OS X V10.7 Lion :: IMessage From IOS Will Be Available To Mac?
Feb 4, 2012the iMessage from the iOS will be available to the mac? If not i think it will be amazing if the iMessge will be amazing to the mac.
Mac OS X (10.7.2)
the iMessage from the iOS will be available to the mac? If not i think it will be amazing if the iMessge will be amazing to the mac.
Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I downloaded the iMessage in MAC beta but can not activated my apple ID account. I tried many times and even uninstall and reinstall. It does appear my Google Talk in account with active function but not sure works or not.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
I click on uninstall and I am not able to uninstall imessage here is the error I keep getting
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7)
I can't get iMessage (beta) to finish installing on my iMac. The whirligig has been spinning for over fifteen minutes.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
My iMessage says inactive how do i fix that?
the color of the text bubbles changes colors from pink to orange and now grey on the contact my is still green?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
All of a sudden my macbook pro's iMessage stopped working! Every time I'd send a message, a red circle with an exclamation point pops up on the side of the message. Somedays it'll be on and off where i could send iMessages but only receive one on my mac. I already reinstalled os x and deleted everything, but iMessage wouldn't work on my mac. Same goes for FaceTime! When I accept a FaceTime call, the whole window goes to the side and disappear.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIf I send an iMessage to my daughter in Boston, it works fine. She is also an iMessage user.
Sending the same message with a photograph: iMessage will say it has been "delivered" - but then 30 seconds or so later it changes to indicate that transmission failed. Retry never works.
Earlier today I received 2 iMessages from another iPhone 4 user, I only realised this now, when I checked my iPhone. He sent them to my mobile number not my email address. They never showed up on my Mac, (messages beta), are only iMessages sent to email addresses received on mac?
iPhone 4, iOS 5.0.1, Mac 10.7.3
hhow do I find a number I didn't save but sent a iMessage to?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI couldn't log into my iMessage account in the Messages application on Mac OS 10.8.5 on my Macbook Pro. At first it would try to log in, then I get a window saying that I couldn't log in and to contact support, . And this was the "validation code" - 2759-9329-5430
I called support, they said that there was probably just a glitch and it'd be fixed in an hour... it's been about 4 days. Still can't log in. After I received that first message that took me to this page, then is just started saying "can't log in." .I'm back to getting that "validation code" page link again... Who spilled a beer on the iCloud server again?
I Am getting increasingly frustrated that iMessage is working on my iPhone but not on iPad or MacBook Pro. I have tried settings system preferences, taking jabber off etc but still no joy.
View 5 Replies View RelatedInstalled IMessage Beta and now my address book is empty.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I installed but I cant send any messages to my friend's iPhone. Am I need something more?? I use macbook air 11" lion 10.7.3... what should I do after installation? the program say ".... is not available for iMessage". how can I make available my friend's iPhone?
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have an iMac 24 in 8,1 Core 2 Duo 2008. I have it connected by ethernet to my router/modem which is connected to my fixed phone line for internet connection. The router has wi-fi activated [802.11 a/b/g/n] and I access the internet through it to and from my iPad 2 and my iPhone 4. None of these connections have any problems. I have not set up/activated iCloud.
I have no problem sending iMessages between my iPhone and my iPad via my router's wi-fi.I could [and often do] send myself an email from my iPad to my iMac with data but I wish to activate the iMessage process.But I can not send iMessage to my iMac from my iPad. Presumably I have to activate my iMac's wi-fi and this I can not do. I click on the wi-fi icon in the menu bar which brings up 'wi-fi not configure' [greyed out] and 'Open Network preferences'. When I do open network preferences I am told wi-fi is inactive. And it seems there is nothing I can do to activate it. I have been through all the windows for network preferences.
Usually when I turn my computer on or open it back up & log in, iMessage will automatically log me in and show my buddy list. For some reason, sometimes it won't & whatever I try to do (like change my status from offline to available) will not work. I have tried restarting iMessage multiple times & still it won't work.
Info:MacBookPro, iOS 5.1.1
get iMessage on new macbook pro?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI recently updated to OS X Mavericks 10.9.1 and have found I cannot log into iMessages. When I entered my Apple ID and password, the "spinner" spins and spins and I am never logged in. When I bypassed the iMessage welcome screen and tried log in via iMessage preferences, it gives me an error message. The header is, "Could not sign into iMessage." The message is, "Could not sign in. Please check your network connection and try again." My network connection is fine as I can use iMessage on my iPhone on the same WiFi network.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just uploaded the new software to my older MacBook and i have "imessage" now. when i try and send out a text it says "messages couldnt send message to "number@gmail.com" " i have friends that use there macbooks to text and i have tried sending them messages and it wont work. I am signed in on Facetime but still not sure how to set up "imessage"
I can't access my iMessage. It askes me to enter my passwors and I do so but I still can't get in
View 1 Replies View RelatedLike the title says, my iMessage and FaceTime is not working. I can't log in to either one of them on my MacBook Pro (OS X Mavericks 10.9.4).
I keep getting the message that it can't get configured at the moment but iMessage and FaceTime is activated on both my iPhone 5S and my iPad 2 and works like a charm there. So is should not be anything wrong with the account, is seems to be something blocking the log in on my admin user though. If i choose the "Guest Log in" everything works, here I can activate my iMessage account.
I read somewhere that it could be some program blocking iMessage / effecting iMessage / (The thread said FlashPlayer) so I have deleted all the local savings from Safari, settings and saved choices related to FlashPlayer.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I don't know what I did with my imessage, but I can't log in anymore to my account and I can't access the Settings menu.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI recently upgraded to Mavericks, and now the iMessage notifications that I get on my Macbook Pro are different, and I'm not sure how (or if I can) change them back to before. It used to be that when I got an iMessage and was using my laptop, the Messages application would bounce on the dock and show a "1" or however many new messages I had.
Now, with Mavericks, it doesn't bounce on the dock or show the number of new messages. It will only play the sound or display a banner if I want it to. Is there any way to get a number to show with the new messages I have, or can it not do that anymore with Mavericks??
I've tried it all! I've read through all the tricks and deleted the folders. I just updated my software to 10.9.3! I get the "this number is not registered with iMessage" for all of my contacts
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I'm trying to get iMessage on my Macbook pro. But i don't know how to get the app.
MacBook Pro
I have tried updating my laptop but I still can't find iMessage
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
when I try to send a message to any contact, it says that contact is not registered. However, I can send him/her imessage from my iPhone. I have already tried to reinstall Os X, to sign in and sign out.
View 14 Replies View RelatedChecked account credentials and they're correct, it works fine on iPhone, but I can´t log in on iMessage or Facetime on the Macbook,
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
i have changed my passcode numerous times and i am still not able to sign in to iMessage.
MacBook Air
I decided to test out the IMessage app on my laptop, but when i try to sign into it using my Apple I.D it says that “Your Apple I.D XXX can’t be used to set up an account right now” and then tells me to contact iMessage Support, I can’t call Apple Care because my warranty is up and i’ve tried everything i can think of. It’s the correct I.D and password. When the message pops up and i click contact support - it sends me to a page with a verification code and says they dont have enough info to set up an account.
MacBook, iOS 8, IMessage