OS X V10.7 Lion :: Black Screen With Pointer On Startup In It?
Mar 8, 2012
I have had to do hard restarts in Lion when it satrts up with a black scren and the mouse pointer and nothing else. It happened most recently today with a scheduled wake up from being asleep. The other day it restarted with the pointer acting as a painting program and actually colored the path of the cursor until it eventually painted in enough of the login window to enter my password and log in... I have reinstalled the os from the App store and it still acts strange some times...
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2007 model, 3 Ghz quad
my macbook air 13 display only black screen and pointer when wake up from sleep. its not frequently happen. to become normal it take 10-15 sec, is it hardware problem or software problem?
My brother's iBook G4 (I think it's a 2003 model) has a problem with the screen. When the computer is turned on, the screen stays black, although the backlight is on (the apple glows). Sometimes, on start up, the screen works normally for a random amount of time before going fuzzy and then black again.
Any ideas on how to fix this? Is it likely to be a problem with the hardware in the actual computer, or just the screen? Or is it a software thing?
My iBook will not display anything on its screen. Rather, it just remains black. One time, the screen did come on, but then shortly after booting, it flickered a lot and then went black again. A year ago, something similiar happened and when I took it to be serviced (when I had AppleCare), they had to send it away and have a new logic board installed. Now this machine is out of warrenty and and I am not sure what to do, or even if it is the same problem. Any suggestions?? Thanks!
After an update(I think) I can no longer get into my computer. When turned on I get the apple logo then a grey screen that turns to black but the curser is active . Then there is no more progress to the startup screen
my iMac has this glitch, the cursor jumps or teleports across screen every second. I move it and then it jumps again, always jumps to the same place, same exact pixel everytime. I try to move the cursor quickly (to open safary or hit stand by) but no matter where the pointer is across the 27" screen, it teleports like a clock.Â
I changed batteries on the trackpad and magic mouse and it didn't work. I turned mouse off, left trackpad on and it didn't work. I tried using a wired mouse and it didn't work. this is obviously not related to the input device.Â
I would like to restore the input driver with time-machine but I have no idea where the drivers reside in the machine. I also have no idea how to roll-back or reinstall such drivers on a Mac.Â
this is not the jittery, erratic, jumpy bug. When this glitch is triggered and I have absolutely no clue how or why, sometimes it starts 1 minute after reboot, sometimes 30 minutes; when it is triggered it starts to teleport every second, the arrow jumps to the same spot. it's unbearable since it renders the machine useless. I have to press the power button to send it to sleep, resume and then the glitch is gone, only to come back 5 or 30 minutes afterwards.Â
Finally, this thing happened last year in november. I wasn't able to solve it back then so I had to reinstall the whole OS Lion, that meant waiting 6 hours for it to download from the appStore (because Apple doesn't allow me to keep a copy LION on my system). I think that's plain silly since it's obviously a very mundane (but annoying) glitch and there's got to be a workarround that doesn't require system restore.
Info: iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 8gb, 1Tb, iOS Lion, wireless device
Just got my macpro few days ago and black screen shows at start up, sound and keyboard light will turn on Except for the screen. I dont know what to do!
I have a Mac Pro (Early 2008) running on 10.5.8 OSX with apple 20" display and 16G RAM.
Initially started with my MACPRO not waking up from sleep and has to force the shut down with power button. Finally realised it was due to my Epson scanner connected via USB...
The main issues now is with the display, black screen on startup. I can still control the volume and disk eject/close, just no display. Force shut down with power button numerous time but futile. Finally solved it with SMC reset.
it becomes an on and off issues... and continuously I solved it with SMC reset.... sometimes needed 2 or 3 resets to get it to work,and finally for the past few days... SMC reset can't solve it either... no display on startup, and same thing I can control the volume and disk eject/close. Have tried my monitor on other mac and it worked fine.
Now this is strange. if I let the mac cool off totally,after a SMC reset. the display will comes up fine...
Last night I was using my computer all fine. However this morning I turn it up, the white light where you push to open the lid, is on without flashing, and there is a black screen.
Please note that I have not installed any new hardware devices i.e. hard drive, ram, etc.
I tried to push the power button for like 10 seconds straight when I turned on to see if that would fix the problem but no. I can hear the hard drive starting up when I push the power button but black screen.
Could this perhaps be one of those faulty 8800 M GT nvidia gfx?
But I'm scared to take it to Apple because earlier this year, I took it apart and redid the thermal pasting and I kind of have screw drive marks on my keyboard aluminum part... It's like so obvious I opened it before. But, my 1 year coverage is already over so hope that doesn't eliminate me from getting that nvidia service in the case that it is the gfx card hardware problem?
I have been limping along for quite some time with a recurring problem with my PPC Flat Panel iMac G4.Sometimes when starting up I would get a black screen. The unit chimes at startup but the screen would stay black.I found that I was able to fix (temporary) the problem by removing the bottom plate and pushing the reset button under the base.(After shutting down and unplugging the unit.) after the startup chime, the screen turned gray with a folder icon in the center with a blinking question mark.After shutting down and restarting, this happened again 3 times.On the 4th shutdown/startup it went back to the black screen.Repeated shutdown/restarts have no effect.Shutting down, unplugging the unit and pushing the reset button is also having no effect.I hear the startup chime every time. Black screen every time as well now.Â
every morning I turn on my new Macbook Pro the screen stays black. When I move close to the screen I can see the password entering box far away, when I then type it it is booting into Mac OS X but the screen is still off. After some time, the screen blinks a couple of times and then the screen is displayed as it should and I can work all day.Â
I have resetted PRAM and called Apple Care. They made me reinstall OS X mavericks.Can it have something to do with the fact I have FileVault enabled on the disk?
I just replaced my LCD. It was working fine, but now just stopped working. It's a mid-2009 A1286 15in Macbook Pro.
The computer itself works fine and I tested it using an external monitor. I can FAINTLY make out the display on the screen, so I'm guessing it is a backlight issue? Don't mid-2009 don't have display inverters?
This 5 year old iMac makes the seek optical drive sound when switched on, but does not chime, but I can hear the hard drive going afterwards.
The screen just stays black, not a flicker.
The problem is that it is located in a small pretty isolated town in NE Brazil, I will be going back out there later in the summer so if anyone has any helpful ideas it would be most welcome. Fortunately we have a full CCC clone of the hard drive and a working MBP so we haven't lost anything, but it would be very good to have it working again.
Does it have a socket for an external monitor, I really cannot remember, as I have not seen it since November, I know the old round iMacs had one.
The nearest Mac store is probably in Rio or Sao Paulo which are a good day travelling by car and plane so there is no chance of getting it there.
I replaced my hard drvie in my A1208 iMac yesterday, and didn't have the OS disc or a keyboard. After installing the HD, I booted the computer to make sure everything was working. I got the "?" screen, and everything seemend to be working just fine. So today, I picked up a keyboard from the Apple store and dug out the disc After I got back home, I booted the computer to install the OS, and the screen went black a few seconds after the chime and grey screen, but was still running. (I could hear the fan and disc spinning) I've tried to restart, but i'm still having the same problem. I've tried to research other issues, but haven't found anything comparable.
The story behind it - I used it a bit at home, connected to the AC adapter, then closed it and put it in a laptop bag (quite tight on both sides - like a sleeve [you have to slide the computer out - it doesn't open]).
Then it was in the bag for 10-15minutes, I took it out, opened it up and this came up! (while it was like this, I could see the black mouse pointer and move it about just fine)
I did a hard restart, and then everything was fine.
Recently my Mac has been extremely unstable. It keeps freezing up and hanging for no reason. Initially a 3 beep would sound off, I ran some tests like the apple hardware one and realised that one of the rams was bad. I bought 2 new sticks of ram and replaced it. Following which, the mac still freezes up and a 3 beep alarm sounded off again.
Currently, I'm trying to turn it on, no 3 beep signal is sounding off but the Mac either keeps freezing and showing a highly pixelated screen or a black screen surfaces. There is some sound coming off from the laptop as well. Each time I switch on the system, it just shows a black screen with no display.
The Mac is a 15'' 2.66 MHz i7 which was manufactured in the mid 2010s. The 2 new sticks of ram are Strontium 1066Mhz 4Gb x 2 sticks. In the initial stages: kernel panics were common as well.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
The latest iMac model. When I click on the power button: I can hear the Hard disk and the DVD drive spin up. The screen stays black. The startup sounds plays half way through the first time, like its being cut off. After the first startup chime has been cut, the chime keeps playing in a loop. The computer doesn't come any further than that.
I have tried: Unplugging all peripherals, with the same result. SMC reset: Unplug power cord and hold power button for 5 sec. PRAM reset...
It seems like the computer does not even get to boot and ignores all keyboard input. I also tried booting from the DVD drive with the installation disk. But I can't get any further than the repeating startup chimes.
I cant seem to make it shut down completely or re-start, it seems to be in sleep mode and wont wake up. When I try and restart it makes a sound like its trying to eject a disc (there is nothing in the cd drive).
My iBook G4 (bought early 2004, OS 10.3.9) seems to have (all of a sudden) two layers of problems. One is failure to start-up, which won't go beyond the plain blue screen stage, for almost all procedures. (I can access terminal mode, and also, sometimes, reach the login window by holding shift key on startup. Strangely, the whole startup sequence seems to roll over normally after *several hours* of inactivity, but this miracle will not recur before the following day.) Now, second layer: In these rare circumstances when booting and login succeed, I can't work more than a few seconds, one minute maximum, before the pointer freezes and I lost all control.
For instance (a typical sequence), I face the page with the butterfly with my username, which I am allowed to click, then I have time to write in the password before freezing happens. After a few minutes staring at the page, I see it alternate rapidly (about three times a second) with a black screen, and vertical black lines dance in front of the login window during the fractions of second it's visible. I have been able (during these rare seconds of unrestrained access) to repair permissions, verify and repair the disk (several times), proceed with fsck, etc. The material diagnostic is "all OK", which I find hard to believe. (The disk ejection system doesn't seem to work properly, for one thing.) The problems appeared five days ago just after, coincidence or not, I tried to read an MP3 format CD.
A bizarre thing: when I wake my Cube from sleep, the mouse pointer seems to have converted itself into a black 1" square. As soon as I click in a program it changes back to an arrow.
I have just installed a new Mac Pro. Everything works except I get occasional mouse pointer freezes. They last for about 1 second each time and seem to occur randomly, on average with 1-2 min intervals.
The only things I have installed on top of OS X so far driver wise is MouseWorks to power my Kensington trackball. I use my older large full-keyed white Pro keyboard and only use the smaller wireless one remotely. I have tried deactivating Bluetooth but the mouse freezes still persist.
Brand new to mac book pro 2.66ghz from pc this week. Learning the ropes although slowly. I've been watching some tutorial online on different sites and I'm wondering why (it seemed to work at first) when I click to view in full screen mode the pointer stays on the screen. When watching a movie on dvd or full screen you tube video the pointer is supposed to disappear. Since I don't know my way around yet and what to look for I figured I'd throw it to the experts.
I am using macbook pro 15" with latest Maverick OS.Lately, I find that after I log in, the pointer goes missing from the screen and as a result I am unable to click on any icon.I have tried plugging in a USB Mouse, mouse pointer again does not show on the screen.When I force switch off from the power switch,and switch on again I get the pointer.Some times I have to repeat the process.
I'm have an issue where when I login to my mac, it goes to a black/grey screen. It's definately on, but you just can't see anything. I'm think poss hard drive failure, but I'm not sure.  Â
Earler this week, I noticed copying files from different devices and HDD, were particuarly slower that normal. Today the screen started to flicker quite eratically and I had to force a restart. It seem to be ok after that. However a few hours after, while I was doing some work, the screen just went a greyish black. Â Â Â
Each time I re-booted, it would either just go to a black screen as soon as it started up, or, get all the way the the desktop, then the black screen would appear.  Â
I've reset the PRAM and SMC. I even got a Blue screen while halfway through performing a Hardware test. Â I've tried changing the memory modules and still no luck, safe mode fails too. Â Â Â
Could it be HD failure? Or something more servere like the logic board. I did the Java update today too, however, I'm sure the screen was flickering before that. Â Â Â
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 750Gb HD, 4Gb Memory, 3.06Mhz CPU
my iMac(mid-2010) screen goes black soon after startup.i did notice some flickering about a week ago.i tried shutting it down,removing the power cord and all peripherals but it didn't help.i had done a software update a few days before the flickering started.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I read early discussion posts on this topic and thought by now Apple would have corrected this poblem but apparently not. I updgraded my MacBook Pro last night to Lion and since last evening I have had 5 black screen (failures) and had to power off and reboot. Is there a known correction or update to this problem? It is extremely disappointing as I need my Mac for my business and cannot afford to send it to a depot for a five day repair.Â
This same problem was happening to me with an older OS but ONLY when I used both PowerPoint and Parallels at the same time. For this probem I took the MacBook into the Genius Bar and had to leave it there through the weekend and all day Monday. They told me after running multiple tests they found no hardware problems and the issue had to be software. The only fix was a five day depot repair. I thought I would manage by not using PowerPoint and Parallels together but now, with the Lion Upgrade it happens with ALL apps and when I simply try to read an email.Â
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Black Screen of Death.
I installed 10.7.4 update and now my screen goes black. It is quiet random at times, but mostly goes black after a few seconds from wakeup. Pressing the space-bar restores the screen, then sometimes it goes black again almost immediately.