so that my name rather than his appears on messages?
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Mar 27, 2012
The iCloud account in Mail displays 1 unread message when all are read. I am unable to "mark all messages as read" to remove the 1 unread message icon. When I send multiple test emails to the iCloud account, it still only displays 1 unread message when there are more. The iCloud account on my iOS devices correctly displays the number of unread email messages.
MacBook Pro 17, Mac OS X (10.7), iMac 24 iPhone 4 iPad 2
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Sep 1, 2014
Is it possible to delete message in the server using Mail configured using IMAP?
Currently when I delete the message in Mail, the server still keep a copy of it, which means it is not deleted on the server. I know that POP can do this but I still want the option of being able to access it from other computers.
My server has only a small size, so I hope that I can just delete it from my Mail instead of having to log in to the server and delete it again.
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Mar 16, 2012
For the last day and half, I've been unable to access my iCloud email through Mail on Lion. I get the following error:
The server returned the error: The connection to host p03-imap.mail.me.com on port 143 failed.
According to the system status, iCloud Mail did have an issue but apparently they think it's resolved. why I'm still getting an error? I have no problems accessing iCloud Mail on any other devices or through Safari.
iMac 3.06 GHz 24, Mac OS X (10.7), 4 Gigs RAM
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Sep 4, 2014
Trying to send an email in Mavericks Mail from iCloud account and got the following error: MCMailErrorDomain error 1032.
Does this simply mean that iCloud had a hiccup (there was no outage reported at [URL], or is there something that I can do to prevent this from happening?
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Jul 1, 2014
I received an iCloud error message yesterday twice for me.com mail. One finally went through but the other one I can't cancel or delete.Try to send email again?
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Jun 30, 2012
The Apple Mail on my son's iMac 5, running OS X 10.6.8, shows the number of unread messages (9), but if I click on InBox, the messages themselves don't show up in the main window. This suddenly happened, and none of his old, read messages show up either. But he can access them just fine from his iPod, or through his Network Solutions web mail interface. Also, in Mail we can search part of his email address, and all the messages show up, read and unread! He has no rules set up. The connection doctor shows the connection is fine.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 18, 2010
I am running mac os X version 10.5.8 and I find that mail will download not all my mail and will not send from any of my mailboxes.
I have set up mail with my googlemail account my mobileme account and my yahoo accounts. all are set up as stp and I have set them up according to all the online help lines. I have had mail set up for many months now, and have been trying to fix this problem for a long time now off and on.
One thing that I have tried is changing the outgoing port number from the default to 587, but still no joy.
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May 10, 2012
If I use the iCloud suggested settings as per: ENTERING iCLOUD MAIL SERVER SETTINGS IN SNOW LEOPARD
as per Roger Wilmut's suggestions -[URL]...will all my other incoming and outgoing mail accounts still work as usual?
iMac 7,1 Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.4Ghz
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Jun 6, 2014
How do I set up a mail server and SMTP server to send messages to other mail servers at mavericks
Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Mar 3, 2009
I use an IMAP email account (provided by AOL) and every time I send an email it then comes in to my AOL sent items folder and displays an unread count on mail.app. It's infuriating.
I think imap stores the sent mail on it's server and I think I'm subscribed to all these folders so when it receives my sent mail, it sends a copy back to me.
I have tried creating a rule that mark all messages from me as read, but to no avail, it still does it anyway.
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May 8, 2010
In an effort to make Mail more gmail-like, I selected the "View>Organize by thread" option. However, this only seems to group messages in my inbox and doesn't include my sent messages within the same conversation.
Is this how threaded messages are supposed to work? Just one side of a conversation? Or is there a setting to get my sent messages to show up in the threaded conversation?
I am using Mac Mail to check my gmail acct via IMAP. I am using the settings specified by google. I have selected the appropriate folders and mapped them using the "Use this folder for..." menu item. My sent messages are both in the Sent folder (for a while, then they disappear) and below in my Gmail>Sent Mail folder (always current). I have the option selected to store them on the server.
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Aug 25, 2009
Running Mac OS9.2.2 Suddenly start to get and error message "There is not enough RAM" when trying to save an attachment in Microsoft Outlook. Same thing with Adobe Photoshop - when trying to save an EPS file. During several freezes, suddenly my mac stop recognize any extensions. When used Microsoft Outlook and tried download an attachment got an error message type 3. So I create a new set in extensions manager and get ride of Type 3 error, but get a new error message "Not enough memory" when try to save an attachment, or "Not enough RAM" - when try to save an EPS file in Adobe Photoshop.
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Jan 14, 2010
I have a new MacBookPro, 320HD, 2.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor, with Snow Leopard. I have always put my thumb drive into a slot and transferred my data to the desktop so I can work on it. Only with my new computer does the following happen. After working on any files, I drag them back to the thumb drive. I keep getting the following message, "The Finder can't complete the operation because some data can't be read or written. (Error code -36). It will then create a new folder just like the one I'm transferring to the thumb drive, only without any files. I can then transfer single files to the new folder, but only if they aren't in a folder. So anything in a folder will not be transferred until a new folder is written on the thumb drive and then I have to transfer single files until everything has been moved over.
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Sep 22, 2010
The Java JAR file "" could not be launched. Check the Console for possible error messages.I need to open a jar file and this is the error i get.
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Mar 23, 2010
I have mail set up on my iPhone. Everything works perfectly...mail, calander, the lot! When I input the exact same settings into my macbook pro I keep getting error messages saying it cant be synced etc. Is there a way to sync the settings directly from the phone?
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Aug 16, 2009
I work for a small business that relies a lot on consistent email communication. We are using a GoDaddy email account that we have set up through our Microsoft Entourage programs on all of our Mac computers (all four of us work on Macs).
We have been bombarded by error messages on Entourage. For example just today I have received two error messages: Internal error (-17900) saying "Mail could not be sent" and Sorry, over your relay limit (-17099) saying "Mail could not be sent."
Over the past few weeks we have gotten Error -3259, Error -2171, Error -17895.
It is becoming extremely frustrating!
I have tried researching some of these problems on line but have not found a whole lot of helpful information. I spoke with a rep at GoDaddy to see if it had to do with our email server itself. He said that everything seemed to be set up properly and that it was either a problem with the Microsoft program or with the Internet Service Providers.
why we are receiving so many error messages, and how we can ensure that we wont receive anymore and that our emails will be sent properly.
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May 20, 2012
I purchased TV series from itunes in HD and two episodes will not download...I get errors. I think it is because I purchased the series in HD. I have tried deleting the entire series and reloading it but this caused my computer to freeze.
I would like to try the standard version of the program but cannot purchase it or exchange it through itunes.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 22, 2014
I am using a 2009 27" iMac running Mavericks 10.9.4. Occasionally the OS freezes and the following message appears:
An Internal Messages error occurred.
There was a problem with Messages. You need to quit and open Messages again.
The mouse still moves, but the rest of the OS is totally frozen. I try to click on the Quit button in the error message dialog, but that does nothing.
There is no reaction to keyboard presses. The only solution is to hold down the Power button until the computer shuts off.
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Oct 17, 2010
How do I turn this feature off? If I have a message in the middle of being composed, and click Get Mail, off the draft message goes whether I'm ready to send this or not. This is an old issue, and generally I just try to remember not to check mail when I have a message in progress. But I can't find a screen anywhere in Mail Prefs to turn this feature off. In other words, I only want mail to send messages when I the Send paper airplane icon, not in response to my checking incoming messages. I'm running OS 10.5.8 and Mail v. 3.6 (936).
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Oct 19, 2009
this is my first post here and i hate that it has to be on these terms. however, my mac mini today just out of no where popped up with an error message stating "you must restart your computer...." and so on in several different languages. im not a total noob...so this shouldnt be racking my brain like this. ive read every website and forum relating to this subject, and nothing anyone has to say seems to help. i understand this is a kernel error this message pops up quicker sometimes than others. sometimes it pops up at the blue screen just before my computer prompts me for my password. sometimes, it lets me log into my computer, then the error message will appear. and sometimes it wont even make it to the blue screen, it just gives me a gray screen then the error message. ive tried booting in safe mode and it lets me log in, loads my icons and my desktop, then as soon as i click a single click on the mouse, the message pops back up. ive read some people saying to try reinstalling osx, or to try loading the install disc and repairing some things. i cant get the computer to even seem to boot the disc when i put it in. i am trying to avoid reinstalling osx but if i have to reinstall osx, then i will. i did NOT install anything, upgrade anything, change any system files, change any hardware or anything. i was just downloading a torrent, left my house for a bit, came back and the error message was there. im a graphic designer with work that needs to be done...i can't have a broken computer. does anyone have any clue what to do?
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