Software :: Mac Office 2008 Excel Versus Numbers 1.0
Nov 15, 2007
The planned mid-January release of Office 2008 offers a significant overhaul of the productivity suite's look and features.
The previous segment described new features in Word 2008, with some comparisons to Apple's Pages 08. This article examines what's new in Excel 2008 and contrasts Microsoft's oldest application to Apple's newest: the Numbers 08 spreadsheet included with iWork.
So here is my dilemma. I got a letter a few days ago from the college I am going to, and it included a list of requirements if we were bringing our own computer. One of the requirements was if we had a Mac, to have Office 2008. I have talked to a friend who is replacing her current Macbook with another Macbook later in the summer, and we decided that when she bought her Macbook, that we could split the price of Microsoft Office for Mac 2008. Now, should I just go ahead and continue on with the plan with my friend, or what? Is there a huge difference in Office 2004 and Office 2008?
Does anyone know if you can label axis in excel 2008? I know before SP1 it couldnt be done, just wondering if anyone has come across this in the to SP1? Or it can be done already? Because its pretty useless for me without that feature!
After upgrading to Lion, I can no longer see the text in my word documents or excel worksheets. I know the text is there because it appears in the formula bar - it just isn't visible in the cells. I can also see the text if I quickview the excel files. In the word documents, all I can see are the pictures/ text. Weird. I have the latest version of Office 2008 and Lion OS.
I'm sure most people suffer from this but here goes.
So I make a presentation on Mac Office powerpoint, everything is fine. I open it up at university on the PC, all is fine. I maybe change some text on a slide and save it again. Open the same file again on my Mac, and it won't open some silly error comes up saying trouble accessing file from mac HD.
Then luckily I have keynote, so I just open it in that and use that.
Point is why does this happen?? Whilst keynote is better, sometimes I have to edit things on a PC at work or uni and then it becomes a giant mess on my mac.
Is there a quick fix, or will I have to throw Mac Office into my growing pile of Microsoft related garbage.
I'm doing a paper in Office 2008, and need some charts for better visualization. I want to have some graphs showing the numbers of listeners of ten different radio stations by columns. To provide good labeling I thought about the names of the radio stations under the chart, but horizontally it's quite a mess, vertically is hard to read. So is it possible to orientate the labels diagonally, maybe sixty degrees or see instead of the pre formatted settings of 270 degrees? I couldn't find definite answers via Excel help or even Google. ("excel chart labels orientation").
I've heard Office:Mac isn't that great, and doesn't make up for what iWork 09 is missing. So I'm wondering what people think about it and why does it get such a bland reputation? Also, do people use a combination of the above? Such as iWork and Office:Windows? Both Offices? I do mainly word processing, some soft Excel work (no hardcore giant spreadsheets...yet), and general PowerPoints for presentations. I have access to cheap iWork/Offices (school discount) and a family pack of the top-level edition of Office:PC (family) so it isn't a big deal to get any of the above.
Lastly, what's the difference between Camino and Firefox? I use Firefox currently and love it, mainly due to the add-ons (weather at the bottom, Gmail alert, skins, page views, other customizations). Tabs seem to be on all browsers these days, so are there any other key differences?
So I got Office 2011; it's pretty good stuff. Unlike Windows based systems, it did not remove Office 2008 which is different. I am wondering if there is any reason that I should or should not remove 2008 since I have 2011 (exact same programs).
I accidentally trashed two of my icons on my icon bar I didn't put them in the trash but when I clicked them they turned into wads of trash. I don't know how to find them now?
I have MS Office 2008 for Mac installed and have no use for the other apps, but would like, to have my Mac clean and the ~ 1GB of hdd space more. Is there a solution, to uninstall ALL MS software except Excel? Unfortunately, Excel still is a few nose lengths ahead of, which neglects some functions and the sheer speed of Excel.
Does anyone have any recommendations on one software suite versus another? I have used iWork (brief use of the trial) and MS Office in the past, and right now I am looking at Openoffice, which seems really nice.
I am considering dropping some money on iWork, but I am not sure if it is worth it.
Any shared experiences or recommendations or comparisons will be very welcome.
I forgot my administrator's password for my home computer. I purchased office 2008 for mac with a free upgrade to office 2011. I upgraded it to 2011 when it came out (late 2010/early 2011). I have since made a new password and forgotten what it is. The mac tells me to reinstall my microsoft office but when I do, with the office 2008 disc, it tells me I have MORE RECENT SOFTWARE and to use that. I did it on line and cannot find it again.
Microsoft on Tuesday released stability and performance updates for Office 2004 and Office 2008 for Mac, both of which also patch vulnerabilities that could allow an attacker to overwrite the contents of a computer's memory by using malicious code.
Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac 11.5.1 Update
Aside from the security fix, Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac 11.5.1 Update [14.5MB] also updates the Japanese postal code dictionary in Entourage and fixes an issue that causes Word 2004 to close unexpectedly when opening a document that contains a numbered list.
Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac 12.1.2 Update
The 12.1.2 update for Office 2008 for Mac [159.6MB] is more substantial, repairing a global issue that prevented all Office 2008 applications from running AppleScript scripts from the Script menu, while also delivering a number of individual fixes for Word, Excel and Entourage.
More specifically, Microsoft said Word should now launch more quickly and tables will no longer included random instances of bold text. Other changes improve the display of form fields and the reliability of headers & footers in the word processing application.
Meanwhile, Excel should now open spreadsheet files that contain invalid characters and see improvements to the overall performance of calculations. Number formatting for some international languages and stability when saving workbooks that contain PivotTable reports has also been improved.
One of the major focus areas for Entourage was to improve stability when using Microsoft Sync Services, Microsoft said. In particular, Tuesday's update fixes an issue that where all contacts in Entourage or in the Apple Address Book would be deleted and re-created when you use Microsoft Sync Services. It should also prevent duplication of events and other items in Entourage or in iCal.
Other changes to Entourage focused on improving junk mail filtering, recurring calendar events, time zone information, embedded images, and the reliability when Entourage establishes a encrypted channel.
Student Office 2008 deal
Earlier Tuesday, Microsoft said it has teamed with a select few Apple authorized resellers like to offer students up to 30 percent off its various Office 2008 productivity suites when they're purchased alongside a new Mac before September 8th.
The offer translates into $15 off Office 2008 Home and Student Edition, $80 off Office 2008 Standard Edition, and $150 off Office 2008 Special Media Edition..
Amazon is also offering between $50 and $200 rebates on Apple's entire Mac line through August 25th.
Ready to install Office 2011 for Mac. Currently we are running Office 2008 for Mac.
What is the best way to eliminate Office 2008 and to ensure a clean Office 2011 install?
For most Mac programs, I would normally drag the application folder to the trash, and then do a library search for some entries related to the program. Will this work for Office 2008 to Office 2011? I ask because the M$ installers seem to more than simply add the app to your app folder and update the libraries - and don't get me started on the horrors of the Windoze registry errors.
I recently bought a Macbook Pro (and loving it) with iWork 09 pre-installed. I really like using numbers compared to office. However, I have just started working in a group where all the other members use Windows with Office 2007. I have been able to save my numbers (and pages) documents as the office equivalent. My problem lies when I am working on a document in numbers that is the office format. I like to continuously save my progress but whenever i press save, I have to save it as a whole new document or replace the existing one. When I used to work in office 2007 I used to just press save every now and then and it would save my changes. Am I doing something wrong or is it because I am working on an excel spreadsheet in numbers (word document in pages)?
A sheet of ply comes 1220mm wide and my staircase is 1200 wide. Therefore I get two out of one cut of ply. Used an 'if' function <1220 to divide by two as I get two out of one sheet if it's less than 1220.
Cell D11 calculates the amount of ply (as width measurement) needed by using an 'if' function, and E11 works it out as an actual sheet. The problem is it's showing 0.47 instead of rounding it to the nearest whole sheet (1), even if only 10mm is used I need to buy a whole sheet.
I am a newly converted Mac user and have some entrenched Excel habits, and try as I might, I couldn't locate this Excel formula in Numbers.
In Excel, I use "=C55 (or cell reference)" to copy that particular value from one worksheet to another.
I do this by clicking on the cell where I want the value to be copied to, type = and then switch to the other worksheet and click on the cell I want to copy. And voila, I am now back onto my 1st worksheet with the value showing. I do this because the value I want to copy to this cell changes regularly.
if you have more than one sheet in a Numbers document, is there a way to EXPORT just one sheet to Excel? There is no option to do that under the Export feature. The alternative is to copy the one sheet into a blank new numbers document then export.
I have these Numbers files but need to send them to someone who is using a pc with MS Excel. She won't be able to read the files if they are left as .numbers. The odd thing is that I have successfully saved some of the files as .xls and .xls.xls and even some as .xls.numbers.
However, I have lost data when doing some of these savings - I have been taking the .numbers file and trying to save it as .xls but when I open the newly-saved file there's nothing there. Please look at the attached snapshot of my folder structure. Can you anything in there that might be causing my problem? The red arrows are just to highlight the ones I'm particularly interested in.
I have recently run a 13 page excel spread sheet for a budget on Windows and on transferring it to Numbers on my new mac, one of the formulas is not compatable. this is what I do. There is a balance figure on each of pages 2 to 13 which are then required to be transferred as a total figure in one of the columns on page 1.
This was the formula on windows: =SUM(xmas:Savings!F2)
For all you people out there hooked on Excel. Have you been able to successfully convert to Numbers or are you using both at the same time or did you try Numbers but stay with Excel??
1. What are the file extensions for MAC excel? Do they differ from PC excel? 2. What are the differences between MAC excel 08 vs PC excel 07? I have had some work done by a provider in elance in PC excel 07 and now i can not read the spread sheet in my MAC environment. The provider is saying that MAX and PC excel versions are 100% compatible - I disagree and need to know the differences but I am not tech/program savvy.
I have some .numbers files that I need a friend to look at on her pc with Excel 2003 SP3, but it's not working for her. I have changed the extension to .xls but it's no good, as when she tries to open them they are all gobbledegook.
Here's a snapshot of the various files I have, but notice how the icons for each is different, or rather that there are two distinct designs? Some of them DO open in Excel, but some do not.
Is there a way to do this ? When I try to open any file that is password protected, I get an error that the file 'in an incompatible format' (if memory serves, I'm away from my Mac right now). I can open it fine in NeoOffice, but it never works in Number '08. I'd consider going to iWork '09 if the problem has been addressed there.
Is there a size limit for importing an Excel File into Numbers? The error message says the file is too large. Has this been changed in i-work 09? The file has multiple sheets that refer to each other, but i can't even open at this point. It is 3.1 MB.
There are absolutely no add-ins for Excel 2008 for mac! I really need the data analysis toolpak for school and work. Does anybody know if it's possible to download this toolpak from somewhere and install it? I've tried looking and have come up with nothing so far.