PowerPC :: Replacing Logic Board On 933MHz IBook G4 (14")
Jul 17, 2009
I have an old iBook G4 with a dead logic board, everything works fine for about 10-15 minutes, then the display stops responding. The hard drive continues to spin, processor still chugs, etc. I'm going to leave it running iTunes in a few minutes and when it freezes, hit the space bar to see if the actual machine still responds. (In which case I would be sure that it's the video card, or some cable in that area.)
My question: I'm looking on eBay for replacement logic boards, and I'm wondering how specific/universal they are. Obviously, it needs to come from a 14" iBook, but does it matter what processor speed? Eg. Will a board from a 1.2GHz iBook work? I have the iFixIt guide, and I'm not too worried about wrecking the thing, so it's just a matter of making sure I get the right part. (How about this one: Linkety ?)
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Feb 11, 2006
My iMac died a few days ago. I shut it down the previous night, and then in the morning when I went to turn it on, nothing happened. The screen display doesn't turn on, nothing. I opened it up and did the LED tests, and found that the first one would turn on, but none of the others would. The apple site says to take it to a store and have it fixed.
Now, I bought my mac on December 19th, 2004 ( what a day that was). At the time, I didn't think I'd need to buy applecare or anything. So about how much do you guys think it would cost to replace the logic board? And also, how long would it take to have it replaced?
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Jan 22, 2010
I've recently been having problems with my iMac G5 iSight after downloading iTunes 9. After a series of freeze-ups, i noticed a visual anomaly appear on my screen. Little hash-marks all over the display were present, and playing DVDs or iTunes visualizer would result in a checkerboard pattern. After doing some research, I found out this was a logic board problem, and it was not uncommon for iMac G5s. However, I kept using my computer for a few more months when it then started freezing two minutes after boot up. I figured it was time to open up the computer and take a look. But after spending the 3.5 hours opening the machine, removing all of the cables and screws, I couldn't find any visible damage on the board. No swollen capacitors like everyone was complaining about. The only strange thing I saw was some discoloration on a few circuits near the USB and Firewire outlets.
I've decided to replace the logic board myself for around $370, and I was wondering about a few things.
1. Would the new logic board come with a processor, or would I need to pry it off of my old one, and re-attach it?
2. Would I need to go through a lot of re-programing and software issues if I replaced my logic board, or would it just start running right off the bat after replacing it?
3. Is this operation worth it? Because I have come to like my iMac after 5 years of use, and I would like to know if fixing it would give me a decent amount of usage before I would simply need to replace it
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May 13, 2008
so i've got a system with a fried c2d board. i can pick up a cd board for $150 plus shipping which is good for me. to find a comparable replacement, i'm looking at ~350 and i'm just not feelin that price as im on a budget.
i'm not concerned about the speed decrease as im just trying to get this thing rebuilt.
i understand that there are different heatsink assemblys..vertical vs horizontal. however, i do not know how to tell the difference and i am also unsure whether or not my c2d heatsink will work on this board i receive.
the logicboard possess a t7300 c2d and model # is 820-2279-a, it appears.
i cant find anything on that model, except for on ebay.
and i totally cant find the serial number on this macbook. under the battery on the tray has no serial number listed, and i've read through this documentation [URL]
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May 10, 2009
After spending a lot of time troubleshooting and researching to figure out what's wrong with my ibook I concluded to about 90% certainty that I need to replace the DC-in board. I ordered and received a replacement - and the necessary screwdrivers, etc - from ifixit, only now I find myself just staring at the laptop like I'm about to perform open heart surgery.
My questions are:
Is doing this myself high risk for someone who has never so much as seen the inside of a computer?
Roughly how long should this take me to do? I don't want to start it without some sense of the time commitment involved because I'd rather do it all in one sitting.
And lastly, from what I've seen in guides/tutorials it looks as though there's some prying involved in removing the casing and I'm wondering just how much finesse is required in closing it back up. Does it snap back in easily?
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Oct 23, 2007
I'm looking fore some help/opinions on a friends iBook G3 800/30GB/256MB/10.2.8the problem is- when you press the power button, it powers on and you hear the (all is ok) chime. now sometimes it will boot perfectly fine and others you get nothing, just a blank screen.Now i know these things were notorious for logic board failure, but could this just simply be the HD, and if it is, how easy is it to change.
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Feb 29, 2008
How do I fix it? I assume the Repair program is expired, so how would I go about fixing it myself?
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Dec 16, 2008
I've been lurking for the last 12 months but haven't posted until now. Does anyone know if it's possible to purchase a new PCB and lead for the power input. My youngest kid pulled my mac off the sofa and it landed right on the input which knackered up the lead forcing me to buy a cheap chinese job. I've taken the cover off and pulled out the small PCB to inspect it and it did have a cracked solder. I fixed that but the connection is still very fussy, I can't move the mac much or it will switch off (dead battery too). While I'd love to go out and buy a brand new macbook I simply can't afford it right now so patching up this one is my only choice. It needs ram, new battery, proper lead and power supply PCB. All easy to find except the PCB.
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Apr 6, 2007
Can you put a 800Mhz g3 logic board in 700Mhz g3? I read somewhere that I will have grounding issues. Is that true? Has anyone done this? My ibook has been sitting here unused for the last 4 months and I would like to see if I could get it working. (The video chip has died and I have tried to get it back)
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Jul 11, 2007
my G3 iBook's logic board has died (it was in that series that had the logic board problem). I had it replaced once already when it was under warrenty. However, the second one has died and Apple will not touch it (unless I pay something like $350 for Apple to fix it). Well, I decided to take matters into my own hands and I ripped open my iBook piece by piece. Now that I have the logic board in front of me, what can I do to fix it? Can I sodder something? Should I take it out and buy a new one off ebay?
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Aug 12, 2006
I need to know if I can put a 12" 900mhz G3 logic board in my 800mz g3 iBook case.
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Sep 30, 2006
Does any one know if I can put a faster logic board in a 12" 1.07 ghz iBook? Something like a 1.2 ghz from ebay or something? Would it use the same ram?
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Oct 16, 2006
My logic board is getting ready to crap out for the third time. I hadn't planned on wasting $$ on replacing it, but I have a friend who has an old iBook with a dead screen who told me I could have it. So, my quetion is how hard is it to switch out the logic boards? Has anyone done it? I'd prefer not to pump more money into this thing since it's probably going to die again in 6-9 months.
Also, is there a fan in the 500mHz iBooks? I'm thinking that may be the problem, b/c it's been running incredibly hot lately and have never heard the fan come on.
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Apr 30, 2007
I am planning on purchasing an ibook G4 from somebody on craigslist. It was purchased in 2006. I know that ibooks were known for having problems with the logic board, but was that taken care of by mid 2006? Also did they fix the problem with the inverter cable going out from the hinge set up on these? I had previously bought an ibook g3 that the inverter cable was going out for really cheap, i just used it until the cable finally quit working and i'm parting it out.
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May 26, 2009
I have two iBooks with bad logic boards, which may or may not be caused by the GPU issue that so many G3s suffer from.
So I was on ebay looking for logic boards and I came across a couple of postings for logic board repair. It sounded like most of them will just resolder the points on the GPU, if thats the problem you have, if not they tell you they can't fix it and charge you nothing, or so their ad says.
The deal is you pay $50 over paypal, ship the computer cross country, they do the work ship it back and voila...
Has anyone ever done this? Is it a scam?
Sure paypal can protect my $50, but if I ship them the computer I may never see it again. Even though it's busted it's worth something...
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Dec 17, 2009
last week I started to get scrambled video on my iBook G3 (2002 vintage) running 10.2.8. I got it to start up correctly before freezing twice in the last week, but it appears to have given up completely today. I'm not as concerned about this as I would have been a few years ago, since I have a lot of experience with similar problems. Apple replaced the logic board under AppleCare in 2003 and again in 2004, and this is part of the series of iBooks that Apple was fixing for free for a while as part of a class-action settlement. Apple doesn't appear to be doing that anymore (that's fine, the computer is Old with a capital O and it's not feasible to continue supporting the product), and I assume that this has effectively totaled the computer
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Sep 21, 2006
will a 12" powerbook logic board work in a 12" ibook? i mean they aer the same size but is there something that wont work?
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Jan 7, 2008
Is it possible to replace the logic board in a 12in 700mhz g3 ibook with a g4 12in logic board? I was just wondering because I came across a g4 logic board.
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Jan 15, 2008
I was just wondering if anyone could help me with this. the iBook that I just inherited from my aunt, (She got a new MB) was working yesterday, whenever the power shut-off on it. (It has a power issue on the logic board, and if it comes unplugged it dies, even though it has a new battery.) so she went to work, and attempted to power it on, it came up, and the apple was on the screen, and the spinner came up, nad it spun for a very long time, eventually the screen flashed, and turned blue, and the spinner came again. After around 15 minutes, she was given the kernal panic screen. She held down the power button, and restarted, only to come up with the old finder face, and a question mark. I rush over with my disc's, and load up the disk utility. It was repairing the disk, and about 3/4 of the way through, it had an error. So, I rebooted, and we got an apple, and it repeated the previous situation, and gave the blue screen, followed by a kernel panic. This time I ran the hardware test, and it says that the logic board passed, but there was an issued with the harddrive.
At first disk utility could find the hard drive, and it reported it as being a 2 TB drive!!!!!!! So I got suspicous about that, and after the hardware test, the computer was reporting that there was no hard drive in the computer at all. we know for a fact that the drive was either 50, or 80Gb's, (90% sure 80) My question to you is: Is this the hard drive that has gone bad, or, is it the controller on the logicboard needing to be replaced?
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Nov 4, 2006
After 3 days of contact with Apple support they have determined that even though they sold units with defective logic boards and the serial number of our unit falls in the range of units with the problem, Apple is not going to honor the replacement or prorate repair since the program expired in August...I thought only software houses used customers to beta test their products
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Oct 12, 2010
Was watching a 720p HD movie on a plane. Movie starts to freeze up. I can move the mouse but the rest of the computer is unresponsive. I force shut down by holding the power button.
Upon restart, all seems well, I login but computer quickly becomes unresponsive again. I force shut down again.
Next restart is over 10 minutes. Gets to login screen but can't login.
I boot from install disk and run HD repair. It finds some problems and repairs them. Reboot. Same symptoms.
I decided it is the HD and archive and install. Install fails. I wipe the HD cleaned and reinstall osx.
All seems fine as I go through set up and login in. A few minutes later same unresponsiveness.
So finally I did what I shouldve done awhile ago which is swap my current hd with my old one. I do and the computer runs fine! I'm at my wits end.
Just so everyone knows, the day before all these symptoms started I swapped my stock 2x1gb ram for 2x4gb ram. I originally thought that was the problem but I've had my original ram in since I've been trying to diagnose and it's made no difference.
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Feb 22, 2010
I bought a Macbook 32 month ago and my sister's Macbook is 8 month old. I do some RAM eating tasks, and all she does is type, iChat, and research.
I do Photoshop CS4, Keynote, multitasking, and some games.
Well, the problem is, I have Intel GMA 950, and my sister has nVidia 9400m. She has 2GB of RAM and I have 1GB. And I know what you are going to ask me, and yes, these two Macbooks are the SAME MODEL, just bumped up specs.
Ok, story over, and here is list of what you can do. Please answer as informative or short such as 'yes' or 'no'.
1. Will I be able to swap Logic Board and RAM from two Macbooks?
2. Will it be possible to just swap the HDD AND RAM and me and my sister will be able to keep all the same data, and I will be able to work on heavy multitasking and some good games?
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Oct 25, 2010
i have a macbook pro 13 mid 2010 which has got a liquid damaged board. The price of a new board + labour from apple is too much and the price of a new logic board from eBay is $1000. I am now thinking of replacing the logic board from the older unibody model which costs around $500. Everything looks the same inside but has anyone had any experience or knowledge of this actually working?
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Aug 20, 2009
I may need a Logic Board replacement and obviously Apple would do it, but what are the steps in replacing it on a Late 2008 Aluminum MacBook?
Also, are there any possible issues/after-effects from replacing the Logic Board?
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Sep 30, 2009
The guy that works at the apple store said it is better to buy a new mbp than replacing logic board and cpu.
I was wondering what you guys thought about the subject. Is it better to just buy a new model? or wait for the logic board and cpu replacement?
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Sep 5, 2008
I was given a free G3 Pismo Powerbook. DOA and traced to dead internal battery. Successfully replaced and the unit is now alive except I have determined the video chip is toast. Everything works except display to all output types is shot - bad colour, vertical lines, huge cursor etc.
Lots of logic boards available on ebay for about $30. This would make a decent starter computer for my young boys.
I'm looking for good instructions to replace the board.
Pismo Bronze Keyboard
G3, 400 Mhz
512 MB ram
10 GB drive
DVD ROM optical drive
2 USB + 2 firewire 400 + S video + RGB
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Apr 2, 2012
I currently own a 13" 2010 Macbook Pro and finally after almost 2 years I have decided to completely pimp out my machine! The logic board I have at the moment in my machine is a 2.4Ghz Intel core 2 Duo, HOWEVER my aim is to replace it with a 2.66Ghz Intel core 2 duo from the same year. My dad's computer from work (macbook pro 13" 2010) is the same as mine except it has the 2.66Ghz logic board, of course he said he wouldn't mind if I wanted to switch them. Anyway, as I have the resources, I am now wondering if this is possible and if there are any 'side effects' or if I have to backup everything on both computers etc... (I know it's not switching the drive) In short, is it possible to switch the logic boards between the computers, and if so, will there be any problems or effects? I know I could just swap the drive but I have an attachment to my computer and want to keep it?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 27, 2008
I have a 12" powerbook g4 that has fallen off the couch or ottoman many times, mostly because roommates never seem to realize that if you catch a cord on your foot that you probably shouldn't continue to walk. This is also because of the inferior non-magsafe charger. This ends up with the powerbook to land right onto the charger and bend the **** out of the male end. In fact I just received my 4th charger and now it doesn't work, I have a multi-meter so I know the charger has juice, but the computer isn't charging. Any advice before I bite the dust and totally dismantle this beautiful machine and place a new DC-in board into it?
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Sep 19, 2010
Would it be possible to get a logic board with a 1.33ghz or faster processor out of a 12.1" G4 and swap it in to a G3? Are the parts even compatible? I know from building engines that certain years and parts are interchangable but I don't know about computers.
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Jan 6, 2011
thread or youtube walkthrough for removing a G4 MDD dual 867 logic board? (including how to remove the CPU daughter card).I have the heat sink off and all my RAM and PCI cards out,.
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