I'm trying to fix my dc in board myself. I figured out that was the problem and took it to the genius bar to confirm. I ordered the part and have directions from ifixit.com. Can I do this? I have absolutely no experience with this sort of thing, but I do follow directions well. A friend told me that some mac consultants won't even attempt this repair, which made me very uncomfortable. Can anybody who's done this repair speak to the difficulty and what it would be like for a person who's never even seen the inside of a computer? I don't have the money right now to have somebody else do it, so should I just put it up until I do, or take a shot at it? I really love this little laptop and hoped that I could save it...
My 17 inch iMac G5 1.8ghz seems to have died. For a while it's been refusing to power up and then powering up randomly but now it wont power up at all. I've looked on the logic board and reset the SMU etc but I can only get the first LED to light up. I think this means the logic board has died. Is it worth replacing the logic board and can it be done easily myself? Or should I just bite the bullet and pay out for a new alu intel iMac? I'm in the UK btw, any ideas on logic board prices?
My girlfriend has a 12" G4 Powerbook that she claimed was getting really hot. I noticed it was as well, so I installed iStat Pro and saw that the fan was spinning at 0 RPM. So obviously something is wrong. I read a few posts on people having problems with the logic board, which would also cause the fan not to work. However, the computer runs fine, the fan just doesn't turn on when it gets hot. I haven't (and don't plan to) let it get so hot that it would shut itself off or burst in to flame or whatever happens. I understand it's out of Applecare, but I would prefer to fix it myself on the cheap. I'm perfectly capable and willing to replace the fan, but before I crack it open I would like to know if there is a simple way to see if my problem is simply a dead $30 fan, or a $500 logic board.
Does Applecare cover the replacement of the backlight bulb and inverter board? Looking at a PowerBook that has Applecare - The screen in the listing picture is not too bright. The seller has stated that all is well with the screen, but you never know. I am prepared to go for it if the Applecare covers the screen lighting. Applecare cover on notebooks appears to be worldwide - If the screen lighting conks out overseas, I can get it fixed at the local Apple Store?
I currently have a 40gb HD on my iBook G4 and was wondering if there is a way to install a new harddrive without voiding my warranty (I have over 1.5 years left on it). Also, where is the best place to buy new HDs?
We are now trying to replace the hard drive with an 80 Gb one. The problem is that when I try to clone the existing HD over to the new one, CCC gets to the point of copying the applications folder and can't go any farther. I assume this means the HD in the iBook is well and truly dead, Worst case I'll have to install everything from the restore discs, although that will set her machine back some--I think she has OS 10.2 discs and the machine is actually on 10.3.9.
I'm looking fore some help/opinions on a friends iBook G3 800/30GB/256MB/10.2.8the problem is- when you press the power button, it powers on and you hear the (all is ok) chime. now sometimes it will boot perfectly fine and others you get nothing, just a blank screen.Now i know these things were notorious for logic board failure, but could this just simply be the HD, and if it is, how easy is it to change.
After spending a lot of time troubleshooting and researching to figure out what's wrong with my ibook I concluded to about 90% certainty that I need to replace the DC-in board. I ordered and received a replacement - and the necessary screwdrivers, etc - from ifixit, only now I find myself just staring at the laptop like I'm about to perform open heart surgery.
My questions are:
Is doing this myself high risk for someone who has never so much as seen the inside of a computer?
Roughly how long should this take me to do? I don't want to start it without some sense of the time commitment involved because I'd rather do it all in one sitting.
And lastly, from what I've seen in guides/tutorials it looks as though there's some prying involved in removing the casing and I'm wondering just how much finesse is required in closing it back up. Does it snap back in easily?
Some guy is selling a 500mhz G3 ibook for 200, the only problem is it has a broken screen. How much would it cost to replace, and is this a good price?
I'm looking into replacing a motherboard on my newphews iBook G4. It's an early 2004 Series. I'm wondering if these Ibooks have interchangable motherboards, i.e. 1.0ghz vs 1.2ghz, 12inch screen vs the 14inch screen. I've done much work on IBM compatible laptops and these interchange pretty easily...but these MAC's are all new to me. I'm looking to get a busted up one off ebay and replace it for him for pretty cheap...
I have a chip on the side of my g4 ibook and would like to change the whole case to something other than the standard glossy white. I recall there was a company that made really colorful (red, blue, pink) Macs, but can't find anything online. Well, I found one company [URL] but they sell the machine not just a case. Anyway, I think they were painted, but by now I figure there has to be a company offering a way to customize Macs. does anyone know of one?
so i accidentally cracked my ibook g4 screen i went to an applestore and they gave me a site where i could find replacements a new screen costs $380! ide rather use that to buy a new laptop but anyways, does anyone know any sites that would have replacements screens for about $100 to $200? or somewhere i can buy a broken ibook g4 with a good screen
Can you put a 800Mhz g3 logic board in 700Mhz g3? I read somewhere that I will have grounding issues. Is that true? Has anyone done this? My ibook has been sitting here unused for the last 4 months and I would like to see if I could get it working. (The video chip has died and I have tried to get it back)
my G3 iBook's logic board has died (it was in that series that had the logic board problem). I had it replaced once already when it was under warrenty. However, the second one has died and Apple will not touch it (unless I pay something like $350 for Apple to fix it). Well, I decided to take matters into my own hands and I ripped open my iBook piece by piece. Now that I have the logic board in front of me, what can I do to fix it? Can I sodder something? Should I take it out and buy a new one off ebay?
My iBook is almost 3 years old and I think the battery is just dead. It holds a charge of maybe 20 minutes max and it's gotten to the point where I'm just gonna give in a buy a new batterry. Can I just buy any "14" iBook G4" batterry off of eBay or any site other than from Apple direct(retails $129)? Should I be looking a particular model number for the battery (A1080) or the laptop? I see batterries selling for $80 on eBay.... have u guys done this? I dont want to end up with something that won't work just because I bought it at a non-Apple site...
I purchased what I thought was an identical replacement screen used for my ibook G4 1.2 ghz. When attempting to install myself, I started to hook the new screen in and noticed I have what I believe is to be 2 power connectors (the connectors with the round pencil lead size connector) where the old screen only had 1. The data connectors were identical.
I have an old iBook G4 14" (from about 2004 or 2005) that was just replaced by a MacBook. The hinge on the screen is pretty much broken and the screen looks pretty terrible. I'm thinking about installing a distro of Linux on it and using it as a file server or media server and connecting it to an external display, but I would like to have the keyboard and mouse readily available and would not like to have issues with overheating because the lid is closed. Is there a way I can completely remove the screen (including the hinge) and have it still be functional?
Does any one know if I can put a faster logic board in a 12" 1.07 ghz iBook? Something like a 1.2 ghz from ebay or something? Would it use the same ram?
My logic board is getting ready to crap out for the third time. I hadn't planned on wasting $$ on replacing it, but I have a friend who has an old iBook with a dead screen who told me I could have it. So, my quetion is how hard is it to switch out the logic boards? Has anyone done it? I'd prefer not to pump more money into this thing since it's probably going to die again in 6-9 months.
Also, is there a fan in the 500mHz iBooks? I'm thinking that may be the problem, b/c it's been running incredibly hot lately and have never heard the fan come on.
I am planning on purchasing an ibook G4 from somebody on craigslist. It was purchased in 2006. I know that ibooks were known for having problems with the logic board, but was that taken care of by mid 2006? Also did they fix the problem with the inverter cable going out from the hinge set up on these? I had previously bought an ibook g3 that the inverter cable was going out for really cheap, i just used it until the cable finally quit working and i'm parting it out.
I have two iBooks with bad logic boards, which may or may not be caused by the GPU issue that so many G3s suffer from.
So I was on ebay looking for logic boards and I came across a couple of postings for logic board repair. It sounded like most of them will just resolder the points on the GPU, if thats the problem you have, if not they tell you they can't fix it and charge you nothing, or so their ad says.
The deal is you pay $50 over paypal, ship the computer cross country, they do the work ship it back and voila...
Has anyone ever done this? Is it a scam?
Sure paypal can protect my $50, but if I ship them the computer I may never see it again. Even though it's busted it's worth something...
last week I started to get scrambled video on my iBook G3 (2002 vintage) running 10.2.8. I got it to start up correctly before freezing twice in the last week, but it appears to have given up completely today. I'm not as concerned about this as I would have been a few years ago, since I have a lot of experience with similar problems. Apple replaced the logic board under AppleCare in 2003 and again in 2004, and this is part of the series of iBooks that Apple was fixing for free for a while as part of a class-action settlement. Apple doesn't appear to be doing that anymore (that's fine, the computer is Old with a capital O and it's not feasible to continue supporting the product), and I assume that this has effectively totaled the computer
I'm internal-HD-shopping for a friend, and want to make sure I know: What terminology will identify drives I can put in this iBook? I know it's 2.5"--what else should I make sure of? Also--any kinds that would be better than others? It's a 14" G3 with Firewire and DVD-ROM. "New" as G3s go.
My old 1.33 12" iBook needs a new drive. I need some advice regarding the power switch cord. This says the power cord is soldered to the board: [URL] I can leave the top case connected by the power switch cord if required. Perhaps I could tape the case down during work on the back side and rotate the connected case left during work on the front side. This is slightly beyond my skill level. Great advice found here during searches. I plan to be very slow, methodical, and conscious of screws/step.
after 4 years my ibook g4 14" has a problem. my hard drive needs to be replaced. i took it to the genius bar yesterday and they gave me a referal to a store in my area that is certified to work on macs... but they don't sell hard drives in-house since they just started up a few weeks ago. does anyone have a suggestion for a decent replacement internal hard drive? i'm not looking for anything high-end. i just need a cheap, reliable drive to get me through about another year when i can get a new mac. if this matters much... i do use my ibook for a small amount of video editing, graphic design, etc... but only when work has to come home w/ me.
*the guys at the repair place did suggest a few... but they were all in the $250-$350 range... i was hoping to keep it around $150 or lower since i've been doing fine w/ my 40gb for 4 years now and i have 2 externals that total 1.75 tb. they said i could find some for that price elsewhere... but they only ordered from one place when they needed to... and none were available (in my $ range) there*