When trying to install quicktime for windows, I receive the error "The folder path 'Program Files (x86)' contains an invalid character." How can I get past this error and install Quicktime?
I have mac os x 10.6.1 and i have both Quicktime X an Quicktime 7. When I try to watch a video tutorial for I-life programs, the screen says "QuickTime required. Free download". Then I download the file and when I try to install it says tha Quick time 7 cannot be installed because QuickTime X is already present.
I tryed to install windows xp on my mac and my disk was too scratched so the install failed. So i held down the power button on my mac until it turned off. Big mistake. Now whenever it boot up, it says press any button to boot from cd. I tryed installing rEFit, it installs but doesn'ty boot into the boot loader.
People, I've been told my iMovie HD issues in Snow Lep may be caused by not having Quicktime 7 any longer. I previously had the Quicktime 7-Pro version, but that got removed and replaced by Quicktime X when I upgraded from Tiger to Snow Lep.
I went to the Apple site to download Quicktime 7, but I'm getting a message in the install process that says "This version of QuickTime 7 can't be installed on this disk because QuickTime X is already present".
How can I get Quicktime 7 back on??? and still preserve Quicktime X too??
I recently did a clean install of my system and deleted my Previous Systems folder. I was looking to play DVDs in QuickTime with the Mpeg-2 Component, but it is missing from /Library/QuickTime. I can't find it anywhere on the drive. I am trying to reinstall it from the QuickTimeMPEG2.dmg I bought from Apple. Installer says "successfully installed" but there's no sign of the QuickTimeMPEG2.component file. And still no ability to play MPEG-2.
I have downloaded through the Apple store the most recent version of the component installer. No dice.
I have deleted QuickTimeMpeg2.pkg from /Library/Receipts. No dice.
I have searched through all /Users. Nothing.
Am I missing something? This is really ticking me off.
I upgrated mac os x 10.5.8 .and tunes 10.6.4.and want use i tunes ,but asking me quicktime 7.5.5 or later,when i going to install quicktime no enough space on my mac,(total 105 gb,free 85gb) what should i do?
So my iPod is all kinds of glitching. None of the apps are working. I press them and they open for a second and then close themselves out. Them I tried installing a new app, a free one, bit it's glitching. I go to the app store, search for Any game but when I press free, it does this weird thing where the free button moves and then all I can see I half the install button. I tried pressing the half-install button but it does nothing. I tried restarting the iPod nut it's the same thing once I turn it back on.
I have Mac 10.7.4 - I purchased Quicktime 7 Pro but have no idea how to install it. I have my registration codes but when I do what the Apple pages tell me to do to install it, I can't get to the Quicktime Pro Registration dialogue boxes.
I'm trying to install the Xvid codec for Quicktime. And in the ReadMe file it tells me this his how I install the codec:
To install this component, just drag the File "XviD_Codec 1.0 alpha.component" into Library/QuickTime. The Library directory can be found either at your home directory (to install just for the actual user) or at the top-level of your startup volume (this needs an administrator account). Do not put in: /System/Library/QuickTime.
It is possible that the QuickTime directory does not yet exists. In that case you can create it yourself. Pay attention to capital letters if you use a case sensitive file system (i.e. UFS). But I haven't got a clue where the Home Directories are.
I recently got a new macbook it's running OSX 10.7 Lion, but im unable to run programs because of the MPEG-2 Codec being missing. I was informed this Codec came with Lion?
I searched for a while trying to find the answer but did not find it. I just installed Vista Business via Bootcamp. I am not able to access the internet or anything. If I read the help stuff right I need to use the OSX install disk to install the drivers. The problem is, I don't have the install disk. Is there any other way to get the drivers? Or am I just missing something easier?
I have this feeling that the forum veterans have likely heard this many many times. So if you have I apologize in advance, I've been hacking away at this for weeks off and on and haven't been able to find an answer. Also wasn't able to find a solution through searching. So... here we go. Issue is, no sound from .mov files on my PC. On my MacBook, the .mov files play just fine, and play just fine on the AppleTV. This is my main media computer, so I store all my movies here (I like VisualHub and ffmpegx much better than anything on Windows I've seen. If anyone has suggestions for Windows, I'm all ears). All my new movies and TV shows are stored on the MacBook, and every now and then I do a move of all that I've watched to here on the Windows desktop where I archive my favorites and keepers. The only problem, is that all my .mov files have zero sound when playing on the PC, though fine on my Mac. So far, I've tried:
- Re-installing everything Apple (even Bonjour) - Installing all Quicktime components suggested on the site (link) - installed CoreAAC- - installedK-Lite Codec Pack - I also extracted the .aac to .wav to try another format.. the result was 2 hours of dead air - I also tried the trick with the new update for the AppleTV in inserting a sub 1 sec clip if an .ac3 file into the .mov - also no sound playing them through VLC
I have seen a couple posts about Quicktime for Windows unable to play HD vids, but a) not all my .mov are HD b) sounded like all the issues were video related.
How can I put this. I have a fellow employee to states that it is impossible to produce HD quality QuickTime via via Windows 7. Is this an accurate statement?
I purchased Quicktime 7 Pro for windows online through Apple. I have my registration code, but cannot dowload the software with the instructions included in the order email. I looks like the instruction are for XP and I'm using Vista. How do I download the program?
Info: Quicktime 7 Pro, Windows Vista, Quicktime 7 Pro
My friend is having this little problem with Quicktime. Every time he plays a movie (not in fullscreen) and make the window bigger, it starts to shrink until its the smallest it can go. This doesn't happen in fullscreen, does anyone know what the problem is?
I work for a law firm and we received a CD which contains a .mov file. When we try to play it in Quick Time, it plays the audio, but NO video. We are trying to play it is Quick Time (version 7.7.1) on a Windows XP Pro PC. When Quick Time first opened, it gave a message saying "Additional software is required for QuickTime to playback this media. It may be available from the Quick Time Components page." I clicked Continue and it took me to the Components page, but it lists like 10 different components and I have no idea what we need. Is it a CODEC? I have tried converting it to a different format usinig two different softwares and have gotten errors.
I have the Win 7 RTM currently installed on my Mac Pro, on a dedicated internal hard drive. I'm running VMware 2.0. I have the retail version of Win 7 arriving today. Anyone know if I can just install through Windows, i.e., while running my existing Win 7 installation via VMware, or do I have to go through the whole clean install via Bootcamp routine?
I have Win7 RC installed on my Gen2 Macbook Air, it's installed natively, with no Mac OS on it at all. I do have bootcamp installed. It runs perfectly. But I'd like to try out the newest Mac OS and would like to dual boot. Is there any way to install Snow Leopard but not lose my Windows install? I've got too much in it to have to redo windows.
Does anyone know of any *free* applications that will convert QuickTime video to a Windows friendly format. One of the insurance companies I do work with will not let their adjusters install any other software on their laptops and they are PC's. I frequently send them videos so I will need to convert them. I will pay, if necessary, for a program that will accomplish this but I was hoping there might be something out there that is free.