PowerPC :: Replacing Power Supply Board On IBook 12" G4
Dec 16, 2008
I've been lurking for the last 12 months but haven't posted until now. Does anyone know if it's possible to purchase a new PCB and lead for the power input. My youngest kid pulled my mac off the sofa and it landed right on the input which knackered up the lead forcing me to buy a cheap chinese job. I've taken the cover off and pulled out the small PCB to inspect it and it did have a cracked solder. I fixed that but the connection is still very fussy, I can't move the mac much or it will switch off (dead battery too). While I'd love to go out and buy a brand new macbook I simply can't afford it right now so patching up this one is my only choice. It needs ram, new battery, proper lead and power supply PCB. All easy to find except the PCB.
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May 10, 2009
After spending a lot of time troubleshooting and researching to figure out what's wrong with my ibook I concluded to about 90% certainty that I need to replace the DC-in board. I ordered and received a replacement - and the necessary screwdrivers, etc - from ifixit, only now I find myself just staring at the laptop like I'm about to perform open heart surgery.
My questions are:
Is doing this myself high risk for someone who has never so much as seen the inside of a computer?
Roughly how long should this take me to do? I don't want to start it without some sense of the time commitment involved because I'd rather do it all in one sitting.
And lastly, from what I've seen in guides/tutorials it looks as though there's some prying involved in removing the casing and I'm wondering just how much finesse is required in closing it back up. Does it snap back in easily?
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Jul 17, 2009
I have an old iBook G4 with a dead logic board, everything works fine for about 10-15 minutes, then the display stops responding. The hard drive continues to spin, processor still chugs, etc. I'm going to leave it running iTunes in a few minutes and when it freezes, hit the space bar to see if the actual machine still responds. (In which case I would be sure that it's the video card, or some cable in that area.)
My question: I'm looking on eBay for replacement logic boards, and I'm wondering how specific/universal they are. Obviously, it needs to come from a 14" iBook, but does it matter what processor speed? Eg. Will a board from a 1.2GHz iBook work? I have the iFixIt guide, and I'm not too worried about wrecking the thing, so it's just a matter of making sure I get the right part. (How about this one: Linkety ?)
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Apr 5, 2007
My iBook G4 power supply failed and I'm awaiting a replacement. In the mean time, can I use the power supply from my iBook G3 with the iBook G4?
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Jul 23, 2010
The cord on the 45w power brick for my iBook G4 has frayed and is no longer usable. I am considering removing the jack from the iBook cord and splicing it onto a 45w yo-yo-style cord (originally used with a 1400) that I have. Are there any issues associated with this of which I should be aware? I want to resolve my problem, but do not want to break my computer in the process, of course.
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Dec 29, 2010
I have a PowerMac G5 with the first motherboard that is out of order, and another PowerMac
G5 Late 2005
with 2x2.0GHZ
Mounting the powersupply from the 2004 on the 2005 is the powersuply compatible or not?
EDIT: I looked on Mactracker and compared the two:
Max Watts in the first is 604W and 450W on the late 2005.
I want to put a powersuply from a G5 2004 (604W ) on a G5 2005 that had a 450W powersuply is this possible ?
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Nov 2, 2009
I need some advise on replacing my "Just Delivered" 2TB Time Capsule. My previous 1TB TC died so I ordered the 2TB TC. After reading about the power supply issues, I could see my new 2TB TC dying as well after about 18 months since PS design remains the same. With that said, what would be the best way to spend $500 for router + remote storage solution. I was thinking, new version of Airport Extreme Base Station + G-Technology 1TB G-DRIVE High-Performance Hard Drive.
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May 27, 2008
I have a 12" powerbook g4 that has fallen off the couch or ottoman many times, mostly because roommates never seem to realize that if you catch a cord on your foot that you probably shouldn't continue to walk. This is also because of the inferior non-magsafe charger. This ends up with the powerbook to land right onto the charger and bend the **** out of the male end. In fact I just received my 4th charger and now it doesn't work, I have a multi-meter so I know the charger has juice, but the computer isn't charging. Any advice before I bite the dust and totally dismantle this beautiful machine and place a new DC-in board into it?
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Feb 11, 2006
My iMac died a few days ago. I shut it down the previous night, and then in the morning when I went to turn it on, nothing happened. The screen display doesn't turn on, nothing. I opened it up and did the LED tests, and found that the first one would turn on, but none of the others would. The apple site says to take it to a store and have it fixed.
Now, I bought my mac on December 19th, 2004 ( what a day that was). At the time, I didn't think I'd need to buy applecare or anything. So about how much do you guys think it would cost to replace the logic board? And also, how long would it take to have it replaced?
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Jan 22, 2010
I've recently been having problems with my iMac G5 iSight after downloading iTunes 9. After a series of freeze-ups, i noticed a visual anomaly appear on my screen. Little hash-marks all over the display were present, and playing DVDs or iTunes visualizer would result in a checkerboard pattern. After doing some research, I found out this was a logic board problem, and it was not uncommon for iMac G5s. However, I kept using my computer for a few more months when it then started freezing two minutes after boot up. I figured it was time to open up the computer and take a look. But after spending the 3.5 hours opening the machine, removing all of the cables and screws, I couldn't find any visible damage on the board. No swollen capacitors like everyone was complaining about. The only strange thing I saw was some discoloration on a few circuits near the USB and Firewire outlets.
I've decided to replace the logic board myself for around $370, and I was wondering about a few things.
1. Would the new logic board come with a processor, or would I need to pry it off of my old one, and re-attach it?
2. Would I need to go through a lot of re-programing and software issues if I replaced my logic board, or would it just start running right off the bat after replacing it?
3. Is this operation worth it? Because I have come to like my iMac after 5 years of use, and I would like to know if fixing it would give me a decent amount of usage before I would simply need to replace it
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Aug 2, 2006
I am trying to switch out mobos. I want to put a desktop mobo in a minitower case. But my understanding there is a jumper that can be changed to switch between the models. Has something to do with the power supply differences if I remember correctly. Anyone know where on the motherboard that would be located? in need to find it because currently using the desktop mobo in the minitower case it will not power on at all.
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Jan 25, 2007
Mine went 'poof'
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May 14, 2009
So, I have the latest 2.5 G5 quad.
The power supply recently blew on it so I had the local Apple shop replace it. I brought her back home and powered her up for the first time and the fans are on full blast the whole time.
Usually the fans would be on high during start up and while shutting down...but they would ALWAYS slow down when OS X is loaded. Now they are on high all the time.
specs: 2.5 quad, 6.5 gb RAM, 2x 500gb HDD's, GeForce 7800GT, 10.5.6 (I know 10.5.7 is out...I'm installing it tonight, as it took over an hour to install on my iMac's)
I know I can just take it back to the tech, but if I can fix it with a simple setting then I'd like to try that first.
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May 19, 2010
Have a Power Mac G4 MDD - Apple genius bar looked at it and told me probably need a new power supply (shutting down at will and having trouble powering up but before that the computer was running well) and I'm not sure if I should get a used or new one on ebay or if you have a better idea. Can't afford a whole new system so want to resurrect this one.
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Feb 21, 2006
I have a first gen imac g5 (bought it in dec. 2004). So far I've had three major problems with it:
1. After 6 months of use, the power supply burned out and had to be replaced.
2. 3 months later the well known video problems due to faulty capacitors appeared. The midplane board was replaced.
3. I was out of the country for 6 months; after the midplane board was replaced in August my imac was sitting unused. Booted it up yesterday and the computer would just hang. Took it to the genius bar at the apple store today and was told the logic board has to be replaced. Luckily, though the computer is out of warranty, Apple has extended the warranty for this specific problem.
At this point, I am very frustrated. I am going to call Apple and request that they replace my imac with a new one. It is obvious reading the posts here and Apple's boards (btw, before Apple's board monitors started censoring and delting posts that address these problems - my post on the Apple board yesterday was deleted by the monitors) that many users have had lemons with the first gen imac g5. I consider three major problems in less than a year to be symptomatic of a "lemon". If Apple doesn't replace lemon imac g5's what are the alternatives...I wonder if they would buckle if enough people threaten a class action lawsuit. Something must be done to alert the general public about this problem.
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Mar 7, 2008
Recently I didn't do my research, and I purchased a Quicksilver power supply to put on a Gigabit machine. I noticed it had four extra pins which look like some of the ones they use to power processors in some PCs (tho I've come to find this is for the ADC port). I dug a little deeper (Googled "powermac_g4.pdf") and found out that some of the pins have differences between the Gigabit PS and the Quicksilver PS.
Has anyone else had an experience like this? Will the PS work without any wirecutting or do I need to get a new one?
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Apr 14, 2008
After reading about Psystar and all that crap I have become inspired. I want to build my own hackintosh . I have an old G4 Gigabit Ethernet PowerMac that I aquired a few weeks back. I was wondering if it would be possible to gut it and use the case for my new hackintosh. Will a standard mobo fit in it? Can I easily replace the powersupply?
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Aug 30, 2009
I recently fired up a old MDD G4 at work, and after 5 seconds or so, the APC unit that it was connected to started warning that there was a current overload, and killed the power port. I plugged in another computer to make sure that it wasn't a general overload, and it ran fine, so it's a problem with the MDD. The power supply area smelled a little different, and it was hot. The system powers on completely (fans, hard drive, etc.), but it just trips the overload circuit by drawing too much power. Is there a way to take apart the PSU and see what's going on?
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Aug 18, 2006
I went through all the steps to change the optical drive on an old 500 MHz iBook G3, but am unable to attach the bottom case. The problem is the two long (20mm) screws near the back of the computer -- each apparently has to insert into something that looks like a gold-colored nut with serrated edges, like gears, otherwise the screws just rotate in place and don't "lock up." I'll attach a picture, but my only digital camera until I borrow one from a friend is my cell phone, so the pic won't be too good. The gold pieces fell out during the disassembly process and I can't figure out where they now go.
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Feb 28, 2010
I have a G3 IBook 500 mhz with 2 usb ports. The clock and date don't stay set so I think I need to replace the back up battery. I am wondering how difficult this is to do on it. On my G3 Powerbook it was fairly simple.
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Oct 18, 2006
dont know if this is the right thread but, i picked up a Performa 5200CD, from the dump, and its in perfect condition, but when you go to turn the power on, it does nothing, could this have a dead power suply, broken switch?
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Nov 11, 2008
I just picked up my iMac g5 20" (2.0 GHz PPC) from the Apple Store for having the power supply replaced. Now I've lost all traces of the built-in Airport Extreme Card: When I click on the now hollow diamond-shaped Airport icon, I get a grayed-out prompt stating "No Airport card installed". Any record of an Airport Card under System Profile comes up with "No information found". My Airport Express does not show up in Network settings either.
Airport Express works fine in my Macbook Pro, so I know it's not something wrong with my Airport Express. I tried installing the "Login & Keychain Update", but can't: "You cannot install Login & Keychain Update on this volume. This volume does not meet the requirements for this update". Ran Disk Utility and came up with errors and unable to repair disk. The iMac was fine going in - except, of course, for the random shut-downs from a failing power supply.
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Sep 26, 2009
I have a MDD quicksilver with a bad power supply. I have done some research and have found that the MDD psu does fail more than most. One of the biggest problem is cost. As most of you know replacements run $125 and up What I would like to know is has any one found out what actually goes wrong in these psu's? With the amount that have failed I would guess it is a few components that are commonly going bad on each unit. If I cant figure out whats wrong with the unit, maybe a replacement? I have seen the standard atx power supply mod for the mdd but I was thinking something along the lines of the same form factor as the factory psu. the guts could fit in the factory psu enclosure with rewired new 24pin plug. Again I am just throwing this out there maybe some one all ready did this.
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Mar 31, 2009
Can it work? I found the part I need in my closet from an iBG3 and if it worked that'd just be great.
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Feb 12, 2008
My 2*1.8Mhz G5 tower (second version) shutdown two day ago and refuses to turn up again. I have absolutely no sign of life, not even the external white led or the internal red one. I'm trying to figure out whether it is the power supply of the start button which cause the problem.
Is it possible to test a G5 power supply like an ATX power supply, by connecting two pins which would make the fans start ?
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Oct 23, 2007
I'm looking fore some help/opinions on a friends iBook G3 800/30GB/256MB/10.2.8the problem is- when you press the power button, it powers on and you hear the (all is ok) chime. now sometimes it will boot perfectly fine and others you get nothing, just a blank screen.Now i know these things were notorious for logic board failure, but could this just simply be the HD, and if it is, how easy is it to change.
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Feb 29, 2008
How do I fix it? I assume the Repair program is expired, so how would I go about fixing it myself?
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Apr 6, 2007
Can you put a 800Mhz g3 logic board in 700Mhz g3? I read somewhere that I will have grounding issues. Is that true? Has anyone done this? My ibook has been sitting here unused for the last 4 months and I would like to see if I could get it working. (The video chip has died and I have tried to get it back)
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Jul 11, 2007
my G3 iBook's logic board has died (it was in that series that had the logic board problem). I had it replaced once already when it was under warrenty. However, the second one has died and Apple will not touch it (unless I pay something like $350 for Apple to fix it). Well, I decided to take matters into my own hands and I ripped open my iBook piece by piece. Now that I have the logic board in front of me, what can I do to fix it? Can I sodder something? Should I take it out and buy a new one off ebay?
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Jul 24, 2008
I'm trying to fix my dc in board myself. I figured out that was the problem and took it to the genius bar to confirm. I ordered the part and have directions from ifixit.com. Can I do this? I have absolutely no experience with this sort of thing, but I do follow directions well. A friend told me that some mac consultants won't even attempt this repair, which made me very uncomfortable. Can anybody who's done this repair speak to the difficulty and what it would be like for a person who's never even seen the inside of a computer? I don't have the money right now to have somebody else do it, so should I just put it up until I do, or take a shot at it? I really love this little laptop and hoped that I could save it...
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