Safari :: Youtube Videos Never Start
Mar 12, 2012Now all youtube videos never start.
Info:Mac Pro 12 core, Mac OS X (10.6.4), ATI RadeonHD 5870, 32 gigs RAM, Wacom Intuos tablet
Now all youtube videos never start.
Info:Mac Pro 12 core, Mac OS X (10.6.4), ATI RadeonHD 5870, 32 gigs RAM, Wacom Intuos tablet
Im new. I bought a new iMAC 27". Im wery satisfyed with it, but one problem has emerged.Suddenly over night it wont play any online videos. On youtube the videoscreen is completely black and doesnt start. Not any of the other videoservices either.Internal videos like tutorials works fine, but not the online ones.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSome YouTube videos just wont load. The counter of the video counts up to 00:04 and then resets to 00:00 again and again, while the loading wheel in the video box just spins. Firefox plus others - works fine.Â
Macbook Pro 17, Mac OS X (10.4.10)
Safari wont allow me to watch majority of the videos on youtube. Why is this?
Also is there anything i can do to download flash? It won't let me do that either.
MacBook Pro
I have a Mac OS X version 10.5.8 and Safari won't play any youtube videos on youtube. However on some other sites linked videos will play. I've tried (multiple times) to uninstall and reinstall Adobe Flash Player to no avail.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
i dont see videos from youtube on safari 5.1.5
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Lately I've been having trouble watching videos on YouTube. They stop and stutter a lot, to the point where I have to give up. At first I discovered that The Google had put me in their HTML5 beta program unbeknownst to me. That was causing some problems as well so I opted out of it for the time being. Â
I fired up Activity Viewer and saw that when I'm experiencing the problem the process called QTKitsever -(703) Safari Web Content is maxing out my CPU bringing my Macbook Pro to a screaching halt (note I checked a second time and the -(703) had changed to -(812) for some reason). Safari seems to work fine otherwise, but as soon as I go to YouTube and try to watch a video the process kicks in and my Mac chokes.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7), 2.2 Ghz Intel Core i7
Why won't u-tube videos play in safari? I am using OS X 10.7.3 Safari 5.1.5
Safari, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I can't play YouTube videos on Safari any more. I have noticed that I can play videos on Safari but not on YouTube. When atempting to watch a video on You Tube it won't finish loading. It appears to load at first evenutally stops before the video can play. I then receive the "Plug-in Failure" message. I am using Safari 5.1.7 on Mac OS X 10.7.4. I believe I am using the latest version of Abobe Flash Player, which I downloaded when I first noticed the problem.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Lately I've been having a lot of trouble watching flash videos.
I've tried emptying the cache, resetting Safari, repairing permissions, restarting my MBP and rebooting the router. Nothing works.
Basically, the videos play when they feel like it.
I press play and nothing happens. Videos just do not load.
i bought a new macbook pro and when i am trying to stream videos over youtube, i am getting an error AN error occurred, please try again later i've been trying for three days now
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe mac version I am using is os x 10.5.5 and currently using the safari 3.1.2. I wanted to update because my safari can't play YouTube videos. (I can only watch in Fire Fox.). This is the link I found but my mac is 10.5.5 so it's below the requirement. [URL]. Is it because of my mac isn't update enough? Cos I always ignore updates. Can I ignore software updates? Every time, when I switch on my mac, a window (see attachment) appears on the desktop.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHaving an issue with Safari loading youtube videos. When a video is buffering Safari becomes very choppy or unresponsive until the video is fully loaded. Only Safari slows down no lag in the os or an excessive amount of CPU usage. Tested in Firefox to make sure it wasn't my internet connection and the video loaded and played fine without any hiccups. I updated my flash player and Safari to 5.1.5 just to see if that would solve anything and tried clearing the cache.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I am trying to watch videos on youtube with safari. When I play a video, it seems to lock everything up until the video is fully loaded. My internet speed on any other website watching any other videos is perfectly fine. Anyone have any ideas as to why Youtube videos are freezing and not functioning right when everything else is?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
After installing Chrome 18 yesterday, videos in you-tube in Safari did not play. I removed the NP-PP-DIR-Shockwave plugin, and now at least some videos play.I do not have any extensions in Safari. I can watch youtube videos in Chrome which I had to install because the TV site that I was using demanded Adobe Flash and would not play in Safari. I am using Safari 5.1.7 on a Mac 10.6.8
View 1 Replies View RelatedThey wont load or play, so I have to use Chrome or Firefox. Any ideas? I have noticed this the past few weeks, what gives? I checked all my software, everything is up to date..
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
It's like 80% of the time, I would open a video on youtube and the video would seem to play normally. The buffering bar (gray bar) would move before the red one and the video plays normally. But around 20seconds to a minute after that, the video would stop playing and both the gray and red bars would be at the beginning of the video and the spinning thingamajig would be there and the video cannot be played at all. This started about 2 months ago. It progressed from only a few videos but now I can't even watch a trailer properly.
I have the latest safari version and everything in my mac is up to date.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Mine runs in slow motion. The audio is fine but the video is not.
No vids are really out of sync.
Safari crashes pretty much all the time now. Usually when loading embedded youtube videos or going to a pimped myspace page. It crashes at least 5 times a day and is getting old?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just bought my MBP this past summer and dont know much about it. Every time i try to stream videos rather it be on a "tube-site" or not they "buffer" or are interrupted because of slow loading. I have already emptied the cache and reset safari a number of time and it dosnt help. This issue seems to be getting worse with time, as when i first got it it was fine of course.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have ClickToFlash installed and recently I went to YouTube and attempted to view a video but all i got was a very ropey looking 'go upgrade' message instead of the video. If I click on it it takes me to Adobe site to update Flash. I updated but still no videos. I put YouTube on the Whitelist in clicktoflash but i still get the upgrade flash message. Does anyone else know what may be causing the problem? Lastest Flash, Click2Flash, Safari and SnowLeopard.
View 14 Replies View RelatedWhen I'm using the two-finger scroll on my MBP on a website, if I scroll down and the cursor goes over a youtube video, I can no longer scroll up or down and have to move my cursor out of the youtube video to resume scrolling.
View 13 Replies View RelatedSince last few weeks I am having strange problem in safari. Whenever I try to view youtube videos embedded in any site facebook, udacity etc I am keep on getting error saying "Unexpected error occured please try again later" or videos just stops playing by itself behaving its finished. Its very annoying problem. It happens in direct youtube site also.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
Completed the Safari 5.1.4 update late last night and since then when trying to use youtube. Videos will play sometimes. Other times they will play but I have no control over volume, search bar, play buttons and the like. Also the biggest issue I am having is the like, share, add and other buttons don't work.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have an Intel Core 2 Duo 3.06 GHz Imac and I am running Snow Leoprad 10.6.8. The problem I am having is that since I recently updated Safari, I cannot run Youtube videos. Every time I try watching one, the page crashes. I know I am not alone here and I am surprised Apple has not approached this situation yet. I have tried running youtube videos on Firefox and have had no problems doing so, thus I figure it must be Safari. I've tried running safari in 32 bit mode and that is also not fine. I have emptied the cache and reset Safari as well but still no go.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Youtube vidoes are working fine when I'm actually on youtube but if its embedded on another website (facebook, forums etc.) it won't load. On forums, the space where the video is embedded is just blank while on facebook when I click play, there is just a white screen. I've re-installed my flash player multiple times. I've disabled all plug-ins and still won't work. I've taken out my plist onto my desktop and loaded my safari again.. still doesn't work...
My plugin list from safari:
- DivX Plus Web Player
- DivX VOD Helper Plug-in
- Facebook Video Calling
- GameTree Download Manager
- Glims
- Google earth plugin
- Java Applet plug-in
- Quicktime plug in 7.7.1
- Sharepoint browser plug in
- Shockwave flash
- Silverlight plug-in
- Webkit buit-in PDF
One bizzare thing: Embedded youtube videos will load if I login as a guest user or as another user on my mac.
Running Mac 10.7.4
Safari 5.1.7.
Late 2011 model MacBook pro.
iOS 5
What has happened to video downloads in YouTube? In the Activity window I used to be able to option double click on the video file and it would download so that I can view offline. Now I notice that video files are broken into 1.7MB pieces and have an expiry time (I think(?)). Is this YouTube's attempt at controlling piracy? So how can someone download these videos for offline viewing? I don't do this to pirate anything.
Its simply that its more convenient to have it on my disk for a short period of time so that I can view it when offline or want to have much quicker access to the video e.g. I have been following some tutorials on playing the guitar. Often I need to start and stop and search through the video for a particular segment. If I have to wait for the video to load from YouTube it takes some seconds or minutes which can be quite frustrating.
iMac Intel, Mac OS X (10.7.2), iMac (late 2010) Core i7 16GB RAM
I have just updated my Macbook to Safari 6.1.4. Since doing this I cant load any Youtube Video's. Have tried everything youtube has suggested, & nothing is working.
MacBook, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
How do I activate HTML5 to watch Youtube video's WITHOUT using Flash ? I have tried to find an answer but am unable to. I would prefer NOT to need to download and/or use Flash as I have read and heard that this can create security concerns on my mac. I am ABLE to play the same videos on my iPad though ( I know the iPad does not have Flash ) When I try to play the videos on my mac I get a message stating: But on my iPad, I AM able to play the SAME video.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am doing a school project where I need videos. How do you rip videos off Youtube and have them in the format for imovie (free). Also does anyone know how to rip videos off the c-span website?