PowerPC :: G4 2x500 Power But No Chime - No Video - No Usb?

Mar 7, 2008

Ive got a G4 Power Mac 2x500MHz that Im getting a bit frustrated with.

- Power supply seems to work as power flows once I hit the power button. Fans spin, red light comes on the board, connected drives spin up, drawers open.
- No chime. At first it was sporadic, but now non-existent.
- No video output. Has the original AGP ATI 128 Rage Pro graphics card.
- No power to USB ports? Try plugging in devices that light up in USB but nothing happens.

What Ive tried:
- Ive replaced the board with a known good board and get the same results, and of course i thought this was the main problem. I did get a tiny whiff of burning smell from the previous board, though no signs of physical defect on it. No smell from the new board.
- Replaced and swapped around about 6 different ram sticks.
- Tried PCI graphics card (probably not compatible though) and no results, as expected.
- Reset PMU of course.
- Swapped processors.

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PowerPC :: Chime Sounded For Few Seconds On Holding Power Button

Sep 20, 2008

I have a 17" G4 1Ghz iMac, we used it until 10 months ago when I got my new 24" Intel 2GHz machine. That new 24" iMac is now in the basement craftroom as the digital hub for pictures/video/etc., while I brought the 17" G4 1Ghz iMac out from my closet for the upstairs loft general web surfing machine. It worked for 2 days and upon shut down would not re-start. I could only hear the fan and nothing else. If I held the power button for 10 seconds upon trying to start up there was a chime that sounded for a few seconds. Once the fan is making small sound, nothing else, if I hold power button for 5-20 seconds the computer will shut down (fan turn off).

Did some online checking, found article on PMU, so I did try and re-set PMU via the apple support article.Resetting the iMac (Flat Panel) Power Management Unit (PMU). Still, no re-start. It was running the latest 10.4.x update upon being put away for 10 months. Here is a picture of the bottom, the red light is on upon trying power on, my finger is on the PMU reset button. Is there any other diagnostic thing I can do? Is there a battery on this logic board that I can check/replace? I'm 100% ok at taking it apart and trying anything to fix it.

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PowerPC :: Chime Of Death, Still Working - Power Button Flashed In Yellow, And Then Became Orange

Jun 15, 2010

It made a loud (very loud) beep, while the screen was grey. The power button flashed in yellow, and then became orange, and then chimed like it usually does, and booted normally.

Now she is using it, it's like if nothing happened.

Specs: iMac DV 400mHz, 640 MB. Mac OS 10.4.11

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PowerPC :: Video - Replace Power Supply Burned Out?

Feb 21, 2006

I have a first gen imac g5 (bought it in dec. 2004). So far I've had three major problems with it:

1. After 6 months of use, the power supply burned out and had to be replaced.
2. 3 months later the well known video problems due to faulty capacitors appeared. The midplane board was replaced.
3. I was out of the country for 6 months; after the midplane board was replaced in August my imac was sitting unused. Booted it up yesterday and the computer would just hang. Took it to the genius bar at the apple store today and was told the logic board has to be replaced. Luckily, though the computer is out of warranty, Apple has extended the warranty for this specific problem.

At this point, I am very frustrated. I am going to call Apple and request that they replace my imac with a new one. It is obvious reading the posts here and Apple's boards (btw, before Apple's board monitors started censoring and delting posts that address these problems - my post on the Apple board yesterday was deleted by the monitors) that many users have had lemons with the first gen imac g5. I consider three major problems in less than a year to be symptomatic of a "lemon". If Apple doesn't replace lemon imac g5's what are the alternatives...I wonder if they would buckle if enough people threaten a class action lawsuit. Something must be done to alert the general public about this problem.

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Power Mac :: G4 Quicksilver Failing To Startup After Chime

Mar 12, 2012

My usually stable 10 year old G4 hard drive (attached to VGA monitor) is having serious problems with it's starting up process, so I am presently nursing it along (without shutting down at the end of the day) by using sleep mode. If I shut it down, chances are it fails to power up again. When I press the power on button to startup, I hear the chime and the startup process as usual, then everything stops within seconds, before the monitor screen is due to come on. The two external devices attached are the keyboard with mouse, plus a USB hub. No recent upgrades or changes. Everything is backed up on an external firewire disk. Since this trouble started a few days ago I have replaced the lithum battery and managed to successfully start it up only once (after a number of attempts) so I can nurse it along. I have tried all the usual troublshooting - when I restart in either safe, verbose, or reboot off OSX CD, single user mode, extensions off, or try to reset the PRAM fails to chime twice - in every instance it won't get past the chime. Checking the system profiler 'power on self test' indicates 'failed', failure type is 'external cache'. As I can't reboot off the OSX10 or systemworks CD I can't run Diskwarrior on the operating system or reinstall the operating system. So, I am now at the limit of my capabilities.

Info:PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), G4 Quicksilver 2002 Dual 1GHz

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MacBook Pro :: 2.26GHz, Power Up W/o Chime Or Display?

May 7, 2012

Basically when I start my computer, just like the title says, I hear the harddrive and fan power up, but I get no apple start up chime nor any kind of display (the screen remains black while the hard drive and fans continue to run). I've tried both a pram reset (option-command-r-p with power up) and tried booting it in safe mode (hold shift button down with power up). 

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac Mini :: Powers Up But No Chime Or Video?

Nov 8, 2009

I have an '07 vintage (DVI) Mac Mini I use as a media center. I haven't used it in a few months & its been shut down during that time. I went to start it up today & the power light went on & I could hear the fan start up but no start-up chime & no video.

I did an PMU reset to no avail. I'm thinking the logic board is done (it's under warranty & I have an appt. with a "genius" tomorrow). Just wondering if there is anything else I should try before I bring it in.

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Power Mac G5 :: No Startup Chime Or Boot Process Does Not Continue

Nov 3, 2007

I am having a problem getting my G5 to boot. Half the time when I turn it on I get no chime. The other half, I get the chime but the boot process does not continue. If I leave the computer on the fans begin to progressively get faster and louder after about 5 minutes. I've tried starting with various USB and Firewire components unplugged and have even gone to just a keyboard and mouse. No change. Can I get the computer to boot from an OSX CD? How do I open the tray? etc.

Powermac G5 Dual 2.5GHz
Mac OS X (10.4.7)

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IMac PPC :: Power Up But Does Not Boot - No Apple Chime On Start Up

Jun 19, 2012

I acquired an iMac G4 PowerPC with a 20" flat panel. System powers up but does not boot displays Apple logo screen and busy indicator. I have tried various commands safe-boot and it does not seem to work screen never changes. No Apple chime on start-up.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.3.x), System will not boot and no disks

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Mac Mini :: Does Not Boot, No Video Signal, No Chime

Feb 2, 2012

My mini "starts" without chime when I press the power button on the back. The fan starts, the light in front goes on and I hear some clicks which could be the hard drive. The screen remains black (no signal) and the mini does not respond to the USB keyboard power button. It does not start when pressing it and will not power down if I press it for any length of time when it is on. Pressing the power button on the back for some time shuts it down. 

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Hardware :: 400mhz G4 TIbook - Startup Chime But No Video?

Feb 27, 2009

I have a 400 mhz Titanium powerbook I'm trying to resurrect for my teen daughter. Just replaced the internal pram battery, the external regular battery, and the a/c cord, all with brand new parts. The book was dead, and now I have power but not much more.

When pressing the power button I get one chime, and then I can hear the fan working, but no hard drive sounds. The screen is black.

Eventually, when left sitting, the thing will turn itself off. It seems as if it is not booting completely, but then I can't see anything. I am used to hearing hard drive pops and whirrs though, and nothing here.

1. I tried resetting the PMU with the button on the back of the unit.
2. I tried resetting the pram with cmd/opt/p/r before power, but no matter how long I hold I only ever get one chime.
3. Tried booting with my OS Tiger retail CD (which is what is installed) and the drive barely spins, and the screen remains black. Holding C doesn't help.
4. The new battery is charging normally.
5. I tried removing the two ram sticks, moving them around from slot to slot, and using one ram or the other. Nada.
6. Tried forcing shutdown by holding power button 10 secs, then rebooting. In fact, that's how I have to shut it down when I need to, since I can't see anything.

This laptop has been in storage for about a year. This is the same problem I had when I put it away. I think perhaps the laptop might have been knocked off the coffee table and fell about 2 feet to the floor a short time before these problems. I heard it, but the kids won't admit it. *grin* It worked fine for about a week or so, then began losing video at startup.

I just spent about $75 in parts. Should I maybe try a new PMU board before chucking the thing? Any other ideas what might be happening?

I've read till my eyes are blue, and can't seem to find a boot issue with one chime on this machine.

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PowerPC :: G4 Won't Boot... No Startup Chime?

Dec 30, 2010

I recently reinstalled a clean Tiger on my old MDD G4 with the intent on giving it to a friend of mine in Oregon. Everything was smooth here in Los Angeles. Got the OS on and running sweet... 10.4.11 combo update... all's well.

I drive up to Oregon, set it up in his office using his old CRT monitor and power it on. It chimes and manages to find the Tech Tool eDrive recovery partition, but not the OS on the boot drive. Then, seconds later, screen of death/kernel panic and no boots or startup chimes thereafter.

Steps I've taken:
I have reset the PMU
I have removed all peripherals, including viddy, SATA adapter and all but on stick of RAM
Tried every stick of RAM by itself
No startup chime -- just a fan for a few seconds then a super fan kicks in... no signal to monitor at all.

Strange symptom: at times power was making it to the drives, and other times not. (determined by me putting my hand on the drive to feel its vibration or lack thereof during boot).

Do I need a new PSU? And if so where to buy?

Dual 867 MDD G4
SATA adapter/w 300GB Tiger boot drive and 200GB data drive (w/ Panther still installed)
120GB data drive on IDE 66 bus w/Tech Tool recovery / restore partition

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PowerPC :: G4 12" Chime But Won't Boot

Mar 16, 2009

I have a lovely secondhand 12 inch Powerbook G4. It won't boot but will just chime and go to a grey screen. I can't boot to safe mode but I can get into Open Firmware I have reset PRAM and the power manager. I don't have the install CD but I borrowed one from a friend with the same model and it wouldn't boot from that.

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PowerPC :: G3 Unable To Boot Up - Turns On But No Chime

Nov 20, 2006

Late last night, I ran into some problems with my iBook G3. It's the 700 Mhz model, with 384MB of RAM. Nothing else special in terms of hardware config (unless an Airport card is special). OS X 10.2.8.

Basically, the computer seemed to hang and I did a hard reboot, and upon starting up I got a folder with a flashing ? .

I can't seem to find my Install disc 1 to run Disk Utility or just boot up - hopefully I will find that when I go home tonight (or maybe I left it at my parent's place), but I checked using the Hardware Test CD and it didn't detect any problems.

I am having problems opening the CD drive, so I've had to open it using a paperclip. Sometimes it doesn't appear to be using the CD.

I also have run the Micromat test CD that came with Applecare (of course this machine is almost 4 years old so that's finished...) and it detected a problem with the Read Buffer last night, but then I guess the battery ran out while it was on the last test.

This morning, I ran the Read Buffer, Write Buffer, and Volume structure tests and the first two passed very fast (unlike last night), but the Volume Structure test failed. I'm not surprised since I've been aware I have issues with this before. I tried to repair before going to work but at one point it seemed to hang so I gave it another hard reboot.

Last night, I would sometimes get the apple logo with the spinning "clock", and sometimes I would get the ? but it would never get to the login screen.

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PowerPC :: Ibook G3 A1007 Seems Dead - No Chime / Nothing On Display

Dec 15, 2010

A friend gave me one of these, said he didn't test it. i tested it but have observed the following: ring on PSU plug illuminates fine, was orange but now greed thus battery charges ok. battery button works too, pressing that initially showed 1 dot, now shows 4. charge ok and accepted. pressing the power button though, i hear the fan spin for 1 sec, the disk and the cd drive click in, but no chime and nothing on the display. no response nothing, a hard reset (hold power) turns it off. I did the PMU reset, and the pmu did do a reset, but nothing. I also did the PRAM, and again nothing. I am suspecting a faulty logic board, I hope i can get this going as aesthetically it's in good condition. For the info it appears to be an iBook G3 model A1007, If you need any more info then give me a shout.

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PowerPC :: Chime White Screen - Fails To Boot Up

Aug 20, 2008

So I was just there, using my computer, doing nothing out-of-the-ordinary. I decided to open up a program (Yahoo! Instant Messenger, I think it was) and the computer went nuts. I completely froze...nothing I tried worked. So I shut the computer down and tried rebooting it. It chimed and went to the white start-up screen with the apple...I let it sit for about ten minutes to let it restart. Still the white screen. I shut it down and tried it again. Same thing.

Is my computer dead? What might I be able to do to fix it? How much might it cost?

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PowerPC :: No Audio From 17" Powerbook Except For Startup Chime?

Dec 23, 2008

The sound on my 17" G4 Powerbook does not seem to be working any longer. I know there are some similar threads but I think my problem is slightly different because I get sound on startup (the startup chime) then when Leopard loads it seems to be dead.

When I press the volume keys (F4/F5) I see the volume indicator increase/decrease but I do not hear an alert sound.

When I go into System Preferences/Sound, "Internal Speakers" is grayed out under "Sound effects" but "Internal Speakers" shows up under the Output tab.

When I plug in headphones, I get no sound.

I've tried resetting the PRAM and open firmware.

I've tried creating a new user and the new user also has no sound.

I've tried repairing permissions, running disk warrior while booted from another drive, and a disk repair in disk utility, as well as fsck-fy and also clearing the cache files with applejack.

I am runnign Leopard on this machine, version 10.5.6.

I though it was a fried/disconnected sound card or a logic board issue until I realized that the startup chime was playing just fine.

Also, whenever I press the volume keys, I get the following error in system.log

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PowerPC :: Powerbook G4 Won't Power Up - Battery Indicator Showed One Flickering Power Circle?

Mar 19, 2008

My girlfriend has a 12 inch Powerbook G4. She noticed that the battery life was starting to dwindle. Tonight, she tried using it. It wouldn't power up. The battery indicator showed one flickering power circle. The adaptor has the green circle on it, indicating the battery has a full charge. However, the computer won't charge up.I've read the 12 inchers don't have separate PMUs. Could that prevent the machine from starting? She was using it earlier this evening, as she e-mailed me pictures from our vacation.

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 - When I Press Power Button, Power Fan Comes On, But No Picture Shows

Feb 10, 2008

I have a iBook G4 laptop and there seems to be something very wrong with it. It started a few days ago just randomly. I was reading something on the internet and the screen went black on me, but the power was still on (I clicked CAPS LOCK to see if there was power). I then proceeded to push the power button and the power went off. When I pressed the power button again to turn it on, it made that internal noise it always makes and then the fan came on, and wouldn't turn off. There was no picture on the screen at all. Completely dead. But there was power, because when I clicked on the CAPS LOCK, the light came on). I tried pressing on the power button for at least 15 seconds and even went as long as a minute, and the power didn't go off.

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PowerPC :: Making Power Button Shut Power Mac Off?

Oct 7, 2006

I'm using a B&W Power Mac G3 with 512MB RAM and OS X Tiger for a SMB file server (with 5 users) and a USB printer server. Everything is working good, but I have a problem.

It doesn't have a monitor or keyboard/mouse attached normally (I can configure it via VNC). The problem is that I would like to be able to turn the machine off when it's not needed (like at night sometimes, days when I won't be home, etc.). I would like to just hit the power button and have it turn off, however it puts it to sleep instead.

Normally, sleep would be fine, except on the B&W, the fans still run, just the HDs shut off, so it's still noisy as heck.

Is there a way to make the power button shut it off? If not, any other easy methods of shutting it off you can think of? Via VNC won't cut it, as my dad needs to be able to turn it on (not a problem) or off as well.

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PowerPC :: Video Card For A G5 - For Video Editing Watching Hulu And Youtube And Netflix

May 25, 2010

Well I got rid of the quicksilvers since they died. Power supplys gave out and took the motherboards, So I sold what was left on EBAY.

My G4 Ethernet was sold to a co-worked and he is quite happy.

And I got this off ebay today:

Dual 1.8GHz PowerPC G5Procs
Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-117D
Samsung HD160JJ/P 160GB SATA HDD (not apple labeled, not original to this system)
(1) Power Cord
pci106b,9 PCI Ethernet Controller

Well I didnt' read the fine print and BAZINGA! I noticed that it comes without a video card.

So For video editing, watching hulu and youtube and netflix What do you guys recommend.

I do have a PCI GEforce at home with 512 megs for PC and I was wondering if I could flash it and if so, does anyone know of a good walkthrough?

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PowerPC :: Compatible Video Card - Shutters On Youtube Video

May 8, 2009

i have a powermac g4 sawtooth. it stutters on youtube videos and other videos so i was wandering whats a decent video card thats compatible with it?

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PowerPC :: Mounting The Power-supply From The 2004 On The 2005 Is The Power-supply Compatible Or Not

Dec 29, 2010

I have a PowerMac G5 with the first motherboard that is out of order, and another PowerMac

G5 Late 2005

with 2x2.0GHZ

Mounting the powersupply from the 2004 on the 2005 is the powersuply compatible or not?

EDIT: I looked on Mactracker and compared the two:
Max Watts in the first is 604W and 450W on the late 2005.
I want to put a powersuply from a G5 2004 (604W ) on a G5 2005 that had a 450W powersuply is this possible ?

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Power Mac :: G5 Has No Video Out?

Apr 28, 2012

I recently inherited a PowerMac G5 from an old friend of mine. The HDD was scavanged.  I replaced it with another, 320gb.  It's completely blank. I have a generic graphics card installed, with a DVI cord going to a 24" Asus monitor. The computer will turn on, no video feed. After letting it sit there for about two minutes, the fans go faster, still no video. 


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OS X :: Additional Power For Video Card In Mac Pro?

Jan 29, 2008

,A friend just recently purchased a NVIDIA Video Card and went to install it in his new Mac Pro but could not find a source to hook up additional power to the card. He called Apple and they weren't able to tell him how to connect to the Mac power supply.

Does the motherboard provide the necessary power so that he doesn't need to hook up the extra power cable to the card or does he need a booster cable etc?

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Mac Pro :: Finding Video 6-pin Power Cable?

Mar 9, 2008

Can someone point me where I can get that 6-pin power cable that connects the videocard to the MP motherboard, I remember someone mentioned where one could purchase this cable but I forgot which thread it was.

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Power Mac :: Compatible Video Card For G5?

Apr 22, 2012

so apparently my G5 needs a video card. I was not booting and wouldn't shut down. I reinstalled tiger but no difference. it will boot in safemode but I get lines across the display. they are in "groups of three" small squiggly lines.  

Apple store says they think its video card but they will not support it because its "vintage"... I guess "computer years" are similar to dog years the card it came with is GeForce 6800 Ultra with 256mb ram. OWC has a Radeon 5770 with 1G of ram for 270.00 but this card is not compatible with my machine. it says it needs 10.6 or later... but I cannot upgrade the OS cuz leopard requires Intel processor. 

so my question is, if a 1G card is 270.00... one that is compatible with my machine should be less I would think? also, even If I could find a compatible 1G card, I think it would be like having a Ferrari and only using 1st gear you know? cuz I would be bottle necked at the processors.. I would think? so what is compatible with the G5 but more ram than the current 256mb? 

G5 Power Mac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), 2x 2.6Ghz DCPs, 8GB Ram, 4+TB storage Acer X243W

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Power Mac :: Swapping Video Card In A G5?

May 28, 2012

I have a g5 which will not connect to my monitor as my monitor is adc and the g5 has 2 dvi connections its a 1.8ghz single processor g5 with 2gb memory. My friend has a dual processor mac with a dead hard drive and he says I can swap the video card as his has one dvi and one adc connection. He says its a nvidia card but he's not sure what one (came new on the g5 dual). Will this card work in my g5? Will save me getting an adaptor (expensive) or a new monitor.


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Power Mac :: PCI-E Video Card Options For G5?

Jun 28, 2012

I'm thinking of buying a G5 with a pci-e slot, does anyone know which cards, Apple original and PC flashable, can be used in this machine?

Mac OS X (10.5.8), Gainward Ultra 6800GT

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Power Mac G5 :: Mac Pro Video Card In Dual 2.0 With Pci - X Slots?

Oct 2, 2007

Will the stock Mac Pro video card: NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT, work in a PowerMac G5 Duallie 2.0 (mid 2004 model) with the pci-x slots? would a Cube G4 Rage 128 video card work in thePM G5? (I bought a G5 without a video card and I need to test it and find a cheap video card for it).

17" MacBook Pro 2.16/120/2gb ram
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
Mac Pro 2.66, 250 & 80gb hdd, 2 DL-SD, 7gn ram, APX & BT

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