PowerPC :: IBook Won't Charge / Light On Show Any Color When Plugged In

Dec 1, 2007

The iBook battery will not charge nor will the light on the charger show any color when plugged in. The battery time until full charge icon is stuck on "calculating."

1) The charger is fine since I checked it on another iBook. (Light comes on and changes appropriately.)
2) I have multiple batteries so any one individual battery is not the problem. Also it registers the proper charge capacity.
3) I've reset the PMU and it does not help.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Won't Charge - No LED Light But Continues To Function While Plugged In

Jun 21, 2014

I have my MacBook Pro won't charge while connected to the wall charger but still acknowledges it is connected and appears to be running off of the wall itself. no LED is on either. Just began happening all of a sudden. No Warning.

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PowerPC :: Won't Charge Or See It's Plugged In

Aug 7, 2006

I'm getting a 1.25Ghz 15" Al Powerbook assuming I can fix it. It's got one major problem - it won't charge the battery, or see that it's plugged in. This problem just happened suddenly, it wasn't a gradual thing at all, and there was no physical damage that caused it. The Powerbook still booted and worked fine off of a freshly charged battery, but the computer won't charge that battery anymore.

I think it's a broken DC-in board that needs to be replaced, but before I dump $50 - $75 on a new one, can anyone tell me if it might be something else, maybe something I could check for free?

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PowerPC :: Battery Charge Decreasing Even While Plugged In?

Nov 3, 2006

for some reason my powerbook battery charge slowly goes down even while it's plugged in. The power light is green as if it's fully charged but it goes down about 1% every day and then if i unplug it and plug it back in then it starts to charge, goes up to 100% like it should and then starts all over again. It never used to do this so i don't know why it's doing it now.

It started happening around the time apple had that huge recall so then i got it replaced but it still does it so it can't be the batteries fault (at least it doesn't seem likely)

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PowerPC :: PB G4 1.67 - 15" Battery Power - Green Light Never Came On To Indicate Full Charge

Sep 17, 2010

Basically I'm having issues with my newly acquired Powerbook G4. When i bought it the battery was not working at all so have now installed a new replacememnnt battery which works fine but having some slight issues. So...

First time I charged it, it reached 100% but green light never came on to indicate full charge. When I run the PB off the battery it gets to 20% and it shuts down without any warning it's low on battery (trying to switch it on after this is impossible, it clearly has no life) After the above I connect the power lead and start up the computer, the battery indicator starts charging from 20% onwards. Something fishy definitely going on and I have no idea what it could be, I calibrated the battery but it has always cut off at 20% since first charge/discharge.

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PowerPC :: IBook G3 Won't Charge

Jun 17, 2007

My girl friends iBook 900mhz g3 doesn't want to charge for some reason, has anyone had this problem?

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Won't Charge?

May 19, 2008

Last month my old charger died (literally, it blew up.), so I got a generic one. It worked for a while then it wouldn't charge. Basically it would charge for a second then stop, after about 5 minutes of crapping about with it it would stay charging. Then like a week later it stopped doing this and with the generic charger it'd charge when plugged in right away, no fights. Now today it decides to do it again, BUT it won't charge no matter how long I jiggle the wire around etc.

Would this be the DC board? I don't want to buy another charger finding out it's the DC board, or vice versa.. If it is the DC board, does anyone have a link to a site to show how to install a new one? If it's a big hassle, I might see if theres an apple shop around town. Also: It does this with the battery out as well, so it's not the battery.

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PowerPC :: IBook G3 800 MHz Won't Charge Battery

Mar 14, 2007

My iBook G3 800 MHz will not charge any more all of a sudden. I have tried plugging it in to several power sockets and it won't charge. Whats more... I tried charging it with just the normal charger, and I even tried charing it with the extension wire! I am not sure if it is the charger, or my iBook. If it is the iBook, should i rip it open and get a new part for it? If it is the charger, where can i get a new one?

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PowerPC :: Won't Charge IBook Batteries

Jan 3, 2008

It ran fine off of a battery, but won't charge. I replaced the DC board and the power adapter, but it still won't run or charge off the battery. I think the original power adapter was bad and ruined the original DC board and the new one. I'm going to try one more DC board and if it doesn't work then give up the parts on eBay. Problem is, I need the data off the hard drive. Is there anyone in the Kansas City area who has an iBook 14" 1.42 GHz and would would be willing to charge the batteries for me? I wonder if the Apple Store might do this? This way, I can turn on the iBook and copy the data to another machine.

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PowerPC :: IBook G3 Won't Charge Or Startup

Mar 8, 2008

I have an iBook g3 running Tiger that I bought second hand almost two years ago that has been working perfectly up until yesterday. I use it for uni during the day and usually turn the machine off overnight while it charges. The other night I left it 'asleep' while charging instead of off. When I came to use it in the morning it would not wake up and was totally silent although it's pulsing 'on' light in the front part of the casing was on. The charging cable was still connected and was green, indicating a full charge, but the battery-life light display, when pressed, showed only a single light, which flashds a few times, indicating the battery wasn't fully charged.

While trying to get the thing to do something I removed the battery. This caused the ibook to turn off the pulsating light - it was completely off and apparently not drawing power from it's adapter, which was still plugged in. I have been trying since then to get the computer to turn on. No matter how long it is left charging, the battery never indicates anything other than a single light with a few flashes, the computer will not turn on and the cable of the charger stays green when plugged in. I have tried inserting an older battery - which I know worked, it just only used to hold an hour's charge or so - and it will not charge at all. I have also tried resetting the PMU, which appears to have done nothing

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PowerPC :: IBook G3 Won't Charge Battery

Mar 14, 2009

I just tried to charge my iBook, and it won't charge. If I unplug the charger from the mains socket, and plug it back in, the ring around the charger will turn green for about a second and then turn off. I've tried to restart the iBook, and I've removed the battery from it also.

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PowerPC :: IMac G3 Monitor - Slight Red Color On Right Side And Light Colored Box On Screen

Sep 24, 2006

I just got an IMac G3 running OS X and OS 9.2.2. I am having monitor problems with it, the monitor has a slight red color on the right side and if there is a light colored box on the screen I get almost a run effect going to the right. This happens in OS X Tiger with all the updates, OS 9.2.2. I also have all the firmware updates, an external monitor looks great.

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Charge / Flicker Slow?

Feb 7, 2007

I have a 1.2 Ghz Power PC Ibook that has been a flawless laptop for almost two years now. Yesterday, I noticed that the screen wold periodically dim/brighten every couple of seconds. As I looked at the battery icon, I noticed that each time it dimmed, the charge icon would switch to a battery (as if the laptop wasn't plugged in), and each time it brightened, the corresponding charge icon would appear.

This happens even though it is plugged in, and usually, if I adjust the power cord, then it stops. But each time I have had to do this, it becomes less responsive to the method! Now I'm afraid my computer will simply die a slow death, with me frantically jiggling a cord to no avail, watching as it breathes its last breath, unable to be repowered!

PS: I'm an American, in Germany, who will be in London next week and able to visit a genius bar there...but I'm not positive that my warrranty extends beyond American borders.

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Charge Battery But Only Run On AC Adapter?

Sep 18, 2007

I just bought a 74w NewerTech battery about 3 weeks ago but I don't think that is the problem....

I can run my iBook off of the AC adapter fine but when I unplug it it automatically shuts off as if there is no battery in it.

It shows that the battery is charging and everything in the menubar but when I unplug it, it will shut off. This just happened today and earlier today I was working on it with the battery working fine.

I also switched out to the old stock battery and it does the same thing.

I think it has to be hardware related. I have reset the PMU and PRAM/NVRAM and it didn't help. Also when I started the computer back up it said that my clock was reset. Feedback is much appreciated.

iBook G4 14" Mac OS X (10.4.10) NewerTech 74w Battery, 1.5gb ram

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PowerPC :: Ibook G4 Adapter - Can't Charge Battery

Jan 21, 2008

My adapter caught on fire, and I had to put it out. When I tried to charge my battery with a new adapter, it would not charge. I got another battery, (old one from a friend), that apparently had some juice left on it. The computer turned on no problem, and I used it for about 20 minutes when I noticed that the battery was slowly dying, and that it would not charge again. Now, its dead again. It will not charge. Does this sound like a logic board problem? Who can I contact?

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PowerPC :: Ibook G4 Won't Charge / Shuts Down When Turned On

May 9, 2008

My iBook G4 is 3 years old. I have 2 problems: My latest problem is that it won't charge the battery. I bought a new Ac Adaptor, and I used my battery and my adaptor in another G4 and it charges, but not in my computer. So I know the problem is INSIDE my computer. My father replaced the.DC-inboard when the pin off of my old charger broke off inside the computer.

2.) Now the computer won't turn on. If it does turn on it shuts off 20 seconds later.

There is no warranty, I don't know where to start with fixing it since I can't get it to stay on.!

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Charge Indicator Lights?

Dec 6, 2008

I have a question on the charge indicator on my wife's G4. Her DC in-board was acting flaky where it would alternate between charging and not charging every 5 minutes. I searched the internet and determined it was the DC in-board and I bought the part and swapped it out myself. I just replaced that in her laptop and it now doesn't do that but I do have another question on the expected G4 behavior. When the battery is running low with the lid open and I plug in the power cord it will turn orange to indicate it is charging If I close the lid it stays orange and goes to sleep as expected. But if I then open the lid it will turn green for a couple minutes and then go to orange.

Shouldn't it stay orange the whole time no matter if I take it out of sleep mode or not? My Macbook Pro stays orange once it is charging and doesn't stop until it is fully charged. The reason it concerns me is I just replaced the battery on her laptop after the DC in-board issues described above. The constant charge/no charge made her battery only hold a 20 minute charge. It seems switching from charge to no-charge for the couple minutes after waking up would mess with the battery as well. I reset her Power Management Unit thinking that would clear things up maybe and had no effect. Can someone confirm if her computer if behaving as it should.

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PowerPC :: Unable To Charge IBook G4 Battery?

Jan 23, 2010

I've had my iBook G4 for about 4 years now. I replaced the battery two years ago and have had to replace the charger twice. My current charger, which I bought rather cheaply on ebay, will only charge the battery when my computer is shut down or sleeping.

This makes it very difficult to work as my current battery is losing charge quickly and plugging it in is of no use when I am using it.

Is there anything I can do to change this? Or do I need a new battery?

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PowerPC :: Unable To Charge The Ibook In Sleep Mode

Feb 25, 2007

I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me or if anyone is having the same problem as me... Since 16th Feb I have not been able to charge my ibook in sleep mode. Every time you put the ibook into sleep mode while the power cable is connected the ibook goes to sleep for a second or so and then wakes up again... If the screen is shut it just continuously keeps repeating the process...

I would be very grateful if anyone could advice me on what to do or recommend any diagnostic checks i should do to rectify the problem...

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PowerPC :: Not Charge Ibook When Plug Into Power Adapter

Sep 25, 2007

well it does charge just not how it should. when i plug the ibook into the power adapter usually nothing happens. i have to jiggle the plug in just the right way to get it to charge and this involves putting pressure on it in some direction. it has gotten worse so now i have to have constant pressure on it for it to charge. i have tried 2 different chargers so i know its not that. i was thinking maybe the DC board but i was not sure.

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PowerPC :: IBook Battery Charge Low - Shuts Down Without Warning

Oct 7, 2007

My school-computer (iBook 14" 1,42 Ghz G4, running OSX 10.4.10) has developed some unpleasant habbits lately. With lots of batterycharge left, 28-50%, it shuts down without warning. I try to restart it, and it gets to various stages of booting before shutting down again. It won't run untill i plug in the powercable, and then it starts of from almost half full charge. I did a bit of searching on the forums, and installed coconutbattery with the attached (depressing) result. Tried resetting the pmu, which didn't stop it from shutting down on me again 46 mins later. Does this mean I need to replace the battery?

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PowerPC :: Ibook G3 Dual Usb - Wont Charge Battery

Mar 3, 2009

i made my own power supply wall plugin cable for my ibook g3 power adapter. Its from a printer, computer boots fine, but with only one problem it wont charge the battery is this because i only have the two prongs connected to power while the weird silver circle doesnt have any power"

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PowerPC :: IBook Charger Wont Charge Bettery

Jul 5, 2010

I have an old G3 iBook 500 and it was fine last week but I didnt use it for a week (it has 10.2.8 and 9.2) but now I went to use it and the battery was on its last dot and it was sleeping. I tried to charge it and the light never came on the charger and its not charging. Now its dead cuz the battery went flat. its not the original charger its the newer square

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PowerPC :: IBook G3 Wont Boot With Airport Card When Plugged In System?

Jan 3, 2011

I have a G3 iBook I've put together from spares just as a project. Everything works fine and will connect to the internet over the ethernet cable.As soon as I plug an Airport card in it refuses to boot, it won't even try so it seems to be a hardware issue.Is it possibly a dodgy Airport card or something else?It's a 2001, 600Mhz, Dual USB, white 12" iBook.

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 Shuts Down When Power Cord Turns Red In Color

Jan 11, 2010

My iBook G4 crashed on me one night, and the only way I could turn it on again was to unplug the power cord from my computer, turn it over, remove the battery, put the battery back in, plug the cord back into the computer, hold down the start button, and it would restart. Although, when it restarted, the fan would go on first, and then the computer would make the normal start sound. Some times the finder would be on the screen after I restarted it displaying a quick link icon of the hard drive. So after a few weeks, it did it again, then a few days, and then it got to the point where I had to keep my computer in the same position otherwise it might shut down.

Now, if the power cord is green everything is fine, but if I move my computer and bump the cord into the wrong place it turns from green to bright red, makes an evil buzzing sound, and in three seconds the computer shuts off and I have to restart by using the method above. If or when the power cord goes bright red I do have 3 seconds to pull out the cord before it shuts down. I then sleep the computer, put the cord back into the computer, and move the cord around until it is green again.

I took my computer to a mac genius, and when he looked at the crash report he said it was frequent, but not caused by the battery and couldn't tell me what was the exact problem. I bought a brand new power cord, but I still couldn't move the computer around to much or it would shut down.

1.) Has anyone ever heard of this happening? And if so, what causes it to be so touchy?

2.) What can I do to fix it myself?

3.) If I send it in, will they be able to fix it so that it is perfect again without having to spend more than the money assessed?

I would like to try to have it fixed. At this juncture, my only option is to send it in for $280 and hope they can fix the problem that no one seems to know what is the exact problem, or even where the problem stems from. I should add here that the battery is fully charged, and the report says it can hold about 1 hour of life, although it's more like 30 minutes, and then without warning to plug in or risk shutting down (like it used to give me) it will shut down.

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PowerPC :: Light Goes Out And Ibook Switches To Battery Power

Apr 2, 2007

I have an ibook G4 (2years old, a part of the battery swap program) that charges normally... for about twenty minutes. Then the light around the charger turns from it's normal "i'm charging" orange to nothing, the light goes out and the ibook switches to battery power. I've just inspected the power chord and there are no strains or tears, the plug at both ends are in good condition and the ibook power socket is fine too.

I've turned the ibook off for a period of time (two days) and reset the power manager... still no difference. The ibook looks and acts just like it should until about twenty minutes into the charge then the light turns off and it's like it's been disconnected. The chord is in correctly, i've even tried the apple extension chord = no joy. If i reconnect the power chord at the wall it's fine, starts charging again... and yes i've tried different sockets on different circuits in the house!

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 AC Light Alternates Green And Amber

Jan 23, 2008

I've got a G4 iBook that came in because the user thought the battery was dead. I tried the usual fixes, PMU, NVRAM, PRAM, different power adapter, etc. When I ran some tests (Coconut Battery) to see if the above worked, I found that the problem wasn't the battery (it still has 3888 mAh out of 4400). The symptom: The AC light alternates between green and amber even though the battery is only at 18% charge. It will stay amber for about 45 seconds then switch to green, vice-versa. It has been plugged in now for 2 hours + and has gone from 16% to 18%, so it does seem to be charging. I have adjusted the power saver so that the machine doesn't go to sleep or have the display dim as I thought sleep mode may have something to do with it.

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Hardware :: Battery Will Not Charge When Plugged In

Jan 31, 2008

I recently bought a new battery for my ibook G4 and thought that it would solve the issues I was having with my battery. When I went to plug in the power adapter, the battery icon does not change to show that it's charging, so I borrowed a friend's because I thought I needed a new adapter, but it's still doing the same thing. So I've ruled out that it's not the battery or the adapter.

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Charge Even When Plugged Into A Known Good Outlet?

Apr 12, 2012

my mac book pro won't charge even when plugged into a known good outlet, 'Connection to computer is solid power cord is in good condition. This computer is about 1 month old

mac Book Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Will Not Charge Even When Charger Is Plugged In And Working

Dec 4, 2014

I have been using my MacBook pro for a lot of film editing and motion graphics. Recently, I noticed that my battery kept going down, even when charging. I thought nothing on it and kept using it. After around 4 hours, the battery went from 90% to 23% WHILE plugged in. This got me nervous. When I plug in the MagSafe charger, the light comes on and I get the "charging" symbol in my toolbar. The light turns orange and then, after a few minutes, the power starts to go down instead of up. 

The laptop does charge, but only when I am running no application, when the screen is shut or when the laptop is powered off. Bear in mind that right now, I am on Firefox, that is the only application open, yet the charge is still going down. I assumed it was because I was using Premiere CS6, After Effects CS6 and Cinema4D, but now even when they are not open, the batter will not charge when I am using the laptop. 

I am currently only running Firefox and Finder. Now the laptop is charging as usual. However the second I open up Premiere, After Effects etc, it goes down.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5), 2012 edition

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