PowerPC :: G3 Screen Lights Up But Display Blank
Sep 1, 2007
My 2002 iBook G3 notebook with OS X3.9 started acting up on me finally! 2 days ago I turned it on and it sounds like it is starting up normally, but when the screen comes on, it just stays lit up and black - I tried everything, from trying to adjust the brightness, to restarting it a zillion times to completely draining the battery and then restarting it again, nothing seems to work right! I thought it may be the backlight, but then the light does come on, and stays on - the apple logo on the back stays lit up even when I close the notebook.
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May 12, 2007
After packing away my little brothers sawtooth 400Mhz with 384mb RAM and an 8Mb ATI AGP graphics card and then unpacking it I've been having a problem. When starting the computer up the screen shows nothing at all I have tested to see if the screen is broken and it seems to be functional. I think the card itself might be broken? BTW, I'm using the VGA slot and not the DVI slot on the back. I have also removed and cleaned the card just incase that might've been the problem.
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Oct 31, 2008
I have a last model G5 with dual 2.5ghz and 4.5 gigs of ram. It also has the 7800gt video card.After I start it up it runs for about 15 minutes and then the display goes blank and the system fans go full out. I've tried resetting the PRAM, PMU, VRAM, all of those things...the last thing I have is the video card to test.Also the power supply was just replaced by a Apple Repair Center under extended warranty.
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Sep 30, 2006
I've got a 15in aluminium powerbook, a couple of years old. So far I've had nearly everything go wrong with it. replaced screen, knackered hd, ram port failiure, and a battery that lasts 10 minutes.
I recently replaced the harddrive, as the standard issue one packed up a few times. I followed the instructions on ifixit.com website. To my delight I actually managed to do it, and the pb worked well for a few weeks. Then suddenly, the screen froze and faded to white. So far I've tried everything -
Resetting the pmu. Resetting the pram and nvram. Opened it up to check I reconnected everything.
and checked to see if the hd is still working starting it up from another computer, and it works fine. Everythings still there. Someone also said if you hold 'R' key down on start up it resets the lcd.
The screen still seems to turn black after a little while, indicating the energy saver is still on. I'm thinking I may have dislodged an lcd connection or something?
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Jul 22, 2008
So for the first time in over a year since I purchased it, my iMac crashed twice.The first time was this morning, i went to do something and the screen went black, and my secondary display got black and white lines. I had to restart. And the boot screen with the apple logo hung around for a while.
Then, later on the screen went whacky after trying to wake it from sleep (not full sleep just display sleep) and had a bunch of moving lines and then I couldn't see anything. So luckily I got a picture. After restart, it seems fine.I'll call apple care in the morning, but thought i'd try my luck here.
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Oct 28, 2009
I have a MacBook Pro 13 for portability to my classes at the university and a Dell 2209WA as an external monitor. One of the few good IPS monitors I could find around for cheap.
The monitor works fine in mirror mode with the MacBook Pro, but as an external display only it does not work. It attempts to wake up and then you see power savings mode again and the screen goes black as if there was no connection. Not sure what exactly the problem here is. Drivers?
The monitor works great with a Mac Mini I have and it works great in mirror but not in external display mode(the lid of the MacBook Pro closed). Anybody know of this issue? The cable is good and the MacBook Pro is not that old(a few weeks).
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Aug 23, 2006
I've got an 800Mhz iBook G4 (640MB RAM, latest update for Tiger 10.4) which has worked without a hitch for the last 2 years. Suddenly it has started going dead while in use - the screen goes completely blank (although the backlights are still on) and all sounds cease. It doesn't matter if the machine is idle, or playing World of Warcraft, or encoding a DVD in DVD Studio Pro. It is completely random. The only way to get out of it is to hold down the power button to force it to shut down. Powering up is also becoming difficult - 9 times out of 10 the machine boots but I get no startup sound. Instead the screen stays dark and the fan goes on full throttle, and nothing happens. Sometimes I can force it to shut down by holding down the power button, sometimes I need to take the battery out. When the machine does boot and I get back into OS X, sometimes it displays a message saying my clock and time/date are set before 2001 and I may have problems.
I understand this message comes up if you reset the power management unit, but on checking the time/date it is set correct. I have tried resetting the power management unit, but it doesn't make any difference. I have run the hardware test CD, and all items pass on the extended test. The iBook's battery is almost dead - this I know! But would that make any difference? With the time/date error that sometimes comes up on restart, it's almost like the internal battery that stores data like the time has run flat. Is this charged by the big battery? I haven't booted into open firmware, but I've read I can run the reset -nvram and reset-all commands from there (not sure what they do). It's not hardware, as the hardware test CD works. It doesn't seem to be a software error (although I haven't reinstalled OS X). Has my RAM gone bad or become unseated?
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Nov 1, 2007
So my quicksilver has been working great up until this afternoon. i had to restart and now whenever i turn it on all i get is a blank grey screen and nothing else. i dont hear a startup chime or anything.
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Mar 12, 2008
I came home for lunch today, and found my Mac Mini G4 with the fan running, and a blank screen. It was obviously locked up. System has 10.5.2 with all of the latest updates. This is not my primary system, I have an MBP for that.
Here is what I did:
Force a power off/on, and I get the normal gray screen with the Apple, and spinning gear, but it never stops spinning.
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Oct 26, 2008
I have a G5 that has started intermittently booting up with a totally blank screen - not blue, no video at all. Sometimes on reboot or after resetting the PRAM it works again.
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Aug 14, 2006
I have had my g4 for about two years and all of a sudden the thing decided that it's not going to turn on anymore. Power is getting to the machine and a certain amount of whirring is heard but not the signature! as it starts. The screen remains blank and would stay like that all night if I let it. The only thing I did differently before this appeared was to take it to work in a different bag a few times. Rucksack before, Side bag (more vibration).
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Oct 4, 2008
I just bought a powerbook, and I'm trying to get it to turn on. It doesn't have a hard drive, so obviously it won't be able to get it to boot. I just want to be able to get to the flashing folder. When I press the power button, the computer does nothing, not even the fan spins. The only indication I have that it is on is the caps lock light turns on. I've tried resetting the pram, but the screen stays blank and does nothing. I don't have any ram modules in it, so it shouldn't be a ram problem.
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Nov 22, 2008
I purchased a used ibook from owc in January and have had it back to them twice for repairs. Lately, it stopped booting up again and they told me to use [URL] to take the mobo out and ship it to Arizona to have the solder refloated. I did and got it back, put it together and it would boot up, only to run for 15 minutes and shut down. Thinking I missed something, I dissasembled it today and reassembled it. Now it turns on with a blank screen, the fan runs on high, and it will go no further. I tried to reset the power manager, reset the p-ram, the hard drive is only a few months old and my brain is getting fried with frustration.
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May 20, 2010
My 20" Cinema display doesn't light up. It flashes 3 lights: short,long,short, which I believe is the error code associated with having the wrong power supply plugged in. Display has worked fine for the last few years and this is the power supply which came with the display. The periferals (keyboard/wacom) are getting power and the display doesn't work regardless of if they are plugged in or not. The display was working fine, then the powerstrip it was plugged into was switched off accidentaly. Now it no longer functions. I don't know if the power cord is dead or the brick, but some power must be getting through.
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Jul 15, 2008
so i go to turn my imac on tonight and it makes the normal noise when it always turns on but the screen stays blank(light blue)....after about 2 minutes this little picture of a folder with a question mark shows up in the middle of the screen. it keeps making this clicking noise as well. ive tried unplugging everything and restarting it here is a pic of what the thing that pop ups looks like [URL]
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Jun 19, 2010
I haven't made many posts here, but I know this is an excellent site. I have a Power Mac G5, Dual 1.8 GHz PPC (June 2004). I found some (4x1GB sticks) PC3200 Samsung Ram for it. I put it in the computer, turned it on, and the power light flashed twice, waited a while, then flashed twice again and kept cycling. After looking around a while I saw that that probably means it is incompatible ram (?).
The ram that I have has an "R" after PC3200. Is this a problem? Anyways, back to my story, So I put the ram back in that I originally had running and it does the same thing (with the flashing lights). I had to go at this point so I said f-it and I will work on the problem on Sunday or Monday. It is just bothering me why it is not working. Can anyone provide any insight? It may just be that the ram isn't properly seated. I really hope that is the problem,
PS: Information that was on the Samsung Ram:
PC3200R-30331-C3 1GB DDR PC3200 CL3 ECC
KR. M312l2920CZ3-CC. 0616
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Dec 6, 2008
I have a question on the charge indicator on my wife's G4. Her DC in-board was acting flaky where it would alternate between charging and not charging every 5 minutes. I searched the internet and determined it was the DC in-board and I bought the part and swapped it out myself. I just replaced that in her laptop and it now doesn't do that but I do have another question on the expected G4 behavior. When the battery is running low with the lid open and I plug in the power cord it will turn orange to indicate it is charging If I close the lid it stays orange and goes to sleep as expected. But if I then open the lid it will turn green for a couple minutes and then go to orange.
Shouldn't it stay orange the whole time no matter if I take it out of sleep mode or not? My Macbook Pro stays orange once it is charging and doesn't stop until it is fully charged. The reason it concerns me is I just replaced the battery on her laptop after the DC in-board issues described above. The constant charge/no charge made her battery only hold a 20 minute charge. It seems switching from charge to no-charge for the couple minutes after waking up would mess with the battery as well. I reset her Power Management Unit thinking that would clear things up maybe and had no effect. Can someone confirm if her computer if behaving as it should.
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Oct 15, 2009
I got the 3 dreaded blinking lights on a PowerMac G5 dual 1.8ghz. Turns out the memory is OK but it's the physical slots that are screwy.I found that applying pressure to one of the banks gets it to boot with no problem but then I remove that pressure and the Mac freezes .
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Oct 3, 2007
My second problem with my PowerBook G4 DVI 667Mhz is that the screen goes about a half inch off the right and bottom of the display. So unless I position the dock on the left, I can't see it if it's placed on the bottom or right of the screen. I also have to drag any icons that show up on the right of the screen to the middle because I can't see them except for their very edge that appears on the screen. This has happened with OS X 10.3, and still after I installed OS X 10.2.
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Mar 26, 2008
Can someone confirm if an Imac G5 will display on a second screen from startup or does the OSX have to complete the boot process before the second display will work.
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Mar 24, 2008
I have an iBook G4 which I want to use with a widescreen external display. I am not interested in gaming or doing anything fancy just surfing the web and working on documents and maybe looking at movies. I already have a hack that enables me to use a regular display which doesn't mirror the iBook screen. I just wondered whether I would encounter problems using a wide screen display and what the maximum resolution I should look for.
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Jan 3, 2010
I just bought a Powerbook G4 off of Clist. The previous owner replaced the screen with a higher resolution screen from a newer Powerbook. The display looks great, except that it doesn't fill the whole screen. There is a long group of colored lines on the right side, and the bottom starts to show the top of the display (it looks almost tiled and shows the screen again on the bottom). I'm guessing that this is just a formatting issue, but I'm not sure how to correct it.
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Mar 29, 2012
I was using my friend's MacBook pro last night and the screen suddenly won't work. I will pay for the repair but is there anything that I can do at home to fix it? I wanted to remove the battery like I do with my own laptop(pc) which usually works to reboot or fix a problem but there is not way to remove the Mac's battery )?
MacBook Pro
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May 31, 2012
My iMac all of a sudden started to scroll down gray and then said I needed to restart. When I push the power button the screen lights up but the iMac just beeps. How do I start up?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.4)
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Dec 1, 2014
TTurned my Mac pro on with power button and screen is still black. Brightness is turned up, still no screen ...
Turned it on and off several times
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Sep 22, 2009
Pulled my coveted 12" 1.5 ghz powerbook out of its bag and it's has an annoying little opaque stripe about 3/4" along the right side of the display. It changes color from yellow to green. When I pinch the lower side of my display together, it goes back to the blue background color, but still has a distortion to it.
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Jun 27, 2014
On my mid 2007 Aluminum 24" Intel Imac shows nothing but a white screen when powered on even though according to the diagnostic LED lights which are all powered on and green the logic board, video card, and everything else are speaking back and forth to each other perfectly fine. Does this mean the LED screen is bad or (from what I've read) is it a possibility the hard drive is bad? I know the optical drive is bad and will not spit out any discs. The #1 reinstallation disc for the OS is stuck inside right now. Before I order a new screen, inverter, and optical drive I figured I should ask in here to see if it is just bad hard drive or something else. Wouldn't the LED diagnostic lights tell me if the hard drive was bad?
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May 28, 2009
A few days ago I began having trouble with my Mac Pro (Dual Proc. 2.8 Ghtz, 2 GB RAM, DVI display, OS 10.5) It would not wake up after going to sleep. I did the PRAM and SMC resetting thing, and I thought it had worked, but now just two days later, the computer does turn (the bell rings a la Wall-E and everything) but the display remains blank. I plugged the display into a MacBook pro and it worked fine, so I'm guessing the problem is the DVI port. 3 questions arise:
Does anyone know of a sure-fire way to find out if the DVI ports ARE the problem? I did hook up the computer to a Power Mac (G4 running OS 10.4.11) in transfer mode, and the HD did load, I also performed the first aid thing on it and everything came back positive.
Does anyone know if changing the DVI ports is simple enough to do, or should I definitely leave to a professional? (I am fairly familiar with putting stuff in and out of it)
Should I buy the DVI card directly from Mac or can I get by with a less expensive brand?
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Jul 3, 2009
I recently upgraded from my Macbook to a refurbished Macbook Pro and since the day I got it it has been giving me problems. Applications quite suddenly all the time and the system freezes and runs sluggish. The biggest prob is the display. It goes black and won't come back on. Sometimes when it goes blank you can see faintly if you look carefully and you can hear sounds. It slowly deteriorates from a once a week occurrence to a daily one until it won't turn on at all. I reinstall everything once a month. I took my computer to the mac store they ran all the diagnostic tests they have and said it is not a hardware problem. I have now wiped out all of my non-apple applications and the problem is back.
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Jul 3, 2012
New to Mac computers. When trying to open computer after being in sleep mode, I clicked the mouse to open the password screen, & a blank blue/black screen appeared & the mouse timer( colored circle) appeared, as if to be waiting. I had to unplug the computer to reboot it. This has happened twice in 2 days.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011)
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