I've been using Lubbo's Fan Control to keep my fans high while playing games with Boot Camp. I've noticed an issue, though. The fans run what I set them to well for about 1 minute, then they die down for about half a minute, then they start working again. What's happening? I've tried other tools and they all do the same thing.
I have a MacBook Pro 15" i5 2.4Ghz (base 2010 model) 330m 256mb
New to the forum but had a good lurk before I bought my new MBP.
I have had it for around 10 days and it is an awesome bit of kit. I have it set up running bootcamp with Windows 7 32bit on the Bootcamp drive and Mac OS on the other partition.
I noticed that it has been running very warm - almost burn your hand on the back left hand side of the unit but only seems to get veruy hot in Winodws - under Mac OS the fans seem a little more active.
After a good search on the web I installed Lubbo's Fan Control.
I up'd the min fan speed from 2000 to 2500rpm but since installing the program my fans seem much more active. I have dropped the min rpm back down to 2000 but they still seem way more active.
MBP is currently running at 58c or 136f - does this seem hot?
I have a macpro with OSX on one drive and windows 7 on a partition of another drive. Both systems work fine and I boot into windows by holding the option key down. What is odd is if I go to the system preferences startup disk my windows install does not show up. I did move my windows partition a while ago to a new drive. I used bootcamp to create the partition and winclone to move the data. It's not a big deal not having the option in the preference pain but would be nice. If I am in windows and go to the bootcamp control panel both OS X and Windows are there.
I'm running Windows vista ultimate on my Imac and lately the mouse started acting weird on Vista, it's jumping around and moving unpredictable,and also i use windows in spaces, and i can't switch to spaces anymore until i click control + command, please let me know what the problem is, ohh i'm running a USB G9 Logitech mouse.
Is there any way I can switch the functions of these two? I've searched and googled and checked microsoft and to no avail. But I want to copy and paste or undo and things and I press command and the start menu pops up. Not only do I not want that to happen but I'd like the command button to function as the control button.
I've searched around some but am still confused. if I want to control my bro's xp machine remotely over the Internet from my MacBook pro using osx's built in vnc, what needs to be installed on his end if anything?
Is it possible to switch the control key to the command key in Windows? I am so used the to CMD shortcuts, and hate having to move my finger to CTRLI downloaded a program to edit the registry, but it didn't change the command key, just the control key. So I had two keys that were assigned to the left command button. I cannot remember the name of the program for the life of me.
so I'm planning on buying and LED Cinema Display to go with my Mac Pro. I have a few issues before I pull the trigger...
Currently, I'm using a 23 inch Acrylic Cinema Display and have found that there is no way to adjust overall monitor brightness. Even using the ATi control panel (my Mac Pro has an Apple branded ATi 4870), there are no true brightness controls either on the software side in Windows (I haven't found a way to change brightness in Windows like I do in System Preferences in OSX) or on the hardware side (no buttons on the monitor itself).
Basically, as soon as I use bootcamp to reset into Windows, I notice that the screen immediately goes to the lowest brightness (even though I was running the max in OSX before switching) settings as soon as I go into the desktop. Playing games like this is irritating.
I know the LED Cinema Display also has no brightness buttons on it, so will I still be SOL?
My favorite feature on the mac has always been the ability to see all open windows with a simple click (F3 on my keyboard). I often have multiple word documents and multiple pdf files open, as well as two or three different browser windows, several image files, and who knows what else. It is very common for me to have 10-20 open windows and it was always a huge help to be able to see them all at once, with filenames that would pop up when hovering with the mouse. This feature made it incredibly easy to move from file to file and truly see everything on the desktop at once.
As far as I can tell, this is no longer possible with Lion and Mission Control. Now if I have multiple windows open in a single application and enter Mission Control I see them tiled over one another, without filenames displayed for any. Sure, I can see all the applications I have open, but what good is that if I can't see which files I have? It's making it very difficult to work effectively-- basically I have to minimize each window one by one until I find the one I want.
Can anyone using Lion tell me how to see a graphic representation of ALL open windows, with filenames? Like I could in the good old days? Or is there something like a "see all open files" ability in Finder?
Does smcFanControl would able to control the fan at same rpm before boot up into vista? When I changed the rpm of fan to higher (3,000 rpm) under Mac OS X then boot up into Vista then it would be same rpm (3,000 rpm) what I was set or force back to default (back to 1,200 rpm)?
I don't know if anyone posted this issue before. I can not control screen Brightness on my MBP 13'. I tried my F1 and F2 key and the Nvidia Control Panel, either of them is working. I installed all the drivers from the CD and it can actually show the icon in the center(bottom) of the screen when I hit the F1 or F2 Key. However, the brightness adjust does not work,the screen stay the same.
I recently installed 64-bit Vista in a Boot Camp partition. Then Parallels and everything is perfect except...
When I insert a DVD now, Windows automatically takes control of the drive. The only way for me to view the contents of that drive is to shut down Vista in Parallels and then reinsert the disk. Then OS X sees it and fires it up.
Now Ive plugged in other devices like my external drive, and I get a little pop up which asks which system I want to use the device with. Is there a way to get that for DVDs as well?
I bought this c2d macbook pro 15'' in early 2007. Today I installed windows 7 on it (bootcamp 2.1). Everything worked perfect except the screen brightness control. The strongest level is very bright (same as the one in Mac), but the second level is very dim. I remember having this problem back in 2007 when I installed winxp on my mac. Looks like the problem still exists. Anyone here knows how to fix it?
I just paid to upgrade QuickTime and received a registration code. Tho problem is there is no way to find the QuickTime control panel via the Windows 7 Home Premium control panel. How to I ovrcome this?
If I log into Windows as a normal user (not administrator) and open the Boot Camp Control Panel, I'll be missing the Startup Disk pane. The only ones available are Brightness, Keyboard and Trackpad.
Is there any way to get the startup disk tab to appear while logged in as a normal user? I don't like the idea of having to run as an administrator all the time in Windows.
I have an upgraded (2 x X5355 8 core) Mac Pro 1.1 running 10.7.4. I routinely use SMCFanControl (the latest version) to ramp up the fans when I am running long, CPU-intensive jobs. However, SMCFanControl only changes three of the four fans - the PSU fan remains stuck on 600rpm, regardless of the settings. My PSU is getting pretty hot - 70+C, so I am looking for a way of cranking it up.
I have tried using SMC fan control in the past but the minimum fan speed was 1000rpm which i found too high when i didnt need the extra cooling (noisy too).
Is there an alternative to SMC fan control so i can increase the speed when needed then reduce them to the original speeds during idle?
I noticed my disk space had been dropping slowly for the past few days, and I hadn't restarted for 11 days, so I restarted and 8GB were freed up. I assume this must be from log files inflating much larger than they should, but I'm not sure why this would be or how to fix it.
Dear Gurus i need some advice from you all regarding Fan Control under Bootcamp.
I've a Mac Pro 4.1 8core and was using under Mac OS and Bootcamp with Win7 Ult 64bit as mainly doing Photo editing using Aperture and Video Transcoding under Windows environment using Tmpgenc Express 4 and Tmpgenc DVD Author which i found Tmpgenc was the overall the best app for Video Transcoding which most Mac application lacks in.
The issue Im facing is that under Bootcamp Fan control are missing in windows environment and Windows are unable to control the fan's speed even the processor are overheating as what i've experience during Transcoding all my Processor core are 90-100% utilize and the temperature shoot to 100' Celsius Im a matter of minutes.
Some mention to use smcfan and boot into windows without shutting down the machine so that the fan are keep into the speed needed but that's is just not an alternative solution.
I got a notice of an update for SMCFanControl to version I installed it, and when it ran my fans went faster and louder than ever before! Normally surfing the web they were around 2000rpm. After the update SMC reported 7300rpm! I didn't even think they could go that fast.
I have an iMac 9, 1 (the '09 model). 3.06 GHz DC. So I tweaked the fan speed a little to see how cool it can get, but, there's one tiny problem. I used "smcfancontrol_2_1", I can get the speeds up, but not down.
My in-laws bought a Macbook Air and I would like to be able remotely control their Mac. Can I do this inexpensively? I saw the remote desktop - but that looks like it is for net administrators.
I am looking for a program or a way of taking control of a mac. I would be at home and the computer I would be working with would be at my job. I work for a print company and I would work with adobe cs4, quark and suitcase remotely. First of all is this possible and if yes how to do it. The company will pay for the software necessary to accomplish this.