MacBook Air :: Youtube HD Watching Make Fast?
Dec 31, 2008I just tried to load this page and see if the video worked on my MBA GEN 2 ...
the large file loaded but was kinda jerky .... does anyone else get this?
I just tried to load this page and see if the video worked on my MBA GEN 2 ...
the large file loaded but was kinda jerky .... does anyone else get this?
When watching Videos on youtube longer then 10 min my 1.6/80 MBA slows down to a crawl, its driving me bananas for $2k Canadian this thing should work like a charm.
My Ipod Touch has no problems with the same videos on Youtube.
When i scrool down over a youtube window, with the magic pad (two fingers) stop scrolling,get stuck !
don't know why, but is verry anoying, AND IT'S NOT into the main page, it's when the youtube window it's into a blogspot or other page, and olny happend in safari and chrome, Firefox work fine, too bad because i like safari, but i don't want to use it because of that !! make's everything goes slower.
heres the problem, anything on youtubes site or embedded is extremely slow to load, i mean about 10 minutes for a 1 minute video.
the rest of my internet is running at about 280k.
the problem started about 3 days ago, and i have tested it at various times day and night.
(i am using safari on leopard 10.5.3, and get the same issue on a mac running tiger)
On MBA Rev2/SSD after watching 3-4 minutes into a video, on a flat wooden desk, in the new "Watch in HD" format which is suppose to be 720p, the fans rev to 6200rpm and temp at 80C. Mind you I am still in safari and not watching YouTube's full screen mode. And recovery times for the fan to slow down even when it's back to 50C is a bit long. Is this normal behavior for a Rev2?
View 7 Replies View RelatedAll I have open is firefox with one or two tab and the CPU gets into the high 70 Celsius before the fan kicks in. Is it normal for the CPU to get that hot? Or is it even safe? It says I am using up to 70% of CPU at times!!!Is HD flash that taxing?
View 11 Replies View RelatedMy macbook pro doesn't make any sound when I'm watching you tube or some other videos. The mute button seems off, volume up at the maximum level.
MacBook Pro
I have strange beep/chrr noise from up left corner of my macbook pro i7.
This is happening only when I am watching youtube/vimeo or something video over flash player (10.1). I tried HW acceleration on/off and still this problem.
Later I noticed this problem is only with Safari, when I use Firefox or Chrome problem does not exist.
Reinstalled flash, cleared all caches, still there.
By watching .flv in VLC, QuickTime or Movist also nothing... My safari is 5.01 version.
was wondering if when your watching a youtube video or anything that makes the nvidia 330m kick in do you experience a lag when hitting the full screen button? I have the graphics switcher/indicator program installed and whenever I go to full screen it goes from intel to nvidia and there is a good 1-2 second delay from clicking the button to going to full screen. If I force 330m to be on at all times the lag goes away. This seem normal? You would think Apple would have ironed out this kink. It makes my computer go from feeling snappy to slow when my netbook can full screen faster.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat the normal temperature for a macbook pro 15-inch i7 2,4GHz when watching videos on youtube on 1080p?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
i tried clicking every single button inside the youtube video like the pause, full and annoations, then i took my mouse out and i tried to right click the settings, after opening it, the settings box was INSIDE the video, and i cant click it, sooo, is it my mac or is it youtube problems, since its in beta mode, coz, if its my mac ima go to the technitions
View 4 Replies View RelatedIt seems that music videos and tv episodes on YouTube have a high view content and I was wondering if watching these videos on your HDTV via a Mac Mini is a pretty good substitute for purchasing a physical DVD of these videos? I have a new Mac Mini with a built-in HDMI port and a video card that supports HDTV resolutions. Should I hold off buying music video DVDs and tv box sets and instead start to purchase them off iTunes or watch them on YouTube?
I don't currently own an HDTV but will eventually purchase one. If I want to start doing what I've described above, will I need to purchase a device (like a splitter) from my cable modem company, which is the same as my cable tv company, to connect the incoming cable lines to both the back of the tv and the computer in the family room? I currently only have one physical cable modem connection for the computer in the bedroom. I've never used a wireless connection and am not sure how they operate but I'm concerned about security issues with it regarding people driving by and people able to snoop in. I'm sorry if this is a basic question but I am still "old school" when it comes to technology.
So what exactly affects fanspeeds? Heat, yes, but should my MBP (early 08) be heating up so much from watching Youtube videos, maybe it's just the widescreen ones? I do have other apps running though.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am trying to watch videos on youtube with safari. When I play a video, it seems to lock everything up until the video is fully loaded. My internet speed on any other website watching any other videos is perfectly fine. Anyone have any ideas as to why Youtube videos are freezing and not functioning right when everything else is?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
I now have lion on my iMac. I cannot get sound while watching you tube videos. An x appears over the sound icon. How can I get the sound to come on.
Info:Mac os x, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
in October 2008 I bought my MacBook Pro Unibody (Details in my signature).
Since about 3-4 month is gets REALLY hot really fast, also the fan is very noisy now.
Now I can have my MacBook turned off for the whole day, then turn it on, watch a YouTube video and the fan is going nuts and it gets really hot.
I made sure that the MacBook is on a flat surface, like a desk, but it still gets very hot. I can't even have the laptop on my lap anymore or else I would get burned through my jeans.
Another problem is, that the fan is so loud, when I use my internal microphone with skype, people say they can't hear me cause of the noise!
When I touch the surface of the laptop around the ESC keep, I think I could actually cook an egg!
Here's a screen shot of the tempratures after booting up and watching YouTube for about 2 minutes.
The temprature goes above 80 Degress as well, depending if its on my lap or the desk. And yes I made sure that the back of the laptop is not covered.
Here's my set up:
Macbook Pro (Early 2010) running 10.6.5 w/ 2.56GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4GB DDR3 RAM, 500 GB HD w/ 290GB free space.
There have been times when I'm just running iTunes and the wheel of death will come on, or i'm on Chrome or FF w/ 2 other programs running and will get the wheel again and will get locked for about 1-2min. Before I hadn't had too many problems on a different MBP with lower specs, this one is higher yet is slow. I don't understand what the problem is because I also monitor my CPU and when it locks up the CPU remain at normal. Also, flash has always been lagging on here but will freeze for 5-10sec while audio keeps playing. I possibly think it's the Hard Drive which is a WD Blue Scorpio w/ 5400 RPM.
Why does my browser constantly have to stop playing when I watch You Tube or other videos?It stops and then starts up again after a few seconds and then stops again and re-starts.Happens on both Safari and Firefox.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Anyone else having trouble with youtube? Clips keep stopping for a little while with a spinning ball then continue. This started a monthago.
I am running the latest OSX version on a current Mac Mini with 4Gb RAM
I have a 2008 2,4 MBP and I have a problem with it. I was using snow leopard and everything was going fine for a few months. Then suddenly, it froze on the desktop at the opening. After few minutes, and command+ctrl+Shift+esc, and a few prayers it sometimes came ok.
I got tired of that and decided to format my hard drive and reinstall osx. I had to do it 3 times before it worked. Then I installed the updates and BANG! New problem! Now it was booting for 6 minutes before I see the desktop.
when i used to shutdown it took all of 6 seconds, it went to a blue screen then shut down
but since about a week ago its been taking almost 15 seconds and when the blue screen comes up a loading circle appears at the bottom
2.4 GHZ core 2 duo
250 Gb HDD (i have 105 gb of free space)
Been months and issue is still the same, why does my desktop work blazing fast online from browsing to loading streaming videos etc. And my Macbook Pro can't, its a little slower browsing online which I can put up with but youtube, rottentomatoes, basically any streaming type site sucks. And it doesn't matter whether it's by wireless or connected directly by ethernet. It just buffers like every 15 seconds (does the samething on Safari and Chrome). I mean before my 4 year old HP laptop died it could load videos on those same sites almost instantly with no buffering.
I have a friend with an Imac that does the same thing, and a buddy brought over his MBP 15 and same thing happened like at his house, and I showed him how fast the desktop is in comparison.
I just moved to a new condo, have high speed internet from Comcast, and its def not the internet since the desktop works perfect. Any ideas on what to do as I use this MBP more being I carry it around the place and its so irritating knowing how quicker my desktop is, and that desktop is 2 years old.
I've tried different DNS etc and that helped a little bit (was a lot worse before) but still sucks, this is what I have inputted from this forum under DNS servers:
I recently purchased my first Mac computer, a MacBook Pro with Intel Core 2 Duo processor. I receive free internet included in my apartment rent, and I don't use a router, instead I simply plug into the wall. I previously used a Toshiba laptop with Windows Vista and there was no problems. I am not very knowledgeable about computers really, especially when it comes to the internet. I need advice on how to speed my downloads, but speak to me like you would 2 y/o.
I can't seem to find anything that applies to me or I can understand. I'm currently using Transmission for torrents and Safari for browsing, but my general internet connection outside of downloads seems to be fine.
I have been having a very odd problem with my MacBook lately. It takes a while for it to turn on, and when it turns on, it is for the most part frozen for a few minutes. I can move the mouse around and such, but no applications will open. My only application that opens on startup automatically is iChat, but now when it tries to open it has a pop up that says "Lost Connection with (my username)" Now, after a few minutes, I am able to open up certain applications like iChat, Yahoo Messenger, Microsoft Word, Safari, and several others, but they freeze up a whole lot with the colorful wheel. I quit the application after it thinks for a few minutes and once I quit it a pop up says "(application I was using) Quit While Being Irresponsive" with links to send the problem to Mac. Now there are several other applications that will not open altogether. I have Final Cut Express, and when I try to open it, it has the arrow under the icon on the dock as if it were opening, but it never does, and quits automatically after a few minutes. Then after my computer is on for a while or if I let an application run long enough being frozen, my screen goes grey and has a box with a message saying I need to restart my computer. I have no idea what the problem with my computer is
View 2 Replies View RelatedHave you guys noticed that YouTube Vids still make your MacBook Pro run hot? I remember from Leopard that it would get engage the fan and 'heat up' and the problem is still occurring with SL.
Just wanted to know your feedback and experiences!
alright... i got my MB in october 2007, and it ran great for about a year and half, but just recently, its been dogging and lagging so much, its bugging the crap out of me to the point where i borrowed my friends external HD and put all my important stuff on there, and erased and reinstalled mac OSX on there, and it still behaves the same way. my specs are in my signature so let me explain...
ill be running just itunes, ichat, and safari watching youtube videos or something, and the youtube vids just start skipping, and then the sound gets all distorted like it sounds like its underwater gargling. then i shut the macbook, reopen it, and its fine for about 2 or so minutes and then it does it again. or ill be listening to music via itunes, and reading some forums or the news or something, and when i scroll down, the music skips. its really annoying. i rarely get beach balling, but safari, or firefox, or itunes takes an eternity to load. and my fan allways seems like its on, and running hot as hell.
cpu user runs about 63% to 70% all the time
system about 15%
memory: active- .98 gb to 1gb
wired: 319 mb
temps: allways around 150 F or a little higher.
fans exaust- 6192 rpm
Well I got rid of the quicksilvers since they died. Power supplys gave out and took the motherboards, So I sold what was left on EBAY.
My G4 Ethernet was sold to a co-worked and he is quite happy.
And I got this off ebay today:
Dual 1.8GHz PowerPC G5Procs
Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-117D
Samsung HD160JJ/P 160GB SATA HDD (not apple labeled, not original to this system)
(1) Power Cord
pci106b,9 PCI Ethernet Controller
Well I didnt' read the fine print and BAZINGA! I noticed that it comes without a video card.
So For video editing, watching hulu and youtube and netflix What do you guys recommend.
I do have a PCI GEforce at home with 512 megs for PC and I was wondering if I could flash it and if so, does anyone know of a good walkthrough?
I am running an Ethernet (hardwired) connection from my Comcast modem to a Netgear WNR834B v.2 router then to my iMac 20" 2.16Ghz (previous white version)'s Ethernet port. I did this because I have been experiencing slow connection and frequent drop-outs (gets disconnects frequetnly when playing WC3). Now that the same problem still exists when using this wired setup. Whenever I open up Safari and go to a webpage , the page hangs while loading, and it will take about 10~20 seconds to get the page fully loaded with pictures and everything else. If I unplug the Ethernet cable that goes to the iMac from the router, and then plug it into the modem (so that my iMac is connected to the modem directly), the connection speed is blazing fast, and the webpages would fully load in no time. Therefore I am wondering what might be the cause of the slow Ethernet connection? Is it my router since that connection speed is super fast when connecting to the modem directly?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI got a white iMac G5 about a year ago. Everything has been working fine until recently when I started to notice that its REALLY SLOW. What I mean by this is that whenever I try to open an application, load my widgets or basically do anything, it is really slow and Im seeing A LOT of beach balls. Just as i started typing in the title for this tread, it gave me a beachball. This computer is not that old so it should still be running smoothly.
Does anyone know why this is happening?
btw: I have 1GB of RAM, but it still operate really slow when I only have a few application open.
After the latest update of front row and itunes my mac started to go quite slow.
so i repaired the permissions and turned up loads of errors with those two and iphoto. anyway i thought it was all good, but it didnt get any faster. Every time i try to run repair permissions the same problems keep arising.