Software :: Bootup Stalling At Waiting For Printing Services

Mar 17, 2009

I have tried deleting cache, repairing permissions etc, even installing a new OS on my old G4 running Panther.

Does anyone know what causes this slowdown? Is it hardware related?

I have also experienced the same problem on G5 Macs, 5 years old.

The console doesn't give much away either!

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OS X :: 10.6 Automator/Services /created A Service But It Does Not Show In Finder/Services

Sep 7, 2009

I created a new service for displaying my local weather. I followed the MacBreak Video to do this: [URL]
It works perfectly when I click on "Run" within Automator. My my new service shows up in the System Preferences/Keyboard Shortcuts/Services and I was able to give it a Keyboard Shortcut. However, it does not show up in any menu,ie, Finder/Services.

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Applications :: Safari Keeps Stalling During Typing URL

Feb 24, 2008

Have done a search on this but only found the one post that stated the obvious to my problem. Safari keeps stalling just after http:// it stalls for a about 15 secs then carrys on with going to the address. I've reset safari done the obvious stuff used onyx.

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Applications :: LaTeXit 1.16.1 Stalling Upon Launch On OS X

Jun 9, 2009

LaTeXit has stopped working on my OS X for an unknown reason. I don't know if it was caused by recent software updates or something else, but I tried to run LaTeXiT and the icon would pop up on the dock and eventually stop bouncing, but it wouldn't run (no highlighted dot beneath the icon). The program was working fine as recently as a month ago, and I haven't changed my system since then.(I may have upgraded to MacTex 2008 during this time, but even when I set my TeX distribution back to MacTex 2007 I am unable to launch LaTeXiT.) Below is the Problem Report.

Date/Time: 2009-06-09 07:53:19 -0600
OS Version: 10.5.7 (Build 9J61)
Architecture: i386
Report Version: 4
Command: LaTeXiT
Path: /Applications/TeX/
Version: 1.16.1 (1.16.1)
Parent: launched [90]
PID: 397
Event: hang
Time: 36.25s
Steps: 301
Process: LaTeXiT [397]
Path: /Applications/TeX/

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MacBook Pro :: HDD Keeps Stalling - System Hangs After Sometime

Jan 12, 2010

7200rpm SATA disk (custom config when ordered uMBP) keeps stalling (beach ball) every so often. I used Disk Utility on my uMBP and it was corrupted so I repaired it and my system still hangs every 15-20 minutes. It does this no matter if I'm launching an app or just doing nothing. So I formatted my drive and reinstalled OSX Snow Leopard. It seemed fine but now it's doing it again. Using Disk Utility shows nothing wrong with the drive this time. I'm still under warranty but I don't want the downtime of taking this in.

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MacBook Pro :: Stalling After Soft Reboot

Mar 22, 2012

I have an early-2012 13" i7 Macbook Pro running Lion 10.7.3. In the past couple of days, I have noticed that the computer stalls on the grey Apple screen with the spinning wheel after a soft shut down/reboot. If I do a hard restart while it has stalled like this, it then proceeds to boot up normally.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Laptops :: Applications Are Stalling - Need To Force Quit

Apr 8, 2010

At first I thought it was a Quark problem. When doing a mundane action such as changing a word to Italic, Quark 7.5 stalls (pretty color spinning wheel comes up and won't go away) it has to be forced to quit. Now, the same thing happened in Acrobat 7, when I was just moving across the top menu bar to drop down the tools menu. I am running MAC 0S X 10.5 on a MAC Book Pro3 - 2.4 ghz. I've run maintenance and everything looks fine.

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MacBook :: Norton Scan Keeps Stalling Just Near To Completion

Jan 15, 2009

I'm running a virus/addware/etc. Scan on my Macbook, with Norton (yes I know some of you hate Norton but thats what I got back in the day so its what I'm using) and the scan keeps stopping about half an inch from completion and just sitting there. The computers fans start to run like its working too hard or something and it will not go any further. It has stopped with around 49946 files left three times in a row now. What's going on? I have tried to delete the file it keeps stopping on then it just stops in the next in line. I just got Leopard and don't want to install until I know my system is ok. On a side note what Anti-Virus is best for Macs?

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Mac Pro :: Applications Freezing / Stalling And Forcing Reboots

Nov 10, 2009

For the past month or so, I've started to have some really weird problems with my Mac Pro. Applications will suddenly stall out or freeze up (endless rainbow wheel), and Force Quit won't work to quit them. It happens most often with iTunes and Finder, but it's also happened with Firefox once or twice. The whole system doesn't freeze or stall - I can generally still use another application (i.e. if iTunes stalls and won't quit, I can still continue to use Firefox, etc.), but generally if I leave it this way too long another application with eventually freeze, forcing me to shut down by holding down the power button (Shut Down won't work in these cases).

Occasionally when this happens, I have left my computer alone, and sometimes it unfreezes or unstalls by itself, but this is usually hours later, and sometimes it doesn't do this even after hours of waiting. I ran a hardware test thinking that faulty RAM might be the issue, but the hardware test said everything was OK. I don't know if I should believe that or not. I've tried repairing permissions and verifying all disks, internal and external, and everything checked out OK. What is going on here? Why do things keep freezing/stalling and forcing reboots?

Here is what I've got:
2x2.8GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
Running Mac OS X 10.5.8
I have really normal stuff installed - MS Office, Photoshop, Ableton, etc. No really weird third-party applications other than some really simple stuff. I'm not the type to overwhelm my computer with a bunch of crap.

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Applications :: Safari Stalling While Loading Pages?

Mar 24, 2010

Has anyone else had an issue with Safari seeming to get "stuck" loading a particular element on a page? The progress info in the status bar always says "17 of 18" or "42-43". At first I thought it was GlimmerBlocker, but it seemed to reoccur without GlimmerBlocker. Refreshing the page always makes the site load properly, and I frankly have no idea what is going on.

I really like Safari, but the lack of proper extensions kills it. GlimmerBlocker puts a lot of that back, not only adblocking but things like easily searching wikipedia and so on. So I am loathe to blame GB for doing this. A few sites seem to do it on a fairly regular basis (Item 17 on seems to be one of them), although it never happens when loading from the cache, nor is it guaranteed to happen.

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Software :: MacBook Pro Runs Slow And Stalling

Jun 28, 2009

lately i have noticed my computer running slow. It is a MacBook Pro OS x 10.4.11 processor 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo memory 2 GB 667 Mhz DDR2 SDRAM My HD capacity is 148.73 GB Available 22.07 GB (used 126.66 GB) Internet DSL (verizon) At first i noticed it while browsing the web, trying to see a video on youtube. it would cut the transmission or take time loading pages. I first thought it was my internet connection, but now it even seems slow when I open documents (Word, for example) and even when I am typing (i noticed this 3 days ago, and now I am really concerned) In april, I did a complete reinstallation of my OS and all applications, hoping it would be working better (at that time my CD/DVD drive would sometimes reject discs when I tried to burn music or a video-that i had made) i have 12.4 GB in movies 18.48 GB in music and 33.98 GB in pictures and videos could this be the cause of such a slow down? I don't want to go out and spend money i don't have right now, in an external hard drive to free up space, and maybe this was not the cause of the slowdown. As music educator I keep record of my students' work with pictures and video, so i like to have this at hand, and I am working with this right now.

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Software :: Mac Keeps Crashing / Stalling - Screen Unresponsive

May 11, 2010

I have been having some crashes lately on my mac and finally I got a crash report. I do not understand any of this but all I do is leave my mac on when I go to sleep and when I get back the screens are unresponsive to wake-up/sleep. Here is the report:

Interval Since Last Panic Report: 924936 sec
Panics Since Last Report: 1
Tue May 11 19:37:32 2010
Panic(CPU 13): Unresponsive processor
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: firefox-bin
Mac OS version: 10D578
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 10.3.0: Fri Feb 26 11:58:09 PST 2010; root:xnu-1504.3.12~1/RELEASE_I386
System model name: MacPro4,1 (Mac-F221BEC8)
System uptime in nanoseconds: 83342292918606
Panic(CPU 14): Unresponsive processor

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: MacBook Pro Keeps Stalling At The Simplest Of Tasks

Mar 7, 2012

Recently, after installing Messages from the Apple website, my MacBook Pro has been struggling to perfrom the simplest tasks such as switching tabs in Safari or typing out a sentence in Pages. When it happens the laptop is unresponsive and the coloured mouse wheel appears for about 20-40 seconds and then it will work. It is extremely agrivating. I have thought about reinstalling but surely there is a simple reason

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Force Empty Trash In 10.7 - Disk Is Overfull And Stalling

Mar 14, 2012

how do i force empty trash in osx 10.7. My disk is overfull, and stalling.

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Mac Pro :: Why Is Apple Waiting On Blu-Ray?

Jun 9, 2008

Im at a point where more drives is not the answer.5+TB is plenty (i need disk archives).I quietly waited for WWDC 2008 Thinking Blu-Ray BANG NOT A WORD.Has ppl had any luck with aftermarket blue ray burnz if so which?

This issue has been bought up b4 but i hoped "WWDC 2008" (wrong)would have changed that so back to the same BS of buying drives

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PowerPC :: Getting G5 Instead Of Waiting For New Mac Pros

Jan 9, 2007

I can't really afford the Mac Pro right now and I'd have to upgrade it anyway. I can get a G5 with upgraded Ram Dual 2.5 and applecare for around �1000. I figure if I have problems with the G5 Apple might end up replacing it with a Mac Pro in the future anyway. Will Leopard work on a G5? How long do you think companies will keep making G5 compatible programs for?

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OS X :: Browser Stalls Waiting For URL

Apr 1, 2009

I'm trying to access one of my ice hockey sites but firefox and safari fail to connect. The site is [URL] Firefox stalls waiting for [URL] I can get to [URL]. Can other MAC users access the site? I did have a trial of little snitch, but removed it with the uninstall, no problems with any other sites.

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ITunes For Mac :: 11.3.1 - Keeps On Waiting For IPhone?

Aug 22, 2014

I'm using iTune 11.3.1 (on iMac, OSX 10.9.4) and iPhone4 (iOS 7.1.2). 

iTune is able to detect my iPhone when I connect it via USB connector (as there is an "iPhone button" next to "iTune Store" button on the upper righthand corner, but the progress ball keeps on spinning forever.  This also happens when iTune detects iPhone via wifi. 

iPhone 4, iOS 7.1.2

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Mac Pro :: Sending Fax Through Razr - Waiting For Modem

Aug 26, 2006

I am having another problem with my Razr v3. I am paired to my Mac Mini via Bluetooth, and setup the Razr as a Fax. This what I am trying to do Open Pages > Make Doc. > Print > PDF, Send As Fax >. When I get there, the Fax Utility opens and it says "waiting for modem to be available".

I am using these steps to set it up:
In System Preferences, go to Print & Fax
Open the Printer Browser (click "+" in the Printing tab)
Option-click on "More Printers"
Select "Advanced" in the popup list
Select "Bluetooth-modem" from the "Device" popup that appears
Select "Other" from the "Printer Model" menu
In the "Choose file" dialog go to System>Library -> Frameworks -> ApplicationServices.framework -> Frameworks -> PrintCore.framework -> Resources -> English.lproj -> Fax.ppd. Note that you can replace English.lproj with the language of your choice.
Finally, click Add

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MacBook Air :: Any Worth In Waiting - Macworld 09?

Oct 15, 2008

Ive been wanting to get a macbook air and was waiting for an update. However with the new macbooks, im thinking i can wait for apple to put all the new features (trackpad, display) on the air. Is that ever going happen? jan?

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App Store :: All Of Apps That Should Be Downloading Say Waiting

Feb 8, 2012

I am trying to download free apps from the app store. I was successful in one but now they all just say waiting and won't continue with the download. What do I do?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: Will Not Download - Status Bar Says Waiting

Jun 2, 2014

Whenever I go in and download the app, it pops up in my launch pad and the status bar says "waiting."  The problem is, is that never goes away.  And then eventually the whole thing disappears completely as if I never downloaded it.  Everything is updated and my macbook pro is running OS X Lion 10.7.5.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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OS X :: Ichat File Transfer - Waiting For Reply

Dec 26, 2008

Ichat is working fine but each time I want to send something, a file, it says: waiting for reply (accept) and when my friend accepts, nothing happens ! I've tried on many friends and they all use ichat with a gmail account (like me). Maybe it's because i'm doing it in France ? I use english ichat while they are using french ichat. I use a macbook and they use the imacs. we all use leopard.

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Mac Pro :: SSD Restore Alternative While Waiting For True TRIM?

Aug 1, 2009

Just found this on diglloyd's site: his solution to the SSD slowdown with usage (because of our lack of TRIM support) is to:

1) clone your SSD (back-up)
2) copy a single 100%-size file on it (like copy a 73GB file onto a 80GB SSD)
3) erase that file
4) clone it back in

Is it really that simple? [URL:....]

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OS X :: Screen Shot Below Was Taken While Waiting For The Application To Start?

Oct 7, 2009

This morning I woke up to finding my MBP shut off... I must've pulled the powercord in my sleep. No problem there, I needed to calibrate my battery anyway. What I want to know is what would cause transmission to use most of my processing power, just on start up? this screen shot below was taken while waiting for the application to start. Transmission is up and running now, but why would it take 15-20 mins to do so?

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OS X :: External HD Not Mounting - Waiting For Root Device

Jan 3, 2010

My Macbook Pro 2.4 got force restarted a few times because it was locking up (a friend's faulty external drive I was trying to fix). It was running fine, then when I tried to connect my own external drives they wouldn't mount anymore and I got this error:
/system/..../IOStorageFamily.kext was installed improperly.

I came here and read up on common solutions. I have:
- Ran Disk utility repair and repair permissions
- Followed this article: [URL]
- In verbose and single user mode all I get is the dreaded "waiting for root device" over and over. They all have not worked so far. However in safe mode it actually boots. It seems to me that some drivers were perhaps corrupted when I turned it off abruptly and now it has trouble mounting any drive. What are my options at this point?

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OS X :: Lunch An Application From A Terminal Without Waiting It To Quit?

Aug 23, 2010

I'm new to to the terminal world and need to know how to lunch an application and quit the terminal before the application quits

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OS X Yosemite :: When Try To Download Icon In Doc Reads Waiting And Never Does Anything

Dec 6, 2014

I have a macbook pro operating on OS X software, version 10.6.8. I am trying to upgrade to the newest version (I'm clearly behind, I know) and when I click "get" in the app store the download drops into the dock and reads "OS X Yosemite--waiting" and the only option is to click "cancel download". I've restarted the download twice and restarted the computer once.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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IMac :: Waiting For Quad Core: Heat Buildup From The Cpu

Oct 26, 2009

Those waiting for the quad core to roll out next month, any concern about the temperature buildup? I recently had some good fortune roll my way and will be getting the quad core iMac. After seeing some pictures of the inside, I am a little concerned about the heat buildup from the CPU, GPU, and the display. I know Apple does its homework, but is there too much in such a confined space without greheat circulation? Is this even worth worrying about?

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Software :: Time Machine (Waiting To Backup) Forever

Jun 5, 2010

Time Machine states: "Waiting to Backup", and never backs up. I first set up a backup drive last Friday, it is now the following Wednesday and a back up has never been performed. I have a another identical system, identical external hard drive, and it backs up with no problems. External hard drive is Cavalry brand 1TB, SATA HDD, plugged in USB, formatted for GUID Partition table and Mac OS Extended (Journaled), and seems to operate fine other wise. I've restarted the computer several times, ran disk permissions repair, and verified the boot dive.

I've also reformatted the back up drive twice. The back up drive is named "MacPro2Backup", the boot drive is names "MacPro2 HD", both with no special characters. This is the first time I've tried to set up a Time Machine back up on these computers (as stated before, the one computer works, the other doesn't). These computers have been working since January when we bought them used from someone who claims they work with no problems. We use these for design in a print/production environment.

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