OS X :: Need Fastest External Drive With 1.5TB Capacity?
Apr 19, 2009
I need a new external drive for my macbook pro. I need 1.5TB of capacity and found the Seagate FreeAgent Desk. But I am not sure if I should go with the Mac version which features a firewire 800 connection. Is it that much faster? And will the usb 2.0 interface be enough for 1080p playback?
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Apr 14, 2009
i want to buy an external HD and i was wondering what is the fastest connection speed i.e (Firewire 400/800, USB or eSATA or other things i don't know)
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Dec 26, 2010
The 11inch air only has 128GB and i'm getting short on space. Since the mb air only has 2 usb ports and no firewire or ethernet ports I'm stuck with the bandwidth of USB 2.0.
I need 1 or 2 HD's for my audio and video editing so they need to be fast but it couldn't hurt if it looked nice and fits in my back pocket.Any recently Flash drives out there which is worth to take a look at?
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Jun 22, 2009
I know this comes up a lot but I couldn't find any recent ones that fitted my criteria. Basically I was just wondering what the fastest 500GB hard drive is for a 15inch MBP?? I've heard that the WD scorpio blue is pretty fast but I didn't know if it was THE fastest.
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Apr 11, 2008
I'm planning for the next tower and I'd like to have my applications launching as quickly as possible. What is the consensus on this? It seems like some form of RAID would be ideal, but from what I recall, this is not necessarily true for app launching, yes? Also, what about SAS versus SATA? 15,000 versus 10,000 or 7,200 RPM? It seems like the easy call would be to make a RAID out of 15,000 drives, but is this really worth it for app launching? I'm not looking to shave a second or two off launch times, I'm looking to blow it out of the water. I'm sick and tired of CS3 apps taking forever and a day to launch.
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Jun 23, 2009
how's the stock drive that comes standard with the laptop? should I even think about spending money upgrading the stock drive to a bigger capacity from the online apple store upon checkout, or should i save it for a third party install?I read somewhere that the WD 500GB scorpio blue 5400rpm beats the Seagate even though the Seagate runs at 7200rpm. True? Any mechanical drive faster than the above two (and I mean one within the reach of the typical consumer, not some new fangled prototype running at 15k rpm)?
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Mar 4, 2010
Seagate Momentus - [URL]/exec/obidos/tg...X0DER&v=glance Western Digital Scorpio Blue Western-Digita...7754430&sr=1-1What is the difference with this Scorpio Blue as well? [URL]/Western-Digita...7754430&sr=1-3This is for a 13'' 2.26 Macbook. I want something that is cool, fast, and quiet....and something that won't break in 8 months (although it seems there's at least 2 reviews for each product with someone saying that the hard drive broke within a year). I have read hundreds of reviews of each product -- they all seem like great products, but I am having trouble deciding
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Mar 4, 2012
I've got an old - 2 years - Maxtor 500GB USB external unit attached to my iMac running OSX 10.7.3 - which is used for backups. I received a couple of errors when copying some files so decided it would be best to erase it and start again with it. I used Disc Utility to erase it ( Mac OS Extended Journaled) but - and lord knows how I did this - its now telling me its got a capacity of 901 GB...
iBooks Author, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Sep 9, 2014
how can I check the free space capacity of an external disk connected to my MacBook Air?Â
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Aug 5, 2010
I've just bought a 1st gen Mac Pro (1,1 A1186) and fully tested it - everything OK. I then proceeded to put in 3 new SATA drives into the empty bays - 2 x 1TB and 1 x 2TB - making 4.25TB in total.
I'm now getting various sorts of weird behaviour - slow booting & shutting down, certain volumes disappearing and reappearing in the finder, and even full-blast fans and flashing power light. The 2TB drive is partitioned into 3 volumes, and this is the one that seems to be giving all the problems.
I now understand that Apple stated a 2TB total limit on these machines on launch. Is there any way around this?
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Dec 4, 2010
I currently have external storage devices by DataRobotics - 2 DroboPro and 1 DroboElite. I bought the new MacPro 2 months ago and have been having problems with the Drobo devices disconnecting constantly. After a lot of diagnostics including Apple replacing the logic board in my MacPro, it was identified that the issue was with the iSCSI initiator that DataRobotics uses. It is not 64bit kernal compatible and as a result, the drives disconnect randomly especially when moving data from one external drive to the other. I am forced to boot the MacPro in 32bit kernel mode for the drives to work properly. DataRobotics is not committing to fixing the 64bit kernel issue so I'm now looking to replace this technology.
I found some interesting technology by Netgear and was considering buying their product, however, I had the worst experience ever with dealing with pre-sales & technical support department, after dealing with 4 different individuals, I concluded that they have no clue about their own products, the staff is so junior, it's as if I called a completely different company when talking about their own product. I am therefore going to stay away from that company.
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Sep 18, 2008
I have a G5 dual 2.5 mhz and want to upgrade the hard drives. Is there a limit to the size drive I can install, or my system will recognize? I'm looking at 2 x 1TB.
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Sep 11, 2009
I work on a Mac Pro, and have recently been getting close to the Hard Drives capacity, so after backing up files, I freed up around 5Gb of space, only to notice this decrease in size as the day goes along. I currently have 2.96Gb free. I've not downloaded any files or applications that would use up this amount of space. We store all our work on a central server, which is also close to capacity, having just 1Gb left from the 370Gb available. Just wondered what might be using up the hard drive space I have available, whether it's anything to do with the server we're connected to, and if there's any way of recovering the used space?
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Nov 29, 2010
So, I have a 2006 model MacPro. Currently, I have (3) 500GB hard drives and (1) 750GB hard drive.
I would like to possible add a 2TB or at least 1.5TB internal hard drive to it (I have so much clutter with my external drives already)
I called Apple and they said that model only went to 750GB....
Is there really a limit? It's a SATA drive so I figure it would keep going? has anyone had any luck with larger drives??!
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Jan 8, 2009
I just purchased a Mac mini g4 1.5ghz and it came with a 120gb hd does anyone know the max hd capacity I can put into it?
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Mar 13, 2009
Just received the latest Mac Mini with 320gb hard drive option. When I check "About this Mac", it shows a max capacity of 298.09gb. I feel ripped for 22gb. Anyone know what gives?
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Aug 29, 2009
I've got a 500gb drive in my MacBook, check out what comes up when i quick-view my home folder, apparrently Snow Leopard has got a new feature of doubling your disk space now! Anyone else discovered this 'feature'? If only it were true...
OK, do ignore this thread! I've just realised it's prob because I'm running file-vault so it's using a disk image for my user folder! Sorry for the excitable 'bug report'!
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May 10, 2012
My Mac has only 4 GB memory.Do I need to increase it to run Lion? Is Lion a big improvement over OS X?
iMac, iOS 4.3.3
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Oct 11, 2010
Is there a limit on the storage capacity that a 2007 MacBook can use? Also would a 12.5 mm high drive fit?
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Aug 14, 2009
I have a Macbook PRO 17" with a 160GB hard drive. When I click on the "Macintosh" icon on my desktop and "get info" it says that my capacity is 148.73GB and that I've used 134.28GB only leaving me 14.45GB of availability. For the life of me I can't figure out how the 134GB is calculated. If I click on my username and "get info" the folder size is 103GB. So where is the other 30GB used up at?
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Sep 10, 2009
I have decided it's time to replace my Time Machine external hard drive with one with a larger capacity. I want to ensure that the backups on the old drive are still available. Is there some way that I can transfer them to the new drive and have them available through Time machine?
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Apr 5, 2008
G4 eMac 1.25, OS 10.4.11 What maximum capacity of internal hard drive can I put inside my eMac? 250 Gb drives (in NZ) are selling for under 40c/Gb, and I definitely need to increase the hard drive size in the eMac.
The present installed HD in the eMac is a Seagate Barracuda ST340015A, manuf. 2003
Capacity: 37.27 GB
Revision: 3.01
Serial Number:5LACNJ0R
Its spindle speed is 5800 rpm, whereas most modern drives are 7200 (or faster). Will that affect any proposed hard drive change?
eMac details:
Machine Name: eMac
Machine Model: PowerMac6,4
CPU Type: PowerPC G4 (1.1)
CPU Speed: 1.25 GHz
L2 Cache (per CPU): 512 KB
Memory:768 MB
Bus Speed: 167 MHz
Boot ROM Version: 4.8.2f1
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Apr 5, 2012
i have a problem with my mid 2010 macbook pro , it is showing as i have 15gb left out of my 250gb hd , but i cannot see where it has gone , have downloaded disk inventory and scanned and at the top it is showing as my hd is 119gb or has used a total of 119gb not sure but either way system files etc would not be the rest?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010)
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Jun 7, 2012
I have been using Parallels Desktop for a while now and I was trying to free up some space on my hard drive. I deleted the parallels.log file which was approx. 45 GB in size. Upon emptying my trash, it was still in use by a service. So I forced it to delete by choosing secure erase trash. It took too long so I was going to stop the service and remove it without securely erasing it. However when I cancelled the process, it took even longer. I had 45 GB free of a 500 Gb hard drive before I started and I was wanting to free enough for a Windows Bootcamp with a 60 GB HDD for development purposes. After it finished, the finder was stating that I had 37.5 GB free. Upon investigation and running the daily weekly and monthly scripts as well as Onyx to empty the trash again. I was still showing the same amount. As I removed other items I no longer needed the free space increased. I ran disk utility to verify permissions and the disk, but upon running a gui program to find large files, it only stated that my drive was ~465 GB, which since it is usually 499.97 GB this is obviously where my problem is. How can I get my Mac to rediscover that lost hard drive space?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 15" Core i7, 4 GB DDR3, Oct. 2010
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Dec 11, 2014
How do I contact Apple software technicians to inform them of a bug/defect in their Yosemite software? When I attempt to find
out how much of my hard disc drive has been used, that is the capacity state - then I receive an incorrect graphic display. I only have used a small amount of the capacity and I certainly do not have that much in the way of programs. The graphic
display does not match the text. The test is correct. I certainly do not have 369 GB in programs!
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9)
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Oct 30, 2010
I am looking for a portable hard-drive which matches low-weight and great capacity. I would like to use it for TimeMachine and as a collector for movies, photos, songs and DMGs. There are any hard drive which matches my needs at the Apple's store?! Next question, which file-system is better to use: Fat or Apple's ?!
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Jun 12, 2009
What's the maximum drive capacity can one install on the macbook 13" unibody late 2008 model? 320 Gb? can you install 500 Gb if available or is this a hardware or software constraint right now?
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Aug 6, 2009
So the time has come that I bought a 5D Mark II and have begun editing a lot of HD footage, and my Mac Pro's current hard drive setup will not suffice. My current setup: Bay 1 = WD Raptor X 150GB 10,000RPM (OS, Final Cut Studio 2, Adobe CS3, etc) Bay 2 = Apple-supplied WD 320GB 7200RPM (Music/iPhoto libraries, small Windows partition) Bay 3 = Samsung Spinpoint 500GB 7200RPM (Media dump/scratch disk for editing, as well as my spillover Applications folder, etc) Bay 4 = Empty I'm looking to revamp this setup, as I'm struggling in many ways. First off, my main boot drive being the Raptor 10,000RPM was a dumb idea. Yes, it is faster, but I can't install the full OS X, FCS2, CS3 packages and my regular cornucopia of apps without leaving ~1-5GB free. I feel that this kills any speed gain because the drive is full to the brim, and for such a minimal speed increase I'm working with a very very low ceiling of free space. I'm considering ditching this and going with a bigger 7200rpm drive so I don't have to worry about running with a filled up drive again. Here's my idea. I was thinking of getting a 1 or 1.5TB 7200RPM drive to run the OS on and also store my footage, keep all my applications, downloads, etc. Then I could move my 150GB Raptor X out to bay 4 and make that my project scratch disk for video editing(not sure it'd be big enough for larger projects). And then if I had any money left, I would axe the 320 and put another 1TB in its place. Or I could save money and get that new nVidia card for the Mac Pro (I still have the stock HD2600).
I boot windows and play games, but rarely. Would this upgraded video card help with video editing or rendering effects significantly enough to justify the ~$400 pricetag? Or should I save my money and buy camera equipment? More importantly, any recommendations for the quickest/most reliable 1-1.5TB drive out there? or should I avoid them? I don't want to spend a ton of money so I'm not looking to do expensive RAID setups or anything, i'm not editing uncompressed.
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May 30, 2010
I bought my Macbook Pro in February or March of 2006 and it's still running strong. The hard drive, however, is full and I'd like to get a new, larger, faster one. I'm aware that I need a SATA drive and that it's form factor should be 2.5". I'm also aware that the max transfer rate for my drive is 1.5 Gb/s, can I use one that is 3.0 Gb/s? I think the current drive is 4200 or 5400 RPM, can I use one that is 7200RPM (this computer is mostly used while on AC power)? What about maximum capacity? Are there any limitations due to BIOS or the motherboard? Here is the drive I'm looking at, please let me know if this will work or if you have a similar, better solution.
Here are some of the specs from my MBP:
Model Name: MacBook Pro
Model Identifier: MacBookPro1,1
Processor Name: Intel Core Duo
Processor Speed: 2 GHz
Number Of Processors: 1
Total Number Of Cores: 2
L2 Cache: 2 MB
Memory: 2 GB
Bus Speed: 667 MHz
Boot ROM Version: MBP11.0055.B08
SMC Version (system): 1.2f10
Capacity: 100.03 GB (100,030,242,816 bytes)
Revision: AS024B
Native Command Queuing: Yes
Queue Depth: 32
I'm looking for at least a couple of different peoples' opinions, or if you have a link that points to replacement HD requirements that would also be very helpful.
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Sep 19, 2009
Something I've noticed lately with Snow Leopard which I had not heard anything about but have been noticing with installing Snow Leopard or using disk utility with Snow Leopard systems. Just a nice little bonus I wasn't originally aware of that 10.6 is seeing drive capacities in decimal now to match the drive manufacturers specs as opposed to calculating in binary like they and Windows had been forever. Did a little digging and found a knowledge base article in regards to the change.
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