Safari :: How To See Saved Passwords
Apr 28, 2012I use to be able to see all of my saved passwords, Now I can't.... Safari Version 5.1.5
Mac Book Pro 2.26GHZ, Mac OS X (10.6.6), 2GB 1067MHz DDR3
I use to be able to see all of my saved passwords, Now I can't.... Safari Version 5.1.5
Mac Book Pro 2.26GHZ, Mac OS X (10.6.6), 2GB 1067MHz DDR3
I have safari save all of my login's and passwords so that I don't have to remember them. I'm about to wipe my computer, so I need to write them down so i can re-add them after the wipe. I went to preferences -> autofill -> edit usernames and passwords, and i don't see a way to get safari to reveal my saved passwords!I'm running Safari 5.1.3 on Mac 10.7.3.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am redoing my moms Macbook and she has her passwords saved in Safari, and you cant view them, like you can in Firefox, so I was wondering if there is any way to export or view them? I saw a thread that said copy ~/Library/Keychains and put that on the new Mac, but I just want to make sure that that will work, or if there is someway I can actually view the passwords & logins, etc.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been trying to delete the passwords saved in my auto fill and havr followed the instructions outlined in the Help section but it still won't delete anything. Does anyone have a solution to this? I have even tried resetting Safari.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFirstly i am running chrome.
When i go to some websites (which i have the password stored in keychain) it auto fills in username and passwords, but i have to click ok (seems pointless).
Other sites (such as facebook) when i load them they already have been logged in.
How to I get it to do this for all websites.
This is driving me insane. I'm a member of quite a few internet forums and I cannot for the life of me remember all of their passwords. Ever since updating OS X and Safari it keeps forgetting my login details for them even though I tell it to remember when I'm given the option! Sometimes it will remember and keep me logged into a forum when I next visit it. But then it seems to forget again after a couple of days. I'm getting rather fed up of this.
View 19 Replies View RelatedI'm in the process of installing a new, 500 GB HDD into the Macbook. The OS is installed onto the new HDD but I haven't actually put the drive into the Macbook. I don't want to just use Migration Assistant to migrate all my user settings over, as there's some wonky stuff going on with my account. Plus, I want to use Safari4 rather than Safari3 which I'm using now, with plugins and addons. I've got all my apps/dmgs backed up, and a current Time Machine backup, but again, don't want to just import everything.
So how do I get my passwords etc migrated over? Can I use Keychain from the old HDD and just copy/paste the relevent files? If so, what files? Basically, I want iTunes settings, all iLife apps, all iWork apps, my backed up dmgs and registrations, my VMware installs (Win XPproSP2 and Vista Ultimate), my firefox logins, my foxmarks install, my documents, my perian settings etc without bringing over the plugins, etc. Will I have to redownload the Blackberry Desktop Manager and Tetherberry into a new VMware? Or will the whole VMware environment migrate over? Sorry if this post seems a little scattered, but it's late where I am and I've just got in from some AWESOME wings'n'beers.
upgraded to Safari 5 and auto fill no longer works, passwords are mostly forgotten. Used Help and there was nothing to help this issue. To go back and try to remember passwords, account numbers etc is horrible and so far I see no advantages to this new version. This is the unintended consequence of a new version of software even with Apple!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have all the boxes ticked in Autofill preferences, ran Keychain First Aid and searched the net for an answer but still my 20" iMac won't store the Yahoo username and password details. It will quite happily store others but not Yahoo. My 24" iMac does it, so does my MacBook Pro and iPhone!
View 8 Replies View RelatedI recently had difficulty logging into a website account.As a result, I was forced to change my password. However, when I went to log in with the new password, Safari did not ask whether or not I wanted it to memorize my password. The same thing happened with another site that I frequent. I've tried resetting Safari, emptying my cache, etc., but I'm still having trouble logging into one of my favorite sites.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am having problems deleting old passwords from Safari.I follow the instructions inthe "Help" file to highlight the pld password and click "Done", but nothing happen
Info:Mac mini, iOS 5.1.1, Safari Problem
I'm on a new MacBook Pro at work - came with OS X.4 and an upgrade install disc to Leopard... Safari 3 will NOT save any of my passwords. I continually choose "yes" every time I visit the sites that I want to use this feature for (i.e. project management panel at work), but no luck. Well, not EXACTLY true, on a (very) RARE occasion - Safari will save a username, but still NOT the accompanying password. I've found 2 threads on this same issue on Apple's Support Knowledgebase, there's still no solution from them on this: [URL]
Is anyone else out there having this issue? If so, I'm urging you to post on the thread so Apple will resolve this. I'm in the web design biz, so I am frequenty visiting sites that require login credentials. I'd switch to another browser, but, well - no I won't. I love Safari too much. Hey Apple - can I get a fix ova' here?
I use Safari and have done so since owning macs for years. Never had a problem with keychain and safari remembering passwords and usernames. Since updating to the latest verison of Safari 5.1. I've encountered a problem where it won't remember the password for my websites. I have turned on autofill / user names and passwords. Even tried deleting the partciular sites from my Keychain, then removing the site and username from the autofill list in safari. But when i do this and go back to the site i want to save details on Keychain won't save any of my details. I have tried repairing keychain, restoring from an old keychain folder from my time machine. But nothing!Â
iMac Intel Core Duo 2.16 Ghz, Mac OS X (10.5.5)
On my MBPro Lion, each time I start-up, there is a message for me that SafariIDVDclient wants to use the login keychain and requires me to enter my password. Is there a way I can enter the pasword once without entering each time I start-up and if so, where can I do so? Also, I receive a second message saying that iPhotoStreamAgent wants to use login keychain and requires me to enter my password for that as well as for the SafariiDVDclient. Is there a place where I can enter the oasswird for the iPhotoStreamAgent without doing so each time?
iMac Snow Leopard / MBPro Lion, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
What is the best way to Export Firefox and Safari Passwords ??
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan you export Firefox Passwords to Safari? I can't seem to figure this out ......
View 3 Replies View RelatedI bought my first MacBook three weeks ago and was using Firefox for the first two but then I decided to switch to Safari. I love it but I have a couple of questions/problems. I did google it but found mixed responses.1) Safari sometimes doesn't save passwords, even does't ask me if I'd like to.It shows every time I launch Safari. I'm deleted Saft (used AppTrap) but looks like there are sill some files left.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there a method to import bookmarks and/or passwords stored in Chrome into Safari?Â
I have a Windows XP I also use. I cannot access the info via the mobile me panel.
.me, Windows XP, Thunderbird
Safari used to store passwords just fine but now it's not working. "User names and passwords" is checked in preferences. Which keychains need to be where?
iMovie 6, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
I've formatted my Mac synced with and now it remembers just my usernames and not passwords, when I do type in the password it asks me do I want to store it, but it never does. Plus when I go into prefs of safari and try and delete them it wont let me do that either. Is there anyway I can delete all my usernames and passwords and start again?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need a way to export my Safari passwords into Chrome of Firefox. I started using Chrome and the only thing its lacking are my passwords. If there is no way to get passwords from safari into chrome please tell me if theres a way to get them from safari into firefox because the transfer from Firefox to chrome is easy. I have tried 1password but only its trial version therefore i couldnt export the passwords into firefox.
View 1 Replies View Related1) Is there a way to make safari start a new tab when opening a link on the next tab you're watching instead of the last one?
2) When I read mails on my iPhone they don't "always" appear as read on the Mail app, is there a way to fix this? (Using Yahoo and Hotmail accounts)
3) And finally, is there a way to set a password just for when someone tries to log in remotely to my mac? I found that you could set one for start up or after going to sleep or screensaver but I don't want the password when someone enters physically to the mac but over the internet, can that be done?
What I'd like to do is have Safari use AutoFill for my passwords, but not store the passwords in my login keychain. I'd like to have a separate keychain that I can unlock from the menu bar that allows Safari access to passwords that it otherwise would not have. And I'd want it to work seamlessly with the Safari AutoFill. I tried manually adding a password in the Keychain Access Utility, which I don't want to have to do, but even then when I told it to AutoFill (although I'd like it to AutoFill automatically), I had to give Safari permission to access my keychain.
For example, if I went to Facebook, it would present the usual blank password field. But if I unlocked my keychain and then went to Facebook, the password field would already be filled in.
Even more ideally, I'd like it to skip the login page completely (as if "Remember me" had been checked), but I don't think that's possible.
I am trying to clean up my Safari autofill forms in preferences. I can delete some of them, but not the ones I have no need for, like from an old email. Â They are in the User Names and Passwords section. I have duplicates, and some with old email addresses attached that I would like to clean up.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
On several sites i use it asks me to download the .pdf file from within an article. It will appear as it should on screen, but when trying to save it to the desktop or print it, a blank (white) screen appearts and neither is working.Same happens in Firefox.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have started having trouble with PDFs in Safari this week. I can see them on screen, but if I try to save them by Save As command, I get a message saying it cannot be exported as a xxx.pdf. If I try doing it through the Print command, saving it as a PDF, the preview window shows a blank document. Something has fundamentally changed in the last week.
MacPro, iMac, MBPro 2.66 Intel Core i7, MackBook 2 G2, various G5's, Mac OS X (10.6.6), 1 TB Time Capsule (early 2009) & Airport Express
I've never used OSX before about a week ago, but I am picking up on it well (I've used GNU/Linux for almost ten years so I know my way around an operating system). But I don't really think keychain access is working as it should...It's hard to explain. I mean, the way I understand it, shouldn't it be saving the passwords I type into Safari and auto-filling them? Because it only auto-fills some passwords. Paypal autofills, but my bank's website doesn't, and even this forum doesn't autofill. I have to type in my password every time I visit.
Is this working as intended? Is there a way I can get Safari or Keychain to fill in all passwords for me automatically? This is leopard on an iMac G5 iSight model. I did a fresh install like a week ago. Sorry if my question is vague but that's the best I can do with the amount I understand.
Safari used to let me drag an image from a webpage to the finder and have the dragged file be saved as an actual image but now all that's saved is a webloc file. I want the image saved, not a reference to the image's URL - do I now have to always use "save as" to save it?Â
I can understand Safari creating a webloc file if I dragged the site icon from the location bar to the finder, but to make the default behavior for dragging things that are parts of a page (not the page itself) as webloc files seems like a HUGE step backwards for usability.Â
Does anyone know if there's, say, a key to hold when dragging to avoid saving a webloc file or a defaults command or something to make Safari revert back to sane draging behavior?
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
how do you delete something saved in Safari "BOOKMARKS"
if its turned on is it going to slow down the computer and ask for passwords every 10 minutes?
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