PowerPC :: Powerbook G4 1.25GHz, Adobe CS3 & Leopard
Sep 12, 2008
I was wondering if anyone can give me advice on upgrading my old Powerbook G4. I don't have a lot of money to purchase a new MacBook Pro yet so I wanted to max out the current model I have now.
The Specs:
15" Aluminum
1.25 GHz G4
768 MB RAM
150 GB HDD
The things I want to upgrade is RAM and the HDD. Is it possible to go further than 2GB for RAM and 250GB for HDD?
I want to be able to run Leopard on it and even the latest edition of Adobe CS. Hopefully Adobe CS4 when it comes out.
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May 28, 2007
I did a quick google search but I was hoping someone here would have more links or real world experience.
With CS3 now, I'm considering an upgrade from my 15" powerbook 1.67 to a macbook pro 2.33. However, I would have to keep my Adobe CS2 for probably a few months longer before I can afford the upgrade to CS3..
Would the 2.33 + 2gb RAM run the same or faster than 1.67 + 1.5gb RAM even with a non-native program like Adobe CS2?
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Aug 19, 2009
I found this forum through a google search, and wanted to put the word out. It seems choppy, laggy or otherwise unplayable youtube videos and other streams using Adobe Flash 9 or 10 on OS X 10.3, 10.4 and 10.5 is a very common headache with no clear resolution other than, 'Your CPU is too slow".
It seems I may have found a suitable fix to allow flash videos (as poorly as adobe flash is coded for Linux and OS X platforms) to finally play on my old, but very much alive 12" PowerBook G4. I'm not talking HD videos in DVD glass pond-like quality, but I'm talking 1fps to an estimated 10-15fps with mp3 quality audio that doesn't stutter.
My specs as tested and functioning:
System: 1Ghz PowerPC G4 12" aluminum
Version: OS X 10.5.8 (originally came with 10.3.9)
Video: GeForce FX Go5200 32MB
Memory: 768MB DDR (upgraded from stock)
HDD: 160GB Western Digital (upgraded from stock)
ALL I had to do (not perfect, but very very noticeable improvement!) was right-click the video while it was playing, and choose the 'settings' menu for Adobe Flash player. From there, I simply unchecked the "Use Hardware Acceleration" on the Display tab, and bump the "Local Storage" tab slider bar up to 10MB.
If anyone else is or was experiencing this problem, please try this quick and easy work-around out and share your experiences. If we can get a few to confirm, I'd be happy to seed it on the google interwebs so others can find the information easily.
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Jun 30, 2008
so I'm thinking of upgrading to 4GB RAM for my Penryn MBP....and I'm wondering if i can swap my current two 1GB sticks in a 1.25GHz Powerbook G4 that my friend has? I double-checked and found out that the Powerbook G4 could take in 2GB of RAM max.
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Mar 17, 2009
Question to the mac gods...
Recently purchased a new desktop so i wouldn't mind tinkering with my OLD iMac G4 1.25G Is this processor just a over clocked 1g G4? I would like to add more ram and over clock it to 1.5g or higher if possible. Is there anyone who would know how todo this? I assume i would need to change jumper setting within the computer right? What would the setting be?
I mainly use this for music and simple everyday tasks and its soooooo slow compared to my MBP and MP.
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Aug 1, 2008
I've got a 1.25GHz G4 iMac with 1.5 GB of ram running on Leopard and I'm also an avid anime addict. Lately, more and more anime are being encoded in H264 and my iMac just can't handle it anymore. In some cases, I get sound but no video (processing power is enough for sound, but just not enough juice for the H264 decoding) and the sound plays with no stutter/lag. However, in other cases, everything is laggy.
Either way, is there no way around this? It's not my main system, and I can accept the fact that it's an outdated system, but I've been able to do most things I usually do with it without problems. I'll never get rid of this baby, so I would like to know if anything can be done to stretch it's potential
"you can donate it to [fill in your name here]" because the answer is "no", or "upgrade to something more recent" because the answer is "I already have something more recent".
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Oct 27, 2009
I have been looking to purchase a iMac G4 1.25GHz 17" or 20" display to use as an iTunes server and play some movies on it. I have a late 2008 (purchased in Oct.) AEBS that I use for my wireless. My question is will the G4 be able to use the wireless capabilities of the AEBS? If not, what will I need for this to be successful?
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Mar 30, 2010
Title says it all really, just really slow when firing up safari, wasn't so slow a few weeks ago, not sure if the safari update killed it, or whether it is just the flashy websites killing the CPU, though the usage doesn't look too high, anyone got any other ideas what might be slowing it down, apart from those mentioned above?
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Apr 18, 2007
I'm about to purchase one and I keep getting mixed answers. I know there are two slots in this model, but i've been told it holds a maximum of 2GB, 1GB in each, and also that it only holds 1GB, 512MB in each.
Someone that has this model may know the real answer. Keep in mind, this is the 17", not the 20", so it may be different.
Also, are both slots accessible?
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Jun 10, 2010
i just opened my imac g4 1.25 ghz 17" (lamp imac) and found a wire that is taped at the end and apparently not connected somewhere.. as you can see in the pics, the one i'm holding with an orange tip at the tip.. i dont really know the history of this imac.. :c
is this a cause for concern on my part? i'm replacing/upgrading the dvd rom and hard disk.. that's why i saw that wire.
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Oct 26, 2007
Anyone out there install Leopard on a Powerbook Titanium? Results... good, bad, ugly? I have a Powerbook 'Ti' 1GHZ with 1gig, i imagine it'll choke on any of the niffty core animations. what say you?
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Aug 28, 2008
Do you feel that leopard lags considerably with the upgrade from tiger? I have an additional 512 on top of the stock 256 ram.
I heard that you need the full gig of extra ram to have leopard perform reasonably. What do you all think?
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Sep 13, 2008
is it worth installing on a powerbook g4? i just upgraded to 160 gb hd is wonder if i should do it?
would like to know how well it would run on this 1 ghz machine and use ps, illustrator and flash constantly.
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May 1, 2009
I know this has kind of been dealt with before but I have a few specific questions.
I have a 2004 Powerbook G4 1.25GHz, 15", 80Gb HD, Panther.
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May 13, 2010
Hey all. I have an odd question for you guys. My friend's PowerBook G4 crashed hard yesterday and she had to reinstall OS X (she lost all her stuff). She has 10.3, but she is having a hard time finding apps that will run under it. I did some research for her and found that her system should be able to run 10.5, which would make life a lot easier for her as just about all apps run under 10.5. The one problem with this is I am not sure if her system can handle it.
Here are the specs she gave me:
PowerBook G4
Does anyone know if this is enough to run Leopard well?? ATM she just need something that will get online, download torrents, and play DVDs. She is a musician and she has composition software that ran under 10.3. Not sure if it will run under 10.4, but ATM she just wants the system back to "useable" condition.If she can't run 10.5, she should be able to upgrade to 10.4 right? She will have more trouble finding apps that are compatible, but at least it will run better then 10.3 does.
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Nov 15, 2006
I am leaving for a week long trip and many parts of it will not be able to run the computer off of the powercord, which is a problem because I get about 40mins of wordprocessing use out of it when I run the battery alone. Can someone explain what the significance of these levels are for my Powerbook G4 15'' (Alm) 1.25GHz, namely the cycle count and full charge/remaining capacity?
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Oct 15, 2008
My 12 inch powerbook does not start up. Instead it loads to Darwin. I have an install disk from a 15 inch powerbook G4 and I would like to know if using this would work on my 12 inch powerbook G4?
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Feb 19, 2010
I have just been given a MDD 2003 1.25GHz desktop and installed new ram, and HD's into it, powered it up and nothing no chime the large internal fan power's up and a red led on logic board is showing, checked that I have correct type of memory ie PC2700 for this model but that's as far as I get with it.
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Nov 22, 2006
I have a Powerbook G4 1.5 w/ 1GB of RAM and the stock 80GB HD. I've run this puppy pretty hard for a couple of years now, and it's lately started to lag a bit - perfectly natural. I was considering buying a new notebook but I've decided to wait until after Leopard comes. So my question is:
1) How do I determine the max RAM I can put in this machine?
2) Are there are specific specs I need to be concerned with when swapping out the Hard Drive? Any type, size limitations, speed limitations, etc.
I'd love a little input as to how I find out this info. I think instead of taking the notebook plunge now, I'm going to put a nice new hard drive in this one and possibly bump up the RAM a little more if it will take it.
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Mar 14, 2007
So is the is Powerbook G4 802.11g or b? it is the 1.25GHz model. Also, one thing I don't understand regarding the airport extreme or any airport for that matter: isn't the maximum speed going to be completely determined by how much the cable provider, Comcast, pumps out?
If this is the case, how do I determine what my transfers and speeds are looking like specifically for Comcast? And, how would an airport extreme improve upon this or any other performance aspect in this regard?
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Jul 18, 2007
Powerbook G4 (Ti-book) 667 mhz, 512 mb RAM. I finally after YEARS upgraded my OS (10.4.10), yay me! Just bought Adobe CS3 (for the new IMAC we have yet to buy), but I would like to install it on my Powerbook. SO, it it time to bump up to 1GB RAM. I was told it was tricky, and I should take it in to the apple store to install, but then I took a look under the keyboard, and it looks pretty simple. i have installed new RAM on a G5 tower, and this looks way easier. So, I am planning on buying the RAM either online or at FRY's, then installing it. BUT, I know I have to be careful of what type of RAM to buy. I found what I think will be good at [URL] but I will have to buy 2 (512's) as mine currently has 2 (256). I guess I just want to make sure I am not going about this the wrong way before I drop about $200 for RAM upgrade...
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Sep 27, 2007
I have a 15' Powerbook G4 1.67, currently with 512 of ram....so i'm shopping for an upgrade, but not sure which specific type to go with. In my system profile it says i'm running..
Speed: PC2700U-25330
And these are the types i've been seeing to choose from.
G4 15-inch 1.67GHz (DDR M9676LL/A) Memory
G4 15-inch 1.67GHz (DDR M9677LL/A) Memory
G4 15-inch 1.67GHz Double Layer DDR2 (M9969LL/A) Memory
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Sep 3, 2008
I just bought a used 12" powerbook G4 1.5ghz and I want to add some ram to max it at 1.25Gb. Did anyone try to use ddr400 instead of ddr333 on powerbooks? In theory it will run at 333 like in any pc, but is this flawless in powerbooks? Because ddr333 is expensive nowadays.
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Sep 6, 2008
I know the powerbook is rather archaic now, but I'm trying to get a new Macbook and don't want to throw my old powerbook away. So.. I have a friend who wants to buy my old G4 Powerbook with 60GB capacity, 512 MB memory, 1.33 GHz cpu speed. It's extremely worn in, meaning, it won't last more than 20 minutes off the power cord, but someone could always replace that. So what would be a fair price to charge someone to take it off my hands?
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Jul 22, 2009
I bought a powerbook G4. The ram is 512 mb but i want to upgrade that. Is it possible to place two 1gb cards in each slot. That i have a total of 2gb ram? Me was told that the max of the powerbook G4 is 1 gb. Is that true? And when it is true, is it smart to buy a total of 1gb for the powerbook g4? Or doesn't make that any difference?
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Aug 9, 2009
I believe the hdd is dead so I need to find a replacement but I've no idea which cause there are 93487534231 kinds. Only thing I can really find via googling is that it has to be a 2.5" ATA but there are several different kinds of ATA hdds... so confusing. I was thinking this? [URL]
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Oct 11, 2008
i am upgrading my ibook g4 1.2 GHz powerPC from the original hardrive -30gb - with a new western digital Scorpio 250 gb drive. all my research says this will be compatible.
once the drive is installed ( i am confident I can do this correctly ) it is my understanding that I put my leopard disk in, and go to disk utility to format the drive. Then I load my files onto the ibook from a backup I created last night using time machine. My understanding is that my files and programs will be placed back onto my computer where they were before. is this correct? am i going to have to re activate my adobe CS3? quicktime pro? etc.?
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Aug 26, 2010
Just replaced the logicboard on a 01' Powerbook G4 Titanium Onyx and I'm getting the no video/beeping sound after the chimes upon power up.
3 beeps
3 lights (1 long + 3 quick flashes)
I don't THINK it's the RAM though, I thought these cards were good before the computer fried. I've swapped the two 256MB cards with each other, also plugged just one RAM card in both slots one at a time--still no turn on and I get the 3 beeps. Unfortunately I don't have any extra 144-pin 133 Mhz SDRAM chips laying around or i'd just test them. It seems unlikely that both RAM cards would be broken, in addition to the logicboard frying, unless the two events happened simultaneously. Previous install had the 667 Mhz upgraded processor and when I took the logic board out it was fried on the bottom with lots of corrosion/leakage on a good 5% of the surface area. Anyways, I replaced it with a 550 Mhz board. Could the beeping be from installing the different processor or is it more likely that I simultaneously fried both RAM chips plus the motherboard?
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Nov 27, 2010
Do you guys think it would be worth it to spend the $50 to upgrade from 1.5GB ram to 2 GB ram in this machine with Tiger on it?
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Jul 31, 2006
I am kind of new to the MAC world... I once had the really old ibook with the handle a long time ago..and I never got a new Mac due to some problems I faced!
But now, I want to go back to MAC because many things were developed and I missed using a Mac! So, now I am confused between the Powerbook12 inch or the White Macbook 2Ghz ? I really love the size of the Macbook but I am worried about the intel processor...?
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