Software :: Cleaning Up My EMac Reinstalling Required?

Aug 30, 2009

I am buying a new IMac and want to clean up my eMac before giving it away.Would re-installing from the original disks do the job?

Also, I have saved the hard drive contents into my LaCie backup. Does this also take care of the desktop folders?

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MacBook Pro :: Super Drive Cleaning - With Cleaning Disc?

Jun 18, 2009

I have the dreaded " unexpected error occured. (Error code 0x8002006E)" problem.

Basically it doesn't want to burn DVDs ( fine on CDs though ).

I've read various ways to fix this such as zapping pram, SMC reset etc. and none worked. I also read that a cleaning disc might do the job.

So my question is, are these discs safe in a MacbookPro machine? And as I recall these discs have little bristles on one side - which way up should they go ( facing up or down )?

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EMac :: Removing The Hard Drive On Emac?

Feb 25, 2012

I have tried to migrate hardrive content from the emac to our imac with no luck. We still need to get eveything off the emac. What is the best way to do this? Take the hard drive out and then what?

We have a macbook in the same situation if you can answer that one too. 

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Software :: Cleaning Off Mac?

Feb 1, 2010

I just want to clean off my computer, so it runs a little faster. It's getting slow and starting to take a long time to think.

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MacBook Pro :: Best Cleaning Solution?

Oct 21, 2010

got my MBP about a month back. It's getting a little grimey now though and I want to know what the best way to clean it is. I was recommended to buy this [URL] when I visited my nearest Apple retailer, but was wondering if there was anything better out there?

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OS X :: Cleaning The Startup Disk?

Nov 5, 2010

i have a small ssd disk ( 80 gb ) on my macbook pro and i suddenly found that i only have 2,5 gb left on it. How can i effectively make more space on it?/ find junk that i can delete? I mostly have only apps on it not much anything else.Whats the best way to do this, are there any good apps for it=?

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OS X :: IPhoto Cleaning Out Trash Bin?

Dec 9, 2010

how do I clear out the trash bin in iPhoto?

I deleted it once and it all went back to my Photo file, which I didn't want to do, I wanted to delete it completely from my computer.

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Mac Pro :: Cleaning Keyboard With Alcohol?

Jan 17, 2009

would it be alright to clean the aluminum on the mac pro and keyboard with rubbing alcohol?

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MacBook Air :: Cleaning The Keyboard?

Feb 15, 2009

I have a rev A MBA and I have noticed that the keys on my keyboard are getting shiny from normal use and wear but I was wondering if whether Apple or a third party company had many cleaning solutions that would clean the keyboard?

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MacBook Air :: Rev B Keyboard Cleaning?

Jan 25, 2010

I would just like to ask whether it is worth the effort to take apart my MBA rev B myself to try and clean under the keyboard (I have a number of keys that are loosing clickyness and it's starting to affect the typing) or sending the whole thing straight to Apple and let them sort it out (I can't really afford to send it in a week like last time (for hinge issue) which is why I was considering doing it myself. I was thinking of cleaning the top as well. My MBA has a hard life. Since I was digging around in there do you all think its worth replacing the CPU gel as well? My MBA JUST about runs youtube, it stutters with 480p sometimes (won't run 720p without lagging horrifically and certainly not 1080p). Temps are about 60-65 C just web browsing, msn, skype and iTunes, and run into the high 70s mid 80s while watching flash. Everything else works great : ) (except 1 screw fell out the bottom).

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PowerPC :: Cleaning The Microprocessor?

May 18, 2010

I have an eMac 2002... I am trying to clean the heat sink and the microprocessor on my logic board so that I can apply new thermal paste. I heard to use 90% alcohol, anyone who tried it?

Another thing, I know this is for iMac and Mac minis but maybe some of you had an eMac before... There is a film on the microprocessor covering the whole square like a thin clear plastic one, does that come off before the new thermal paste or not?

And also my optical drive carrier again from the older eMac like all has a metal heat shield. The service manual calls for a cotter pin to hold it in place. I do not remember having a cotter pin there when I was disassembling it. However there is this plastic pin I found on the floor that may have popped without me noticing while I was taking it off. It looks like a screw but plastic without the threads instead a pop in type of kind. Any clues? Can this be the pin?

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Intel Mac :: Cleaning Up Duplicates On The HD?

Apr 7, 2012

I'm in the process of cleaning up duplicates on the HD. What I want to know "positively", is Trash Bin fully isolated, and cannot be accessed/used by OS X 10.7.3 when exercising applications resident on the HD.

Note: I am using Parallels 7 for Windows apps.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: App For Cleaning / Speeding Up Mac?

Jun 18, 2012

Can any recommend an App for cleaning/speeding up my iMac and Macbook Pro, both of which use Lion? Hard drive space is not really the issue, but I can't help feeling that my iMac is not as nippy as it used to be - my basic requirements are

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MacBook Pro :: Get Mac Cleaning Software?

Jul 5, 2012

Should i get cleaning software for my 4 yr old MacBook Pro?

Macbook Pro

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MacBook :: Why Would Exhaust Be 0 RPM After Fan Cleaning

Jun 30, 2014

The fan was rattling so loud forever so I cleaned it. Unfortunately I broke 3 blades.

then the noise completely stopped, so I was happy, but soon found out its probably not working because newly downloaded Istat shows exhaust: 0rpm.

i opened mac again to check wiring, connection etc.

still 0 rpm...does this happen often? 

Macbook mid 2007, 10.6

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Hardware :: Cleaning The Screen On The New MacBook?

Dec 9, 2008

I cannot see how to remove the subtle "smudges" that accumulate. It is like there are fingerprints on the screen, and even with a soft paper towell and gentle cleaning fluid, there is no real improvement.

I know this sounds silly, but the cool screen on the laptop is a part of its attraction, and it is natural to want to make it nice.

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IMac :: Resetting System And Cleaning HD?

Sep 15, 2010

I am about to sell my current iMac because I have got a new one.
1. I wanted to restore the iMac as new. It originally game with Tiger if I erase the disk, do I have to install tiger, the upgrade to leopard and then upgrade to snow leopard?
2.Is there a way to delete everything except some programs like Photoshop, iLife 09 and iWork?
3.Is there a way to "reset" the iMac so when the buyer turns the computer it starts with the setup and welcome movie?

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OS X :: Cleaning Up Your Mac To Free Up Disk Space?

Sep 27, 2010

Anyone know if it's possible to clean up downloaded updates from programs on Snow Leopard?

When Adobe downloads updates for Photoshop or Acrobat for instance...after the update get's installed does the file get deleted or it stays somewhere on the system.

Same goes for Mac OSX they leave a copy of say an Itunes update on the system after it updates it...or does it get automatically deleted from the system.

I'd like to clean out any useless downloads that just sit there taking up space after they have updated the Apps on my Mac.

So does anyone know where to find these downloaded updates and if it's possible to remove them without any issues?

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Applications :: Cleaning Up ITunes / Finding Best App

Sep 28, 2010

What is the best software to clean up iTunes?

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MacBook Pro :: Make A Mbp Faster Like Cleaning It Up?

Dec 10, 2010

How do you make a mbp faster like cleaning it up?

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PowerPC :: Cleaning IBook Keyboard?

Jul 1, 2008

Have had my iBook for over 5 years now, and she has a dirty keyboard... I have a cat and I try to vacuum the keyboard to get the cat hair out..but it tends to get hooked on all the keys and then sticks up and doesnt get sucked into the vacuum. Does anybody else have this issue when cleaning the keyboard? I know this probably sounds odd.

Would like to know if anybody has any tips on how to clean the keyboard successfully of all cat hair lol.

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OS X :: Recommendations For Cleaning New Aluminum Macbook?

Oct 30, 2008

I just bought the new aluminum Macbook.I currently use the black cloth that came with it to clean the glass screen.I was wondering though whats the best method to clean the outer shell and keyboard. I think I got some oil stains/spots on the black keys, which I'm not sure how to wipe off

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OS X :: Tips In Cleaning The Trackpad Effectively?

Jul 16, 2009

i'm using the new MacBook white for a month or so already but i've gotten some pretty stubborn stains on the trackpad. after trying a combination of damp cloth and soap, i went to get an iKlear, which was recommended by the sales officer. however, iKlear doesn't seem to work at all. in fact, it actually made the stain spread all over the trackpad. i really need help in cleaning this stain. it's such an eyesore!

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MacBook Pro :: 200.6gb Down To 153.5bg After Wiping / Cleaning Entire HD?

Jul 22, 2009

I decided to wipe my MacBook Pro and start from scratch, on account of a hunch that I may have accidentally deleted items I wasn't supposed to, which was making it slightly sluggish. Anyway, the process went fine, however I noticed when I took stuff out of my Time Machine, the HD back then said it had about 200.6gb free space. When I checked the free space I had after the clean sweep, it now only amounts to about 153.5gb. What the heck?! Now, I have added a few podcasts and some minute programs in between to enjoy my fresh start, but...those downloads add up nowhere NEAR such a tremendous loss of disk space. Am I missing hidden files or did the wipe take some extra space for some reason? I performed the 7-over wipe, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it. It didn't seem like it would, I mean...all it does is wipe 7 times, but I am slightly concerned with such a chunk of my space missing.

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OS X :: Cleaning Up Hard Drive And Defragmenting It?

Aug 18, 2009

I had my macbook for about 2 weeks and I love it. I been installing apps on it and storing large files and removing them. On a Pc there a utility that can defragment your hard drive and improve performance of your PC is there something like that for the mac?

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MacBook Pro :: Cleaning Logicboard W Alcohol?

Nov 6, 2009

I recently spilled a small amount(tblspn at most) of milk into my g4 PowerBook. After the spill, I kept it on for a few hours (I now know to remove battery and powerdown immediately). When I came home it was not working. I've let it sit for two days w no luck. I have heard that I could possibly clean the logicboard w alcohol as a last resort. Anyone familiar w this process? I'm also curious about USB enclsoures to retrieve info from assumingly undamaged hard drive.

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OS X :: Cleaning Up Dock - Lost Applications

Jan 31, 2010

a few minutes ago i was cleaning up my dock, i pulled garageband off and then noticed i still needed it there, so i went into my applications folder to try and find it, but it's not there? ive used spotlight search and looked in a fair few folders - including the recycling bin, and cannot find it. Ive also tried opening some of the files ive made with it and they open in quicktime and says the document cannot be opened. dont say reinstall iLife 09, i bought it from a guy on ebay with it preinstalled; but he never sent the disks.

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MacBook Pro :: Cleaning Keyboard In An Easy Way

Apr 1, 2012

How do I clean my keyboard with readily available materials rather than running into hardware store and get some chemicals?

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Keyboard Not Working After Cleaning?

Apr 20, 2012

Earlier I cleaned my Macbook keyboard with a wet wipe, brushed over the keys (pressing them down whilst doing so). Firstly when I went to go back to using my MacBook the trackpad at first decided to use right click only functions, after a bit I managed to get this working fully again. However the keyboard did nothing but work a bit but the keys not doing the functions they were assigned to do. So I rebooted and tried to login but couldn't because the keyboard wasn't functioning resulting in me having to get a USB keyboard to sign in. For a while the caps lock light worked, but now has completely died and doesn't work even when pressed on the USB keyboard. The keyboard is still active as occasionally when I go to try and use it for example a key that doesn't actually control the brightness ends up controlling the brightness?  

I've run diagnostic checks and it's all been passed. Absolutely no idea what's going on? If I have to reinstall Lion i'm more than happy to do so but i'd rather not if I don't have to? Perhaps I damaged the keyboard itself when going through all the keys pressing them down? Although it's pretty unlikely the liquid from a wet wipe could get in right?


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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Will Cleaning Ruin My Mac

May 17, 2012

if clean my mac will help or destoy my mac

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