Software :: Mac Os X Always Waking Up / What To Do?

Mar 29, 2009

My mac is always waking. I have asked this question and have not received any reply. I have done lots of trouble shooting with Apple, but nothing has helped. It wakes even from 'shut down'. Sometimes every few minutes, or every few hours. I day it slept all day and night. It is unpredictable and very annoying. 2 product specialists do not agree on what could be the problem.

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OS X :: 10.6 Waking From Sleep

Nov 29, 2009

There are times when my iMac will wake from sleep for no apparent reason. Sometimes, several times a night. The glare from my screen often wakes me. If I get up and select Sleep again, it performs normally but may wake up again. I have "Wake for Network Access" turned off, so that shouldn't be it.

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OS X :: MacBook Keeps Waking Up By Itself

Apr 20, 2010

When I close my macbook lid after about 15 seconds the logo on the outside flashes like the laptop has woken itself up again. it does this repeatedly and the only way to stop it is to shut down the computer completely. I've been searching the web for answers and there seem to be many people having the same problem. One website suggested typing something in terminal. I'm pretty amateur when it comes to computers. But this comes up:

Usage: pmset [-b | -c | -u | -a] <action> <minutes> [<action> <minutes>...]
pmset -g [disk | cap | live | sched | ups | batt]
-c adjust settings used while connected to a charger
-b adjust settings used when running off a battery
-u adjust settings used while running off a UPS
-a (default) adjust settings for both
<action> is one of: displaysleep, sleep, disksleep (minutes argument)
or: reduce, dps, womp, ring, autorestart, powerbutton, halfdim,
lidwake, acwake, lessbright (with a 1 or 0 argument)
or for UPS only: haltlevel (with a percentage argument)
haltafter, haltremain (with a minutes argument)
or: hibernatefile <path> hibernatemode <integer>
hibernatefreeratio <integer percent>
hibernatefreetime <integer ms>
e.g. pmset -c dim 5 sleep 15 spindown 10 autorestart 1 womp 1
pmset schedule [cancel] <type> <date/time> [owner]
pmset repeat cancel
pmset repeat <type> <days of week> <time>
<type> is one of: sleep, wake, poweron, shutdown, wakeorpoweron
<date/time> is in "MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss" format
<time> is in "HH:mm:ss" format
<days of week> is a subset of MTWRFSU
[owner] optionally describes the event creator

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OS X :: Mac Keeps Waking From Sleep

May 15, 2010

It all started a few weeks ago. Whenever I put my Mac to sleep, most of the time, it immediately wakes up again. (Eventually, the fans would start to spin up, but I solved that by disabling "Sleep hard drives when possible"). Now it's just a matter of how I can put my Mac to sleep, and keep it sleeping until I choose to wake it up. I recently got a new printer hooked up to the network, and originally thought it was the issue, but I don't think so now.

I've tried disabling wake up on network access, Bluetooth wake-up. I tried a Airport connection instead of Ethernet, and have disabled both. I even tried unplugging the Ethernet cable, along with any connected peripherals (except the keyboard). Now, my only guess is that it's a software issue, but I don't know where to start. I would love to see my Mac sleeping peacefully again.

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OS X :: Mac Pro Waking Spontaneously From Sleep

Sep 24, 2008

I am having a problem with my Mac Pro waking from sleep spontaneously at night. It doesn't always do so, but when it does it seems to be at the same time, 00:42. This morning I opened console to see what was going on at this time and this is what I got: [Log] So it would seem that eye tv is the culprit. I then went to open the in the System Configuration folder and found 2 entries for EyeTV under wakepoweron which correspond to the times listed above (i.e. 09/24/08 00:42:30 and 03/31/32 06:00:00). I have tried dumping the into the trash and then restarting, but a new file is generated with the same entries, and also opening the to delete the entries, but then get an error saying I don't have appropriate access privileges to save the file (even when I change privileges under 'get info' to read/write I still get the same error message).

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PowerPC :: G5 Not Waking Up From Sleep?

Apr 15, 2007

It wont wake from sleep and after I reboot it, it wont even start. After the chime, the screen stays blank and the fans start roaring high after a few minutes. I brought it to the Genius Bar. They ran diagnostics on it and concluded that the problem is the 3rd party RAM. I then removed the RAM when I got home and it worked for a day. Now, the problem is back. I already reset the the VRAM and the SMU. I'll bring it back today to the Apple Store but I dont know if they will even entertain me this time as they didn't even charge me for running the hardware diagnostics last time.

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Mac Pro :: System Waking Up For No Particular Reason?

Mar 14, 2008

What could be the cause of an '08 Pro waking up for no particularly good reason, and seemingly never going to sleep? Say I'm working or playing on one of my Dells with the Pros slept, at random times I'll hear the Pros wake up. Also despite setting the sleep timer at 2 hours, if I leave the Pros running I never come back to find it slept. I have similar issues under Windows sometimes so I've not been very worried about that, but what concerns me is that it wakes up when I explicitly send it to sleep.

I'm pretty diligent about shutting down apps I'm not using, and really all I'd send the Pros to sleep with is with Office components running. I have no problems with my other previous and current Macs (although the Air is the only other Leopard machine right now) so am a little puzzled. The MX1000's I use on the Pros are holstered when I manually put the machines to sleep and nothing goes near the keyboard.

I doubt it is a hardware issue - I have two at home, and spilled beer over one of them recently (oops) and swapped it out for another more recent one which I brought back home. The first thing I did was to restore the beered Pro's install and I just heard it do the same thing. I'm fairly certain it's some configuration or software problem but I wondered if anyone had any quick answers before I started rooting around for the cause.

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MacBook :: Alu Waking From Sleep By Itself

Mar 7, 2009

i have had the same setup as before (external monitor, apple bluetooth keyboard, mouse) and up until yesterday its been waking up on its own. is there an option to stop usb from waking up the computer since i have my mouse connected?

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MacBook :: Waking Up / Not Going To Sleep?

Apr 13, 2009

I just occasionally have noticed my Blackbook, running 10.5.6, when I open it after closing it and moving elsewhere say, may have lost a lot of it's battery power. I think what's happening is it's not going to sleep properly (or it's waking up) when closed. This of course leaves me with not enough power (today 8% when I opened up). What concerns me much more is that the HD arm might not be in the parked position and damage could result with me travelling around. I have in fact had two complete HD failures in 2 1/2 years (though I have no reason to believe this is the cause, in fact I doubt it). I'm aware I can press the power button then select SLEEP and I often do when I'm just charging at home and want to keep the temp down (it's hot here!). Very interested to know what's going on fact interested in the bigger picture of HD arms when the things spinning as I use my Macbook outside and on my lap a lot, and can't help some movement of course. I emphasise when I shut the lid it normally sleeps as normal, this is just an occasional thing. So is it dangerous, what's causing it, and what about the bigger pic on HD arms when moving the laptop around?

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MacBook Air :: Keeps Waking Up From Sleep?

May 3, 2009

My girlfriends Air has suddenly gotten a weird problem lately. Every now and then when she wakes it from sleep it seems to think that it has a second display connected to it. Even rebooting doesn't always solve the problem.

She has never used an external display with it before. The port looks clean (I thought there might be something there causing a short) and as far as we know there hasn't been any tinkering with any system files on her computer.

Anybody ever heard of this problem before? Or have any idea how to fix it?

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PowerPC :: Not Waking Up From Sleep

Aug 6, 2009

I recently bought a second hand Powerbook G4 1.67. It came without a hard drive so i put a new drive in and installed Leopard on it. The problem, before I upgraded it to 10.5.7 sleep mode would work fine but since the upgrade after waking up from sleep only the mouse will work and the rest of the screen is frozen. Anyone else have this problem or know of a fix?

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Hardware :: New IMac Waking Up By Itself

Feb 27, 2010

My brand new 27 inch iMac is waking by itself. It has a wireless keyboard & mouse which I have a sneaking suspicion might have something to do with the problem. Or maybe the Linksys router? Would any other Bluetooth device not on the immediate premises be contributing to this? This is strange, I haven't used wireless devices before so it's possible some nuance is eluding me.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Why Does Mac Sometimes Freeze When Waking Up

Mar 18, 2012

Why does my mac sometimes freeze when waking up? It only happens sometimes, but also happens spontaneously.21' iMac 2011 model.It just started recenlty after a new firmware update from apple.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Air :: Sometimes Running Hot After Waking Up?

Mar 24, 2012

I have an i5 13" air. Sometimes after waking up from sleep I notice that nothing is running, all applications are closed, yet the temp according to istat is between 75c-82c.  I checked the processes and the cpu is barely being hit. Yet the temp stays at those levels. I restart and everything is under 55c with like 4 apps running.

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Intel Mac :: Does Not Look For WiFi After Waking Up

Apr 4, 2012

This only started after I upgraded to Lion. I would swear I saw it in an update from Apple after that, too, but the iMac doesn't find any updates and is still doing it. When I wake the iMac, it doesn't go look for wifi. I have to click on the symbol and choose the network. Since I'm used to just clicking Safari.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: IMac Waking Up On Its Own?

Aug 21, 2014

We have a family iMac that is waking up on its own. 

27" Mid-2011

3.4 GHz i7


Pretty clean system, as I don't have a lot of software loaded. My son usually uses it for games, Minecraft mainly. 

The last couple days it has been waking up on its own with no prompting. I checked the usual suspects, "Wake for network access" is not clicked, bluetooth is off and there are no sharing services that have been clicked on.

When I check the console, the only message that shows up during the self wake is: 

"8/21/14 11:20:06.960 PM Console[309]: setPresentationOptions called with NSApplicationPresentationFullScreen when there is no visible fullscreen window; this call will be ignored." 

This keeps appearing at the time the self-wake up occurs. 

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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Mac Pro :: Waking Itself Up From Sleep Mode Randomly

Sep 30, 2010

And I can hear my Mac Pro waking itself up from sleep every so often. What does this mean?

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MacBook Air :: Waking Up Touch Pad Freezes?

Dec 17, 2010

When I wake up my MBA (re-open lid). I notice for about 5secs I can't use the touchpad, it's inoperable. But after the 5secs it starts working again. This used to be instant then after the Firmware update it does this.

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MacBook Air :: Wifi Not Waking Up From Sleep

Mar 28, 2008

I am not sure if this is related to the other wifi issues posted on this thread. I am hoping it is an easy Leopard configuration thing. But my wifi used to work perfect--until I patched my OS version. Now, whenever open the lid, it can never connect to my wifi router immediately like it used to do. It spends cycles hunting, and I end up having to manually go into network preferences and try a few times to connect, including rekeying the password.

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Mac Pro :: Automatically Waking Up From Sleep Mode

Sep 24, 2008

I had this problem since I used the power schedule to shut down my mac a day after I went on vacation. Now every morning I see the macpro awaken from sleep mode. The mouse is in it's stand so it can't be that. I disabled everything in power settings.

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IMac :: Waking/Starting Up Randomly?

Mar 20, 2009

I got my new 24" iMac ~2 weeks ago, and it's AMAZING compared to my MB... Except the fact that the computer will randomly wake up or start up in the middle of the night. The first night I had it home, it turned on 7 times! The next night, it did it once and I turned it off. It stayed off. The day after that, I turned it off when I went to bed. At 4 AM I hear "DONG!!!!!!!!" Ugh. I get up, and turn it off, only to have it start up at 5 AM. x_x I spent the next day looking for answers, I turned off wake for ethernet network something, and turned off screen sharing, quit all programs, and turned off the Airport card. Still, at 3 AM, it wakes me up. I turn put my jacket over it so I can get some sleep. I've been fighting it every night. I'm tired of it. Yesterday I reset the SMC and PRAM, and it still woke from sleep.

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OS X :: MacBook Crashes On Waking Up From Sleep

Apr 15, 2009

I have a late 2008 macbook, and occasionally after going into sleep via closing the lid or according to the sleep timer, it doesn't really want to wake up. I open the lid/press spacebar and the computer sounds like it's waking up, the keyboard lights up, but the screen stays dark. I've tried waiting for up to 30 seconds before eventually I just hold the power button and hard reset. Upon restart, there is an error message stating that os x crashed. I haven't been able to let it sit for more than a minute or two, as it usually happens when I'm getting ready to give a presentation or something, fun right.

Wed Apr 15 11:28:25 2009
panic(cpu 0 caller 0x001A9C68): Kernel trap at 0x00143b90, type 14=page fault, registers:
CR0: 0x80010033, CR2: 0x000003ad, CR3: 0x01879000, CR4: 0x00000660
EAX: 0x00000001, EBX: 0x00000002, ECX: 0x0052ad64, EDX: 0x00000000
CR2: 0x000003ad, EBP: 0x60e3793c, ESI: 0x00000000, EDI: 0x0714f454
EFL: 0x00010246, EIP: 0x00143b90, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x0b970010
Error code: 0x00000000

Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
0x60e37758 : 0x12b4f3 (0x45b13c 0x60e3778c 0x1335e4 0x0)
0x60e377a8 : 0x1a9c68 (0x464700 0x143b90 0xe 0x463eb0)
0x60e37888 : 0x1a038d (0x60e378a0 0x0 0x60e3793c 0x143b90)
0x60e37898 : 0x143b90 (0xe 0x52680048 0x60e30010 0x7a40010)
0x60e3793c : 0x767a790 (0x1 0x0 0xb97e650 0x0)
Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0x2160c8

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: mDNSResponder
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 9.6.0: Mon Nov 24 17:37:00 PST 2008; root:xnu-1228.9.59~1/RELEASE_I386
System model name: MacBook5,1 (Mac-F42D89C8)

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MacBook :: The Lid Closed And Is Constantly Waking Itself Up?

May 12, 2009

so my wife's macbook has the lid closed and is constantly waking itself up. Nothing is plugged into the macbook. It is on the charger and receiving full power.I have tried to put it to sleep using Apple>sleep> off etc. and after about 3 seconds it wakes back up with the lid open. All night we hear the dvd rom booting up and the Mac wakes up.

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MacBook :: Waking Up From Sleep On Its Own After 10.5.5 Installed

May 28, 2009

I have a 2.4 Penryn black MacBook. It's been waking up on it's own, overheating and shutting down since I installed 10.5.7. This happened when I first got it, and I took it to Apple. At that time, seems the RAM wasn't seated properly. It hasn't been a problem again until now. Yesterday, it did it twice. The RAM seems to be seated properly. Is there a firmware update or something I'm missing?

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OS X :: Remotely Waking Up Mac From Sleep Mode Possible?

Jul 9, 2009

I am trying to access my computer remotely via Logmein however it is either in sleep/suspend mode and the remote software is not active as a result. Anyway I can wake it up and prevent from happening in future?

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Mac Pro :: System Randomly Waking Up From Sleep

Jul 22, 2009

I have a 2009 8 cores 2.66Ghz Mac Pro with 16GB RAM and ATI Radeon HD 4870. It keeps waking up randomly from sleep. I have tried quitting all applications before sleeping, but it still woke up from sleep by itself. Anyone has nay idea why it kept waking up randomly?

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MacBook Pro :: Disc Ejected When Waking?

Aug 5, 2009

If I have a disc in the dvd drive when I either turn on my computer or wake it from sleep, the disc will almost always be ejected.

If I then put it back in, it will usually self-eject another 3 or 4 times before it will actually spin up and be recognized by the MBP.

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MacBook Pro :: Waking Up Closed Lid Computer?

Oct 3, 2009

How would you wake up a close lid MBP connected to a external monitor like HDTV?

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MacBook Pro :: Partial Waking But No Display?

Feb 24, 2010

I'm having a serious issue here. It's very intermittent which makes it very difficult to "treat."

Every once and a while, I put my MacBook Pro (17" Unibody, 2009, 4GB RAM, 500GB HD 5400) to sleep and when I go to wake it up, you can hear the hard drive spinning up and you can feel the fans (not running fast at all; normal) if you put your hand by the vent... but no display. When I close the screen again, the pulsing light just stays steady. The hard drive and the fans continue to go. They never stop. It's happened ten times in the past month and it's driving me insane. I've found it in the Console, take a look here -- click for large version.

What are your thoughts? What does this mean?



The only way I can get back to my computer is if I force shut down my computer. I've damaged the hierarchy of files by doing that (spotlight has had to reindex, sometimes I've had to boot up off my Snow Leopard disk and run disk utility to get it back to working).

I have reset the SMC and PRAM. It didn't fix it. Again, it happens so intermittently that I can never point out what causes it, if anything in particular does.

I'm about to sell my computer and I really need to get this fixed. Thoughts, anybody?

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OS X :: Keyboard Not Working After Waking From Sleep?

Feb 26, 2010

I'm well sure this topic has come up before, but I've never seen it answered.

After waking my Mac mini from sleep, my keyboard won't respond at all. I tried:

- Plugging it into a different USB port, including the one on my monitor
- Using the mouse to wake the computer up from sleep instead of the keyboard
- Switching to a different, wired keyboard (had a wireless before)

Both keyboards used were off-brand (non-Apple) keyboards, but I've had a couple before these two that never had a problem whatsoever.

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