MacBook :: Cannot Power On - Magsafe Light Remains Green
Sep 28, 2009
I've been asked to take a look at a friends white macbook that won't power on. I've tried resetting the smc etc., with no joy. The battery charge indicator shows 1 fully lit green light and the magsafe connector also is green. Pressing the power button doesn't do anything, no lights, beeps etc. I've tried another power adapter and the magsafe light remains green when connected but the battery still shows 1 green led. Considering the macbook thinks its charged but the battery isn't, is this a dead logic board? Or something else? This macbook is well out of warranty.
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Jun 23, 2009
my magsafe light goes dim green, orange, or off when plugged into my macbook
it still charges it fine, an it never stops charing, just the light goes dim. if i wiggle the wire the light turns back on.
i went to the apple store, the guy didnt look at it but i explained the above, he said its normal an his does the same an come back if it stops chargin
what do you thing? should i go back or call or is it fine.
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Feb 12, 2012
I dont know what the dim light signifies
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 5, 2012
When i connect my Magsafe charger the light will often become dim green and stop charging the laptop.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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May 30, 2009
Magsafe light flashes green to red and battery will not charge.
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Feb 6, 2008
It started last night when my adapter freyed, melted and became useless (a common problem with the MagSafe). I called to bitch to Apple, but they just wanted to make sure nobody died and no houses burned down and then told me to go buy a new adapter. I did that today, but now my computer wont hold a charge and is stuck at 0% and shows the charged icon over the battery. The weird thing is that the light on the MagSafe head is an extremely dim green. You need to turn the lights off to really see that it is lit, but very weakly.
So, I went back to the Apple store and tried the charger on a different computer and it worked fine. And we tried a completely different charger on my macbook and the same dimly lit light thing happened. So i dont think its the charger. Then we put my battery in a different macbook and it took a charge. So i dont think its the battery. Any ideas??? Is it a coincidence my 18 month old hassle-free (until now) macbook has had two problems in the last 24 hrs? It isn't under warranty.
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Sep 12, 2010
So I have a Late 2009 Macbook Pro, it came with the original magsafe adapter. The adapter doesn't always work all the time, sometimes theres a really dim green light.
One of the prongs that go into the wall is slightly bent so it might be because of that.
My question is will Apple replace this charger for me? Do they give the new magsafe adapters as replacements or will they give me an old one?
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Nov 14, 2010
I just got my new MBA 13" ultimate and this battery never seems to be fully charged (system shows 99% charging for over 1 hour now) and magsafe light been amber throughout the entire time. I'm worried it may be a battery problem, tried resetting SMC two times but no effect.
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Feb 24, 2008
i just got my MBA on monday and now the magsafe adaptor doesn't work anymore, it flashes green light and does not charge. Does anyone know what's wrong with it?
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Feb 25, 2012
A few hours ago my MBP (15" from January 2011) had almost no battery, so I plugged in the charger - but nothing happened. No green or orange light - or indicator on finder. I went to System Information which confirmed that it had 0% battery left and it wasn't charging, even with the MagSafe correctly plugged in.Â
I checked the wall connector and it's functioning well on other devices. The battery eventually died and now my macbook won't turn on. The light on the adapter and on the side of the notebook flashes green inconsistently. It won't turn on since it has no battery. I've tried reseting the SMC but nothing happend.Â
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Aug 31, 2008
Sooooo I just got my brand shiny new CTO 4GB 13.3 MBA this morning at about 9:45 am yesterday in Illinois. I was sposed to go to bed because I am working nights at the moment but i stayed up for hours setting it up and playing with it (my first MAC) and so I finally get home after working a 12 hour night shift and open up my new MBA expecting instant on and....nothing. The damn thing will not turn on and I tried all the tricks of the trade (suggested by apple support page) and nothing. It was fully charged when I left it in the morning. Also, my magsafe charge light is green which means it is still fully charged right??? Man what a super disappointment. My first MAC and it freaking dies immediately. My Win 7 desktop at least started...good ole faithful (granted it took about 55 seconds...pff)
I'm so sad!
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Nov 3, 2009
I recently spilled close to a tablespoon of milk onto the keyboard. Most of this landed on the keys themselves. I thought nothing of this and continued working for 4 hours. I left for 6 hours and came home to a non working Powerbook G4. The green powerlight does come on. I let sit for one day. Still nothing.
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Apr 28, 2012
My Macbook has no power at all. None from the cord, none from the battery which was fully charged. I noticed only a couple of days ago the little green light on the connection flickered a couple of times. I took the extension off the lead and used the plug on the power box. I also took the battery out and put it back in.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 25, 2009
I have a 2008 Macbook and when the power is plugged in, the light is green, however my battery will not charge, and it even says at the top "battery is not charging" If I remove the power cord from the computer it will still run off the remaining % of the battery, but If I reconnect the cord it lights up green and I never see the amber charging color. I traded out my battery as well as a different cord and still the same results. My battery will charge up on a friends macbook, but not on my own. I want to take it to the apple store but I'm at school and there is no store near me.
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Jun 12, 2012
MagSafe power cord for MacBook lights up green for one second and then lights up orange for one second, then goes dark. Battery shows MacBook has no power anymore, so will not boot. I cleaned the contacts and none are pushed down. What are my next steps?
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Jun 28, 2012
The battery don't charge and the power adapter light stays green, I didn't noticed it before the battery was empty. I have had problems with the adapter before and just reconnected the power a couple of times and it starts to charge again and the light turns orange but if I touch the adapter now the computer shuts down.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 29, 2007
I searched forums etc. I have a 867 12" powerbook. The problem is that it will not turn on at all. I took the battery out and pressed a few key and it worked for a little while. Now when I plug it up to recharge the light goes green to red then off. I found a so called reset button on the apple site and lifted the keyboard and it is not in site.
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Sep 17, 2010
Basically I'm having issues with my newly acquired Powerbook G4. When i bought it the battery was not working at all so have now installed a new replacememnnt battery which works fine but having some slight issues. So...
First time I charged it, it reached 100% but green light never came on to indicate full charge. When I run the PB off the battery it gets to 20% and it shuts down without any warning it's low on battery (trying to switch it on after this is impossible, it clearly has no life) After the above I connect the power lead and start up the computer, the battery indicator starts charging from 20% onwards. Something fishy definitely going on and I have no idea what it could be, I calibrated the battery but it has always cut off at 20% since first charge/discharge.
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Jul 18, 2010
This morning, I synced my iPod with my MacBook and upon completion and permission to disconnect the device, I pulled out the USB cord. At that point the computer instantly turned itself off, and when I hit the power button, I could hear the system trying to start up, but the screen remained black and the sleep light glowed continuously. I unplugged the charger, took out the battery and put it back in, and tried all the troubleshooting tips under the Apple Support guide with no success. I also discovered that when I closed the laptop while it was "on," it would seem to boot up a little more before returning to the black screen. I left it alone for a few hours, and when I tried again to turn it on, it booted up normally and as I was searching for updates, it shut down again as it had earlier.
Does anyone have anything for me to try? I don't want to have to take it into a shop because I can just barely afford to, but I need this computer! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :-)
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Apr 14, 2012
My macbook will not startup. The magsafe charger is green. The front indicator light is on. But, pressing the power button does nothing.
MacBook, iOS 4.1
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Aug 27, 2014
I have a problem with my macbook pro mid. 2009 from a year. My battery is not in charge and the magsafe is always green. I tried to change my battery and the charge, for 3 months it was ok, but then suddenly it returned as before.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
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Jun 27, 2014
My macbook pro 13" 2011 was working fine all day. I left it for a bit and opened it up at the end of the day and it shut down as soon as the display booted up. I figured it just needed to charge and left it plugged in over night, but there was no change in the morning. MagSafe is blinking green/amber when plugged in. There is no respsonse from pressing and holding the power button, and the charging display lights on the side aren't lighting up either. I tried the SMC reset with no results. Other threads have suggested unplugging and reconnecting the battery connector inside the shell, but I can't find this connector in my model. I think it might be under the battery?
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Mar 2, 2010
Firstly i have a MacBook 10.4.11 that is somewhere between 2 and 3 years old. I have had no problems with the Mac up until yesterday. Yesterday i was charging my Mac and everything was fine but i noticed that the MagSafe Adapter was lit up Green, even when unplugged from my Mac. I shrugged it off until this morning when i realised that when i unplug my adapter the Mac just turns off and won't turn back on until i plug the adapter back in. I have seen different threads about it being a battery problem or a charger problem but i am not sure where to start as most of the threads say that their Battery Icon on the Mac screen has a black "X" through it. Mine just has the Forks in the battery icon and where it would have a Time or % of what is left in the Battery, it just has a (Calculating...) and when i click to see how much it has charged, it says 0%
I also downloaded Coconut Battery and here is what it says:
Current Battery Charge: 0 mAh
Maximum Battery Charge : 5093 mAh
Current Battery Capacity: 5093 mAh
Original Battery Capacity: 5020 mAg
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Jun 1, 2012
My 2010 Macbook pro 17 inch does not turn on. the 85W Magsafe power adapter shows a dim light when plugged in. What do I do?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Nov 29, 2009
I've just plugged my laptop in here at work, the light on the magsafe doesn't appear. at the top it says its running on power adapter.
Last night however i did notice that the light on the magsafe was a light green color, not the normal green/orange it usually is.
Any idea?, its a AluMB from Oct 2008. Could it be my battery or just the charger?. I do have Apple care.
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Jul 11, 2009
My Magsafe charger started acting really odd today. It started with the light not working when I was charging the computer. Even tough the light didn't come on the computer still said it was charging. I unplugged it for a bit & plunged it back in. This time the light came on & it was green even though it wasn't fully charged. But now when i unplug it, the light stays on as long as its plugged into the wall. The only thing I've changed lately is I replaced the hard drive, but its been about a week and this just started happening tonight.
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Jul 8, 2010
I had my original MBP charger replaced a while ago because the magsafe adapter light was not working. (but it charged the computer fine, weirdly enough) Then, about a month ago, the light on that one went out too. The apple store replaced it with one of the new MBA chargers style. That one worked for about a day, and now intermittently goes off. What is wrong here?
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Jan 22, 2010
Over the past few months, I have noticed that my MagSafe light will randomly stop working when I plug it into my MacBook. I just unplug it, and plug it back in and it works normally. It seems like the computer still charges though.
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Aug 26, 2014
Every once in a while, the green light on my Magsafe adapter will turn off, but the computer will indicate that it's still running off of AC power. If I unplug the adapter from the computer and then plug it back in, it'll immediately light up again. or some times i tap on it and it start again!
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Jun 26, 2009
Anyone know where I can buy an extra AC cable for the MagSafe 85W power supply that came with my late 08 MBP? I'd like an extra cable and I'm not interested in ponying up the dough for the entire power supply. I checked the Apple Store and Macmall, but haven't found anything as of yet.
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