Power Mac :: Go From 10.2.8 To A CPU Drop In 10.4 OS

Mar 25, 2012

I just got some Mac OS X software and I can't get it all to work. I have 10.2.8 installed, but I can't go from there to Tiger (I don't have panther).

Whenever I try to upgrade, or boot from a empty HDD for that matter, it says I need 10.3. It doesn't sya upgrade on the disk. All it says is

"Mac OS X Tiger

Includes Xcode 2

CPU Drop In DVD"

PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4)

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Intel Mac :: Can Add Air Drop To 10.5.8

Mar 28, 2012

How do I get "air drop" on osx 10.5.8?

iMac (20-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X :: Is The Drop Down Menu Transparent

Jul 3, 2009

I noticed that when I click on the or one of the other menus at the top, it seems to be solid white, but when I move my head to view it from the side, it appears transparent. Is this normal?

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OS X :: Any Way To Prevent Overwriting In Drop Box?

Aug 25, 2009

If file sharing is enabled, then anyone can drop files into a user's "Drop Box" with write-only permissions. Is there any way to prevent overwriting here? Like if two users dropped different files with the same name, how do you keep both of them?

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MacBook Pro :: Fan On But Temperature Will Not Drop

Oct 13, 2009

I'm using SMC Fan Control and it constantly hovers around 55-58 degree. Once it hits 60's the fan will bump to 6000+ rpm but will not drop. Even with light work load (Firefox, Adium, iTunes) temperature doesn't drop even when the fan is at 6000rpm until I close everything. Is this normal?

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OS X :: Drop Box / Networked Folder

Mar 19, 2010

I look after 27 macs using ARD. I'm fairly new to networking and wondered if there is a way that I can put a folder on the desktops of all the macs connected to my admin mac that will link to my drop box so users can easily back their work up to my machine so I can then back it up to an external HDD? Or if its possible a folder that links direct to an external HDD? The admin mac is running 10.6.2.

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ICloud :: Can't Drop Anything On IMas OS 10.7.3

May 5, 2012

Why can't I drop documents into cloud on my iMac 10.7 when it in sync with my iPad 2 and MacBook Pro and I have no trouble dropping files on either of those devices?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7), iCloud

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Drag And Drop?

Jun 24, 2012

Trying to backup to an external hard drive. Just realized that computer will not drag and drop, or copy and paste folders.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Cannot Drag And Drop In ITunes

Jun 30, 2012

IF you cannot drag and drop in iTunes for Mac then the issue is your Windows Mouse. Use a Apple Mouse or the Touchpad. It will solve the problem.

MacBookPro, iOS 5.1.1

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Intel Mac :: Can't Drag And Drop Anything

Jul 6, 2012

if im in finder i cant drag and drop anything at all. i cant even move things on my desktop?

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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PowerPC :: Powerbook G4 Won't Power Up - Battery Indicator Showed One Flickering Power Circle?

Mar 19, 2008

My girlfriend has a 12 inch Powerbook G4. She noticed that the battery life was starting to dwindle. Tonight, she tried using it. It wouldn't power up. The battery indicator showed one flickering power circle. The adaptor has the green circle on it, indicating the battery has a full charge. However, the computer won't charge up.I've read the 12 inchers don't have separate PMUs. Could that prevent the machine from starting? She was using it earlier this evening, as she e-mailed me pictures from our vacation.

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 - When I Press Power Button, Power Fan Comes On, But No Picture Shows

Feb 10, 2008

I have a iBook G4 laptop and there seems to be something very wrong with it. It started a few days ago just randomly. I was reading something on the internet and the screen went black on me, but the power was still on (I clicked CAPS LOCK to see if there was power). I then proceeded to push the power button and the power went off. When I pressed the power button again to turn it on, it made that internal noise it always makes and then the fan came on, and wouldn't turn off. There was no picture on the screen at all. Completely dead. But there was power, because when I clicked on the CAPS LOCK, the light came on). I tried pressing on the power button for at least 15 seconds and even went as long as a minute, and the power didn't go off.

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Hardware :: Repair 23" Cinema Display (no Power After Power Surge)

Apr 18, 2008

I had a bad power surge (USB hub that was plugged into the back of the display had the wrong power cord plugged in... very stupid mistake I know!!) take out my 23" Cinema Display. The display shows no sign of life (no power light, etc) and the brick has been tested and is OK. My local service place says that they will have to send the display back to Apple which means a minimum of $400 for repair so I'm wondering if anyone has had a similar issue that they resolved successfully? The service place suggested that Apple would replace the logic board but is there any way to test to see if this is the main issue? I have seen logic boards sold separately online but would be hesitant to buy it without know that this would fix this issue.

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Power Mac G5 :: G5 Power Supply Beeping/Churping Corrected With Leopard

Nov 8, 2007

I made this a new topic because I think it is important enough to do so. Probably most of those that originally complained about this have moved on to the new MacPro but I am sure there are still enough G5 owners out there that still have concerns about this topic.

A clean install of Leopard eliminates the infamous power supply beeping

Its amazing, my G5 is like a new machine; no more of the annoying power supply beep; although, I learned to live with it after a while and didn't even notice it. However, the silence is now very noticeable.

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Power Mac G5 :: Finding 23 Inch Cinema Display 90w Power Adapter

Nov 19, 2007

Where can I obtain a new 23 Inch Cinema Display power adapter? I've searched the Apple Store but I cannot find it.

G5 Dual Core PowerPC
Mac OS X (10.5.1)
23 Inch Cinema Display

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OS X :: Firewire Audio & Intel CPU Power Management Causes CPU Draw More Power?

Jun 19, 2010

I have found that by plugging in my Apogee Duet firewire audio interface and ONLY WHEN AppleFWAudio was loaded there was a 10c CPU raise that was making my MBP (late 2008) hot!I wanted to monitor the power that was required for Duet to run and to see if the temperature rise was due to that, so:With Apogee drivers uninstalled (just to be sure its not their drivers related, which is notMBP on battery power with System Profiler opened (to monitor the mA required by the computer from System Profiler -> Power)

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Power Mac :: What Steps Need To Take To Isolate A Graphics Card Failure In A Power Mac G5

May 29, 2012

a friend recently gave me a g5 power mac that had some issues, and the failure was described as intermittant. The machine supposedly would work properly when booted and start freezing up after time, but if turned on the next day it would work properly for some time. I assumed it was an overheating issue, but apperently there is more to the picture. I have tried booting the machine quite a few times and the display always reads no signal. The machine sounds as if it were booting normally, but there is not output. At first I assumed it was my display cable, which was a DVI-D single link, however the DVI-D dual link cable leads to the same result. Is it nessicary to have a DVI-I cable? None of the error LEDs light up on the motherboard. After doing some hunting I haven't found anyone with the same issue, but I am wondering if I should assume the graphics card is dead. What steps do I need to take to isolate a graphics card failure in a power mac g5?

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Mac Pro :: Dust Bunnies And Temperature Drop

Aug 26, 2010

I just cleaned my Mac Pro after 1 year and WOW, did I ever have an eye opener. The clumps of dust that blew out were amazing, I cleaned it occasionally with a fine brush and vacuum cleaner to pick the dust from the air. This time I used an air hose and my air compressor and WOW what a difference. I have seen my temps go down by 20 degrees across the board on my memory with iStat Pro. I guess this was a good thing. Now I need to come up with a filter of some kind, as I really don't care how it looks, as long as it is functional.

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OS X :: Unable To Drag And Drop Icons

Sep 2, 2010

I have a Mac running OSX. This morning we could no longer drag and drop icons anywhere on the desktop. I googled, and have tried a few things - ran 'Repair Permissions' under disk utility, deleted the /Library/Caches/com.apple.dock.iconcache#username#, but neither things works.

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PowerPC :: IBook G4 LCD Damaged After Drop

May 6, 2007

Our family iBook G4 1.42 MHz was dropped from the arm of a chair onto the carpet (two feet) by one of our children. The display is shown in the picture. I've taken the LCD off and then replaced it thinking a cable might have come loose, but it didn't fix the problem. Does anyone have an opinion as to what is damaged? Is it the LCD? The circuit board in the display housing, or something in the main case? I've not taken the main case apart, but I will try that next.

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OS X :: IChat Connection Drop Frequent?

Mar 14, 2008

I have a linksys BEFSX41 v2.1 router (not wireless, hard wired) router. Ever since I hooked my macbook to it is appears that it drops and the reconnects regularly in regards to iChat. I am using my AIM screen name, and I receive this message "Error: Serv:RequestTimeout" frequently. This makes it tough because I can never tell if the person got my last IM or not, and since my screen name signs off and then back on again all the time it drives my friends insane.

I can get AV chat going, and I can use screen share with other macs. I enabled UPnP on my router in hopes that would work but it does not appear to have fixed it. I tried opening up a port that I heard AIM uses (5190) but that didnt fix things either. I'm thinking opening ports probably wont work since if I can IM people, or AV chat without having opened any ports then the program must be already opening ports as needed on its own.

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OS X :: Can't Copy And Paste/can't Drag And Drop?

Jul 13, 2008

Well since I can't drag and drop, I also found out that I can't copy and paste

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OS X :: Sharing File Via Drop Box - Cannot Be Opened

Jan 5, 2009

Have a Blackbook and a Unibody Pro on the same network. With the unibody, I can see the place files in the Blackbook's Drop Box, but when I go to open the newly-placed file in the Blackbook's Drop Box, I get a error message saying the file "is used by Mac OS X and cannot be opened". If I try to drag the file from the Blackbook's Drop Box to the desktop, I get the error "Some of the items you are moving are in use by another application. Move the items can cause problems with the application using them..."

What am I doing wrong?
- File sharing enabled on both computers
- Firewalls disabled on both

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Applications :: Can't Get The Picture Of A Drop-down Menu?

Jan 30, 2009

Below is the text of "Preview Help-Taking a picture of a menu". I can't get the picture of a drop-down menu, for instance in Safari>Window>drop down menu.I?ve tried various ways of following the instructions. each time I end up with a screenshot of the entire computer window (which does include the drop down menu, but then to get a picture of just the drop down menu I would have to select the drop down menu, which is just another stop in the proces. What I want is just the Safari list of open Safari windows below ?

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OS X :: Folder Actions - Drag And Drop Wav / Mp4 / Ogg

Mar 30, 2009

has anyone achieved/know how to achieve this? drag and drop a wav, mp4, ogg, etc onto a folder and have it covert to an mp3. is there a audio converter app that plays nice with folder actions?

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OS X :: How To Receive Stuff Into Current Drop Box

Jun 4, 2009

When I got my new Mac Pro I transferred all my info/settings from my old mac via firewire during the initial bootup. The new Mac then gave me 2 admin accounts which is a real pain. The main account which I never use is totally redundant but obviously I cant get rid of it. The other account which has all my migrated info on it is the one I use. Anyway, when someone on my home network puts something in my drop box/public folder I can never get it. It always goes into the drop box of the account that I don't use. I have to log off and them log into the other account to see the files but then cant copy them into the other one. I tried turning off file sharing in the redundant account but it changes settings in both of them. How can I receive things into the drop box of the one I am using? Surely they are set individually?

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OS X :: Unable To Drag And Drop From FTP To ITunes

Jul 26, 2009

I have most of my music hosted on an FTP server, so I'm looking for a way to drag and drop from the FTP server (connected either through Finder, or any other client) into iTunes, and then have iTunes copy the music to my library. That way I don't have to download it to my local HDD, then import into iTunes, then delete the orginal. Just skipping a ton of extra work if I can drag and drop. Currently, I only get disconnected from the server if I try to drag and drop from Finder, and get nothing from Filezilla, and Transmit.

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MacBook Pro :: When Replacing The SSD Do Just Drop It In And Load Up The OS?

Aug 19, 2009

I am going to purchasing my Macbook Pro through the college student purchase program. I am planning to get the 17" 3.06Ghz 4GB MBP model. I am just getting the weak 5400 RPM hard drive because I plan to buy the Intel X-25M SSD.

I do have a couple questions that I hope can be answered here:

1. Are there any other apple rebates currently going on right now?

2. When replacing the SSD do I just drop it in and load up the OS? Or do I need to format it in a special way? Do I need any other connections?

3. Anti-Glare vs. Glossy, the age old debate. I will mainly be working inside and I will be working with graphic and code development. Which should I get?

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OS X :: SL Performance Drop In OpenGL In Spaces?

Sep 3, 2009

After upgrading to Snow Leopard on my brand new MBP, I have taken notice of a definitive perf drop in OpenGL, particularly when I make use of switching windows via Spaces. The transition between windows skips and is not a smooth animation.

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MacBook Air :: 30cm Drop And The Consequences?

Dec 13, 2009

Bought MBA1.6 in May 2009. In June 2009 my MBA fell 30cms from the top of my suitcase as I was loading it into the back of my car (rear seat). It did not alarm me too much.(In fact my partner dropped it for me, and he was not too concerned either - he has had 12 Macs so far and convinced me to get one). It was not in a case and sustained a tiny dent on the top right hand corner. It is difficult to see unless pointed out. Its approx 3mm long.

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