PowerPC :: G4 1.0 Ghz 2.0G RAM Capacity With Photoshop CS

Jan 25, 2007

I need some insight on powerbook G4 (1.0 Ghz and 2.0 Gb RAM.) I am a freelance digital imager and have to work on a massive amount of images very fast and efficiently next week. My company is planning to supply me with that powerbook.

I will be using Photoshop CS, and I need to batch (mostly rotate and resize) and color correct at least 20 images that are around 4MB at once. Is it possible? If not, how many images can it take?

I have a Pentium 4, 2.0 Ghz Toshiba laptop with 768 MB RAM, and it is quite slow when I try to do the samething on Photoshop Cs2. So, I am quite worried.

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PowerPC :: Wants To Increase Capacity

Jun 10, 2007

Any advice on doubling or tripling my 60GB machine and, possibly, the ram? Vendors? Quality problems, if any? (I only use my PowerBook G4 for photography--storage and editing, some word processing, and spreadsheet work.) My processor is 1.33 GHz PowerPC G4. Memory is 768 MB DDR SARAM. Running OS X 10.4.9.

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PowerPC :: How Can G4 Battery Capacity Increased

May 22, 2008

I recently bought a 12" Powerbook G4 from ebay, and am curious to know about the battery capacity. It came with the original Apple battery, and it usually powers off before the battery is at a low percentage power. So I have installed Coconut Battery and Battery Health Monitor to check how the battery is doing.

Both say that the battery capacity is now 6393mAh, and the original capacity was 4200mAh. As such, they say the battery health is 100%. How is this possible? How can battery capacity increase? I presume this is wrong. Is there any way to correct this? The powerbook, according to the apps, is 65 months old (it is an original 867MHz model). Both battery apps also say the battery has gone through 59 charge cycles.

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PowerPC :: Maximum Hard Drive Capacity For G4

Jan 8, 2009

I just purchased a Mac mini g4 1.5ghz and it came with a 120gb hd does anyone know the max hd capacity I can put into it?

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PowerPC :: G4 IMac 17" 1.25GHz Maximum RAM Capacity?

Apr 18, 2007

I'm about to purchase one and I keep getting mixed answers. I know there are two slots in this model, but i've been told it holds a maximum of 2GB, 1GB in each, and also that it only holds 1GB, 512MB in each.

Someone that has this model may know the real answer. Keep in mind, this is the 17", not the 20", so it may be different.

Also, are both slots accessible?

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PowerPC :: Run Photoshop CS2 And CS3

Feb 12, 2007

I own a PowerBook G4 15-inch, been enjoying it for a long while now, having thoughts of upgrading it. Performance Question, Is the current Black MacBook (when the top of the range Intel processor is installed, and when maxxed out with RAM) faster in overall performance than my now aged PowerBook G4 15-inch? I saw a bloke take out his MacBook at a cafe recently and I was blown away by its compact size (weight is an issue and I'm prepared to compromise large screen size for smaller resolutions and less weight). Schlepping my Powerbook around in my large and well protected shoulder bag is quite literally giving me a pain in the neck. Software Question: Will I be able to run Photoshop CS2 and CS3 and Final Cut Express on the MacBook without wishing I'd upgraded to the 17-inch MacBook Pro - weight issues and compact form aside - instead ? currently I uninstalled CS1 from my Powerbook G4 800Mhz 2GB Ram because its performance sucked soo much, I ran back to Photoshop 7 and ImageReady 7.

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MacBook Pro :: Getting An SSD - Capacity?

Dec 1, 2010

Looks like my company upgrade got postponed for a few months due to budget constraints. As a short-term boost I'm looking at getting an SSD, but I'm a little worried about the capacity.

I currently have a 320 GB drive and have been able to get by usage down to 93 GB. Will I need to worry about leaving headroom with a 120 GB SSD drive?

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MacBook Pro :: How Can I Get Low Capacity SSD's?

May 14, 2010

Do you optibay or use external hd's? I want an SSD for my new 13" mbp but prices and storage limitations are what are holding me back right now.

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OS X :: How To Know About Folder MB Capacity

Aug 10, 2010

When i make info on a folder i get 350mb, butwhen i choose each content inside that folder -and make info- the capacity doesnt exceed 10mb, how is this? might there be hidden files?

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MacBook Pro :: Need To Increase My HDD Capacity?

Dec 5, 2010

I need to increase my HDD capacity. What is the best option?

Can I install a second internal HDD or will I need to replace my current drive?

I bought my MBP second hand so do not have any of the installation disks - is this going to be a problem? I do have an 1TB external HDD which I use for backing up.

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OS X :: How Do I Increase The New Folder Capacity

Nov 17, 2009

Im trying to put my itunes playlists into folders but I cant seem to get any more than 1000-1500 songs into a folder. Some of my playlists have over 2000 songs in them and I don't want to split it up into 2 different folders. I've tried putting 500 in at a time instead of 2000 all at once and it still wont let me add all the songs.

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Mac Pro :: 1st Gen Mac Pro - Hard Drive Capacity?

Aug 5, 2010

I've just bought a 1st gen Mac Pro (1,1 A1186) and fully tested it - everything OK. I then proceeded to put in 3 new SATA drives into the empty bays - 2 x 1TB and 1 x 2TB - making 4.25TB in total.

I'm now getting various sorts of weird behaviour - slow booting & shutting down, certain volumes disappearing and reappearing in the finder, and even full-blast fans and flashing power light. The 2TB drive is partitioned into 3 volumes, and this is the one that seems to be giving all the problems.

I now understand that Apple stated a 2TB total limit on these machines on launch. Is there any way around this?

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Desktops :: Mac G5 Hard Drive Capacity

Sep 18, 2008

I have a G5 dual 2.5 mhz and want to upgrade the hard drives. Is there a limit to the size drive I can install, or my system will recognize? I'm looking at 2 x 1TB.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Capacity 87% After 51 Cycles

Sep 3, 2010

My AppleCare expires on Monday September 6th, and I am wondering if my 87% capacity at 51 battery cycles suggests I should visit an Apple Store this weekend? The closest store is around 25 miles away, so if I would be wasting my time, I would rather not take the trip. My concern is mostly based on my warranty ending. This is a 2009 13" MBP.

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MacBook Pro :: Can Battery Capacity Increase From What It Was?

Sep 22, 2010

I used an app on my MBP called Coconut battery. it said that my current battery capacity was 94% of what it was since I bought it. I assumed that means those 6% are never coming back and I should start using it more responsibly to make it last longer. I read a lot of forums on how to use your notebook effectively, when to plug it in, how much I should let it discharge etc. After 2 weeks of my new habits, I checked my battery life again and now it says 96%. Is it even possible for it to go back up?

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MacBook Pro :: Maximum Capacity For RAM Upgrade

Oct 2, 2010

I have a 15in Late 2008, MBP (the first generation of Unibody) with 2.53Ghz (upgraded CPU speed) with 4GB of RAM. Will my laptop recognize 8GB of RAM and which RAM from Newegg should I get?

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MacBook Pro :: Current Battery Capacity 96%

Oct 20, 2010

I have MacBook Pro about 17 months old (bought new Summer 2008). According to Coconut Battery, my current battery capacity is 96% after 185 cycles (see below). This was taken just after I re-calibrated the battery last night. I usually work the laptop from the battery ... I rarely leave the laptop plugged in unless charging, and when fully charged I always unplug and run the battery down before plugging in again. So, is 96% battery capacity good or bad for a 17 month old MacBook with 185 charge cycles? Is the way I'm charging ok, or is it better to have the MacBook plugged in continuously and have less charge cycles (would this give me a better battery health %)?

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MacBook Pro :: 101 Percent Battery Capacity?

Nov 16, 2010

So I just opened Coconut battery, and it is saying that I have 101% battery capacity. How is that even possible? In the other hand, iStat says 100%.

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MacBook Air :: What Does Battery Capacity Show

Feb 9, 2008

Charge remaining (mAh): 4292
Fully charged: No
Charging: No
Full charge capacity (mAh): 4919
Oddly enough, I can't even reach 4 hours. 50% screen with web surfing/msword.
SDD version.

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MacBook :: Battery With More Capacity After 8 Months Use?

Apr 4, 2009

Got a question about the battery in my wife's white Macbook. I just downloaded (and ran for the first time) Coconut Battery and it reports the following info:

Current Battery Charge: 5281 mAh
Maximum Battery Charge: 5281 mAh

Current Battery Capacity: 5281 mAh
Original Battery Capactiy: 5020 mAh

Battery-LoadCycles: 60
Age of your Mac: 8 months

Now, I'm no rocket scientist, and I'm definitely not complaining, but how in the world does my battery have More capacity now than it did when it was new? Is this an error in Coconut? System Profiler reports the same capacity and my research online seems to concur that 5020 mAh was the original capacity.

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OS X :: Need Fastest External Drive With 1.5TB Capacity?

Apr 19, 2009

I need a new external drive for my macbook pro. I need 1.5TB of capacity and found the Seagate FreeAgent Desk. But I am not sure if I should go with the Mac version which features a firewire 800 connection. Is it that much faster? And will the usb 2.0 interface be enough for 1080p playback?

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MacBook :: Battery Capacity Only 3 Hours

May 4, 2009

I've got a 4 month old Macbook Aluminum 2.4 ghz. I was getting great battery life for the first couple of months. But I'm now getting 3:10 with screen half light, and wifi on, bt off, doing a bit of downloading, etc. I've recalibrated the battery a number of times. According to activity monitor my cpu is hovering under 10% when I'm doing my battery test. This is at least 2 hours less than I was originally getting. Coconut Battery tells me that the original capacity was 4100, but its currently at 4052. Battery load-cycles are at 97 and it says the Mac is 5 months old. Should I take it in to the Apple store under AppleCare?

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MacBook :: How Can I Find Out USB Stick Capacity

Aug 25, 2009

I have been given a 256GB USB stick by a friend. It is labelled (falsely) as Sony.

I posted in the Macbook section since my Macbook reads it as actually holding 256GB. Suspecting this is not true (it was purchased for about $50 in China) I would like to know how I can find out it's true capacity.

It is currently holding 47GB and rising...

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MacBook Pro :: Coconut Says 95% Capacity After 2 Charges?

Aug 26, 2009

title.. whats up with that current cap 5200 mah original cap 5450 on a 3 day old mbp?

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MacBook :: Largest Capacity HDD An IBook G4 Can Take

Aug 31, 2009

What is the largest capacity HDD an iBook G4 can take? I've never seen one over 160Gb. Also, what kind of HDD do i need?

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Mac Pro :: Getting Close To Hard Drive Capacity

Sep 11, 2009

I work on a Mac Pro, and have recently been getting close to the Hard Drives capacity, so after backing up files, I freed up around 5Gb of space, only to notice this decrease in size as the day goes along. I currently have 2.96Gb free. I've not downloaded any files or applications that would use up this amount of space. We store all our work on a central server, which is also close to capacity, having just 1Gb left from the 370Gb available. Just wondered what might be using up the hard drive space I have available, whether it's anything to do with the server we're connected to, and if there's any way of recovering the used space?

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MacBook :: Maximum Capacity For RAM Upgrade?

Oct 1, 2009

Whats the max memory I can fit in my black MacBook?

Model Name: MacBook
Model Identifier: MacBook 2,1
Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed: 2 GHz
Number Of Processors: 1
Total Number of Cores: 2
L2 Cache: 4 MB
Memory: 1 GB
Bus Speed: 667 MHz
Boot ROM Version: MB21.00A5.B07
SMC Version (system): 1.13f3

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Capacity When Always Plugged In

Feb 28, 2010

I bought my MacBook Pro 13.3" 5 months ago (according to Coconut Battery) and the battery-loadcycle is already at 51 and 89% battery capacity. Anyway I wanted to know, if I keep my Mac plugged in on the charger will the battery-loadcycles decrease?

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MacBook Pro :: 87% Battery Capacity After 56 Cycles?

Mar 1, 2010

I get ready for the next disappointment tomorrow (maybe no MBP update) and looking out for a MBP at eBay. I've found a good one (August 2009) 2.53 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 500GB HDD etc. for round about 900� (1.200$) (in Germany we pay 1533� for this model so round about 2088$). The guy sent me a screenshot of the battery capacity which is 87% (4762mAh) after 56 loadcycles. Is that acceptable? IMO it's a bit too low - what do you think? Maybe I'm going to buy a AppleCare Protection Plan afterwards ... would the battery be covered?

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OS X :: Battery Capacity Status Keeps Changing

May 5, 2010

My battery was functioning perfectly up until today, the last time I looked at coconut battery it was around 95% capacity with like ~500 cycles. Then today it's struggled to hold 2 hours of charge, coconut battery now says 57% capacity. The strange this is, earlier today it seemed to have gone back to normal, I looked at CB and capacity was back up to 95%. I tried calibrating it and it's all over the shop.

About 2 minutes ago I received the 9 min low battery warning, now it's plugged in and says it only has to charge for 49mins to regain a full charge. I guess it sounds like it's dying, it's at 616 cycles which is fair enough. Lately (last 4/5 months) I've been keeping it plugged in most of the time though which I hadn't before and I'm thinking that's perhaps killed it faster. Anyway is there anything else I can do before replacing it? Or a more comprehensive way to evaluate its health?

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