Software :: Time Machine Icon In My Menu Bar Won't Stop Spinning?
Oct 15, 2008
Just today I've noticed that the time machine icon in my menu bar won't stop spinning. Finally, I clicked it and it says that it has been "preparing backup" all day long. I stopped the backup just to see if it was a one-time glitch. One hour later, the same thing happened. I gave it thirty minutes and the entire time it said it was "preparing backup"
How can I fix this? I already tried turning TM on and off, that didn't do the trick.
I had LogMeIn installed on my iMac and it worked fine for a while. Then the icon for the program in the menu bar at the top of the screen went gray. When I hover the mouse over the icon a spinning pinwheel appears, so I can't click the icon to start the program. I deleted the program and then reinstalled it, but the gray icon and spinning wheel never whent away. how to delete the spinning wheel
The problem started today, for no apparent reason. I was working with some programs open (not many) when my screen froze. Nothing worked, so I closed the laptop to see if it would return to the home page (where you type the password) soon after I heard the 'apple sound'. The computer was restarted, when opened, there was a gray folder with an white question mark flashing in the center of the screen. I restarted the computer again.
From this time he began to have symptoms that persist until now:
• Every time I do some action on any application the spinning beach ball appears and for a few seconds the program is locked.
• The top menu bar - where the icons are located ( bluetooth, dropbox, battery, spotlight, etc.) flashes every 40 seconds.
I use this computer for work and thus can hardly surf the internet.
Below are the data collected through the EtreCheck app about my computer: Hardware Information: MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2012) (Verified) MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro9,1 1 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU: 4 cores 8 GB RAM Video Information: Intel HD Graphics 4000 - VRAM: (null) Color LCD 1440 x 900 NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M
I cannot enter the time machine when I press the time machine icon. I press and nothing happens, so I'm not sure even if it is backing up at this point. When i go to my Tme Capsule it has the folder there for back-ups and the most recent, but no access from the icon.
Sorry if this is in the wrong place, its my first post here..
I used to use my HP external drive for time machine, but since i got a new bigger WD one to use with time machine i have wiped the HP using disk utility but it is still showing up on the desktop with a time machine icon. i think i can still use it like a normal hard drive but it is causing a bit of confusion and its really irritating!! is there any way that i can change it back? i've tried wiping it a few more times but it still won't work..
How do I access menu to do a restore? There is no menu at the top of my page. I cannot do a restore as the tutorials indicate. This "menu" is not present on either of my MacBook pros, nor on my iMac 21.5.
I started to do a Time Machine BackUp just an hour ago, but i won't have time to backup the entire 250 GB, So, is it possible to stop the Time Machine Backup and finish it later ?
I just bought an external hard drive [LaCcie Grand 1TB]...and before using it says, the manual says create a back up in case you don't want you're information erased - cause, apparently, that what happens when you first apply a "partition" to you EHD. So, I decide to back up my data in my new EHD...with Time Machine, which I have never used before since I have had this MacBook Pro (2 years). Seems pretty straight forward. I turn on TM, start backing up. Everything seems to be going fine. I had ~75 GB on my main hard drive, and that seemed to have been backing up, until started reaching 75.1 GB...then 100.1 GB! So I stop it and I notice it has created a "inprogress" document in the EHD.
So I continue backing up, and won't stop. It is like space(volume) keeps on expanding. So will TM just back up my whole hard drive? 250 GB? This how it looks like the third time I started the process [URL]. The "white" part just stays the same, while "17.76 GB of 17.76 GB" becomes "17.90 GB of 17.90 GB", "19.20 GB of 19.20 GB", "21.12 GB of 21.12 GB"...and so on. Is this normal? Should I keep it running till it stops? Am I doing the right thing by choosing my EHD as my back up disk? Even before "partitioning it"? Should I be safe if I transfer data manually to the EHD? before partitioning (is it optional)? Can I delete the "inprogress" document? I'm using a Mac OS X 10.5.8
I cannot find the Menu that will allow me to start a new backup plan. When I access TM thru Preferences, System, TM - I get the TM Icon with ON-Off/Select/Options. When I access thru Appliations, I get the black screen history selection display. Where's the Menu everyone is talking about? How to start a new TM Backup from scratch?
Info: MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), iLife '11; Microsoft Office fo MAC
When I select 'Enter time machine' from the context menu of the time machine icon in the menu bar at the top, nothing happens. Otherwise it works fine and does its regular updates. I can see the result on my backup drive. But how do I now restore something if I have to?
When I go to the Time Machine menu and hit option to get the Verify Backup command, "verify backup" is grayed out. How do I verify backups?I'm using a G-Drive Mini ext hard drive with a Mac Lion 10.7.2 machine.
If my time machine is backing up to time capsule and the backup size is big like 100 GB. Can I shutdown and resume after startup maybe next day? Will it verify and backup correctly?
Just today it began that when I try and open iChat from the Menu Bar icon, the whole right side of the menu bar reboots. Anyone else experienced this or have an idea of steps I can take to fix it?
I am using 10.6.8 but I created a Lion partition on the same disk. I am trying out Lion and I do not want Time Machine to back it up. I was able to exclude the Lion volume until I encrypted the Lion partition using Filevault 2. Now when I'm using Snow Leopard, there doesn't seem to be a way of preventing Time Machine from backing up the Lion partition.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Ever since upgrading my 2012 Mac Pro to Yosemite, I cannot get the green Time Machine icon to stick. After the first Time Machine backup, which took many hours, the icon suddenly appeared all by itself. Then after a reboot, the icon reverted back to a generic internal hard drive icon (my Time Machine disk is an internal drive). I went into settings and re-selected the Time Machine disk, then the icon came back by itself. On the next reboot, it was gone again.
I've run Disk Utility and everything appears fine. No, I've verified there is no custom icon set via the Get Info window, nor do I care to use a custom icon as a band-aide to this problem. I'd like to find/fix the root problem. (I'll only apply a temporary custom icon if this a verified bug in the OS.)
Originally, this machine came from Apple as refurbished with Mountain Lion installed. The Time Machine icon was always proper. Just a few days ago, I upgraded from ML to Yosemite when this problem started. Otherwise, AFAIK, Time Machine backups are working fine.
Info: Mac Pro (Mid 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), 3.33 GHz 6-Core with 32 GB RAM
I have an external 300gb seagate firewire drive, and I like to keep it attached, and on at all times, as it holds my media files. The problem is, it's constantly spinning down (which I don't mind... I don't like HD failure), the problem is when I attempt certain actions (for instance, putting the computer to sleep (there are many more, I just can't name them all)), my computer has to wait for the ext. hard drive to spin up adding several seconds to whatever action I am attempting to do.
So I guess my question is rather than stop the hard drive from spinning down, is there anything I can do to eradicate the time it takes for it to spin up again?
For the last couple of days my fans have been going crazy, spinning at 6200RPM non stop. I installed fan control last month but the issues just started. When I open up fan control it says my fan should be spinning at 4000RPM. I had smcFanControl installed before and its still installed. My bluetooth module over heated yesterday so I used SMC to rev up the fans. I don't know if that is the issue because it isn't running now. I'll try uninstalling that now.
I replaced my superdisk with a 500 Gb Seagate drive in an optibay enclosure (unibody MBP running 10.6.2). The drive mounts fine on startup, and has not exhibited any unpredictable behavior in the file system, but it frequently ejects and provides me with this unhelpful message:The disk was not ejected properly. If possible, always eject a disk before unplugging it or turning it off. To eject a disk, select it in the Finder and choose File . Eject. The next time you connect the disk, Mac OS X will attempt to repair any damage to the information on the disk.
Once the drive ejects it is not visible in disk utility. I can hear it spinning continuously, but cannot access the drive. Moreover, I cannot access the drive unless I fully shut down the system and then reboot. A restart is often not sufficient to get the drive back up, but a full shutdown has worked every time so far.
The behavior seems to happen when the computer sleeps. I noticed that it would also happen sometimes if I handled the computer roughly by setting it down jarringly, so I took the whole thing apart, and reseated the drive within the enclosure, but the drive still ejects frequently, about once per day.
So my question is.....has anyone tried to dampen the sound of the hard drive from the inside? eg. putting some sort of cloth or tape on it. I can actually dampen the sound from the outside by covering the palm rest with my palm and pressing down. But I would like to get rid of the sound without doing this.
Since I just lost my hard drive on my iMac 24 Intel, I am using external hard drive to backup via Time Machine. My question is what procedures are needed when you disconnect ext. hard drive? Do you change Time Machine from ON to OFF?
I know that I have to eject the ext. hard drive using proper commands, but what happens whenever I reinstall the ext. hard drive? Does Time Machine start over from the beginning or just update for changes since my last backup via Time Machine?
When I go on trips, I store ext hard drive in a safe and this is why I am asking.