Software :: Tiger Updates Have Broke Mac
Nov 14, 2005
Basically i was installing the updates for my mac last night and as it was downloading the new patch for Tiger it crashed and said that there had been an error and i would have to restart, but don't worry as that it would move something to to thrash which i could then reopen to carry on the download.Anyway when i restarted the Loading OSX screen gets to about half way and then the screen goes blue with the thinking circle thing (not the rainbow colour the other one), appears, and this is when it stops.Somebody told me that if you hold Shift when you load it should I run in safe mode but if i do that it just turns itself off after a while.
I also went and put my old 10.1 OSX disks in there to re-install but it said that it could not find my Hard drive. I know its stupid but i haven't backed up my computer for ages and i stand to loose all my work, photos, music, and videos if i can't fix this. The work is the worst 'cause i am currently in my final year at uni so this really could mess me up.
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Dec 1, 2009
I've been using Tiger since it came out, both at work and at home!!!I work in prepress and all of our Rip Servers cant utilize Leopard, so we are still on Tiger, 10.4! Had no reason at home to upgrade either, until NOW!!!Just ordered i5, was wondering how much different Snow Leopard is from Tiger
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Mar 14, 2012
When I check for software updates only itunes and random other updates show up but not security updates or safari update. When i check installed updates I realized my last security update was 2011-004 and I still have safari 5.0.6.
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Aug 21, 2010
So a while back I had final cut pro installed, and eventually deleted cause I no longer needed it. I used AppCleaner when removing to try and make sure I got it all.
Well every time I do a software update it wants to install "Pro Applications Update" and "Prokit Updates" Which are updates for final cut pro and its related apps.
Any idea how I can stop it from wanting me to install these updates for something I no longer have?
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Jun 19, 2012
I am trying to install the new updates for Aperture and iPhoto. When I tell software updates to check for updates, it tells me all my software is current. I know there is a new version of Aperture and iPhoto because I installed them two days ago on a different computer.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 19, 2012
I can't get the Firmware updates or any other software updates.I have an old MacBook (2006) which doesn't have an intel chip! and it keeps saying this: The Installer could not validate the contents of the CoreFP package.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Nov 20, 2009
Well I managed to break my roommates macbook pro screen.
We're studying abroad in the netherlands currently, we live in a small room. I tripped over my chair and in an attempt not to fall attempted to grab onto something... I grabbed onto his macbook pro...
The fall wasn't really what broke it, he has a hard shell on it, but all my weight shifted so i was pressing on the top of computer (the computer was closed) I hear almost a "pop" sound. There aren't any other dents or scratches or anything, but his screen is obviously cracked and impossible to use now (It's all just a lot of colors)
He's traveling currently and I have no way to contact him. He won't be back until sunday so i want to figure everything on how to repay him for this before that. I feel like a huge schmuck and I need to make this up to him.
His data is obviously recoverable so that's not an issue thank god, but what is the cheapest solution to get this fixed? I can't start working until december when I get back to the states and money is really tight so buying him a complete new computer is semi-impossible... Obviously I can't just say I'll start a payment plan for him, I want to pay him all upfront. I was thinking that until he gets his fixed, we transfer all his data onto my laptop and he uses mine. Or I get him a cheap moniter so he can at least temporarily use his own, which I would prefer. (I do have to do school work as well on my own laptop.)
I've seen a lot of different options to have it repaired, all of which will probably have to wait three weeks until we get back home. It seems extrememly expensive (1000 dollars?) to get it fixed directly through apple, and cheaper (400-500?) to get it fixed through a third-party manufacturer.
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Jan 18, 2009
I recently broke my Macbook's LCD. For some odd reason I followed guide to opening the top case first before I replaced the LCD. Well I've managed to put everything back together besides two things. I can't get the microphone cable . or the inverter cable, back into the logic board. Do I have to use a special computer glue to get them back attached?
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Jan 23, 2008
Part of one of my headphones got stuck in the jack! Any ideas on how to get it out safely without breaking the entire thing? I'm so scared right now
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Sep 25, 2008
My iBook charger broke, and I need a new one, but I am wee bitty confused.
Is it a 45W or a 65W I need?
It's a G3 iBook, 14", 900MHz
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Oct 17, 2009
I've been using for my gmail account through IMAP since I upgraded to Snow Leopard just over a month ago, and its been working fine. I've found it to be pretty well integrated in general.But today it stopped working completely. Mail opens, but it's not picking up on any new messages I'm receiving in Gmail, and it won't send anything out.
I think this might have happened when I mistakenly tried to send a 125MB attachment. I tried to send that, it didn't go through (way too big obviously), and since then I haven't been able to send or receive anything. I've logged out, rebooted, taken my accounts offline and back online.
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Dec 21, 2009
I have the white Macbook (non-unibody). As I was cleaning it a few minutes ago, I broke off the cover to the up arrow key. The key and white/clear hinge thing is still attached to the underside of the key. The key works fine when I press the rubber button but the top plastic key is off.
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May 13, 2010
Today I noticed that on my MBA Rev A, right screen hinge got damaged somehow. Wife said she heard a crack when she was closing the screen, and sure enough, something's messed up inside and won't close fully anymore. Screen also won't keep open as firmly as before, as right hinge became loose.The warranty is out since last year, so I tried opening it to see if there's something that I can do. Looks like some part of the hinge is broken. One little metal piece fell out of hinge when I scratched a bit there with a tiny screwdriver.On top of that, just last month my battery stopped holding charge anymore (have to keep laptop plugged in all the time or else it shuts down losing all my work when the battery meter shows ~20% life remaining)
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May 18, 2010
A couple years ago, there was a recall on MacBook Pro (C2D) batteries as a result of them expanding and bulging. As I experienced those symptoms, I called Apple and got a replacement shipped no problem. Fast forward to a year and a half or-so later, and the same thing has happened to this battery. I was wondering if anyone had any insight as to if I'd still be eligible to get a replacement for it, free of charge - since I don't have a warranty. Is the recall still valid? Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated - worse comes to worse, I'll have to buy an aftermarket battery, since I can't afford Apples at the moment.
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Mar 12, 2012
I just updated to Safari 5.1.4 and now Gmail and Google Voice don't function properly. The buttons run away from my mouse and almost nothing is clickable. I
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 5, 2012
Ever since upgrading to iTunes 10.6.1 on Mac running Lion (10.7.3), my iPhone 4S will no longer Wi-fi sync. On the iPhone, going to Settings > General > iTunes Wi-fi Sync shows "Sync Now" as greyed out with the message that it will sync the next time my Mac is on even though the Mac is on and has iTunes running. The iPhone does not appear in the Devices list in iTunes unless I plug it in via USB. Once the iPhone is syncs over USB, I am able to Wi-fi sync properly until I shutdown or restart the Mac then I have the same problem again.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Mac Pro 1,1
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May 11, 2012
Now that I have 10.7.4 and the new Safari, my Internet Sharing by wifi is broken. It will work for a few moments after I turn it off and on again, then it stops working.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 26, 2012
seems the last update broke running games with Steam, and broke Skype. Any idea what might have caused this.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), +SSD
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Jun 10, 2009
In going from Tiger to Leopard, I backed up my HD to an external, but I apparently didn't do it correctly because Migration Assistant acted like the files were not there. So, I manually copied my files over along with select apps & preferences files.I got everything (Firefox, Thunderbird, etc) working exactly how I left them in Tiger. But, I messed up my Address Book and Mail. Now when I try to use them it says "You cannot use this version of the application [app name] with this version of Mac OS X.Is there a way to just reinstall these two apps without starting over with a fresh install?
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Aug 18, 2009
So, with build 10A432, I'm unable to access the files on my DNS-323 via Samba. It gives me this error ...
"The operation can't be completed because the original item for "Volume_1" can't be found."
I can access everything fine from another machine running Leopard. I believe this is a known issue with Snow Leopard, further hardening my belief that this is a very useless upgrade. The only real thing SL has got going for it, is the fact that it is cheap. That's why people will buy it, because its only $29.
Coming back to the topic, can someone suggest me a fix?
Also, if you want to debate the worthiness of SL as a $29 upgrade, please don't bother posting here. I don't want any smart fanboy comments either. Let's stick to the topic at hand.
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May 19, 2012
I was upgrading rame in my 2011 mac mini and removed the first module without incident but upon removing the second module the clip on the left broke and upon trying to reseat the 2 new ram modules so I could at least boot my mac the lower one is loose (which I expected but upon inserting the top one the clips did not grip it and not they are both stuck loosely in the mac mini which will not boot.
After having installed rame in a PC laptop and my mac ro I have had 2 successful ram upgrades so was not impressed to find that the ram upgrade process in the mini has some really bad clips.
So now what do I do and to complicate things even further there is some stuff on the mini I need.
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Sep 29, 2010
I'm moving in about a week to London for the next 3-4 years. I'm wondering if I should haul my broken Time Capsule to London and have it replaced there instead of getting another one in the U.S.?The reason for the London switch would be that I'd get a proper plug-in. Also, I'm wondering if my U.S. device is approved for transmitting wirelessly in the U.K.?
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Nov 27, 2010
I dropped my new-ish MacBook Pro accidentally yesterday, from approximately 3 and a half feet onto a hard surface, and it dented the area around the power adapter and scratched it up pretty bad. At first the computer seemed fine; it came right back as if nothing had happened, no data or work was lost, and the hard disk drive passed SMART tests. However, later, I attempted to put a DVD into the Superdrive and it could not be inserted farther then approximately 2 and a half inches. I tried several software methods to resolve my problem, but in the end it was indeed a hardware problem caused by the drop.
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Jul 12, 2009
I was reinstalling a printer driver and my power cut off while it was the computer wont start and i get this message below... I read to use the install dvd but my CD drive is broke and wont take cds. I did manage to hook it up to my dads computer with target disk mode so i can access files. his computer is a windows though. i do have a copy of the Leopard install cd saved as a DMG on his computer and a 8gb flash to boot it but i cant format the flash drive to be mac extended journaled GUID from his computer.IS there a program to do this???I dont know what needs to be fixed or where i can get this acpi driver? can anyone help because i dont have any money to get this fix and i need my mac for college which im starting soon.This is the error message
panic(cpu 0 caller 0x004384FF): "unable to find driver for this platform: "ACPI".
(That is the first line. It goes on to say...)
Debugger called: <panic>
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
(then there are 7 lines that start with 0x2f5d3 followed by)
Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0BSD process name corresponding to current thread: Unknown
Mac OS version:
Not yet set
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 9.7.0: Tue Mar 31 22:52:17 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1228.12.14~1/RELEASE_I386
System uptime in nanoseconds: 180744654
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Aug 21, 2009
My Photo Booth application was acting very weird so I called Apple support and they told me Photo Booth was "broken" and the only way to fix it is to Archive and Install Leopard. I really don't want to go through all this trouble. So I was wondering if it would be possible to just wait for Snow Leopard to come out and then install Snow Leopard? Will Snow Leopard reinstall all my applications or will it just upgrade the OS, leaving the applications alone?
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Aug 31, 2009
Anyone else lose function of the "defaults write ShowBonjourBrowser_Debug 1" screen sharing hack?
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Nov 26, 2009
It happened when I was trying to install my right fan. The plug was too big for the connector and the connector just broke right off the logic board. I now see the solder points. They are too small for a normal soldering iron so I can't solder the wires directly on. What are my options now? I hope I won't have to replace the logic board considering it's working perfectly except for this one part.
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Aug 24, 2014
I couldn't log into my iMessage account in the Messages application on Mac OS 10.8.5 on my Macbook Pro. At first it would try to log in, then I get a window saying that I couldn't log in and to contact support, . And this was the "validation code" - 2759-9329-5430
I called support, they said that there was probably just a glitch and it'd be fixed in an hour... it's been about 4 days. Still can't log in. After I received that first message that took me to this page, then is just started saying "can't log in." .I'm back to getting that "validation code" page link again... Who spilled a beer on the iCloud server again?
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Mar 5, 2009
I have a MacBook which I purchased in Feb 2007. It gets light daily use.
Over Christmas holidays in Dec 08, while attending a weeklong family reunion, the laptop was in use almost constantly by various family members. On the drive home, our daughter had the MacBook plugged into the power source in our minivan so she could watch a DVD. She noticed a scorching smell, and realized the plug at the computer end was smoking! That's when we noticed a series of small holes or tears around the plastic coating of the power cord where it attaches to the plug (just below the thicker sheath). The wires inside were twisted together and had shorted out.
We went to an Apple store and purchased a new cord. It cost $120!!!
While my MacBook is no longer on warranty and I do not have AppleCare, I want to contacting Apple about this. I am wondering if other people have encountered this problem. I notice that the new power cord has a longer plastic sheath between the plug and the cord; it is twice as long as the one on my old cord.
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May 6, 2010
there are 2 lines on headphones, it broke from the first line, so both lines are inside?
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