Safari :: Adobe Flash Plug-in Failure In Lion 10.7.4?
May 11, 2012
Just upgraded to Lion 10.7.4, then the video stopped playing in Safari. Upgraded Safari, then installed the latest Flash player, V. Also have the latest graphic card drivers. I am beginning to remember the nightmares we used to have when we upgraded Windows. I don't want to change anything any more. Apple is beginning to suck. I only went to Lion because Apple forced me because of iCloud. MANY REGRETS NOW.
I was going to upgrade my wife's laptop tomorrow. Now I won't until someone helps me fix my computer. MacPro 2008. HOW DO I FIX THIS?
after upgrading to lion, seems like there is a plug-in issue - not sure if it's in safari or quicktime (i think the former). any idea on how to fix so you can view quicktime videos on web? already tried to reload latest (version 11) adobe flash without success.
I have a PowerMac G5 computer, running OSX Version 10.4.11. Up until yesterday, the computer performed flawlessly. Suddenly, yesterday, I get a message from Firefox (the browser I usually use), telling me that my Flash Player had been disabled because I did not have the most up-to-date version of Adobe Flash Player. When I investigated, I found out that the newest version was NOT compatible with my computer. So I tried reinstalling the most recent version of Adobe Flash Player that IS compatible and have had no success. When I go in to System Preferences and click on the Adobe Flash Player pane (under other), I get a message reading "could not load Adobe Flash Player." Someone out there must know how to handle this. I'm not in a position to purchase a new computer, and I desperately need Flash Player for some of the websites I use quite often.
I sent a request the other day for help regarding my downloading Adobe Flash Player and losing the ability to play my games( they were bookmarked from the web) because of missing plug- ins. I mentioned that I know very little about this computer. I did get a reply saying that he needed more information about my computer which I sent and I have not heard anything back. I probably did not send the message correctly therefore I am sending the info again and I hope I don't screw it up this time.
accidentally deleted adobe flash player and silver light plug in. Netflix and videos on Facebook will no longer load. I reinstalled both but it's like nothing happened neither one work. what's the issue?
Actually all video content in Safari.Videos appear as blank in Chrome.Everything operates normally in Firefox.I've uninstalled and re-installed Flash.Cleared all browsing data both Safari/Chrome Checked DNS settings re-started zapped PRAM selected open in 32 bit mode for Safari attempted to turn off hardware accleration via settings I can't access deleted preferences unistalled and re-installed Chrome, re-installed Safari.
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 3.2 Quad Xeon, 12G Ram
I'm all up to date with OS X software updates and the new Adobe Acrobat Pro 10.1.3 but the Safari plug is being invoked, which I don't want. can't find it in Internet plug ins in the library
I go on all the time to watch the Office and when I do I don't notice any lag but recently I have occasionally. I checked activity monitor and it says the Flash Plug in is at around ~45% CPU. Why does it hog so much CPU? How can I change this? Is this normal for flash?? I thought my MBP would be able to handle this..
Adobe Flash installer completes successfully, but web sites requiring Flash still say that I need to install Flash. None of the relevant files are present, and the Adobe diagnostic page shows only empty boxes where the Flash version should be listed. This problem occurs with Safari 5.1.4 and 5.1.5 running on Mac OS 10.6.8?
I am running Safari 5.1.5 on Lion 10.7.3. For about a year now, I have been having trouble running Adobe Flash Player to view videos. I can verify that I have Flash Player installed, but on some (not all) website, most notably [URL] I just get a button to "Get Adobe Flash Player" even though I already have it. Flash-based ads work fine, it's really just for videos. I end up having to watch the non-working videos on Chrome where they work fine.
I have a macbook pro retina, mid 2013. I can use “flash player” in “chrome” but not in “safari” I've gone to the “adobe” site where it said if “adobe” is installed on your computer "x" will be displayed in this box or if it's not installed "x" will be displayed, in both instances the box was blank. I'm extremely frustrated, I'd like to “safari” but would also like to use “adobe flash player”.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
I installed adobe flash player 9.0 extension for safari on my Mac OS X Lion system. The installation went well. But the web page that needs it complains that the extension is being blocked by my browser. I can't figure out why this is happeneing. I'm not intentionally blocking any extensions to Safari.
I updated the to the New Adobe Flash last night with hardware excel, and it has made my safari crash a lot. How do I go about downgrading it to 10.0 and not 10.1
Google Earth plugin in Safari started to keep crashing after I installed Adobe Flash Player 11.2. The plugin works fine in other browsers (Firefox, Opera, and Google Chrome).The same occurs at home,too.I use Mac Pro at work and iMac at home. Both are on OSX10.7.3, Lion.
Lion 10.7.3 on a new mac mini. I learned about the Flashback trojan virus, I disabled Java in Safari preferences as per tech articles, I have all the updates including the Flashback removal tool. I go to to listen to some audio podcasts as well as other news articles and I get a notice "You need to install Adobe Flash Player v.8 to view item." My understanding is Java is needed for me to use Adobe Flash Player using Safari on my new mac mini Will I ever be able to view these numerous sites requiring Adobe Flash safely with my new Apple computer?
not sure if i really have a question here other than just my previous knowledge of the whole adobe issue but is it safe to DL adobe flash on the OS? is saved to disk image. also wondering where that file (adobe flash player) goes after installation.
I click on a video it simply says plug in failure, if im lucky 5 seconds of advert!? im currently runnin Lion 10.7.3 and have tried uninstalling adobe flash and reinstalling but still no joy!?