Power Mac G5 :: Testing RAM - How To Test Ram Chips

Dec 20, 2007

Can anyone detail how to test my RAM chips? I think I have a bad one. If I recall it is tested from the startup disk or some other disk -

G5 2.7
Mac OS X (10.4.6)

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MacBook :: Testing Ram - Finding Best App To Test Ram

May 28, 2010

is there a good program to test the new 4gb of ram i have just installed in my new macbook book is all working ok?

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Mac Pro :: Testing Hard Drive For Speed Test / Applications Start Much Slow

Feb 3, 2009

recently I bought WD6400AAKS hard drive. I made to partitions (1st for OS and applications, 2nd one for photo files). I also did fresh OS install and loaded basic applications. Strangely I didn't notice any speed boost while booting and to be honest I feel like all applications (photoshop for example) are also starting much slower than on original hdd.

Is there any way to test hard drive if it performs as it should be? I also have 2 more older drives installed. is it possible that one of them would slow the system down?

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Power Mac G5 :: Bad Ram Identified By Apple Hardware Test?

Nov 16, 2007

After a lot of erratic behavior with my dual 2ghz g5, I ran the apple hardware test. When testing RAM it gives me the following error message each time I run the extended test:


I'm wondering how to interpret this exactly which RAM is bad (more specifically where is it?) I'm wondering if there is a diagram out there so I can relate this an exact location on my computer.

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Hardware :: No Screen Shows - Can Get Information Of Power On Self Test

May 20, 2010

Pressing the power button on the main unit, the button lights, then flashes, long-short, long-short, etc.Nothing else happens - no screen, no chime, no disk activity. can I get this (and other) Power-on Self Test (POST) information?

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Power Mac G5 :: Hardware Test Error Code - 2ATI/1/4: 113-A13601-120

Nov 4, 2007

So I've been having problems with video in quicktime. I get green dots and other such errors in the video. When I play the same video in VLC I don't get an error. I was told that this is probably the video card, so I ran the hardware test. I got the error code '2ATI/1/4: 113-A13601-120' I was wondering if anyone could tell me what it actually meant, and whether I'll have to buy a new video card, or if there's some other way to fix the problem.

Mac OS X (10.4.10)

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Hardware :: Test A G5 Power Supply Like An ATX Power Supply?

Feb 12, 2008

My 2*1.8Mhz G5 tower (second version) shutdown two day ago and refuses to turn up again. I have absolutely no sign of life, not even the external white led or the internal red one. I'm trying to figure out whether it is the power supply of the start button which cause the problem.

Is it possible to test a G5 power supply like an ATX power supply, by connecting two pins which would make the fans start ?

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IMac PPC :: Test A G5 Logic Board Without Hardware Test?

Jun 25, 2012

My son's 17" imac PPC G5 was not booting up. After a trying a couple of things I got it to boot using Disk Warrior and reparing the file directory. At that time I also ran DW's hardware test which said the drive was fine. My son hard restarted it shortly after I fixed it and it wouldn't start up again. Just a gray screen, no apple logo. When I tried to use DW again it told me there were problems with the hard drive and it couldn't fix the problem. I tried to fix the hard drive in target disk mode using Disk Utiltiy and Drive Genius. No luck. So I pulled a working drive out of my Mac Pro and reformatted it and swapped the internal drive of the iMac with it. There were no DIP switches to set. Started up the imac with a Leopard retail disk thinking I would just install a fresh system onto the replaced internal drive of the iMac. Disk Utility on the leopard disk didn't see the hard drive. Now I'm beginning to think it's a logic board problem but I can't find the original disks to do a Hardware test with. Is there some other way to test a logic board? Or some other idea that I'm not thinking of that could be wrong with the machine?

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), ATI 1900, 8GbRAM

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Power Mac G5 :: 2.0 DP Apple Hardware Test Error "2SVM/1/2: CPU B AD7417 AD3"

Nov 19, 2007

I have an Apple Power Mac G5 Dual Processor model M9747LL/A (Early 2005) which fails the Apple Hardware Test (AHT) v2.5 with the Logic Board error code "2SVM/1/2: CPU B AD74717 AD3". This appears to be a problem with the thermal module voltmeter sensor for CPU B. The problem is, this machine is working just fine. The fans don't run abnormally and everything works. It could be that this failure is real and will eventually lead to other failures later, but I did find another thread in this forum where a user of the same system that had the exact same problem that turned to be a bad copy of the Apple Hardware Test DVD:

[URL] This user was given another copy of AHT that worked fine. I have already reset the NVRAM, PRAM and SMU -- all with no effect. Like the instructions on AHT said, I have removed all peripherals and run the test again, also with no effect. This machine is not under AppleCare and Apple was not all that helpful on the phone. They referred me to an Apple store, where I was told that replacing the CPU would cost "$500 or $600 plus labor", but they did not even write down the error code or check anything specific to my machine.

Does anyone know if there is some way to confirm this is an actual hardware error, as opposed to just some problem with the version of AHT I have?

Power Mac G5 2.0 Dual (Early 2005)
Mac OS X (10.4)

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Got 2 X 2gb Ram Chips Possible To Put Them Both Into A 15'' Macbook Pro

Apr 16, 2012

i currently got 2 x 2gb ram chips, am i able to put them both into a 15'' Macbook pro that i got early 2011

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Mac Pro :: The Hardware Test Actually Froze In The Middle Of The Ram Test?

Feb 27, 2008

if you recall a thread I started trying to get help on why the Mac Pro was crashing... I finally narrowed it down.After speaking to about 4 different people at apple.... they had me run the Apple Hardware Test off the boot CD.I took out EVERYTHING except the 2nd DVD burner (Apple Branded Superdrive from my old 2.5 Dual G5)... and ran the test.The Hardware Test ACTUALLY FROZE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RAM TEST.I thought I had bad aftermarket ram... as it wasn't playing nice with the Apple ram when I added them together.Looks like I had fine aftermarket ram... the Apple ram was bad.I REPLACED the Apple Ram with the Aftermarket Ram... and the Hardware Test completed fine.So, now I'm going to be calling them again in the morning and letting them know what happened. I wonder if they'll just let me RMA the bad ram, or if I'm going to have to lug this dang thing down to an apple store.I WONT BE HAPPY IF I HAVE TO DO THAT.Oh, and no more lockups since switching out the ram... and all the other quirks (not able to burn CDs in Windows, sloooow Internet page draws, etc...) are all but gone now.

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MacBook Pro :: I5 / I7 - Difference And Similarities Between Two Chips?

Jun 1, 2010

Just want to know the difference between these two chips. I got the i5 because I didnt want to shell out the money for an i7.

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Intel Mac :: Can Processing Chips Be Upgraded

Apr 18, 2012

can the processing chips be upgraded on the imac 1.7ghz model??

iMac, iOS 5.1

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OS X :: Macbook With Nvidia 9400M Chips Not Support Tv Out?

Dec 2, 2009

Ok i've been through such a long debacle trying to connect my white macbook to my SDTV via mini-DVI to composite adaptor and composite cables and it simply doesn't work no matter how much we tried trouble shooting it. An acquaintance then told me that the recent macbooks with hte nVIDIA 9400M graphics chips DON'T support tv out?

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IMac :: Install The New Chips, The Mac Won't Start. Period. No Beeps, No Nothing?

Jul 2, 2008

I recently got an 20' 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Imac. It came with 1 gig of Ram. I purchased 2 2Gig SODIMM chips from New Egg. The ram specs matches what the little manual says. ddr2, pc2-5300 667MHz. When I install the new chips, the mac won't start. Period. No beeps, no nothing. I can sort of hear it try to start, then quits.

When I put back the original ram chip. Works again.When I have the original ram chip AND 1 of the new chips (for a total of 3 gigs of RAM) it works.Swapped one new chip with the other (as long as the original is in) Works.Original Chip is on the right side, New is on the left. Swapped places. Works.The mac will start ONLY if the original is in place. I should be able to start it with the nes ones in but it won't. I know both works because I swapped them.Anybody have any ideas on what's going on? Is there a setting somewhere I need to change or something?

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MacBook Pro :: Automatic Graphics Chips Switching - Extended Battery Life

Apr 13, 2010

the new machines will switch between graphics chips. all very nice (at last), but my 15" MBP 2.8 doesn't and it's a real pain for me as I often go between apps than need the extra speed and then back to e.g. Word, and could really do with the extended battery life (I have the old style battery pack) any news if the older graphics systems can be worked to switch on the fly...i.e. without having to logout and shut down all the open apps, and work?

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MacBook Pro :: Apple Hardware Test Freezes, "one Second" Into The Test?

Apr 9, 2012

I have a 17" unibody MBP (early 2009, specs below). It was running hotter than usual the other day, so I F2 booted into AHT to run a diagnostic. The status box within AHT showed 1 second into the 1st pass, and never got beyond that. Several seconds after that status message was displayed, the cursor froze. The time counter never advanced after that, and although I waited a long time, nothing happened. The test froze. 

I've tried it several times more. It once worked, but every other time has frozen. Checking the "extended test" box, or trying to run in loop mode has made no difference - still freezes at "1 second". 

I've had this machine for 3 years, OS's Leopard through Lion, and this has never happened before. I last ran a test, successfully, in January. I've not changed any components or suffered any damage since then. Memtest (ver 4.22) says my RAM is fine. (I ran this because the first portion of the AHT is the RAM component.) Aside from the aforementioned overheating episode, which disappeared, my machine's been fine. 

early 2009 MBP unibody 17"
2.93 Core 2 Duo
750 GB HD

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac :: Most Comprehensive Testing Application

Mar 27, 2009

My macbook pro (a1150 series) has started to act out of line and just when i think that I have it figured, the odd behavior starts giving symptoms of another problems. I.E- slow computer behavior indicates bad HD but then it acts more like it didn't have enough ram. So... I want to test the machine from top to bottom.

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Mac Pro :: Testing The First Flashed GTX285?

Jun 20, 2009

I CAN get access to them, but they are in Edit Bays at a friend's Production Office...and the Editors keep weird hours.....and they are wired in with lots of extra video/audio/disk drive stuff that I have to disconnect/move....and if one died or I caused bad Hard Drive corruption I would be SHOT ON SIGHT......etc.

So, if there is a video card enthusiast in Hollywood,CA area who has an EFI-64 Machine and would like to be part of this experiment, PM me.

FYI...there is a good chance this will work...on the other hand, there is also a good chance that Apple/Nvidia/EVGA placed an additional STOP to flashing and upon boot we will see a lovely black screen.

Whats in it for you? Immortal, undying glory ! A beer ! And when I figure out full process, I will make one for you with GTX285 you bring me. gratis

I have removed the 128K chip it came with and installed a 256K chip. I then flashed Mac EFI ROM onto it. On my first Gen it runs exactly as before. Boots into OSX with help of Netkas Injector Package, but not until desktop. (also requires additional Nvidia card)

It appears to be ignoring the Mac EFI due to it being 64 instead of the 32 it "requires".

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Mac :: Apple Quietly Testing First Beta Of OS X 10.5.8

Jun 9, 2009

Apple this week is reported to be testing the first internal builds of Mac OS X 10.5.8, one of the final updates, if not the last, slated for its current Leopard operating system software.News of this particular maintenance update is significant for owners of PowerPC-based Macs, given that Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard requires a Mac with an Intel processor. That means Mac OS X 10.5.8 or 10.5.9 will likely represent Apple's final push towards solidify and stabilize Leopard before shifting the majority of its resources towards the first point release of Snow Leopard, which will arrive this fall.

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Testing If VPN Is Really Working?

Apr 21, 2012

I got Lion working locally, then with the latest updead with my web address.  After some work (ok, I'm sugar coating -- a LOT of work) I appear to be able to connect my client to the server and establish a VPN.  When I do that, I can access shared folders.  Here is the rub, however.  I can do the same with the VPN NOT established.  This makes me wonder if anything is going though the VPN at all and if all my stuff is wide open to the world. I know clicking All Traffic should do that trick, but I really don't want to if I don't have to.  How do I test to see if my files are being shared securly though the VPN?

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Mac Pro :: Error Received While Testing Hardware

Jun 19, 2012

I ran a hardware test and this was my error#4MEM/40/40000006:B:1 C:0 R:1 - what does it mean?

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Mac :: Apple Begins Wide Spread Testing Of OS X 10.6.4

Apr 28, 2010

Apple on Wednesday issued a broad beta distribution of Mac OS X 10.6.4, the fourth planned maintenance and security update for its Snow Leopard operating system that has been under development internally for several weeks.The pre-release software, labeled Mac OS X 10.6.4 build 10F37, made its way to Apple Developer Connection (ADC) members just one day after a more elite set of testers belonging to Apple's Apple Seed program got first licks at the beta.

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Software :: Google Testing Picasa For Mac Beta?

Nov 26, 2008

Long the domain of Linux and Windows users, Google's Picasa photo management tool is currently being tested for Macs, AppleInsider has learned.

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MacBook Pro :: Xbench User Interface Testing?

Mar 14, 2009

Most of the results were OK but the "User Interface" one. It got a 13 at 61 refresh/sec.

This computer is a Macbook Pro (Early 2008) C2D 2.6 with 4gb of RAM and the 7200rpm HD, and comparing the results in the xbench site there is clearly something wrong.

The problem is that I don't have a clue of what exactly is "User interface" testing and how to fix it, does anybody know something about this?

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Mac Pro :: Testing Barefeats GTX285 Gaming Benchmark?

Jun 14, 2009

"Test "Mule" was the Nehalem Mac Pro 8-core running at 2.93GHz (12G of RAM)."

From what I understand, the above configuration could actually slow down frame-rate because it is unnecessary extra hardware?

Would frame-rate improve slightly by using a Quad-Core Mac Pro with 6GB of RAM, or am I not understanding?

(And assuming this is on OSX, but you can answer both ways).

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OS X :: Memtest - Finding Essential Tool For Testing Your RAM

Sep 17, 2009

Whatever your situation is, if you need to test your RAM, Memtest OS X is the best tool for the job for your Mac. Yes, there's Memtest86+ - I always use that for all the PCs I own. However, there's a bug in Memtest86+ where it could give false positives on EFI machines (which all Intel Macs are).

Memtest, by the way, is open source. So why, then, do you have to pay to download it? You have to pay to download both the binary and the source. I believe this violates the GPL, which Memtest OS X, and Memtest before it, are released under.

So I'm attaching Memtest right here in this thread. Now you can download it for free, without having to pay. Unfortunately, I don't have the source .

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Mac Pro :: Testing Hard Drives Before RAID Build?

Aug 15, 2010

What should I be doing to my drives before building arrays with them?

Hitachi do a Drive Fitness Test and Seagate something similar but I have not been able to get either to work on a BootCamp Windows partition.

I tried formatting in Disk Utility and pulling some data on and off. I'm now running a scan for bad blocks in Drive Genius (is this worth it? It's going to take about a week at this rate). Anything else I should do?

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Mac Pro :: Testing Hard Drive Read / Write Speeds

Oct 13, 2010

What is the standard tool to test your hard drives read/write speeds? I'd like to test my new SSD to see how fast it really is. I've heard you cant trust XBench for that which is the only thing I have to use.

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Mac Pro :: Finding Memory Testing Boot CD For Intel Macs?

Apr 8, 2006

However it seems like OSX does eat up quite a fair bit of memory and Rember doesn't seem able to find the fault when I am running on one stick (it is probably used up by some block of code that has yet to run yet!)

Is there such a thing as the equivalence of memtest86 for Macs? Or even better will memtest86 even boot on a Intel Mac, now that it supports BIOS?

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