OS X :: Why Can Trash, Rename Or Move An Open File In Os
Apr 14, 2010
you can rename, move or even trash a file when you still have it opened in preview or textedit.In win, such action will be stopped by the message "can't do that, the file is open somewhere". Would that data going to be kind of homeless or become a "ghost"?
It says that it can't be deleted.I got this problem when I was downloading a photo with Google chrome, but that photo was downloaded successfully. Downloads window in chrome is now empty.
Cannot seem to upload to a ftp server (permissions are correct on the home folder of the user!)But I get this result:
ftp> put /Users/[userfolder]/Documents/untitled.rtf local: /Users/[userfolder]/Documents/untitled.rtf remote: /Users/[userfolder]/Documents/untitled.rtf 227 Entering Passive Mode (99,254,236,63,209,169) 553-Can't open that file: No such file or directory 553 Rename/move failure: No such file or directory
'the item "....." cab;t be moved to the Trash because it can't be delete.' The file is just a Safari download icon you often get when downloading a file, and I can't move it or do anything to it, I can't access its info or move it around the desktop.
I have a new MAC with Leopard 10.5. I attached a western digital external disk which has 4 partions. In one of the partitions I copied from my MS PC various documents. I now want to delete them by sending them to the trash. when i move them there, nothing happens as they still remain on the disk. All docs are with the read/write permission. I'm the only user and the docs were placed there with the same user profile that now wants to get rid of them. I also downloaded the TRASHiT software, but the files and folder still do not get moved/killed. What else can I do? I would like to avoid the easy way out which I would presume would be to format the disk again...
If I begin an install that never completed and have moved the .dmg file to trash how do I delete it when the error message is: item is in use and cannot be deleted?
got automatically put into the Logic Pro discussions, however it's not really a Logic question or issue, more of a disk permission issue (I think..). Here is the original post: URL.... I'm stuck with this file on my system and how to remove it.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
is there a better way of renaming a file / folder than clicking to select the icon, waiting a couple of seconds, then clicking again on the name (and waiting a tick) to edit the fil name? like a keyboard shortcut im not aware of, im a seasoned mac user but need enlightening,
I want to make sure that the file names in iPhoto are unique. For some reason, my digital camera was set to reset its file namer to start at IMG_0001 with every roll, so I have several dozen files with the same file names. Within iPhoto, it's generally not a problem, but if I need to work with a group of files outside of iPhoto, copy-dragging a bunch of photos across rolls to a single folder generally bombs out because of the conflicting file names. iPhoto doesn't seem to have any sort of file renamer at all, I can change the title, but that doesn't actually change the file name. I could and will now use the iPhoto exporter because it seems to do the trick, but sometimes that isn't as convenient as selecting a bunch of files and dropping them into my preferred folder.
I have an AFP share on my nas box containing many files. My problem is that when I try and to rename files by hitting enter, the finder window refreshes and I lose focus of the file rename. This seems to be happening when finder is refreshing the thumbnails for each file's icon.
How can I stop this very frustrating behavior. This doesn't happen when not using AFP.
On Snow Leopard I was very used to pressing enter and renaming a file by simply typing a new name while preserving the extension. Now I've noticed that in Lion when you press enter and start typing the new name, you'll have to type in the extension too.
I am very new to automator, but relatively savvy with macs and such. Having a strange problem where an Automator file action to rename a file with a sequential number is only working one time. The second time a new file drops into the folder, nothing happens. If I edit the Automator File Action, change the number to a new higher number, it will work one more time, and then not again. The basic task is to rename a file with a new text and sequential number each time a file is dropped or saved to a folder. I am using a slide scanner, and the default image file that is saved is called 'untitled' each time. Having this work would let me automate the entire scanning process to one click...
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 3.06 Intel Core 2 Duo
I have a bunch of mp3 files that I would like to rename the original file name. Itunes only allows me to change metadata, but to fix broken names and keep organized, I need to change the file name. Once I rename the file, it shows the new name, and then upon playing it, it reverts back to the original name. I do not have any locked permissions. I have parallels and tried to rename them on the windows 7 side but same effect. I tried to shut all programs off so the file was not in use. I even tried to export it as a acc file type. I am exhausted looking for a solution, this is why I am using this forum as a last ditch effort.
I drag to the trash icon on the dock does not go into the trash at all. Instead a window opens asking if I am sure I want to delete the item and when I then click delete it is deleted all the same. Previously however the items went into the trash, you could see on the icon that something was in there and I could then decide later if I want to delete it permanently or have it restored.
I've set up an Automator to batch rename files. The renaming works fine. The problem arises when it renames a file which doesn't contain it's extension (a common MacOS practice). Is there some way to make sure it preserves the filetype? For instance, this works fine:
And this results in an error:
Output (file type has been replaced with generic "document" type)
Just purchased a Magic Mouse to use with my Macbook Pro. When I left click on a Bookmarked Website in Safari it does not open the website it gives me the option to rename the website. Very frustrating. I have to either click on the screen shot above the bookmarks or I have to right click and choose open.
Why does Mac OX 10.6.8 keep making copies of a file anytime I download, copy, or move a file? It will copy, dowload or move the file, then begin making copies until I reboot. This makes it impossible to deal wit hfiles unless I want to spend a lot of time rebooting after every time, then deleting all the redundant copies.
I have read all the comments reference removal of Firefox, it doesn't move. I CLICK ON launch Pad, move to the Firefox app, grab it and move it to the trash; the basket expands as it should but the App will not go in; it shoots straight back up to the Grid Position.I've opened the App looking for Locks, Permissions and so on but it just will not go. Even when it is in the Dock and moved over the Trash it doesn't give the warning that it is in use.... it just doesn't want to know.
My little girl got on my computer and did something. I cant drag or move files anywhere. When attempting to move a file, I get asked for my password but after entering it it tells me I don't have sufficient privileges. I checked my settings and I can't find anything thats been changed.
My 50GB memory is unexpectedly showing full on my Macbook Pro but when I go to move anything to Trash it's not registering it at all i.e. when I open Trash it is empty and when I press empty, nothing is happening. I have just spent an hour trying to cull my Itunes folder only to find that it isn't registering any changes because the disk is full. Also Spotlight has disappeared from top corner of the screen. Is this all related?
I'm still trying to get my head around editing in iMovie 09... I'm trying to delete some raw footage I have and I figured out how to do it, now the only problem is... it just doesn't do it. When I filter it to show rejected clips only, and then click on the "Move Rejected to Trash" button, it doesn't do anything.
I can't move any files on the desktop or put them in the trash.When I try to move the file it shows the circle with the loine through it. When I try to trash them it asks for a password, after I type it in it makes the typical trashing sound but it doesn't go into the trash. I am using lion.