Software :: Way To Use Old Ibook As An External Drive?

Nov 25, 2010

I have a 40g ibook from 2002, old firewire, and a mac book, 2004, with the same firewire. I'd like to use the ibook as an external drive rather than buying anything right now. Eventually I'll probably donate or sell the ibook for a hundred bucks or so. But, in the meantime, I took everything off of it except the operating system (10.4.11, I think; whatever the max is).

What is the simplest way to hook up the ibook as an external to the macbook? I'd like to leave it connected as you would any other external (I'm not using the firewire for anything else).

Do I simply connect them firewire to firewire? Will it show up as an icon on the desktop like it does if you are doing a transfer?

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Hardware :: Q950 Hard Drive & Connect External Drive To IBook Or Dell?

Jan 29, 2008

I have an elderly Q950 with an external hard drive with everything backed up onto it. The external drive is a Micronet ADV1000E, with a sticker on the back saying it's Macintosh or PC compatible. I also have an iBook laptop, & PC Dell Inspiron 1300 laptop. As I have the 2 laptops, the Quadra hadn't been switched on for maybe one year. On the weekend I tried to get it to boot up (with & without the external drive switched on), but all it does is display a grey screen with an image of a 3.5" disk with a '?' in the middle. If I start up from a Norton 3.5" disk it still can't find the external or internal drive. If I try booting up with my finger in the shift key it doesn't want to know.

1. Any idea why the Quadra isn't seeing either the external or internal drive & what can I try to do?
2. Is there any way I can connect my external drive to either my iBook or Dell? At the moment I have no cables to connect the old & new - are cables available & if so any idea where from? I've looked high & low but so far no joy.
3. Is it possible to remove the hard drive from the Quadra or the external drive & put in an external drive enclosure, then connect that to either laptop? I see there are drive enclosures available which are Mac & pc compatible. This by the way would be a major undertaking for me. I'm by no means a computer dunce but would be wary of trying it.

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Hardware :: Can Boot My Ibook From An External Drive

Dec 29, 2008

My iBook hard drive suddenly refused to boot up in Fall of '07. There was (and, to some extent, still is) some data I hadn't had the chance to back up, so rather than wiping it clean and/or getting a new one from apple, I just put it in a crate and set it aside until I had time to deal with it.

Flash forward to last week, when I used target mode to rescue about a quarter of the unsaved data. Out of every 15 or 20 times I throw it into target mode, my Macbook Pro recognizes it maybe once or twice, and then freezes up about 5 minutes in.

I've used the install disk to attempt repairing the drive, but even when I get a "successful repair", boot-up still never goes past the grey apple screen (sans wheel), even though disk utility recognizes it as "bootable" and lets me view all of the contents.

My question, then, is - is it possible to install OSX on an external drive and boot from that? If so, how do I do it without first creating a disk image of the drive (disk utility won't allow me to save it to the external)?

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PowerPC :: Accessing IBook Drive In External Case

Jun 9, 2007

So a friends girlfriend tossed, as in threw, her older ibook g4. You ask why? Well she was mad at it so she punched the screen and it cracked, so she gave it a quick toss because the screen cracked. So I get to be the one to try to salvage the harddrive. I have the ibook torn apart, my macbook, a macmini and an external usb IDE harddrive enclosure at my disposal.

So I tried to target it through my macbook by holding down T and booting up the ibook. Hard drive clicks and spins, but nothing mounts on my macbook. So I bought an external USB for the ibook harddrive. My macbook won't see it when connected. So does this mean a bad drive? Do the older drives have to be connected by firewire?

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PowerPC :: IBook Boot Up From External Hard Drive?

Dec 29, 2008

FYI - Im typing from an iPhone.

No hard drive, won't boot from external Fire Wire drive..

I've tried all key combos

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OS X :: Installing Leopard On Firewire External Drive For IBook G4?

Dec 16, 2009

im trying to install Mac OS X 10.5 on to an external drive. I want to run Leopard off of an External Hard Drive which will connect via Firewire of USB 2.0. I have booted up using the install DVD that i bought a couple years ago to upgrade from Tiger. However each time i install i get an error saying that it cannot be installed. It allows me to start the install and is almost complete before i get this error. I have it partitioned using the Apple Partition Map so i can boot up on a PowerPC computer.

What should i do to install 10.5 on an external drive?

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PowerPC :: Unable To Share External Hard Drive With Imac And Ibook

Mar 2, 2009

I have a G5 Imac and a G4 ibook. i want to use time machine, and have one external hard drive connect to both. I could get an external with more than one input (ie, usb and firewire)--does that work? Could i use a usb hub to connect the 2 computers to the HD, and set up different partitions?

And what of NAS? i do not want to set up a whole network (we already have one at my office, and i want this to be independent).

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: MacBook With It Will Not Recognize External Hard Drive (AMP) That Was Backup For Older IBook?

May 27, 2012

I had a IBook G4 and an external hard drive as its back up.IBook running something like Snow Lepord, anyway I have a Intel Macbook now with Lion, Ive been told here there is a possible confliction between the AMP external harddrive and lion.I will say a few times I have for limited time been able to access the drive on the newer MacBook, but then Lion (I think) drops it. 

MacBook, iOS 5.1

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PowerPC :: Hard Drive Swapping - IBook G3 And IBook G4

Oct 20, 2006

My brother's iBook G4 (800Mhz, First Rev) has completely splattered itself and we're getting a new Macbook for him under insurance. My iBook G3 (White, 900Mhz G3..the last G3 Rev of the iBook) has a failing hard drive.

Now, could I swap out those two drives, at least to recover stuff? And is there a specific method of opening up the iBook G4 so that I don't break stuff (I've already messed with my G3..and ended up with a dozen extra screws ^_^

Mainly the aim is to salvage the hard drive and swap them out; replacing my faulty iBook G3 one with the iBook G4 one which is perfectly fine.

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PowerPC :: G-5 Quad With An External Dvd Drive And A External Hard Drive And 2gb Of Ram?

Aug 9, 2006

i have a power mac g-5 quad with an external dvd drive and a external hard drive and 2gb of ram. on my ext. hard drive i downloaded mac the ripper and that is where i put all my dvds, now today on my pmac i was using mac the ripper, popcorn, itunes, safari all at once and it froze up on me?why? could the ram be an issue? how may programs can i use at once with my pmac?

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PowerPC :: Connecting External Display With IBook G4

Sep 25, 2010

I got an 1.33 Ghz G4 iBook logic board, given to me as a working part. However, nothing else that goes along. I do have all the basic cabling such as speaker and power button, flex cables and such. Also got myself a new external AC power adapter. Now, I do not intend to use this as a laptop, thus, I will not be looking for a battery, just AC use. However, there's a big problem, I've no screen. I know there's this software hack that allows to connect an external display, in order to have a "mirroring" desktop.

I suppose that'd be achievable if I had the original screen to actually do the hack, but I don't have it. So, is there a way that I can just directly connect an external display and completely forget about the internal one? One more thing, suppose I can't do what I have in mind, if I actually found and borrowed an internal display, would I be alright if after the hack I give the internal display back to it's owner and continue with the external?

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PowerPC :: Playing IBook External Video?

Jan 12, 2007

I have an 12" iBook 1Ghz that when I run an external monitor I get no green on the external display. Could I have the wrong dongle or is this a problem with the board? Anyone seen this before?

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PowerPC :: Use Ibook Screen As External Monitor?

Aug 26, 2008

I have screens from 2 dead ibooks is it possible to turn then into external monitors?

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PowerPC :: Connecting An External Monitor To My Ibook G4

Sep 29, 2008

Hi- I have an ibook G4 (mid 2005). I'd like to be able to connect it to my new 22" external display so that I can have dual monitors. However, the external display plug obviously does not fit into the slot in the ibook.

Does anybody know the name of the converter cable I would need to buy in order to connect the external display to my ibook? And roughly how much these cost?

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OS X :: Installing Leopard From External HD On IBook G4 14"

Jan 7, 2009

nice to be a part of macrumors.

just here to ask one simple question:

i put leopard's OS X install dvd on my western digital passort 250gb external hard drive. i plugged it into my ibook, recognized it as a OS X install dvd. i could click it and it can give me the option to restart my computer in order for the installation to begin. the thing is, it stops me and tells me to boot from the installation CD instead.

i'm just doing a little experimentation, but is it true that PowerPCs need Firewire external HD's in order to startup from it?

i also tried using 'startup disk' to restart from the external hd. no luck, it gives me that error sound (the sound in system prefs. says it's called 'funk').

but i just want to know how else i can install leopard. my optical drive is totally messed up, and my iBook unexpectedly kernel panics at the wrong moments: usually when i install 10.4.11 from the software update or when i restart the computer and it's unable to book from the grey screen or the blue screen or even when it shows the desktop then suddenly kernels.

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PowerPC :: How To Use Old Mac (ibook) As External Monitor For Windows

Nov 14, 2009

I was wondering if I could use my old ibook g3 as a monitor for a windows computer.

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Software :: IBook Harddrive Won't Mount From External

Jan 4, 2009

I have an iBook G4 (1.42 ghz, 1gb - Leopard 10.5.6). I have a usb hub which has a few things plugged in (500 gb HD, mouse, ipod).

I bought a 320 gb portable hard drive. It is not recongized either through the hub or directly into either USB 2.0 ports.

I also have a G4 iMac 700 mhz. running Tiger. It does recognize the hard drive, as does my Intel iMac at work, and my friends Lenovo laptop.

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IMac :: External Hard Drive Or External Dvd Drive

Dec 31, 2009

my mac has a pioneer dvd drive in it and it wont read my dvd+r dl and I am wanting to burn a mac os 10.5.dmg to it and install 10.5 but the dang thing is ejecting it. So what should I do to get it to work get the external dvd and run it from it or get a external hard drive and try it that way.

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OS X Mavericks :: Backing Up External Drive To Another External Drive?

Sep 8, 2014

I have recently bought a MacBook Pro (10.9.4) with a 128 Gb solid state drive. My intended backup strategy is to have all my documents on an external 1 Tb USB3 drive (i.e, not in the MacBook Pro)  and to back up that drive AND my Macbook (system, applications, mail etc) to another, powered 2Tb drive. I’m assuming I’ll have to partition the 2Tb drive first, by the way.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 2.9 Ghz Intel Core i7

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PowerPC :: Clamshell IBook External Video While Closed?

Oct 7, 2006

is it possible to have a closed iBook clamshell with an external video adapter?

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PowerPC :: Adding Harddrive For An Ibook / Internal Or External?

Oct 19, 2006

I feel incredibly dumb but can you buy something to put inside an ibook (or any laptop for that matter) to give you more space to save things? or do you have to buy an external drive? I can see lots of info about memory upgrading (which makes your computer more efficient yeah?) but nothing about this, is this because it's so obvious that I should know?

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PowerPC :: IBook Internal HDD As External HDD / Boots For Few Minutes?

Aug 2, 2007

I have a dead/dying old G4 iBook (logic board failure) and was wondering whether I can remove the internal drive and mount it in an external case, and use it as an external USB or Firewire drive? The drive has some valuable data on it which I'd like to keep, and the iBook only boots for a few minutes each time (if I'm lucky).Is it just a matter of opening it up, taking the drive out, and taking it along to a computer shop who should be able to kit me out?

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PowerPC :: Wide Screen External Display With IBook G4

Mar 24, 2008

I have an iBook G4 which I want to use with a widescreen external display. I am not interested in gaming or doing anything fancy just surfing the web and working on documents and maybe looking at movies. I already have a hack that enables me to use a regular display which doesn't mirror the iBook screen. I just wondered whether I would encounter problems using a wide screen display and what the maximum resolution I should look for.

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PowerPC :: Won't Work With 12" Ibook & External Monitor

Sep 28, 2008

I have a 24" dell external monitor that I use with my 17" MBP. My wife would like to hook up her 12" ibook to the 24" monitor. Is this possible, and what cables would I need?

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PowerPC :: Boot IBook G4 From External Firewire Harddrive?

Oct 26, 2008

Broken harddrive, dont wanna get a new internal one, I need to boot from external firewire.

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PowerPC :: Ibook Recognizes An External Mic But Is Unable To Record?

Mar 20, 2009

The difference is, that opposed to him, I am in fact using Garage Band to create a podcast. I am also using an external mic. And even though the external mic gets recognized by my ibook G4, it is for some reason not allowed to record. (Yes, my ibook recognizes it, however, the ibook won't pick up any minor sound with the external microphone. A person at a small recording studio here in my city made me realize this, as I thought the problem was other).

P.S. By the way, I had already tried two options and neither one worked out. For option number one, I used as preamp a product called iMic, in addition to the external microphone and the ibook G4. For option number two, I used the same products mentioned in option number one, plus an additional pre amp. The "success" was the same as before: recognition by the ibook G4, with the problem that one can not record into the ibook.

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Software :: IBook G4 Won't External Battery Dock Charge

Jan 29, 2009

I am looking for an external battery dock to charge the battery. The Mac people said it's an internal problem in the computer and it will be $300 to fix. Are there any external chargers for Ibooks out there?

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PowerPC :: IBook And Setting External Monitor As Main Display

Sep 15, 2007

I have a 14'' iBook and recently bought an LG 19'' Widescreen monitor. I am testing a Dell 17'' on it right now before I open the LG one, but my problem is that the same screen shows on my ibook and the external. This isn't what I want. I have read you are supposed to be able to close the laptop and then it shifts to the external display but this is not working for me.

This is my goal:
Use my bluetooth keyboard full time
Have my ibook closed at all times
Have my external as my main display
How do I make this work?

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Software :: IBook G4 Unable To Mount New Internal HD - Bootup With External Hdd

Jan 10, 2009

i bought a ibook G4 off of a friend and knowning it needed some repairs it needed a new Harddrive. He had a 100Gig Seagate replaced in it before me and I tried a new 60Gig when I got it.either one of us couldnt boot either HD, we can not find the new Internal HD with the Mac. I can boot off a External HD holding down ALT. And i already tried clearing the P-ram many times.

Also when i go to load a 10.3 OSX disk it loads and either gives me a red circle X or like sorta artfacts and shifts the apple screen to the side of the page. Ive spent hours trying to fix this and have no luck. do i need a 10.4 or 10.5 disk? i did add 256MB ram to it so heres the specs. I have no clue what to do. ALSO! when i boot the external under the specs it wont show the HD under disk utilty or the about my pc info...

Ibook G4 1.25Ghz
512MB Ram
12In Screen

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OS X :: Transferring Music To External Drive / Playing And Saving Music To External Drive?

Dec 11, 2010

if you'd be so kind...I've had my iMac for almost a year, but have yet to make the big switch totally.
I am getting an external drive today to store music, photos, etc. Simply enough to set them up and have items go directly to it instead of internal drive? I know it is, just want peace of mind

MY big ?...I have lots of music on itunes on my pc...can I take it off the pc and out onto the external to use with my imac? Still have to do two separate partitions, or? Or, easier to get all my music onto ipod, then use Expod to download to the external? Once it is all on the external, how do I call it up, easily? itunes automatically search to play music from it and save new music to the external or do I have set it up or assign things differently?

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