Windows On Mac :: Unable To Use Wifi / Wireless Card Not Recognized On Bootcamp
Sep 12, 2009
So, I got the Polycarbonate Macbook , Parallels 5, and Windows 7 Home Premium. I installed windows on bootcamp and had parallels use the partition for windows and I got it all working, all the drivers on Windows are great, except the wifi. It's not even saying I've got a wireless card installed, it won't recognize that I have one in my Mac. But when I use parallels and when I boot it as a regular Mac, it works great. I've looked around and haven't found an answer to this? Anyone found a solution or could help?
I am using Windows 7 with boocamp. Just suddenly without changing anything windows 7 stopped recognizing my battery, and is unable to connect wireless. It just gives me an unable to connect error, no more information is given. I found someone on an other forum with exactly the same problem. [URL].
I have a 2008 Mac Pro. I am wondering whether its a better idea to go for a WiFi internal card,or is it better to get the airport extreme for wireless internet with router? My knowledge of WiFi/setup is quite limited.
Every time i unplug a USB external HD wile its copying/moving files or even just reading (This only happens because of a power failiure, by mistake or by a windows crash) Windows stops reconizing that especific HD, and just says "USB device not reconized".
This only happens in Windows, if i reboot in Mac OS it reconizes the drive and acts normally.
I even tryed formating the windows partition and reinstalling windows but that did not solve the problem.
I just installed Windows XP on my MacBook Pro yesterday. It's a 15 inch with a 2.80 Ghz Core 2 Duo processor so I can't see any reason why it should be slow. The weirdest part about it being slow is that my other computer, a 4 year old MacBook, with a 2.16 Ghz, runs it unbelievably easy. If I try to move around a window on the old MacBook it moves smoothly, very easily. If I try to move a window on my MBP it has unbelievable lag and refreshes every millimeter that I move and moves really really slowly. Any reason why it's THAT slow on the MBP and fast on the MB?And then the other problem, the Wifi. Windows appears to not be recognizing my wireless card and I've read some other stuff where you need to find the drivers for your card and then go install those on the Windows side, and I thought I did that. My card is a Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0
I am running bootcamp on my macbook osx 10.6.8 and when I use windows it doesn't recognize my wifi connection. So I have no way to connect to wifi on windows. I am not sure how to get Windows to recognize my wifi....
I installed XP, via BC, on my older 20" iMac, and I keep getting an error message when trying to connect to my wireless network. My network shows that it is available, with full signal strength, but as soon as I try to connect to it, I get an error message saying that it may be out of range, and I should refresh and try to connect again.
I have a 2009 Mac Pro, and was wondering if it would be possible to put a PC 4870 video card in it and only use the 4870 in windows with bootcamp, and use the GT120 in OS X?
I have a Macbook, running XP Pro on via Bootcamp. It is connected to a wireless network. I want to print from XP bootcamp, wirelessly, to printers connected to a different computer (XP).
I have a PC that has 2 printers connected to it, running XP Home. Both printers are SHARED, with NAMES.
My 2 other computers (both PC's), can print to these printers wirelessly. I, cannot. I have installed all the drivers for the printers (using their CDs) on Bootcamp XP. I tried connecting to the printers, but I can't.
I bought a G3 Clamshell Ibook today and I don't know how to connect to the net with it. So I did some reseach (btw I know nothing about Mac's nothing at all. This is my first one!!) and there is something about an Airport card. So my question is how do I check to see if my computer has it. If it does then how do I access the net.
If not, please, please tell me there is another way to get wireless on the thing cause I don't think I can install a wireless card on a computer. I would not even know where to begin.
The Broadcom Wifi drivers which installed with Boot Camp 3.0 were version dated 10/22/2008 and have better performance or at least a connection speed than the current Broadcom Wifi drivers that came with Boot Camp 3.1 which are version dated 8/21/2009.
I have a Unibody Macbook Pro, and I recently reinstalled Windows XP SP2 (updated to SP3) with Bootcamp. I am unable to see any wireless networks when I know several are present. (OSX Connects flawlessly).
I have attempted to update the drivers to no avail.
I currently own a Macbook I purchased in January 2009. A few days ago I installed Boot Camp Agent so I could use it to play certain games I could not run using Parallels. I downloaded Boot Camp following the directions it comes with. (Installed Windows XP Pro, then installed Mac OSX Leopard 10.5). Everything works fine except I cannot figure out how to use the wireless network established in my home.
On the Mac side, I can connect to the internet with the Airport fine, never have a problem on that side. When switched to the Windows side I have no wireless options. Though I can use the internet when using an ethernet cable connected directly to my router (Linksys WRT110). I have read soo many forum posts and nothing I have read has helped so far. When I go to Network Connections and Properties, I do not have a Wireless Network Connection tab.
He has installed Windows 7 on to his Macbook (to use a program he cant on OSX) and there has been no wireless detected at all, everything else is working this is his only problem.
My macbook is the new 2008 series with 2 gb of RAM, the Nvidia Geforce 9400m, and Intel processor with 2.4 ghz. I check on and I am supposedly able to run games like Crysis very well. Yet, when I launch the new Warhammer: Dawn of War II game, I am at a loss. I can only run the gme on the very lowest settings at the lowest resolution in order to run without lag. Also, for some reason my bootcamp partition says I have only 1.72 gb of RAM. I have a feeling the partition is just not recognizing the power I have.
I've just myself a new 15inch MBP 2.8Ghz. I'm wondering if people know which graphics card Windows 7 will utilize under Bootcamp? I'm wondering because I think I'll be booting Windows for gaming.
Been searching and can't find the answer here. I setup Bootcamp last week and had internet connection and everything working fine. I've setup Parallels now as well and I am connecting to the Bootcamp partition with this via OS X.
So, everything is working well, I can view my local websites on Leopard via Parallels, the only thing that has stopped working is my wireless internet connection in windows.
My only guess is the Bootcamp is now connecting to everything via my OS X connections, but not sure. Does anyone know how to set the wireless internet up again?
I cannot seem to connect to the wireless connection when running bootcamp. It says something like the signal is too weak or whatever, but when I run it on OS X, it works perfectly fine.
I am looking for a wireless keyboard/mouse to replace my current USB wired to fulfill the following requirements:
1) Must Work with OS X, Bootcamp and Parallels. 2) Work with Windows XP (currently) and Windows 7 in future. 3) Whatever wireless technology, I only want ONE receiver for both KB and mouse. 4) bluetooth or NANO or other 5) Keyboard MUST be high contrast (example-black keys/white letters). This precludes current Apple keyboard. 6) Would like NOT to mix and match brands.
I have been using my airport card in my iMac to share internet wirelessly with my iBook. However, I am unable to share the internet wirelessly with a friend's windows laptop. Her computer sees the network but does not ask for a password and fails to connect.
I seem to be rather confused after reading so many websites which say its possible to install windows 7 upgrade over xp by custom install in bootcamp.
I purchased a windows 7 upgrade which I have downloaded as a ".img" file.
However, bootcamp doesnt recognize my .img disc.
I have tried converting the .img to a .iso, and then burning the .iso as a iso disc, but still no luck. (Im not sure if its because of Active iso software Im using to burn the discs or if im doing something wrong.)
I have a legit version of XP already running via bootcamp.
I just got windows 7 on my macbook and everythink is fine exept for the wifi, it dosent even try too find a wireless internet, the only solution it come up with is that i sould use a internet cable.
So I ran my bootcamp assitance and created a 15 GB partition. It asked for me to install the Windows Disc and I did. It then proceeded to restart and eject my XP disc and proceeded to a grey screen. I then put the XP disc in and it began to install just fine. It got to the point of asking me what partition I wanted to install and I chose to proper one via information from the bootcamp install manual.
Right after this it say computer restarting and then a black screen popped up saying
My darn keys don't work and the only key that does is the power button and it proceeds to boot back to the black grey screen and does nothing. If I put the xp disc back in it repeats the error message.
I've been wanting to install XP on my computer for a while and I thought I was finally going to be able to do it. I opened Bootcamp excited, only to encounter what seems to be a fairly common problem:
Bootcamp wants me to backup my HD and restore it into a single Journaled (not sure what that even means) volume, because "some files cannot be moved"
I searched around and discovered that iDefrag is a popular choice to avoid this hassle and after getting my hands on a copy of it I thought my problems were over. Unfortunately, after a day of defragmentation, I ran Bootcamp again only to encounter the same error.
I have a nice external hard drive which I use for backup anyway, so I figured I might as well do as Bootcamp asks. However, I am currently using OS 10.5.6, installed out of a family pack, i.e. lost forever in the chaos that is my home. All I have with me are the installation CDs that came with my computer, OS 10.4.9.
I have never formatted my HD, or restored anything, so I really am not sure how it works. Does it just erase whatever information is on it? Or does this involve me downgrading my OS to an older version? If I am going to end up having to format my HD, maybe I want more than just two volumes (Mac and Windows). If I partition my HD myself using Disk Utility, can I install Windows or another OS such as LINUX or Mac OS 9 on one of my volumes w/o using Bootcamp?
If anyone has the answers to my questions or any ideas I should try I'd love to hear them.
Please note that I have asked google this several different ways, so I have already: -Tried defragmenting -Tried making my partition smaller -Moved large files to an external HD
Also I don't know if this matters, but I have around 30GB of free space at the moment.
I'm trying to install Windows 7. I have a Macbook Pro running 10.6.x (I forgot the last number).
I started BootCamp assistant, and it prompted me to partition. I set up a 32Gb partition for Windows. said to put in my Windows CD and hit start. I did that...and it started loading Windows. Everything went fine...until Windows told me to choose a partition to install to.
None of the partitions were NTFS so Windows couldn't be installed.. So I held down the power button, and tried to boot back into OS-X. booted back into it won't boot into OS-X.
It keeps being stuck on the "Starting Windows" screen.