Software :: Macbook Pro (2008) Not Booting At All?
Apr 16, 2010
I have a Macbook Pro from around 2007/2008 that is running Tiger 10.4.11. I haven't had too many issues, one harddrive change and one reinstall, but nothing severe.
But right now, my laptop will not boot up at all. It has been running a bit sluggishly, I admit, but not enough to have caused alarm. Then just yesterday and this morning it was running at a snail's pace and I couldn't do anything without it freezing or running slowly. I turned it off, left it and when I came back, it would not boot. All I get is the grey screen with the Apple logo and the spinning wheel. I left it for an hour, hoping it was just running sluggishly, but it never booted up.
I tried booting in safemode, verbose mode and single-user mode. All of them failed. In fact, when I try to boot in safe mode by holding down the shift key, my computer just shuts off after about a minute of grey screen/logo.
I keep hearing people say I should run the DiskUtility from the install disk, but if I can't boot up I can't put in the disk to actually repair it. Is this a harddrive or RAM issue? I haven't upgraded the RAM since I got the laptop, maybe it needs to be changed out?
I'm sorry, I don't know a lot about the inner-workings of computers
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Jan 26, 2009
First, I have a mid-2008 Aluminum iMac, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 Ghz, 2GB Ram, running OS X 10.5.6. So two days ago, it started hanging on me. Prior to this I have never had any problems with it. I had mail open, a browser window and a chat window. Started getting the spinning beach ball of death. It finally totally locked up on me and I have to force it to shut down.
However, upon reboot, it would not get past the white screen with the apple logo and the spinning gray gear icon. I'm talking like 10-15 minutes. I forced it to shut down (probably not a good idea) and this time on reboot I got the folder icon with the question mark as if firmware could not locate the booter file. I loaded the install DVD that came with the mac and ran Disk Utilities.................
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Jun 22, 2010
When the on button is pressed The fans start, but the screen doesn't even turn on. The Optical Drive still takes in Disks.
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Feb 8, 2012
I accidentally trashed two of my icons on my icon bar I didn't put them in the trash but when I clicked them they turned into wads of trash. I don't know how to find them now?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Mar 25, 2009
G4 DP 450 booting straight to firmware command line and I'm not sure how to proceed from here. Unable to boot from CD.
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Nov 25, 2008
Is there really a "Late 2008" model? If so, what is the difference.I ask because I recently got a MacPro and according to Apple's hardware test, it is an Early 2008.
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Jan 11, 2011
So I got Office 2011; it's pretty good stuff. Unlike Windows based systems, it did not remove Office 2008 which is different. I am wondering if there is any reason that I should or should not remove 2008 since I have 2011 (exact same programs).
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Jun 17, 2008
I've got a MacBook Air (not mine) with me at the moment and I believe it's got quite a big problem.
Basically when you turn the Air on a black screen display for a couple of seconds with the chimes playing then a white screen appears at which point you can go no further.
I've tried everything; pressing the Option key to try and display the two partitions on the SSD, resetting the PRAM and SMC, pressing the D key and pressing the C key to try and get the install disc started in the connected SuperDrive. Nada.
I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on this problem before I take it to KRCS in Nottingham for diagnosis and repair? Maybe there is something I've missed or others have had a similar problem?
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May 9, 2010
I have a 15" Macbook Pro with the 2.53 i5 that will not boot into OSX fully. All it does after the white screen with the apple logo & Bong is go to the blue screen & change between 2 shades of blue & show a spiral indicator. It will load windows 7 in boot camp fine, but not OSX. Does any one know what I should do?
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Jul 30, 2010
I'm a mac noob willing to learn. I screwed up a couple of days ago exploring my new Macbook (wich i purchased to learn MacOS).
I've read a couple of solutions on how to change the permissions but the thing is that i don't want to screwed up again since i have some data inside that i don't want to miss.
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May 23, 2012
i have macbook white 2007 version when i turn on i can hear start up sound but after that only white screen appeare after that nothing happen my keyboard also not working i try to put mac ox disc but it stuck nothing happen.
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Oct 20, 2010
What could possibly make a macbook pro overheat before it is even booted? I have bootcamp installed so I can run solidworks and a few misc programs in XP. The machine always runs a bit toasty for my liking under windows so I use smc fan control to crank the fan and then reboot into XP pro. This works great as long as I dont need to sleep the computer and re-open later. In this situation the fans dont resume the higher speed I specified and I get temps in the 70-80C range.Thats not really the problem though. Today I started the machine (from a complete shutdown) and held option to bring up the bootcamp chooser. Meanwhile I was distracted with something at work so the computer sat like this for 15 minutes. No OS had booted, just the gray chooser screen. When I came back the fans were running full blast! The overheat protection had come on. I quickly booted into snowleopard and the temps were in the high 80-low 90's. After a minute it was back to normal 50's but I'm puzzled. All software is up to date.Nothing was even running?!? How is this possible? Nothing should have been straining the system.
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Nov 14, 2010
If I unbox my Macbook Pro i7 and upgrade my ram and the SSD without turning on the computer for the first time, will that adversely affect anything? Should I boot and then upgrade those parts?
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Dec 16, 2010
I posted a while back with my macbook not working, with the disc spinning, steady sleep light, but no chime and black screen.well since then I took out screws and had a look at the logic board,tightened all the loose screws,and pulled this metal fabric wire through the screw by the disc drive, it was loose and torn.
And after waiting, it turned on!But I still got shut off abruptly, distorted screens, kernel panics, and force restart messages.Then it wouldn't boot up at all without pressure near the power button.That worked for a while, then it would turn off.Then pressure had to be applied elsewhere to get it to turn on.I have pressed on the flat rest above the harddrive, the opposite side of the power button, there screws that I shouldn't have tightened? Is there something wrong with that fabric metal thing?Another issue is that there has been overheating, and I'm sure power offs due to overheating, and I know the fan is running, but still getting too hot.
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May 2, 2009
My Black Macbook will not boot up. Instead it rests at the gray screen and does 3 beeps. I have done research and it is supposed to indicate a RAM problem but my RAM [i believe] is fine, I even rechecked the slots and everything. This has happened before but I just rebooted and it worked fine but now it is not. I tried plugging in my Mac into different power outlets and even having it run without being plugged in but it fails to make a difference. I have scheduled a genius appointment and I know my macbook is older than a year so i'm wondering a few things: how can I get them to replace my Macbook, how can i get them to fix the problem [for free] even if my warranty has run out, if they don't replace it [which i heard they should do] what is my best option [buying a new one is outta the question for financial reasons]
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Dec 17, 2009
I was just looking through my activity monitor, and I noticed that all my processes said (intel 64 bit) I assume this means my computer is booting into 64 bit automatically?
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Mar 6, 2010
So I have a MBP C2D from early 2007 that up until recently has been running fine. The battery died long ago, so I keep it plugged into the wall which was fine until yesterday. What started happening is my MBP would shut off completely (as if the battery died) and then when I try starting it back up, it would randomly shut off at some point during the boot process (not at one specific point; sometimes it barely makes it into OSX and other times it does not).
Anyone know what could be the problem? I have not installed anything new or changed any settings that could effect the system. To me it feels like the AC Adapter isn't giving the machine enough power, but I don't know for sure.
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Apr 17, 2010
so I have read most of the start up problems, and mine is different. Whenever I shut down and try to start my computer again, I am not able to get my computer to turn back on. I hit the power button, and hear the computer humming, but not the typical hum-hum that usually occurs. My screen remains black with no activity. After 5 to 10 attempts at this, the computer starts up fine, and I have no problems with it running. I do not have this problem when I use the restart function, say after I download a software update. This problem is driving me nuts as I am afraid I can not shut off my computer!
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May 16, 2010
I just reinstalled OSX on my MBP last night and today it wont let me boot into it. When the computer is starting up it gets to a blue screen and nothing happens it just stays like that.
I thought at first it was a permissions problem so i Repaired Disk Permissions using my OSX 10.6 disk and still no luck.
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May 19, 2010
I have an old black MB 2.16 ghz C2D. At times, it locks up and randomly reboots. Sometimes, it gets crazy and reboots again after its done booting up. Sometimes, I get this gray screen that says I have to hold the power button as well. I don't really notice the laptop getting warm at all or the fans turning on that much. I just reinstalled the entire OS and Snow Leopard. I just got a new MBP, so I haven't really been using that one as much (or at all). So, it's hard to say if that fixed it. My applecare runs out on 5/29/2010. And if it's a hardware problem, I'd like to get it fixed prior to my warranty expiring.
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Mar 14, 2012
Yesterday my MBP suddenly froze while starting Google Sketch. Not just the program, but the entire computer. After a few seconds the screen started flashing like crazy. I waited a minute or so before I forced it to shut down.
After doing so I turned it back on and now it will not start up. I can turn it on, but then I will only see the turning wheel thing you always see. After a few minutes of turning wheel the wheel will freeze.
Talked to my local macstore and they told me to try and reinstall my entire system before sending it to a repair guy. And here is my problem.
It will not boot from a Cd or en usb with Lion on it. Not when holding "C", shift or any of the other keys down.
This morning I managed to boot from the system CD and erase my harddrive and start installation but, then it froze for an hour andIi had to shut it down again. Now I am back to not being able to boot from my system CD.
Is it a hardware error or what. My Mac is pretty old. It is the one just before the current MBP design came out. But have another computer, but I use this one a lot, so it is really frustrating that this should happen just before a possible new Mbp design..
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 25, 2012
Everytime i reboot,the screen goes white and is unresponsive. I keep pressing random buttons and then manually power it off. After 3-4 attempts,it finally starts,skipping my login screen (i havent typed my password). This worries me as it could be a security flaw apart from the usual discomfort of indefinitely waiting for it to start working.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 3, 2014
I have an old macbook 13" (2006) thats running10.6.8 that I use from time to time and it works fine,my problem is that when I shut down or the battery runs flat it will not boot without resetting" pram" etc.and even that is very hit and miss, it wakes from sleep without any problem.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jan 16, 2009
I have a small problem with a MacBook. With OSX 10.5.6. I ran BootCamp on it to create a second partition for Windows XP SP3. When it's time to put in the Windows XP disc on the reboot, the MacBook gets stuck with a black screen and a flashing indicator in the top left corner. Supposely it must show a message that the CD is about to boot for the windows installation. But that flashing indicator just stayes there. Nothing happens.
I tried recreating the partition using bootcamp about 3 times, I made sure that the partition was working as I could see it on the OSX desktop. Tried about 4 different Windows CD's, vista included, but nothing changes.
I am now about to reinstall the Mac OS to see if that will help. I am stuck with this as I never had a problem like this and tried everything I could think of except for the reinstalling of OS X.
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Sep 2, 2010
I got BootCamp setup with a Windows 7, however whenever I restart or turn on my MBP it automatically boots into Mac, and if I want to boot into windows i would have to hold on to the option/alt key at the start in order for me to choose which drive to boot from. So my question is whether there is a way so that every time I turn on the MBP it would automatically show up the 2 OSes for me to choose from?
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Oct 26, 2010
Anyone tried it yet via dual-booting? I think I'm going to attempt it on my base 11" rather than use VMWare.
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Jun 30, 2007
I have an Intel MacBook and just did a software update, one of which was a 49MB download for Intel Macs. After installing, it asked for a reboot. Thereafter it booted as far as a blue screen and then stalled. I held down the off button until it went off, restarted and it got no further. I left it for over half an hour to see if it would get past the blue screen, but it didn't. After a few minutes of blue screen, the fans ramp up. I'm completely lost with Macs and don't even know where to begin.
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Sep 28, 2008
My friend is a hardcore Windows user, but he wants to buy a Macbook Air because it is an extremely efficient lightweight machine. He was wondering if the multi-touch mousepad interface would work with Windows Vista, and just how it performed in general.
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Jan 12, 2009
I've had this 2.0 Ghz 1gb ram Macbook since September 2007 and this was the first time I've ever had any problemas with it. So let me start from the beginning.
It all started this year. One day I picked up my Macbook and turned it on and I noticed that the screen was blinking quite a lot... then it started to get worse to a point I got really worried and it started to annoy me. Sometimes I'd boot it and Leopard would be changing my wallpaper every second (it's supposed to change my wallpaper everyday according to what I've setup in system preferences). While blinking the colors would get messed up and when I closed the Macbook and let it on, sleeping, I'd open it and it would be on the blue screen as if I had just turned it on.
It's worth mentioning that I was running a version of Leopard I downloaded from a torrent and had installed it from an external hard drive. So I thought I should try to format the machine, erasing everything and installing a new and original version of Tiger. Once I installed AND got all updates installed as well it was running perfectly. The blinking had gone away.
Yesterday I installed some new updates, booted and used it fine. Today I turned it on and it won't go past the blue screen and the apple logo won't show up as well. My Macbook just won't boot... I've tried booting on safe mode, booting with the tiger dvd on, i've tried resetting the pram and everything else I could do. The apple logo won't seem to appear and the machine won't boot.
First the blinking screen and now it won't boot.
Any other suggestions besides taking it to a support store? It's worth mentioning as well that I live in Brazil and support to Apple computers isn't as great and cheap as it is in the US. I've had this Macbook for less than 1 and a half year.
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Mar 15, 2009
I just had to switch to a new (late '08 unibody) MacBook Pro. I was able to transfer my Mac files from my 2007 MBP, but the Boot Camp partition didn't get copied by default. I tried moving it with WinClone but when I boot to Windows the machine enables the backlight, spins up the CD, but never does anything else.
I tried to completely remove and recreate the Boot Camp partition but 3 different WinXP CDs (SP2 and SP3) do exactly the same thing. My original WinXP CD is from SP1 so I've tried grabbing a few slipstreamed disc images off the net. They all behave the same.
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