Applications :: Possible To Display Word Count
Apr 17, 2010
Im wondering whether its at all possible to display word count as one of the columns in finder or if there is a program that will let me do this? Basically in compiling a dissertation spread over 40 or so words docs and i need to be able to keep a running tab on word count. Continually putting them all into one big word doc just to grab a total is very time consuming.
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Feb 16, 2009
Maybe it's just me but I've looked all over to find a word count in Text Edit. Can anyone point me in the right direction. Text Edit Version 1.5 (244.
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May 12, 2012
ok, i have this command: set mywordcount to do shell script "wc -l < MyFile.txt" which gives me the number of words of a given txtwith display alert it reports me number 1 when there is one word, number 4 if there are 4 words, etc... the problem comes when i want to do one action if the file has 1 word, another if it has more than 1...when i write: if mywordcount = 1 thenmyactions hereelseotheractions hereend ifit doesn't do anything at all.
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Nov 20, 2001
I'm trying to help out a co-worker who writes the company newsletter, articles for our base and local newspaper, as well as employee profiles and articles for various projects we produce at my job. This lady comes from a newspaper background and she's looking for a Mac-based program that somehow calculates word count and lets you write for a certain space/word count. Trust me, she's not visually-oriented (or particularly font/layout savvy) in any way, so the easier and more straight-forward something is, the better. I don't know if a program like this exists (and affordable one, at that), but to be honest, she always overwrites and guess who's the guy who has to sit with her and back and forth edit and trial and error stuff?
Also, Mac OS X-native would be very cool, as Sandy is on an iMac and being that she's not stuck waiting on Photoshop and stuff, she's been using OS X for the past month or so and now that our order of Office v.X copies are on the way, she will be one of those lucky people who will probably never have to launch Classic to get her job done: Word and Entourage are the only things she really uses. Anyone know of a program like I've described above? Are any of you from a newspaper/magazine background or environment with some suggestions or advice?
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Aug 9, 2010
I recently took delivery of my 27" i7 iMac. I've installed MS Office and when I recently went to use word for the first time since installation, I noticed the background is divided into 2 shades of grey.
Word is functioning normally other than for this but the split display is just a little distracting. I also use Word on my MBP and don't have the same issues there, nor did I on my old G5.
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May 27, 2012
How can I see how many file are still remainingfom being backuped?
When you run time machine for the first time you could see how many files ar left, but once you use TM over and over... Where can find that information?
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Jan 28, 2010
I use MS Word on a Mac. In documents, sometimes a .doc file sent with a logo image above text will display the text, but the logo displays only as a border around an empty box. Yet when I send it to anyone else, the logo I can't see appears in the file for them. In some .doc files, I will be able to see different logo images fine. But about half the time, logo images will only display as an empty box.
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Apr 14, 2012
I purchased a new MacBook Pro 17" with OS X Lion (10.7.2) preinstalled back in January of this year (2012). I migrated my user accounts from my old MacBook Pro 15" (2008) running OS X Snow Leopard. Almost right away I started having issues of all sorts, including Admin accounts that wouldn't allow me admin priveledges, hidden user groups, apps that wouldn't run, multiple obscure error messages and a host of other issues. After scouring forums like this one I used Disk Utility and not only discovered innumerable permission errors but also disk errors like these:
Invalid volume file count
(It should be 1656658 instead of 1656636)
Invalid volume directory count
(It should be 345764 instead of 345743)
Invalid volume free block count
And now, this morning, after a month or two of all that... and after installing the Java Security Upgrade last night, I can't get into my accounts at all. On first boot-up it hung for 20 minutes before I shut it down. After running Disk Utility from Recovery Drive and repairing the drive I rebooted and got the log-in screen. I clicked on my user icon, typed the correct password, was shown they white/grey screen for a few flickering seconds then was brought back to the log-in screen. I rebooted to the Recovery Disk, ran Disk Utility, saw all the same errors again, repaired the disk, rebooted and got the same problems with logging in again.
I've repeated this cycle five times today, as both a normal boot-up and in "Safe Mode" all with the same results. I've repaired the disk using Disk Utility from Recovery Disk as well as accessing the disk in Target Mode, and always there are the same errors needing to be repaired.
I don't buy that I'm dealing with a hardware issue. My antivirus and security software are all up-to-date. What the heck is going on? Why do I keep having these disk problems? Why can't I access my accounts anymore? Why does it keep hanging during boot-up? Why am I about to throw the machine out my bedroom window?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook Pro 17" (early 2012), Lion
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Aug 24, 2014
Microsoft word for mac 2011 ver 14.4.3
I need to see how many spaces from the left edge my cursor is.
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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May 1, 2012
My wife's macbook pro started shutting down by itself randomly, so i performed Disk Utility Verify Disk and found these errors: Invalid volume file count(It should be 800651 instead of 800653)Invalid volume directory count(It should be 191005 instead of 191003)The volume Macintosh HD needs to be repaired. Error: Filesystem verify or repair failed. As i do not have the Mac OS Leopard disks physically with me, I target-disk started her mac on my mac, and use my mac to run Disk Utility on her hard-disk, and repaired the disk without problems.
However, this is the 3rd or 4th time this has happened. After the 1st time, i figured something is causing it, so i checked this forum, and found that for some, the Blackberry Messenger app causes programs, so i promptly uninstalled it fully (including associated system files) and this problem didnt come back for a while. Or could this be a sign the hard disk is physically failing soon? It is out of warranty now. We have regular Time-machine backups. We are actually kinda waiting out until the new line of macbook pro's come out..
Laptop stats: MacBook Pro 15"
2.4 GHZ Intel Core 2 Duo
HDD: 250GB
Graphics: NVDIA GeForce 9400M VRAM 256MB
OS: Mac OS Leopard
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Jan 12, 2009
I have been using Pages '08 for my final year dissertation for university. I really like it and have got used to it pretty quickly (coming from Windows).
I have downloaded the trial of iWork '09 and used Pages '09 to open my document. My document sections are as follows:
SECTION 1 - Title Page - 1 page
SECTION 2 - Contents, abstract, abbreviations, etc - 3 pages
SECTION 3 - Main report - 10 pages
SECTION 4 - Appendix - 6 pages
TOTAL REPORT - 20 pages
In Pages '08 i can reset the Page Count in the Footer so that Section 3 displays for example 'Page 2 of 10'. This is exactly what I want because the section should have its own page count.
When I opened the document in Pages '09, the footer now displays for example 'Page 2 of 20'. Basically it is showing the entire document Page Count rather than the Page Count for that particular Section. Is this something that Apple have changed for Pages '09? or is there a setting so that the Page Count relates to the Section rather than the entire document?
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Feb 4, 2009
Hi! Is there any way I can get Apple Mail to show (and preferably update) the count on the badge while it's closed? The other option I thought of would be having Mail open on login, but hide -- If I did this, can I get the blue indicator to go away for this app only?
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Sep 12, 2010
I'm looking to find a way to change the play count for a track in iTunes other than manually skipping the song to the last second each time. Since I'm sure someone will want to know why, well, I have an 88 play count for a U2 song that was in 128kb but I just bought a newer version at 256 and want to replace the old one. I'd like to keep the 88 plays and apply it to the new, higher quality track and delete the old version. It would be tedious skip to the last second, then repeat, 88 times. I've done it this way for up to 20 plays but this is too much.
Since it apparently can't be done by using the mouse and doing it inside the program, from what I can tell, does anyone know any sort of workaround that could get this accomplished?
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May 6, 2009
I have about 16,000 songs but no idea how many artists, any way of viewing this?
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Sep 16, 2010
I set up my gmail account in Mail and love it. My question is regarding the IMAP folders. In the attached image you'll see that one of the IMAP accounts has over 400 messages, but I only have 18 in my inbox itself.
Is there a way to hide or remove the unread message count from the IMAP folder in the drawer?
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Mar 22, 2009
If I have two albums with the same song on them and I usually play it from one album, is there any way that I can make iTunes count both as played?
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Sep 19, 2010
I have been using iTunes (windows desktop) and recently got a new laptop (windows again). I was able to quickly transfer my music via a dvd-r and flash-drive, and also was able to export/import my playlist quite easily. My question, now, is how can I preserve the play count and transfer it over? To clarify, what is the simplest way to transfer that info over, without having to download third party programs, etc. I am using iTunes 10 on both computers.
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Mar 16, 2009
In iTunes, if I go to List View with the Browser, it shows a different number of albums than it does if I go to Grid View.
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Nov 11, 2009
does it have a tool like word art on ms word ?
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Jan 5, 2010
I've just set up my new uMBP (I know, I should have waited for the new chips, but hey - I got impatient!) I have moved my itunes media to the new machine but it is lacking all ratings, the original 'date added' as well as play counts. In fact, I have left all the old metadata behind, but these are the only three parts I'd like back. What I'd like to know is if there is a utility or mini app that can extract this kind of data from my old library file and add it to my new one.
I would have just moved the original library file but I have done that since iTunes 1 and the library file has become a bit messed up. I am rather enjoying my shiny new library file - I just want my ratings, 'date added' and play count metadata injected back in!
I love the playlist trick for the ratings but this is no good for 'date added' or play count obviously.
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Apr 15, 2010
So I download this math assignment.
I open it and it says that the document cointains Word 2007 for Windows equations, which is not supported by Word 2008 for Mac.
I have never had this problem before, and I have downloaded a lot of these documents, containing equations from Equation Editor.
Is there any way I can make it accept them? I am pretty sure there isn't a 2007 edition of Word, and it sounds crazy that a Word document contains something that Word for Mac can't read.
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Aug 17, 2010
My dad was saving a bunch of Word docs on his Mac - he had one large file that he split up into twenty-some smaller files, which he then saved onto both his desktop and on a flash drive. Somehow along the way (neither he nor I had any clue how) but 4 of those files saved as an alias that point to nowhere. In other words, I can't find the originals anywhere on his computer or flash drives.
Even stranger is that one of those files aliased to the Applications folder. Keep in mind these are all supposed to be word documents. They all still end with .doc, but their type is an alias. I have no clue how they were created as an alias, but they were. It's probably a longshot without knowing where the original is located, but do any of you guys know how to possibly retrieve this?
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Dec 20, 2009
Continually reverts to email address, and refuses to display a picture.
I know there are previous threads on this, but I've even tried installing the latest beta/nightly build. My friends are getting fed up. I don't notice a difference, but they do!
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Jun 22, 2014
Macbook Pro (2014) when I work with Microsoft office, Word, and use the "command v" keys the entire Word doc freezes and I need to reboot entire computer. What is this?
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Jan 24, 2010
I start Microsoft Entourage, the software opens at least 17 windows and sometimes more.When I click on the upper section of a window in Safari, or Word, the window folds to the dock and when I click on a word, the entire word is selected.
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May 8, 2012
I have word documents that were created in windows with a Garrison Cond. Sans Font. When I open the documents in mac word, it changes the font.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 24, 2009
I have a Mac OS X version 10.5.7 i am working on Word 2008 for Mac, version 12.0.1 (080305).
My problem, i created one text box in a document, somehow 2 more appeared. I made the mistake of thinking that to delete the extra text boxes, i simply highlight them and delete them. Silly stupid me, nothing that simple exists and i have wasted an hour trying to figure it out. The help button does squat, barely gives you any info on a text box much less trying to delete it. Does anyone know how to delete a text box in a word document?
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Mar 19, 2012
i'm looking at moving over to the Mac in a couple days and i just need to know the best free Word Processor that can open .doc files. 99% of my docs made in Word are of the 97-2003 variety and not 2007's .docx.
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Nov 28, 2010
My university wants us all to use RTF files. As I am sure you all know text edit sucks.But it automatically opens all my RTFs.I have to manually get word to open them which is a pain in the ass.How can I fix this so that all RTF's are automatically opened by WORD?I am still on the old version of word because I have to use ENDNOTE - which has no support for Word 2011 right now. I have a copy of 2011 sitting on my desk and I am itching to use it, but I will loose 200+ citations if I do.
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Jun 28, 2009
Perhaps this has been answered before but nothing turned up in my search. I'm a Mac convert switching from MS XP, where I was using Word 2007. Over time, I compiled several special dictionaries. If I switch to Office 2008 for Mac will I be able to transfer these from Word 2007?
I understand that Word for Mac does not ahve VBA support, therefore no macros like in Word 2007. Does office 2008 (Word) have some sort of macro capability.
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