Power Mac :: G5 Turns On But No Power Light
Feb 5, 2012
Today I turned on my G5 to recover some files off an old iMac hard drive (can't very well read HFS+ using Windows), and my G5 refused to boot. Your press the power button, the power light flashes normally when you press on the button, but it powers on but the power light never comes on and there isn't a "bong" sound. The fans come on normally, but after a while the fans start picking up speed until they are at full speed.
I tried swapping ram, no change. Pulling ram, no flashing lights, pulling air deflector shield, full speed fans and red light (tells me something is working at least), swapping the video card, pulling the video card and still nothing. The 17" Studio Display power button works to turn on the system, but it has no light either saying the computer is on.
Based on the full speed fans after a while, I'm willing to say I have a failed processor, but that is just a wild guess as I don't normally work with Macs. The system is a Dual 2 GHz Power Mac G5 with 2 gigs ram, 80 GB hard drive, Plextor PX-712A DVD burner (I got this with a DVD-ROM), stock Radeon 9600 Pro and an Airport Extreme card. It runs Mac OS 10.5.8 and has worked great up until today.
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Late 2004 2 GHz Dual Processor
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Sep 2, 2014
macbook air 2013 needs power button pressed for 10 seconds before it turns on? also I've tried resting PRAM but when i press the 4 buttons before the start up screen it never restarts again?
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Jan 11, 2010
My iBook G4 crashed on me one night, and the only way I could turn it on again was to unplug the power cord from my computer, turn it over, remove the battery, put the battery back in, plug the cord back into the computer, hold down the start button, and it would restart. Although, when it restarted, the fan would go on first, and then the computer would make the normal start sound. Some times the finder would be on the screen after I restarted it displaying a quick link icon of the hard drive. So after a few weeks, it did it again, then a few days, and then it got to the point where I had to keep my computer in the same position otherwise it might shut down.
Now, if the power cord is green everything is fine, but if I move my computer and bump the cord into the wrong place it turns from green to bright red, makes an evil buzzing sound, and in three seconds the computer shuts off and I have to restart by using the method above. If or when the power cord goes bright red I do have 3 seconds to pull out the cord before it shuts down. I then sleep the computer, put the cord back into the computer, and move the cord around until it is green again.
I took my computer to a mac genius, and when he looked at the crash report he said it was frequent, but not caused by the battery and couldn't tell me what was the exact problem. I bought a brand new power cord, but I still couldn't move the computer around to much or it would shut down.
1.) Has anyone ever heard of this happening? And if so, what causes it to be so touchy?
2.) What can I do to fix it myself?
3.) If I send it in, will they be able to fix it so that it is perfect again without having to spend more than the money assessed?
I would like to try to have it fixed. At this juncture, my only option is to send it in for $280 and hope they can fix the problem that no one seems to know what is the exact problem, or even where the problem stems from. I should add here that the battery is fully charged, and the report says it can hold about 1 hour of life, although it's more like 30 minutes, and then without warning to plug in or risk shutting down (like it used to give me) it will shut down.
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Dec 8, 2010
My Macbook Pro randomly shut off (I don't think it was low on battery, but I can't be 100% sure.) Now when I plug in the charger, the light on the charger is green for about 6 seconds, then goes to red and stays red. I cannot turn on the computer, and there is no sign that it is even charging.
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Dec 6, 2010
Power charger light keeps going off, I have to unplug and plug it back in to make it come back. Charger is still working. This started happening this evening. Anyone else having this problem? Should I contact Apple tomorrow or wait and observe a little longer?
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Dec 9, 2010
What does a red light on the power adaptor mean?
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Oct 16, 2008
I have a G5 Dual 2.5 and the power light on the front (white) is lit but nothing happens when I press the power button. I was trying to reset the PRAM manually by pulling the battery and inplugging the unit because my startup shortcut keys were not working. I had seen it recommended to reset it by pulling the battery and reinstalling in other threads. I put the battery back after about 15 sec and plugged in back in. Now it wont start up.
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Apr 11, 2012
My MacBook won't boot up without the system disk, has Lion with 4 Gb Ram all updates, has a DVD stuck n the drive?
MacBook, iOS 5.0.1, 4 GB RAM
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Apr 20, 2012
My PPC G5 Mac Power Pro has been working fine, on one startup recently the screen didn't come on, the keyboard and mouse did not pass the startup test and the white light flashes three times. After a while the fans go into hovercraft mode! I've reseated the RAm and checked all other cards.
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), To be supplied
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Sep 10, 2009
My Macbook, I have just become aware that the light for power on isn't on, nor does it pulsate on standby. Everything else seems to be working normally, so I can live with this. But could this be a symptom of precursor of a more serious problem elsewhere?
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Mar 12, 2012
I've been using my pmg4 for a while, just recently I noticed that there is a red light located on the logic board on corner of processor heatsink and ram boards. this light is active during when the computer is on. the computer did not misbehave but is it trying to say something? is this normal operation?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), MacBook Pro 13.3 | Logic Studio |
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Apr 1, 2012
Wondering if the yellow, charging light, sometimes coming on and going off is an indication of my battery going dead. Mine is a UMBP and the battery hasn't been change. Don't use it too much, though.
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May 26, 2012
I reset the PMU trying to get this monitor to work with my Mini. And that fixed it. However, I have lost my power light?what the heck to do to restore that as with the noise in this office, its the only way I know if the mac is on other than having the monitor switched to this box?
Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jul 2, 2012
I have an old macbookpro which doesn't have a good battery. last night it shut off because I didn't have the power chord attached. now I can't power it up. the light on the power chord flashes (slowly) between red and green.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.7)
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Apr 2, 2007
I have an ibook G4 (2years old, a part of the battery swap program) that charges normally... for about twenty minutes. Then the light around the charger turns from it's normal "i'm charging" orange to nothing, the light goes out and the ibook switches to battery power. I've just inspected the power chord and there are no strains or tears, the plug at both ends are in good condition and the ibook power socket is fine too.
I've turned the ibook off for a period of time (two days) and reset the power manager... still no difference. The ibook looks and acts just like it should until about twenty minutes into the charge then the light turns off and it's like it's been disconnected. The chord is in correctly, i've even tried the apple extension chord = no joy. If i reconnect the power chord at the wall it's fine, starts charging again... and yes i've tried different sockets on different circuits in the house!
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Aug 29, 2007
I searched forums etc. I have a 867 12" powerbook. The problem is that it will not turn on at all. I took the battery out and pressed a few key and it worked for a little while. Now when I plug it up to recharge the light goes green to red then off. I found a so called reset button on the apple site and lifted the keyboard and it is not in site.
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Jan 16, 2009
I recently received a Power Mac G5 from work. They told me I could have it, but reformatting the hard drive and reinstalling the OS was on me. So, I took it home, and plugged it in to turn it on, and the white light on the front blinks 3 times and then stays steady... and then blinks 3 times again... and so on and so on.
The RAM that came with it was bad, so I put in 2, 1 GB PC3200 sticks in it. Isn't it a RAM problem?
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Sep 28, 2009
I've been asked to take a look at a friends white macbook that won't power on. I've tried resetting the smc etc., with no joy. The battery charge indicator shows 1 fully lit green light and the magsafe connector also is green. Pressing the power button doesn't do anything, no lights, beeps etc. I've tried another power adapter and the magsafe light remains green when connected but the battery still shows 1 green led. Considering the macbook thinks its charged but the battery isn't, is this a dead logic board? Or something else? This macbook is well out of warranty.
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Nov 3, 2009
I recently spilled close to a tablespoon of milk onto the keyboard. Most of this landed on the keys themselves. I thought nothing of this and continued working for 4 hours. I left for 6 hours and came home to a non working Powerbook G4. The green powerlight does come on. I let sit for one day. Still nothing.
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Jan 23, 2010
I went upstairs last night to find my Macbook Pro's charger had no light lit up on it. I tried everything including changing wall sockets, resetting the SMC, with and without the battery - nothing! I then noticed I could feel the electrical current on my Macbook Pro and then it started, a loud ticking coming from the brick. It's dead. It's just under 18 months old. Apple has said that I have no Applecare, no tech support and no warranty so buy a new one. I thought electronics HAD to have a 2-year warranty on them in Europe? Can I take that to apple? It's �60 for a new one and things like this shouldn't fail after just 17 months.
It's the old 85W type. The guy at Apple told me they only do the "new" 60W types. Can I use these with a June '08 Macbook Pro? I've had no end of problems with my MBP. I may call an end to Apple - I'm not happy paying over the odds for this Macbook less than 18 months ago for it to have had so many problems already.
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Jul 24, 2009
I've just recently purchased my Mac Pro and have tried multiple times to leave it on, with the monitor set to sleep (using hot corner) and the computer set not to sleep. The purpose is to be able to access my music library while on the go. For some reason, when I come back to the computer it won't wake, the power light is on so I'm assuming it froze or had a kernal panic.
I'm running Simplify Media and a Hawking USB wifi adapter to access my music on the go, no other 3rd party peripherals.
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Apr 28, 2012
My Macbook has no power at all. None from the cord, none from the battery which was fully charged. I noticed only a couple of days ago the little green light on the connection flickered a couple of times. I took the extension off the lead and used the plug on the power box. I also took the battery out and put it back in.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 14, 2012
The fans starts but no video... nothing?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 15, 2012
I installed several system updates on my 2007 iMac last night, running OS 10.7, and today I can only get a black screen with a flashing white power light when I try to start up. My computer will neither start up nor completely shut down, and my wired keyboard won't communicate either.
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Jun 21, 2012
My imac does not turn on, not even make the noise when booting up. The only sign of life is the blinking light that tells you is on.
iMac, iOS 5.1
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Jun 4, 2014
My MacBook Air's (2008) screen went blank. Now the power light flashes and it beeps continuously. I have tried rebooting, but no change.
apple, Mac OS X (10.6.5), iPhone macbook air iPad AppleTV (both)
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Dec 12, 2010
My brother has a second gen, 800Mhz eMac (the one that could be overclocked to 1.33Ghz - the earlier PC133 ram model). Since about 1.5 mths ago, when he powers it on, sometimes it will not power on, and other times it will give three beeps (diagnostic pages say bad RAM) and a flashing power/sleep light in unison with the beeps. Did this vintage suffer bad caps? I recall that it was only the 1.25Ghz model that had bad caps, but I could be wrong.
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Sep 25, 2009
I have a 2008 Macbook and when the power is plugged in, the light is green, however my battery will not charge, and it even says at the top "battery is not charging" If I remove the power cord from the computer it will still run off the remaining % of the battery, but If I reconnect the cord it lights up green and I never see the amber charging color. I traded out my battery as well as a different cord and still the same results. My battery will charge up on a friends macbook, but not on my own. I want to take it to the apple store but I'm at school and there is no store near me.
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Aug 23, 2010
I have a 23" cinema display and the power light and the standby light will not come on what could this be?
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Jun 12, 2012
MagSafe power cord for MacBook lights up green for one second and then lights up orange for one second, then goes dark. Battery shows MacBook has no power anymore, so will not boot. I cleaned the contacts and none are pushed down. What are my next steps?
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