Safari :: 5.1.4 - YouTube Videos Playing But No Control Over Buttons
Mar 17, 2012
Completed the Safari 5.1.4 update late last night and since then when trying to use youtube. Videos will play sometimes. Other times they will play but I have no control over volume, search bar, play buttons and the like. Also the biggest issue I am having is the like, share, add and other buttons don't work.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Since last few weeks I am having strange problem in safari. Whenever I try to view youtube videos embedded in any site facebook, udacity etc I am keep on getting error saying "Unexpected error occured please try again later" or videos just stops playing by itself behaving its finished. Its very annoying problem. It happens in direct youtube site also.
i hav the nu macbook pro 13" an i'm totally nu to macs. so i go to youtube to watch vids an the whole page loads but it wudnt play the vids. i hav flash player fr macs installed.
Whenever I go to watch a YouTube video, no video plays its just sound. I've tried using three different browsers (Safari, Google Chrome, FireFox) all to no avail.
My iMac has suddenly just stopped playing the videos in YouTube. Up until today I have been watching them no problem, now every single one i have clicked on says 'This video is currently unavailable'. However I can watch them over the same wifi connection on my iPhone4 no problem. I havent downloaded any new software or been on any sites other than Facebook, so can't imagine whats up with it. Please help I've only has it 5 days.
I'm having some YouTube trouble. When I play a video on YT, Little Snitch prompts me for "url..." at least twice before playing the video. But the video plays choppy until the entire video is buffered, and after playing about 25% it drifts out of sync anywhere from a half second to two or three seconds. It's really bad. Embedded videos on message boards etc play flawlessly.
Last night I got the 'No HTML5' message that others have been getting (as seen here) which kind of narrowed it down for me as an HTML5 issue. I am part of the HTML5 test group on YT but what made Safari suddenly stop dealing with YT's HTML5 is a proper manner?
I was one of the guys hit with the Flashback, could that have been a factor? I only noticed the problem after the two Safari updates from two weeks ago.
I've found recently that when I'm watching a video on youtube through safari the video will suddenly stop around halfway into it. I end up having to watch it using another browser. This only happens with Safari.
Recently I've noticed that my macbook pro is having a very hard time on youtube. The video player goes black but the audio continues. It freezes my computer. The video will sometimes play if I stop and reload the page multiple times in succession. I have a mid 2009 macbook pro running OSX lion 10.7.3
Some YouTube videos just wont load. The counter of the video counts up to 00:04 and then resets to 00:00 again and again, while the loading wheel in the video box just spins. Firefox plus others - works fine.Â
I have a Mac OS X version 10.5.8 and Safari won't play any youtube videos on youtube. However on some other sites linked videos will play. I've tried (multiple times) to uninstall and reinstall Adobe Flash Player to no avail.
Lately I've been having trouble watching videos on YouTube. They stop and stutter a lot, to the point where I have to give up. At first I discovered that The Google had put me in their HTML5 beta program unbeknownst to me. That was causing some problems as well so I opted out of it for the time being. Â
I fired up Activity Viewer and saw that when I'm experiencing the problem the process called QTKitsever -(703) Safari Web Content is maxing out my CPU bringing my Macbook Pro to a screaching halt (note I checked a second time and the -(703) had changed to -(812) for some reason). Safari seems to work fine otherwise, but as soon as I go to YouTube and try to watch a video the process kicks in and my Mac chokes.Â
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7), 2.2 Ghz Intel Core i7
I can't play YouTube videos on Safari any more. I have noticed that I can play videos on Safari but not on YouTube. When atempting to watch a video on You Tube it won't finish loading. It appears to load at first evenutally stops before the video can play. I then receive the "Plug-in Failure" message. I am using Safari 5.1.7 on Mac OS X 10.7.4. I believe I am using the latest version of Abobe Flash Player, which I downloaded when I first noticed the problem.
i bought a new macbook pro and when i am trying to stream videos over youtube, i am getting an error AN error occurred, please try again later i've been trying for three days now
The mac version I am using is os x 10.5.5 and currently using the safari 3.1.2. I wanted to update because my safari can't play YouTube videos. (I can only watch in Fire Fox.). This is the link I found but my mac is 10.5.5 so it's below the requirement. [URL]. Is it because of my mac isn't update enough? Cos I always ignore updates. Can I ignore software updates? Every time, when I switch on my mac, a window (see attachment) appears on the desktop.
Having an issue with Safari loading youtube videos. When a video is buffering Safari becomes very choppy or unresponsive until the video is fully loaded. Only Safari slows down no lag in the os or an excessive amount of CPU usage. Tested in Firefox to make sure it wasn't my internet connection and the video loaded and played fine without any hiccups. I updated my flash player and Safari to 5.1.5 just to see if that would solve anything and tried clearing the cache.
I am trying to watch videos on youtube with safari. When I play a video, it seems to lock everything up until the video is fully loaded. My internet speed on any other website watching any other videos is perfectly fine. Anyone have any ideas as to why Youtube videos are freezing and not functioning right when everything else is?
After installing Chrome 18 yesterday, videos in you-tube in Safari did not play. I removed the NP-PP-DIR-Shockwave plugin, and now at least some videos play.I do not have any extensions in Safari. I can watch youtube videos in Chrome which I had to install because the TV site that I was using demanded Adobe Flash and would not play in Safari. I am using Safari 5.1.7 on a Mac 10.6.8
They wont load or play, so I have to use Chrome or Firefox. Any ideas? I have noticed this the past few weeks, what gives? I checked all my software, everything is up to date..
It's like 80% of the time, I would open a video on youtube and the video would seem to play normally. The buffering bar (gray bar) would move before the red one and the video plays normally. But around 20seconds to a minute after that, the video would stop playing and both the gray and red bars would be at the beginning of the video and the spinning thingamajig would be there and the video cannot be played at all. This started about 2 months ago. It progressed from only a few videos but now I can't even watch a trailer properly.
I have the latest safari version and everything in my mac is up to date.
Recently videos are no longer playing properly on Safari, though they are on other browsers.Â
YouTube videos flicker and often display no video while the audio plays. Today where video should appear on The Onion site there was only the progress bar, with no audio either.Â
I was going to delete and reinstall Safari, but Momma Apple don't like that. What to do? A Flash problem at only affects Safari?
Safari crashes pretty much all the time now. Usually when loading embedded youtube videos or going to a pimped myspace page. It crashes at least 5 times a day and is getting old?
I just bought my MBP this past summer and dont know much about it. Every time i try to stream videos rather it be on a "tube-site" or not they "buffer" or are interrupted because of slow loading. I have already emptied the cache and reset safari a number of time and it dosnt help. This issue seems to be getting worse with time, as when i first got it it was fine of course.