Software :: Text Edit / Writing For Certain Space - Word Count

Nov 20, 2001

I'm trying to help out a co-worker who writes the company newsletter, articles for our base and local newspaper, as well as employee profiles and articles for various projects we produce at my job. This lady comes from a newspaper background and she's looking for a Mac-based program that somehow calculates word count and lets you write for a certain space/word count. Trust me, she's not visually-oriented (or particularly font/layout savvy) in any way, so the easier and more straight-forward something is, the better. I don't know if a program like this exists (and affordable one, at that), but to be honest, she always overwrites and guess who's the guy who has to sit with her and back and forth edit and trial and error stuff?

Also, Mac OS X-native would be very cool, as Sandy is on an iMac and being that she's not stuck waiting on Photoshop and stuff, she's been using OS X for the past month or so and now that our order of Office v.X copies are on the way, she will be one of those lucky people who will probably never have to launch Classic to get her job done: Word and Entourage are the only things she really uses. Anyone know of a program like I've described above? Are any of you from a newspaper/magazine background or environment with some suggestions or advice?

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Applications :: Looking For Word Count In Text Edit 1.5?

Feb 16, 2009

Maybe it's just me but I've looked all over to find a word count in Text Edit. Can anyone point me in the right direction. Text Edit Version 1.5 (244.

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MacBook Pro :: Neither Pages Nor Ms Word Microsoft Is Writing And Reading Arabic Text Correctly

Jun 8, 2012

Well i just bought mac book pro with i7 processor, and my work requires a lot of arabic document reading amd writing i tried pages and word ma the letters are disjoint

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Software :: Word Documents Convert To Text Edit?

Dec 9, 2009

I am on an iMac which recently moved to Snow Leopard (10.6.2). I am preparing documents in Word (12.2.3 rtf) but when, after having saved them in Word rtf, I reopen them they reappear automatically in Textedit.

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Applications :: Looking For Stable Text Editor For Creative Writing

Sep 25, 2008

I'm looking for a good and stable text editor to write a book in!? I don't like Pages that much because it's only a mediocre layout app, but in my opinion a bad text editor. Word on the other hand is better with text, but its interface is cluttered with superfluous menus and items that distract me.

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Applications :: Possible To Display Word Count

Apr 17, 2010

Im wondering whether its at all possible to display word count as one of the columns in finder or if there is a program that will let me do this? Basically in compiling a dissertation spread over 40 or so words docs and i need to be able to keep a running tab on word count. Continually putting them all into one big word doc just to grab a total is very time consuming.

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Hardware :: The Bamboo There Is Only An Option That Allows Hand Writing To Be Converted To Text?

Oct 16, 2009

I can't find a definitive answer to my question anywhere but i suspect the answer is no.With the Wacom Bambo (without the multitouch) can you annotate directly onto pdfs, keynote, pages, numbers / any similar program? My girlfriend bought one last year for her design work and would also like to do this without using the ink window - not really practical.

In the ink preference pane that appears when you plug in the Bamboo there is only an option that allows hand writing to be converted to text. This is not what she is trying to achieve. She wants it to be her handwriting and diagrams on documents without her having to use the ink window and paste her annotations work into the document and then have to position them - this isn't even possible with pdfs.

If this is not possible directly from within Snow Leopard, are there any programs that allow her to do this. She doesn't have Microsoft word and doesn't really want to have to start using that - cost implications.

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OS X Technologies :: Word Count Not Recognized As Integer Variable?

May 12, 2012

ok, i have this command:  set mywordcount to do shell script "wc -l < MyFile.txt" which gives me the number of words of a given txtwith display alert it reports me number 1 when there is one word, number 4 if there are 4 words, etc... the problem comes when i want to do one action if the file has 1 word, another if it has more than 1...when i write: if mywordcount = 1 thenmyactions hereelseotheractions hereend ifit doesn't do anything at all.

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OS X :: Using Microsoft Word For Macs - How To Delete A Text Box In A Word Document

Aug 24, 2009

I have a Mac OS X version 10.5.7 i am working on Word 2008 for Mac, version 12.0.1 (080305).

My problem, i created one text box in a document, somehow 2 more appeared. I made the mistake of thinking that to delete the extra text boxes, i simply highlight them and delete them. Silly stupid me, nothing that simple exists and i have wasted an hour trying to figure it out. The help button does squat, barely gives you any info on a text box much less trying to delete it. Does anyone know how to delete a text box in a word document?

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IMac ::success Writing DL DVDs / Reduce Speed To 2x Writing?

Jun 5, 2010

I've made two coasters today on my iMac 27" core i7.

I am using Verbatim DVD +R DL blanks and utilized Disk Utility to make one coaster (copy to a .CDR and then burned) and then used Toast 10 to write IFO files.

The DVD will "run" but looks and sounds like a satellite tv signal in bad weather - choppy all over the place. This happens on 4 players - two separate laptops, an xbox 360, and even the original iMac 27" I used to write the DVDs.

I have had no problems whatsoever writing single layer DVDs (even using old Comp USA blanks!) and playing them on aforementioned players.

Anybody have any success writing DL DVDs? If so, what brand of disc did you use? Did you reduce speed to 2x writing? Help - I don't want to create any more coasters!

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OS X :: Using Text Edit File As To-do List?

May 14, 2009

I use a text edit file as a to-do list; however, it doesn't play nice. When I click on its icon, it pops up somewhere other than where I want it. I've tried "Preferences" and TextEdit help on and off line. I can't find any info on it. I'm probably not using the exact words that 'help' would recognize. I've tried saying "Simon Says" too, but that doesn't work either.

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OS X :: Setting Default In Text Edit Other Than RTF?

Apr 17, 2009

Is there a way to change the default in Text Edit to some thing other than RTF?

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Windows On Mac :: WMP Download Comes Up As Text Edit Box

Aug 2, 2009

I'm trying to download windows media player for mac, but it doesn't work. It looks like it's downloading, but it just comes up as a text edit box.

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OS X :: Text Edit Seems To Be Disappeared From Applications

Aug 21, 2009

My OSX is 10.5.8(Macbook Air). It is still available on my other computer with the same OSX!! Is there somewhere i can download it? I have tried searching for it on Apple but never found it.

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MacBook Pro :: Text Edit Won't Close

Feb 2, 2012

All I'm getting is the little color circle thing. I need my text edit to close! Is there a control panel I can open to close it? I'm a new mac user.

MacBook Pro

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Mac Pro :: How To Create Labels On Text Edit

May 4, 2012

creating labels on text edit.  How do I do this?

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MacBook Pro :: App That Allows You To Edit Or Highlight Text In Pdf

Jun 21, 2012

is there an app that allows you to edit or highlight text in pdf

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Applications :: Disappearing Cursor From Word 2008 / Cursor Disappears While Writing

Apr 11, 2010

Anyone come across this? I 've been having it a lot recently on my imac, not my pbook though, and I can't seem to find how to fix it... very strange behaviour, as soon as you start writing the cursor vanishes...make for some very hard writing I tell you...

Well, that's ms, they might even have it as an option somewhere that I cannot find...

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OS X :: Doc Files Only Open In Pages Instead Of Text Edit?

Dec 15, 2008

Any Way to make it so. I really need to know.

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OS X :: Missing Text Edit - Any Way To Reinstall Software?

May 31, 2009

I've recently noticed that I'm missing text edit. Tried reinstalling software bundle from the DVD, that came with my macbook, but still nothing(I don't thinks that it's on the DVD).

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OS X :: Closed Text Edit Essay - Any Way To Recover?

Nov 12, 2009

I accidentally shut Text Edit while I was writing a 5 page essay. Please tell me if there is some way to recover. I never saved.

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OS X :: Text Edit For HTML Not Working After Upgrade

Mar 11, 2010

I recently upgraded from a G5 dual 2.0 (OS 10.4.11) to a new mac mini (OS 10.6.2). I have a website that I maintain after getting a pro to set it up for me many years ago. Basically, I would change the text and images as needed using Simpletext. Yes, doing everything in Classic. Now, I recently made some changes using Textedit, saving as an html. I uploaded using Fetch (5.5) and the page displays only the html and not a web page. I tried doing the same thing in MS Word with the same result.

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OS X :: How To Open / Edit Hidden Text File

Apr 30, 2010

I want to edit my .bash_profile to add a PATH. But how do I open the file with the text editor if it's hidden?

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OS X :: Text Edit Program Loads On Booting 10.6

Jun 1, 2010

I just upgrade my iMac to Snow Leopard and now when I boot the computer the home screen comes up fine, but the Text Edit program always loads at that time and then I have to click it off to get if off the screen. Is there something I can do to keep this program from loading every time?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Text Edit For HTML Editor?

May 2, 2012

I'm using Text Edit in plain text format as a html editor. I get an error when I try and edit using Transmit, when I try to save, Transmit says: The documents "doc-name.php" could not be saved. Text encoding Western (ISO Latin 1) isn't applicable. If possible, select a different text encoding. I cut/paste from text edit into the Transmit file and it doesn't work.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Opening HTML In Text-edit?

Jun 27, 2012

I'm trying to edit html files in text edit. Every time I open one it warns me that this file I wrote is an application I downloaded from the internet ("index.shtml" is a web application downloaded from the Internet. Are you sure you want to open it?"). Except it is just a txt file I wrote. This is driving me mad because it doesn't remember that I've approved individual files. Every time I open the same index.html file it warns me. I tried running defaults write LSQuarantine -bool NO 

Mac mini (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Reoccuring Errors With Volume File Count, Directory Count, Etc?

Apr 14, 2012

I purchased a new MacBook Pro 17" with OS X Lion (10.7.2) preinstalled back in January of this year (2012).  I migrated my user accounts from my old MacBook Pro 15" (2008) running OS X Snow Leopard.  Almost right away I started having issues of all sorts, including Admin accounts that wouldn't allow me admin priveledges, hidden user groups, apps that wouldn't run, multiple obscure error messages and a host of other issues.  After scouring forums like this one I used Disk Utility and not only discovered innumerable permission errors but also disk errors like these: 

Invalid volume file count
(It should be 1656658 instead of 1656636)
Invalid volume directory count
(It should be 345764 instead of 345743)
Invalid volume free block count


And now, this morning, after a month or two of all that... and after installing the Java Security Upgrade last night, I can't get into my accounts at all.  On first boot-up it hung for 20 minutes before I shut it down.  After running Disk Utility from Recovery Drive and repairing the drive I rebooted and got the log-in screen.  I clicked on my user icon, typed the correct password, was shown they white/grey screen for a few flickering seconds then was brought back to the log-in screen.  I rebooted to the Recovery Disk, ran Disk Utility, saw all the same errors again, repaired the disk, rebooted and got the same problems with logging in again. 

I've repeated this cycle five times today, as both a normal boot-up and in "Safe Mode" all with the same results.  I've repaired the disk using Disk Utility from Recovery Disk as well as accessing the disk in Target Mode, and always there are the same errors needing to be repaired. 

I don't buy that I'm dealing with a hardware issue.  My antivirus and security software are all up-to-date.  What the heck is going on?  Why do I keep having these disk problems?  Why can't I access my accounts anymore?  Why does it keep hanging during boot-up?  Why am I about to throw the machine out my bedroom window?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook Pro 17" (early 2012), Lion

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MacBook Pro :: Invalid Volume File Count And Directory Count?

May 1, 2012

My wife's macbook pro started shutting down by itself randomly, so i performed Disk Utility Verify Disk and found these errors: Invalid volume file count(It should be 800651 instead of 800653)Invalid volume directory count(It should be 191005 instead of 191003)The volume Macintosh HD needs to be repaired. Error: Filesystem verify or repair failed. As i do not have the Mac OS Leopard disks physically with me, I target-disk started her mac on my mac, and use my mac to run Disk Utility on her hard-disk, and repaired the disk without problems. 

However, this is the 3rd or 4th time this has happened. After the 1st time, i figured something is causing it, so i checked this forum, and found that for some, the Blackberry Messenger app causes programs, so i promptly uninstalled it fully (including associated system files) and this problem didnt come back for a while. Or could this be a sign the hard disk is physically failing soon? It is out of warranty now. We have regular Time-machine backups. We are actually kinda waiting out until the new line of macbook pro's come out..

Laptop stats: MacBook Pro 15"
2.4 GHZ Intel Core 2 Duo
HDD: 250GB
Graphics: NVDIA GeForce 9400M VRAM 256MB 
OS: Mac OS Leopard

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Applications :: Any Way To Stop Text Edit From Opening At Startup?

Jan 24, 2009

I've deleted a recently downloaded text file but for some reason text edit launches when I turn on my mac! How do I stop this?

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OS X :: Replacing / Setting Text Edit As Default Editor

Mar 8, 2009

I despise TextEdit. I've used VI since I've been using computers so naturally I took very well to MacVim. Though I want to set it as my default editor for editing blank files (plain UTF-8 text files without an extension). So I threw the .app inside of a folder named "oldTextEdit" and created a symlink to MacVim and named it and placed it in /Applications, but it doesn't work. When I go to the command line and type "open -e" it still opens with - The only thing I can think of is that it ignores symlinks (or as mac calls them, an "alias."). I moved to another drive and my alias worked fine on double clicking a blank file, it opened up MacVim. BUT - if I go to terminal and type "open -e" it opened up TextEdit (not sure how).

Now when I click that same UTF-8 blank text file (created using "touch") it opens in TextEdit (again, I have no clue how, is on a different drive).
Update: I zipped up and now when I open blank text files it opens in MacVim like it should. This time when I type "open -e" it throws the following error:
LSGetApplicationForInfo() failed with error -10814 while trying to determine the application with bundle identifier Which I guess is fine, as long as in the GUI is opening with MacVim instead of TextEdit. I realize it involves the LaunchServices.framework database, but I can't figure out how to use that for hell. I realize to some this is a weird request, so I ask if you don't have any good input you just ignore it.

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