PowerPC :: IBook G4 AC Light Alternates Green And Amber
Jan 23, 2008
I've got a G4 iBook that came in because the user thought the battery was dead. I tried the usual fixes, PMU, NVRAM, PRAM, different power adapter, etc. When I ran some tests (Coconut Battery) to see if the above worked, I found that the problem wasn't the battery (it still has 3888 mAh out of 4400). The symptom: The AC light alternates between green and amber even though the battery is only at 18% charge. It will stay amber for about 45 seconds then switch to green, vice-versa. It has been plugged in now for 2 hours + and has gone from 16% to 18%, so it does seem to be charging. I have adjusted the power saver so that the machine doesn't go to sleep or have the display dim as I thought sleep mode may have something to do with it.
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Jun 4, 2014
what I should do, my mac book won't switch on and there's a faint green and amber light flashing on the charger.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012)
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Oct 30, 2010
I have a 17" PB with a couple of growing issues. Right now I am unable to use it for one of several reasons. About a year ago I purchased a charger off of Ebay to replace the original one that started sparking. Shortly after I received the new charger I started having issues with the charger connecting. I would have to twist it and turn it to find the right spot. Now, it doesn't glow green or amber at all. That sweet spot is completely gone. Also, the battery is completely dead. It needs to be replaced. Not sure at this point if I'm sitting on a dead charger or if I need to replace the DC-In board. I have never had a major accident with the machine but I do recall snagging the chord once or twice. It is possible something was damaged inside when that happened. I've never had an issue like this so I'm not too sure about the symptoms. I'm thinking a new charger would be the cheapest and safest start. I don't feel very confident purchasing one from Ebay again.
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Jun 27, 2014
My macbook pro 13" 2011 was working fine all day. I left it for a bit and opened it up at the end of the day and it shut down as soon as the display booted up. I figured it just needed to charge and left it plugged in over night, but there was no change in the morning. MagSafe is blinking green/amber when plugged in. There is no respsonse from pressing and holding the power button, and the charging display lights on the side aren't lighting up either. I tried the SMC reset with no results. Other threads have suggested unplugging and reconnecting the battery connector inside the shell, but I can't find this connector in my model. I think it might be under the battery?
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Aug 29, 2007
I searched forums etc. I have a 867 12" powerbook. The problem is that it will not turn on at all. I took the battery out and pressed a few key and it worked for a little while. Now when I plug it up to recharge the light goes green to red then off. I found a so called reset button on the apple site and lifted the keyboard and it is not in site.
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Aug 27, 2014
My MacBook shut down quickly and now the charger is flashing green and amber. it won't turn back on.
MacBook Pro
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Sep 17, 2010
Basically I'm having issues with my newly acquired Powerbook G4. When i bought it the battery was not working at all so have now installed a new replacememnnt battery which works fine but having some slight issues. So...
First time I charged it, it reached 100% but green light never came on to indicate full charge. When I run the PB off the battery it gets to 20% and it shuts down without any warning it's low on battery (trying to switch it on after this is impossible, it clearly has no life) After the above I connect the power lead and start up the computer, the battery indicator starts charging from 20% onwards. Something fishy definitely going on and I have no idea what it could be, I calibrated the battery but it has always cut off at 20% since first charge/discharge.
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May 2, 2010
ower Mac g5 dual 1.8ghz pci-x
8 gb ddr ram
two 1.5 TB hard drive
wifi card installed
nvidia mx5000 standard graphics card Here is the issueWhen I boot and press "option" to select a hard drive or disk everything looks finebut when I load into either the OS or a OS install disk there are long light green lines going from the apple all the way to the right end of the screen in a straight line.And when it boots most dark colors look fine , but in white boxes and at the top menu bar there are either long light green lines or very small to large green blocks , they are translucent but they are there.I have done everything I can think of.Ive re installed the os, re seated the graphics cardre seated all the ram. PMU reset, Pram reset, ran hardware check from the os disk, ran tech tools pro ,
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Nov 22, 2010
I was trying to set up my airport extreme with my internet when I couldn't get anywhere because of the blinking yellow light. I have a 2wire at&t router that i connected with to the airport extreme via ethernet(the port in the back has a green light btw). I tried scanning for the airport extreme with airport utility but it couldn't find anything.
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Apr 2, 2007
I have an ibook G4 (2years old, a part of the battery swap program) that charges normally... for about twenty minutes. Then the light around the charger turns from it's normal "i'm charging" orange to nothing, the light goes out and the ibook switches to battery power. I've just inspected the power chord and there are no strains or tears, the plug at both ends are in good condition and the ibook power socket is fine too.
I've turned the ibook off for a period of time (two days) and reset the power manager... still no difference. The ibook looks and acts just like it should until about twenty minutes into the charge then the light turns off and it's like it's been disconnected. The chord is in correctly, i've even tried the apple extension chord = no joy. If i reconnect the power chord at the wall it's fine, starts charging again... and yes i've tried different sockets on different circuits in the house!
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Dec 1, 2007
The iBook battery will not charge nor will the light on the charger show any color when plugged in. The battery time until full charge icon is stuck on "calculating."
1) The charger is fine since I checked it on another iBook. (Light comes on and changes appropriately.)
2) I have multiple batteries so any one individual battery is not the problem. Also it registers the proper charge capacity.
3) I've reset the PMU and it does not help.
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Dec 5, 2009
Our green light comes on for our camera (on our Mac 10.4.11) when we are not using it. It also comes on when photobooth and ichat are not running. Does this mean that we have a virus, someone somewhere is watching us, or what?
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Sep 3, 2010
I bought this Late 2007 macbook off of craigslist, and it was working perfectly. But after a little water got mon my macbook and charger, I plugged it in and it had a bright green light and wouldn't charge. The Next day I plugged it in and it only had a dim green light, it wouldn't Start up without the battery, or run without it. Now all I need is the battery in it to start it up and it will run off of the charger, But it still has that dim green light. The charger is a little Damaged, Photo's In the attachments. My dog chewed on it a while back. This is my first macbook, And the dvd drive is not working, but I have managed to reinstall SL with USB, So it is not a software problem.
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Dec 22, 2010
So I plugged my MBP in a while ago and the LED light is green, but the Mac isn't charging and the adapter under the desk isn't hot.
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Jun 23, 2009
my magsafe light goes dim green, orange, or off when plugged into my macbook
it still charges it fine, an it never stops charing, just the light goes dim. if i wiggle the wire the light turns back on.
i went to the apple store, the guy didnt look at it but i explained the above, he said its normal an his does the same an come back if it stops chargin
what do you thing? should i go back or call or is it fine.
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Jul 23, 2009
I unplugged my blackbook last night when it was fully charged so I could drain the battery. Then I moved my macbook upstairs to the router and plugged in the ethernet so I could publish my website. I then plugged in my charger so it wouldn't die with publishing but its suddenly stopped working. The outlets work with other electronic devices but not my blackbook charger. No green light or nothing. It worked just a hour or two ago.
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Feb 12, 2012
I dont know what the dim light signifies
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 30, 2012
My mac decided not to turn on. The light is green but it won't turn on.
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Apr 19, 2012
Sometimes it's on; other times its not. Also: it's on when I have Mission Control focused on a particular desktop -- or so it seems.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 5, 2012
When i connect my Magsafe charger the light will often become dim green and stop charging the laptop.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Dec 8, 2008
I'm only posting this to continue my procrastination of starting homework which is due tomorrow. Ok, so recently I've been asking on these forums how to access my Macbook using my iPod Touch. Being able to fully access my Macbook when I'm 20 miles away at my University is a huge benefit when I realize I forgot an important essay or homework. I discovered I just have to open up port 5900, etc etc, to get into my Macbook from anywhere. It was too much trouble and now I just use [URL] which works as well, though don't think as fast. Well, this works wonders since I've already emailed myself 2 important Keynotes i've create and accessed them from my college and presented them without even having my computer on me.
Well, recently when I get home at night some times it smells strongly of marijuana. Odd since I don't smoke it but my cousin does. He has access to my place and I say he can head over, even if i'm not home and chill, but under any circumstances no smoking. Well, I wanted to use the iSight cam w/ Photo Booth while I'm at the college to see if he indeed was getting high in my living room but before I tested it, I need to get rid of the green light on my Macbook: Getting Rid of The Green Light. Ok, so we're not really turning off the green light here. I looked for hours on how to do this and instead ran into a lot of advice, especially on MacRumors forums, to just white out or tape a small white square over the dot when the green light comes through.
Don't attempt the white out. It'll just go through. As for the white small square...it's completely obvious so don't try that either. Instead, do this:
1. Get a thin card, like a debit card and gently remove the white frame from your macbook. Attached to the back of the frame will be a bunch of these little gray rectangles that hold that frame to the outer part of the macbook. You'll have to take these off gently from the frame and pop them back onto their corresponding places within the Macbook. Easy enough.
2. Then what you do it get a sheet of white paper, cut a super small piece and fold it many times over. Not too thick or the frame won't click back in that area normally.
3. Place it snuggly where the green light turns on and even suggest getting a piece of tape just as small to hold it in place.
4. Turn on Photo booth just to test out if the light goes through. It may but really test it by placing the frame over it, and then seeing if the light goes through.
5. If it doesn't great. Place the frame back on and you're set!
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May 30, 2009
Magsafe light flashes green to red and battery will not charge.
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Aug 14, 2009
When it is plugged into my computer it stays green and doesn't charge. Any ideas as to why this is or what I should do?
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Nov 19, 2009
My battery is at 89% and the light on my magsafe is a very faint green that I can only see if I block the light with my hand. What does this mean? I googled to no avail.
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Apr 3, 2010
I've had my Apple bluetooth keyboard for over a year now, but two days ago I started having some problems with it. Whenever I turn it on, the green light is on for like a second and then it's off, but nothing happens after that (it's supposed to blink a couple times before it connects). I tried changing batteries and everything I could think of, but haven't figured out a way to get it to work again.
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Aug 15, 2010
I did not use any program that would activate the camera, but the green light does not turn off. I tried restarted the computer and it is still on. I tried opening Photo Booth, and it said the camera is already in use by another application, but no other application is open.
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Feb 15, 2012
My daughter said she left her mac pro on the charger before school. She came home and mac will not turn on and no green light on charger. Not sure if there is something that I can do to test it before buying new charger.
MacBook Pro
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Mar 17, 2012
How can I disable the green webcam light on IMac?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 18, 2012
I went out for a few hours and forgot to unplug the Magsafe adapter from my Macbook Pro. When I got home, it was connected as I left but the green light wasn't on.
I found it strange because the battery was still 93%, not completely charged. I removed it and then I plugged it again. It didn't work! I thought it could be my energy plug and then I plugged the adapter in another one and it didn't work either! My battery will be over soon, and I've got no idea what to do.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 8, 2012
For days my green camera light has been on, despite closing ichat, blocking websites from using the camera in system preferences, and restarting.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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