OS X V10.7 Lion :: Determine If Mac Was Booted Of An External Drive In The Past?

Apr 10, 2012

Is there a way to determine if your mac was booted of an external drive in the past?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: USB3 External Drive Keeps Getting Booted

Apr 30, 2012

I recently got a 750 GB WD 'My Passport' external backup drive (the USB3 version) and every time I plug it in, my MacBook Pro starts the spotlight process and then within 5 seconds kicks the drive off!

Then, it gives me the lecture dialogue of dismounting the drive correctly (via Finder for example), not to just pull the drive out of the USB port!

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Booted From USB Drive / Cannot Unmount Primary Drive To Erase

Aug 28, 2014

I've been having problems booting into my OSX partition. At the time it started I wasn't using my Macbook Pro (Late 2009) very often so whenever I needed I just booted up into my BOOTCAMP partition. Anyways, I decided to finally stop being lazy and do a clean install. There's nothing on either partition of the same hard drive that I want. I put together a bootable USB drive and boot from it. From here I go to the Disk Utility and try to erase the entire drive. It gives me this error: URL....

Now, that's not a screenshot from my mac but its the exact same error. Anyways, I've tried to find something on point but I just can't. Some posts have stated that the hard drive is broken, but if that's the case why can I start up the BOOTCAMP partition of the exact same drive flawlessly? I can even manipulate files on the OSX partition from Windows 7. 

MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.1)

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OS X :: MacBook Disk Erase Failed While Booted From External HD

Aug 4, 2009

I'm booted on a MacBook Pro from an external drive, and I want to erase the drive inside the MacBook using Disk Utility from the external. For some reason or another, it won't let me do this. When I click on the Erase tab (whether clicked on the disk itself or the volume "Macintosh HD") and try to erase it, it returns with the error:

Disk Erase failed
Disk Erase failed with the error: Could not unmount disk.

When I try to install an image onto the drive, I get a similar error, except it says "Operation not permitted." When I tried it while booted with an OS X DVD, it worked fine. As far as I know, I should be able to do this while booted from the external HD.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Booted From Firewire External Disk, Internet Slow

Jun 22, 2012

My iMac is currently being booted from external disk via Firewire 800. I have to do this until I receive new install disks from apple to resore my machine.

The computer is usable, however internet is very slow... I have other devides, windows machine, ipad, iphone and they all run okay.

It seems that because I have booted via the external disk..... internet is slow. Could this be as the OS is needed to refer to the external disk?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Determine What Drive Is Inside The Enclosure

Sep 26, 2009

I have a WD 500GB My Book - Essential Edition

Is there anyway to determine what drive is inside the enclosure?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Get Key Board On Mac Book Pro To Illuminate While Booted In Windows 7 With Bootcamp?

May 26, 2012

How do I get the key board on my Mac Book Pro to illuminate while booted in windows 7 with bootcamp?

MacBookPro, Windows7

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Using Time Machine To Determine When I Installed Update?

Feb 22, 2012

Does anyone know if there is a file I can look at on the system to determine what version of the OS is install?  I'm no longer able to boot once I updated to 10.7.3 and I want to restore from Time Machine back to 10.7.2 but I don't remember the exact date that I did the update.  I want to be able to look at the Time Machine backup files by attaching it to another machine in order to determine when I did the update and restore from that point.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Use FileVault To Encrypt Both Hard Drive And Time Machine Backup External Drive?

Jul 2, 2012

I would like to use FileVault to encrypt both my hard drive and time machine back up external drive. Does encryption noticeable slow down the computer.

MacBook Air (13-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: It Won't Get Past Grey Screen

May 25, 2012

My Macbook Pro (2008) was upgraded to Lion 10.7.2 before I bought it used. It's always been slow and after a little while it won't boot up properly, it only gets as far as the apple logo with the spinning wheel underneath.I've have used Recovery HD and Disk Utility to repair/verify the hard drive and after the repair it still won't boot up past the apple logo. I downloaded OSX Lion 10.7.4 (client combo) update onto an external drive but I can't install the update when using Recovery HD. I've tried mounting the existing hard drive onto an external drive, but I get an error mesage immediately.

There are only a few folders I need to take from the existing hard drive in the Macbook Pro. What can I do to either access my hard drive or get it to boot up properly? I have a retail copy of a Snow Leopard DVD that I can use. I believe I might have saved Lion onto a DVD a while ago, but Apple seems to insist we intall by downloading the latest Lion? Basically I need to access the hard drive without erasing the data

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Trash Bin Has Been Frozen For Past Two Days

Mar 2, 2012

I tried force quitting, restarting and neither worked. It's done this before. I've had some problems with my Mac.

MacBook Pro

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Install On An External Drive?

Mar 17, 2012

I have read the discussions on making a bootable backup of Lion on external hard drive or a USB drive. I am not clear on whether I can purchase Lion from the App Store and have it download on an external drive so that my Macbook with 10.6.8 will remain as is. I want to test drive Lion before giving up Snow Leopard. I use SuperDuper and have a bootable Snow Leopoard on an external hard drive. Addendum: It looks like I may need to upgrade from 2GB of ram to 4GB before using Lion. My question still stands though.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: External 2TB Drive Is 'read Only'?

Apr 12, 2012

i just bought a mac mini and everything seems to be running great. however, i plugged in a 2TB drive i used on my Windows 7 laptop and whenever i try to delete or add a file i get an error saying the drive is 'read only'. i've plugged in a USB thumb drive and this works fine. is there anything i can do? 

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Cannot Boot To External Drive

May 24, 2012

I am trying to create an external boot drive but I can not boot to an external drive.If I mount an install disk to any drive I have it will not boot to it. If I select it in startup drive or option boot it will not work.

Info:Xcode, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: It Won't Boot Lion Past Grey Screen

Mar 5, 2012

MacBook pro wont boot up. I followed steps posted on other threads: 

1) command r

2) repaired hard disc (there were 3 errors, now all fixed) if I try to restart, computer still doesn't boot past the grey screen.  

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mac Wont Boot Up Past Apple Logo

Apr 15, 2012

there back in September when I got my macbook I had the problem where it wouldn't boot past the apple logo screen and it was taken away and the hard drive had to be replaced and now it has happened again! I'm so annoyed as Im getting really close to exams at Uni so need my computer but will it need to have the hard drive replaced again!? As well with it being Lion I dont have a disk with it to try utility disk.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Received 2 Panic Reports In The Past 24 Hours?

Apr 15, 2012

I have received 2 Panic Attack reports in the past 24 hours the first was obvious with the little black window message appearing in the middle of my screen the system was idle at the time with several internet window open and a exel workbook. The second occured overnight when I came to my Mac this morning the screen was black i.e. appeared to be asleep as normal I hit a key and nothing happened, I checked the machine and noted that indicator lights on a USB drive I had connected and this copnfirmed the machine was still on, I had my own panic attack! I did the reboot by turning the off switch off, and then restarted a report was displayed indicating a Panic Attack had occured i.e. 

"Interval Since Last Panic Report:  2366911 sec
Panics Since Last Report:          2
Anonymous UUID: ******" 

The report is gibberish to me I wish they would provide a clear indication in these reports to help the non tecky gain some level of understanding as to what may be the problem, that was a mini rant! 

My Hardware Overview:MAC OS X V10.7.3   Model Name:          iMac  Model Identifier:          iMac11,1  Processor Name:          Intel Core i5  Processor Speed:          2.66 GHz  Number of Processors:          1  Total Number of Cores:          4  L2 Cache (per Core):          256 KB  L3 Cache:          8 MB  Memory:          4 GB  Processor Interconnect Speed:          4.8 GT/s  Boot ROM Version:          IM111.0034.B02  SMC Version (system):          1.54f36  Serial Number (system):          W8******5PJ 


iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.4 :: Have Tiger, Can Install Lion On An External Drive

Mar 5, 2012

I have an iMac Intel Core 2 Duo running Tiger. What I would like to do is install Lion on an external hard drive and have the ability to boot up using either Tiger or Lion as the occasion arises. Reason being, I have some software apps that would no longer run on anything higher than Tiger and would require $1200 worth of upgrades. While I plan to eventually make such upgrades (and perhaps buy a new Mac to put it all on), for now I'm seeking an interim solution. In short, I want to take advantage of what Lion has to offer in the way of increased speed and flexibility (especially with internet surfing) while at the same time being able to boot up part of the time in Tiger to continue to run my older apps when needed. So, can it be done? Install Lion on an external HD? Or do I need to install Snow Leopard first, then upgrade to Lion? Or is none of this possible without buying a new computer and just keeping my old machine to run Tiger with the older apps?

iMac 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.4.11), 20-inch flat panel, 1 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: No External Drive Will Work Via Firewire

Mar 13, 2012

I am having a heck of a time trying to get either a brand new Lacie d2 Quadra OR a G-Tech G-Drive (both 2TB desktop models) to work on my iMac via the Firewire port. Mac is running 10.7.3, 2.8ghz Intel Core Duo.  

Both drives are brand new out of the box.  

When I connected them using Firewire they look like they mount, but they are unusable. They won't unmount if I try to reformat. Get error messages if I try to reformat, verify or disk repair. Messages say something about not being able to read some information. Keep in mind there's nothing on the drives. I have tried getting them to work with Time Machine with no luck. A few times it would backup for several hours only to give an error message and crash. Something is clearly wrong when I use Firewire.  

But when I connect using USB? Voila! No problems at all. Repair, formatting, storage, etc. all work fine.  

What the heck is it with Firewire? I am dealing with slow transfer speeds for now, but I'd really like to have them connected via Firewire and off my USB ports.  

I have zapped the PRAM and permission module to no avail. Not sure what else can be done.  

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Intel Mac :: Can't Boot From External Lion Drive

Mar 16, 2012

I am unable to boot lion from an external drive on both a MacBook Pro mid-2009 and an iMac late 2008. Both have lion installed and I would like to boot from either a FW drive or USB key. I have reformatted both a FW drive and USB and set them to GUID and installed lion but I can only boot them to the Disk Utility App (drive shows up only as 'EFI Boot' when I hold option down). 

The firmware is up to date and I also reset the PRAM. I am able to boot both computers from an external USB Snow Leopard drive.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iPhone SDK

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: External Hard Drive Not On Desktop?

Mar 25, 2012

I had a black screen of death moment and since then, I've had a few weird anomalies with my iMac. I ran disk repair while logged in, and it told me there was a problem. I restarted in restore mode, and when I repaired the drive, it found no problems. I don't believe it. 

1. My external hard drives do not appear on the desktop. They are mounted, and I can see them when I open the finder and the disk utility, but they won't show up on the desktop like they used to. I have played with finder preferences shutting the option to see them off and on, but this doesn't change anything. Very strnage. 

2. iTunes completely whacked out. It "restored" itself by magic. Now all the Date Added dates are March 23rd. All of my podcasts disappeared, and all my settings were reset. I have no idea what else I lost. I want to restore from a back up, but I don't know how to do just my iTunes.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7), 2.7 i5 quad

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: TM To Backup From An External SSD Boot Drive?

Mar 25, 2012

I have just installed a 240GB LaCie Little Big Disk Thunderbold SSD as a boot drive for my 2011 iMac (which contains only the 7,200 prm HDD). This has improved read/write speeds dramatically. I have transferred all my data and applications to the external drive in order to see the full benefit of the SSD.

However, I had not considered Time Machine. I thought it would simply be a matter of identifying the external drive and then connecting to the Time Capsule. However, the external drive is not visible in Time Machine set up and I suspect there could be a good reason: that it is not possible.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: External Drive No Longer Bootable

Apr 8, 2012

I installed a recovery copy of Lion on an external USB drive, and although it shows up as a potential startup disk in System Preferences, I can't boot from it. When I select it as the startup disk in System Preferences and reboot, I end up booting from the internal drive. When I hold down ALT when booting, I see the access light on the USB drive blink a few times, but it doesn't show up in the bootable volumes list.The following Knowledge Base article makes me think my problem is that I use the same volume for Time Machine backups: url...I suppose one option would be to partition the external drive, using one partition for backups and the other as a recovery drive. Would that work? Is that the only option?

MacBook Pro (17-inch 2.4 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Cannot Copy Files To/from External Drive

May 10, 2012

I run an iMac 3.06 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo with 10.7.3 and I'm having some serious problems with an external drive.  Some history first - I have a large iTunes library (~3Tb) of everytype of media which I stored on an external NAS (iomega StorCenter) with no problems - then this NAS started to report a drive error with imminent failure. I purchased a new DAS (Western Digital) drive and moved all my content from the NAS to the DAS and everything was ok.  Then I started to get errors through iTunes about cannot find the file and cannot read the files - and then I couldn't access anything on the drive.  At this time I thought this was a different problem because I was running preview Mountain Lion, or there was an actual fault with the disk.  After investigation, and coughing out for Data Rescue 3 I found that somehow the entire file structure had been corrupted and all my files had been orphaned.  So at this point I had one dying NAS drive and one DAS which wasn't usable and no space to recover any files to. 

So - next step was to purchase another external drive (and returned the WD) - this time I went for a G-Raid 4Tb (non-thunderbolt) drive and I've been in the process of recovering files from backups and iTunes.  I've had no problems until today when yet again I've started getting errors and now I have problems copying files to/from this G-Raid drive. 

Technical details - OS-X 10.7.3 - G-Raid 4Tb formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) - currently showing 1,163 folders and 15,452 files. 

Symptoms - using finder drag and drop copy a file from the g-Raid to desktop results in 'The operation can't be completed because the item 'xxx' is in use. - 'The operation can't be completed because one or more required items can't be found (error code -43).' and the copy fails.

Using the cp command I get a 'Resource Busy' error.   However, this is not for all files - I've managed to copy all my books back to the desktop ok, when a couple came up with the above error I tried again and it copied successfully. 

I have run Disk Utility - here are the details :-

- 4TB G-Tech - VerifyVerifying partition map for “G-TECH”Checking prerequisitesChecking the partition listChecking for an EFI system partitionChecking the EFI system partition’s sizeChecking the EFI system partition’s file systemChecking all HFS data partition loader spacesChecking Core Storage Physical Volume partitionsThe partition map appears to be OK   Volume (Media) - VerifyVerifying volume “Media”Checking file systemPerforming live verification.Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.Checking extents overflow file.Checking catalog file.Unused node is not erased (node = 24190)Checking multi-linked files.Checking catalog hierarchy.Checking extended attributes file.Unused node is not erased (node = 24784)Checking volume bitmap.Volume bitmap needs minor repair for under-allocationChecking volume information.The volume Media was found corrupt and needs to be repaired.Error: This disk needs to be repaired. Click Repair Disk.Verify and Repair volume “Media”Volume repair complete.Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.Error: Couldn’t unmount disk.Verify and Repair volume “Media”Volume repair complete.Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.Error: Couldn’t unmount disk.Verify and Repair volume “Media”Volume repair complete.Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.Error: Couldn’t unmount disk.Verify and Repair volume “Media”Checking file systemChecking Journaled HFS Plus volume.Checking extents overflow file.Unused node is not erased (node = 94)Checking catalog file.Invalid sibling linkRebuilding catalog B-tree.The volume Media could not be repaired.Volume repair complete.Updating boot support partitions for the volume as required.Error: Disk Utility can’t repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files. 

and it's just got worse - in getting the info for this post I no longer have access to the drive.   This is the second time this has now happened on two different directly connected drives (USB and Firewire) - which means the problem is elswhere.  I've a stack of errors in the system.log file 

May 10 17:52:16 Neil-Cattons-iMac com.apple.diskmanagementd[1057]: ** /dev/disk1s1
May 10 17:52:16 Neil-Cattons-iMac com.apple.diskmanagementd[1057]: ** Phase 1 - Preparing FAT
May 10 17:52:16 Neil-Cattons-iMac com.apple.diskmanagementd[1057]: ** Phase 2 - Checking Directories
May 10 17:52:16 Neil-Cattons-iMac com.apple.diskmanagementd[1057]: ** Phase 3 - Checking for Orphan Clusters


iMac 21.5 - 3.06Ghz, Mac OS X (10.6.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Rename An External Drive In OS10?

May 14, 2012

describe steps to re-naming an external drive?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.0.x)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Write To NTFS External Drive

May 22, 2012

I want to be able to write to an NTFS-formatted external drive from a Mac (I do not want to create an NTFS partition on my internal drive).  I know about the Paragon NTFS For Mac product, but it doesn't get great reviews on CNET or Amazon. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Use The Same External Hard Drive To Backup?

May 27, 2012

Can I use the same external hard drive to backup (using Time Machine) my Macbook pro and iMac computers? Can they be the same partition?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can't Boot From External Drive After Upgrade

Jun 5, 2012

Prior to upgrading to Lion I used SuperDuper to create a copy of the existing internal hard drive on an new external drive (iOmega eGo 500GB). Tested booting from the external disk and it appeared to work correctly. Upgraded to Lion. Several days later attempted to boot from the external disk (by setting the start up disk in the system preferences) but it fails. The system always boots into Lion.

What I've tried: Setting the start up disk through system preferences. Holding down the option key to select a disk on startup - interestingly enough I only see the internal hard disk and a recover HD. No sign of my external disk. Using a clean partition on the external hard drive I installed SL from the retail DVD. This produces the same effect of system booting to Lion on the internal drive, which suggests that the problem is not related to the copy I made using SuperDuper, but rather has to do with the external drive or something in Lion that prevents using an external drive (but I've never heard of such a thing).

Lion 10.7.4
iMac 2007
External Drive Interface FW800

iMac 24, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Deleting Files From An External Drive In 10.7.3?

Jun 26, 2012

Why when i delete a file from an external drive the file bypass the trash can an gets deleted ?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 4 gigs of ram

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Stop System From Attaching Past Actions To Pointer

Apr 16, 2012

Lion keeps attaching past actions to my pointer that I dont need or want. Can I stop this.

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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