MacBook Pro :: Won't Switch On And The Battery Charger Light Keeps Flashing Green And Amber

Jun 4, 2014

what I should do, my mac book won't switch on and there's a faint green and amber light flashing on the charger.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012)

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MacBook Pro :: Shut Down Quickly And Now Charger Is Flashing Green And Amber

Aug 27, 2014

My MacBook shut down quickly and now the charger is flashing green and amber. it won't turn back on.

MacBook Pro

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PowerPC :: Charger - Not Glowing Green / Amber - Battery Dead

Oct 30, 2010

I have a 17" PB with a couple of growing issues. Right now I am unable to use it for one of several reasons. About a year ago I purchased a charger off of Ebay to replace the original one that started sparking. Shortly after I received the new charger I started having issues with the charger connecting. I would have to twist it and turn it to find the right spot. Now, it doesn't glow green or amber at all. That sweet spot is completely gone. Also, the battery is completely dead. It needs to be replaced. Not sure at this point if I'm sitting on a dead charger or if I need to replace the DC-In board. I have never had a major accident with the machine but I do recall snagging the chord once or twice. It is possible something was damaged inside when that happened. I've never had an issue like this so I'm not too sure about the symptoms. I'm thinking a new charger would be the cheapest and safest start. I don't feel very confident purchasing one from Ebay again.

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MacBook :: Battery Recognized But Charger Light Always Faint Green?

Nov 4, 2009

I am having a Power/Battery problem with a Macbook (surprise surprise!). This Macbook is the first generation, early 2006 model. It is a 2Ghz Intel Core Duo, black. This Macbook will not charge a battery, any of the 4 Macbook batteries I have tried. However, it will recognize each battery I put in (using About this Mac), and it will run on battery power when not connected to AC power. The charger light is always a very faint green light (same for both 65 and 85W chargers). Occasionally it will shine the bright green (normal) for a moment, but quickly dulls to the very faint green light.

Last night I tried swapping out the internal battery connector that I know is right for this macbook. After the installation, when I started it for the first time, the light on the charger appeared orange for the first time. I waited to see if the "charging" lights on the known-good battery would light up, but they never did. Eventually the charger returned to the same faint green color. Has anyone seen this before? From what I can tell the only parts remaining that could be the problem are the internal Magsafe connector and the logic board itself.

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MacBook Pro :: MagSafe Flashing Green / Amber

Jun 27, 2014

My macbook pro 13" 2011 was working fine all day. I left it for a bit and opened it up at the end of the day and it shut down as soon as the display booted up. I figured it just needed to charge and left it plugged in over night, but there was no change in the morning. MagSafe is blinking green/amber when plugged in. There is no respsonse from pressing and holding the power button, and the charging display lights on the side aren't lighting up either. I tried the SMC reset with no results. Other threads have suggested unplugging and reconnecting the battery connector inside the shell, but I can't find this connector in my model. I think it might be under the battery?

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 AC Light Alternates Green And Amber

Jan 23, 2008

I've got a G4 iBook that came in because the user thought the battery was dead. I tried the usual fixes, PMU, NVRAM, PRAM, different power adapter, etc. When I ran some tests (Coconut Battery) to see if the above worked, I found that the problem wasn't the battery (it still has 3888 mAh out of 4400). The symptom: The AC light alternates between green and amber even though the battery is only at 18% charge. It will stay amber for about 45 seconds then switch to green, vice-versa. It has been plugged in now for 2 hours + and has gone from 16% to 18%, so it does seem to be charging. I have adjusted the power saver so that the machine doesn't go to sleep or have the display dim as I thought sleep mode may have something to do with it.

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MacBook Pro :: Its Just Died And The Charger Is Now Flashing Green/orange?

Apr 21, 2012

My MacBook Poor just died, wont turn on no light nothing!!!! the charger started flashing green/orange i have apple care but no apple stores?

MacBook Pro

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MacBook :: Charger With Dim Green Light?

Sep 3, 2010

I bought this Late 2007 macbook off of craigslist, and it was working perfectly. But after a little water got mon my macbook and charger, I plugged it in and it had a bright green light and wouldn't charge. The Next day I plugged it in and it only had a dim green light, it wouldn't Start up without the battery, or run without it. Now all I need is the battery in it to start it up and it will run off of the charger, But it still has that dim green light. The charger is a little Damaged, Photo's In the attachments. My dog chewed on it a while back. This is my first macbook, And the dvd drive is not working, but I have managed to reinstall SL with USB, So it is not a software problem.

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MacBook Pro :: No Green Light On Charger And Mac Will Not Turn On?

Feb 15, 2012

My daughter said she left her mac pro on the charger before school.   She came home and mac will not turn on and no green light on charger.  Not sure if there is something that I can do to test it before buying new charger.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook :: The Green Light On Charger Turns Off And On

Sep 1, 2014

I had my macbook charging and then the power had went out. However, when the power came back on, my macbook wouldn't charge normally. Since then, I've had to keep the macbook hooked up to the charger or else I can't use the laptop.

My System Information: Battery Information:   Model Information:  Manufacturer: DP  Device Name: ASMB016  Pack Lot Code: 2  PCB Lot Code: 0  Firmware Version: 102a  Hardware Revision: 500  Cell Revision: 102  Charge Information:  Charge Remaining (mAh): 449 

[Code] .....


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MacBook Air :: Dim Green Light When Charger Attached

Sep 7, 2014

I have macbook air 13inch 2011 model. 2 days back It wasn't charging and dim green light was showing. I visited service center which is far from where i live.They said battery was short, they removed battery and placed it back and my mac started working. I came back home, next day again same issue. Do you think its charger fault now i don't have correct screw driver to open my mac and unplug and plug battery again. And i cant visit service centre again. Should I get new charger ? Why i faced same problem after visiting service centre they said it wont happen again.

MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)

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MacBook Pro :: It Won't Charge And Have A Flashing Green Light?

Jun 21, 2012

I have not used my MacBook for a couple of days n today realised it needed charging when I come to use it so I plugged it in. I get a green flashing light but it won't charge? I have only had it since April so can't see it being the mac is it the charger itself?

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Not Charging - Light Stays Green On Charger

Feb 3, 2012

Macbook pro not charging, the light stays green on the charger. But sometimes it does charge (light turns orange) only when I shut down the macbook and then restart it.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook :: Green Light Shows On The Charger But It Will Not Turn On?

Mar 1, 2012

I used my macbook charger to charge a mac book pro and now my macbook will not turn on. The green light shows on the charger but it will not turn on. I am not sure it is related but what should I do?


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MacBook Air :: Its Not Charging - Green Light On Charger Isn't Coming On

Apr 29, 2012

Green light on my charger isn't coming on. Some times it does, some times it doesn't?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Charger Turn On And Off (Green Then Orange Light)

Jun 3, 2012

My Macbook Pro's charger when I plug it in turns on (green light then orange light) and after a few seconds it turns off and back on again. I tried unplugging it and plugging it back in after several seconds and I also tried different power outlets but it still doesn't work properly, I even tried restarting the SMC (Not sure if I did it right though). What could be the cause and I have a Macbook Pro 13" Late 2011 model running Intel Dual Core i5 Processor.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Why Is Charger Flashing Yellow Light And Isn't Powering On

Sep 10, 2014

the light on my charger that plugs into my macbook pro is flashing orange/yellow. why is it doing this? It wont turn on either.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1), iPhone 4

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MacBook Pro :: Magsafe Charger Light Dim Green/wont Charge Sometimes?

Sep 12, 2010

So I have a Late 2009 Macbook Pro, it came with the original magsafe adapter. The adapter doesn't always work all the time, sometimes theres a really dim green light.

One of the prongs that go into the wall is slightly bent so it might be because of that.

My question is will Apple replace this charger for me? Do they give the new magsafe adapters as replacements or will they give me an old one?

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MacBook Pro :: Wont Turn On Charger Light Flashing Orange

Aug 23, 2010

New mac user. Got a macbook pro model a1278. When it is plugged in the charger flashes orange faintly. Tried resetting the smc but nothing. Any ideas? Hard drive might be bad but other than that im not sure.a bad hard drive would cause this.

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MacBook Pro :: Charger Port Not Working - Show Faint Green Light

Jul 2, 2012

My MacBook pro charger port isnt working. I use my charger for my sisters laptop and it works therefore indicating that the charger isn't the problem but when I charge my laptop it shows a faint green light but not charging! It's cause water spilled on my laptop the day before but it was not a lot & I let it to dry but everything works well except from the charger port!

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Constant Green Light On Charger With No Charge

Aug 14, 2009

When it is plugged into my computer it stays green and doesn't charge. Any ideas as to why this is or what I should do?

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MacBook :: Macbook Not Starting - Charger Light Blinks Green?

May 12, 2010

I have a 2 year old macbook that has generally worked well. About 4 days ago, I put it to sleep and didn't touch it again until yesterday so the battery had obviously been drained. I've done this before in the past and whenever I plug the charger back in, the computer starts right up, no problem. This time however, the macbook won't start up, the charger is a solid amber color for about 3 seconds before switching to a blinking green. The screen blinks black (as in I don't even hear the chime and get the gray startup screen) and the little white light in the front blinks quite rapidly. I've tried resetting the PMU several times to no avail. I've taken the ram out and tried each one individually with no changes. I checked the ram carefully as well and they don't seem fried or anything. I've tried plugging the charger in with the battery and without the battery and the result is still the same.

I have another friend here with a macbook so I'm going to test it out with her charger this weekend as well as charge my battery in her laptop and then pop it back into mine and see if it works (although this is really a last ditch attempt on my part).

Any ideas on how to fix it or what the problem is? I don't live in the States so going to a Genius Bar isn't an option.

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ITunes :: Old Airport Express Cannot Be Found / Constant Flashing Green Light

Feb 20, 2012

I have an old airport express that i want to configure but it cannot be found on airport utility. The AX (airport express) itself flashing green light constantly after reset.

Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Air :: Battery Not Charging Green Light On?

Jul 5, 2012

battery not charging green light is on!

MacBook Air

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OS X :: MacBook Battery Not Charge / Power Light Stays Green

Sep 25, 2009

I have a 2008 Macbook and when the power is plugged in, the light is green, however my battery will not charge, and it even says at the top "battery is not charging" If I remove the power cord from the computer it will still run off the remaining % of the battery, but If I reconnect the cord it lights up green and I never see the amber charging color. I traded out my battery as well as a different cord and still the same results. My battery will charge up on a friends macbook, but not on my own. I want to take it to the apple store but I'm at school and there is no store near me.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Not Charging And Power Adapter Light Stay Green

Jun 28, 2012

The battery don't charge and the power adapter light stays green, I didn't noticed it before the battery was empty. I have had problems with the adapter before and just reconnected the power a couple of times and it starts to charge again and the light turns orange but if I touch the adapter now the computer shuts down.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Battery Light Blinking Between Green / Yellow And Orange?

Jun 6, 2007

I have my powerbook g4 charging all the time and the one time I unplug it to use somewhere else the battery loses its charge and shuts off the screen til i plug it in again...also the light around the plug that goes into the battery port on the laptop is flashing between green/yellow and orange.

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Hardware :: Mighty Mouse Pointer Stopped Responding / Green Light On Bottom Of Mouse Flashing

May 1, 2009

I know that the general consensus here is that the Mighty Mouse is a piece of shit. That notwithstanding, I'd appreciate posters refraining from engaging in further elaborations on that concept when replying to this topic (i.e., no comments like "Buy a new mouse," please).

At any rate, I purchased a wireless Mighty Mouse about a month ago and was very happy with it until the batteries apparently died. One day the pointer simply stopped responding and the green light on the bottom of the mouse was flashing. I replaced the batteries and the mouse resumed normal operation. Then, a few days later it happened again. I have yet to re-replace the batteries and have reverted to using my now eight-year-old Logitech dual-optical mouse (possibly the finest peripheral I have ever owned). Has anyone else encountered this issue?

Is this mouse having internal hardware or software issues or is it normal for it to devour batteries at this rate? System Preferences says that Bluetooth is maintaining the connection properly, so I am ruling that out as an issue. I would just say to hell with it, and use my Logitech mouse full-time, but my wife hates it and I payed seventy goddamn dollars for the Apple product.

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PowerPC :: PB G4 1.67 - 15" Battery Power - Green Light Never Came On To Indicate Full Charge

Sep 17, 2010

Basically I'm having issues with my newly acquired Powerbook G4. When i bought it the battery was not working at all so have now installed a new replacememnnt battery which works fine but having some slight issues. So...

First time I charged it, it reached 100% but green light never came on to indicate full charge. When I run the PB off the battery it gets to 20% and it shuts down without any warning it's low on battery (trying to switch it on after this is impossible, it clearly has no life) After the above I connect the power lead and start up the computer, the battery indicator starts charging from 20% onwards. Something fishy definitely going on and I have no idea what it could be, I calibrated the battery but it has always cut off at 20% since first charge/discharge.

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Hardware :: Airport Extreme Flashing Amber?

Mar 22, 2009

My Airport Extreme that I just purchased last week has been solid green since I installed it but just today it started flashing the amber color. I am still able to connect to the internet and my PC still recognizes the Airport Extreme in my Airport Utility. Is this just because it probably wants me to install the latest firmware? I currently have 7.4 installed, not 7.4.1. I heard that 7.4.1 isn't any good so I would like to leave it at 7.4 for now. Is that the reason why it is flashing amber? Should I install the latest firmware or just leave it alone? I just don't like it flashing amber when it should be solid green...As of right now, I can still connect to the internet without a problem.

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