OS X V10.7 Lion :: Will Photoshop CS5 Run In 32-bit Mode In 10.8
Jun 26, 2012
I have a Photoshop plugin that only runs in 32-bit mode. So when I upgraded to CS6 I've kept CS5 and launch it in 32-bit mode when I want to use the plugin (CS6 doesn't run in 32-bit mode). Will I be able to run CS5 this way when OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion is released?
anyone know if it's possible to take a screenshot–whether of the entire screen or of just a selected area–and have it immediately open in photoshop?Â
if this doesn't exist, wouldn't it be great if apple created it?Â
The problem I am having is in Photoshop 12.0.4. I had set my cursor to show brush size but whenever I click and drag using a brush (any type of brush) the cursor changes to a standard Macintosh arrow cursor for the duration of the drag, then reverts to the brush size cursor only when I stop dragging. This makes it very difficult to see where I am painting. This only occurs on my MacBookPro… my iMac performs exactly as I would expect it to. I have quit Photoshop and deleted all my settings and preferences files but it doesn't make any difference. I have tried different combinations of cursor settings with no success. I have an external monitor connected to my MBP but it doesn't matter which screen my PS window is on.
I upgraded to CS6 yesterday and could install the programmes properly. Once I launchpad to start using the new Phptoshop though, I couldn't find it anywhere. I moved the app outside the CS6 subfolder and placed it into the actual apps folder. It didn't appear anyway and this way I wasn't able to launch the app neither.
When saving a file from Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended, file icons will not be saved with any format (forget about the alpha channel docs) - png, tif, jpg, psd, etc. I booted from my Lion Installer flash drive, repaired permissions and disk and some icon previews reappeared. Some didn't. No generic icon or anything. My Photoshop prefs are set to save a preview on the icons, as are with the 3 other Mac users who have reported the same problem.
I could not use the type tool to create 'live' text on a layer. With the type tool selected I get the following error message when clicking to begin typing: "Could not complete your request because of a programme error." I quit Photoshop then attempted to launch the application by opening the file. The application opened but the file wouldn't, giving the same error message. I quite Photoshop again and relaunched the application from the Dock. The applicatiuion opens fine but displays the same error message (before I have attempted to open a file). With a file open I checked the type palette, where the dafault typeface is shown as Myriad Pro, but the default settings are: Type size: 1ptLinefeed (leading): 1ptKerning: 1Tracking 1Type height: 0% [code] Some odd settings there. The type tool bar (at the top of my display) has blank fields. Typing desired values into any of these fields doesn’t resolver the issue.I have tried restarting, creating a new file but to no avail.
running OSX Lion on iMac Photoshop will not open. It says I need to update Java Runtime, but I do not have any updates. It says I am not connected to the internet and I am obviously since I am here.
I am running 10.7.3, and I am trying to get Mackie Tracktion 3 up and running on my Mac. I've been told tha T3 works on previous version of the Mac OS, but not the last few updates. Is there any way that I can run this program in a compatibility mode, or revert my OS to a version that supports T3?
I think it is pretty unsafe to not have a password befor entering the recovery mode.Since one can reset passwords on even admin accounts how come there are no password requiret before entering Recovery mode? It is completly idiotic and totaly unsafe and an easy ways for f.i thiefs to wipe the computer for data.
I got a new MacBook Air a couple months ago, and transferred the data and settings from my old MBA. Ever since then, it has entered 'single-app-mode' which can't be turned off. I have tried (in Terminal): defaults write com.apple.dock single-app -bool falsekillall Dock To no avail. No matter what, it stays in single app mode.This is making my MBA virtually unusable. I can't drag and drop between apps, I can't see the iOS simulator and XCode at the same time when debugging, I can't even reference a document while writing an email, unless I print it. It's absolutely terrible. To make the problem even more annoying, when clicking an icon in the Dock to switch apps (really the only way other than command-tab) it doesn't open the last window used. e.g. If I have three Safari windows open, and I switch from email back to Safari, it will open the least recent window, so I have to hunt for the window that was open last. Every single time! If I log in as a different user, the problem doesn't exist, so it's definitely a configuration issue. I do notice, when I use 'defaults read com.apple.dock' that "single-app" is listed in quotes, while other settings are not:
My Macbook pro refuses to start up in 32 bit mode. At least as I believe so. When I go to "Apple > About This Mac > More Info > System Report > Software" It says "64-bit Kernel and Extensions: No" which leads me to believe (through previous research) that I am currently NOT in 64 bit mode and thus 32 bit. However in activity moniter it says everytihng is running in 64 bit mode, which to me, is quite confusing. I have tried holding down key's "3" and "2" during start up and I have tried the terminal command line for it ("sudo systemsetup -setkernelbootarchitecture i386"). Both to no avail.
I have been using a Wacom Bamboo for a while now and always have it in Mouse mode.
Since I upgraded my iMac to SnowLeopard, the Bamboo Pen/Mouse mode always resets back to Pen Mode after I have booted my iMac which is verrrry annoying - especially since I have a dual-monitor setup!
I have already tried to install the latest drivers for the Bamboo but this has not resolved my problem.
Has anyone else seen this problem and possibly know how to solve it?
I have a 15" mbp with 10.6 Intel core duo, 4gb ram with a boot camp and ubuntu partition through parallels. The other day I was installing xcode from apple's website, which failed 3 times after downloading saying the package couldn't be expanded. I left my computer for a while and came back where i then had to log in again. it rejected my password numerous time (i'm positive it was correct). when i restarted my computer i got a kernal panic screen when the apple logo came up. it told me to restart the computer which i did. didn't work. i restarted with the osx cd to use the disk utility. when it checked the drive it found a bunch of errors, which i then tried to correct. it went for a couple minutes then told me they couldn't be fixed and i should try to back up my data and reinstall osx. i don't know how to back up my hard drive when i can't log into my account. i've tried to boot in target disk mode and copy some files that way, but the only disk the other computer sees is my windows partition- no mac partition.
i've also tried these, none of these have worked: restarting in safe mode resetting the ram and pram booting with different sticks of ram all result in a kernal panic.
my windows partition still works fine though (as much as i hate to say it) the only things I really care about on my computer are my files from school and my itunes library. is there any way i can get these files off my computer?
My connection via wifi keeps dropping after sleep mode. I am running Lion on Imac, new out the box a month or two ago and all up to date. I have tried the whole adding a new connection and removing all connections and starting again and still it keeps happening.
I consider this an oddity in Lion. I have two monitors. If I have Mail open in the left one and let's say Address book on the right one, and I put Mail into full screen mode, the other monitor goes gray. So no way to have one monitor in full screen mode and still use the second monitor!
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 5 GB ram/MOTU 424/Logic Control
Every time I open ITunes, it starts in a Full Screen mode - this it perfect! I don't know how I managed that. But more important: How can I get my other mac programs to do so (that has the full mode function) - a still not forget that they should open in fullscreen mode every time.
The only old discussion from 2007 suggests up to 30 minutes. It seems strange that it would take so long. Has anyone tried this more recently on a PowerMac G5 using Mac OS X 10.7?
I am running OSX Lion latest version on my Macbook Pro 4,1 and can't get the thing to boot from any source. Always get's stuck at the grey screen with apple logo. Have tried all the following...
- Straight Boot (power on) - Boot via Recovery HD (hold option on bootup then select) - Boot via Safe Mode (Holding Shift on bootup) - Boot via Safe Mode Verbose (Shift, Command, V) - Boot via bootable Lion USB Key (Hold option, and choose the USB drive - not the same USB key works on my other macbook pro)
On every one (except verbose) it just get's stuck on the grey screen with spinning timer thingy. I have done PVRAM reset, SMC reset and have reseated the RAM and all to no avail. I'm pretty sure the problem was caused by removing battery at wrong time (device not responding after sleep mode started and I plugged in power - should have been more patient!)
I have a Time Machine backup but it's a bit older than I thought and very much want to get my newer photos off it before rebuilding - not that Time Machine would work in current state anyway. So what are my remaining options? Will I have to open it up and remove the HD as next step or is there anything else left to try? Can I remove the HD and connect it via a USB caddy to my existing Mac to recover info (hard drive spins and sounds ok to me)?
I installed Lion yesterday. I cannot take Mail window out of full screen mode. There is no double arrow in the upper right corner. I hate it being this large. In fact, I don't like this Mail program at all. Moving the cursor up does not do anything. No Menu Bar appears. The only way I can get out of Mail is command Q.Â
If I try to mount almost any DMG file I just get an error message saying that there is no mountable file system. I know that these are not corrupt dmg files because these are ones that I have mounted before, it affects almost every single one and more importantly if I reboot in Safe Mode every single one mounts perfectly.Â
Clearly then something is running in normal mode that is preventing dmg's from mounting but I don't know how to find out what. I went to System Properties>User & Groups>Login Items and removed everything that was there but that was just iTunes Helper and something called WDC something or other which was unchecked anyway and is just a utility that controls my external hard drives. With everything removed and rebooted still DMG files won't mount.Â
Safe Mode = DMG's mount
Normal Mode = DMG's won't mount.Â
how I can find out what is causing this problem and/or how to fix it as it's annoying as **** and preventing me from easily updating software.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 3.1Ghz Quad-Core Intel core i5
While I have no problem booting into the Startup Manager using the command key with my wireless keyboard I'm finding it impossible to boot into Safe Mode using the option key.
Info: Mac OS X (10.7.4), OWC Mercury Elite Ext Drive
I have a new MacBook Air with an External monitor. I have no keyboard or mouse or trackpads attached to it. When I close the cover, instead of going to sleep, it goes into clamshell mode. I even opened a support session with Apple, and the technician said I should take it to the Genius Bar. Did that and the Genius found that the same thing happens on every MacBook.Why doesn't it just go to sleep?
I accidently did something that made Safari go full screen and the top navigation with the Apple icon, File, Edit etc, menu disappeared. I pressed esc to go back to normal viewing mode. Â
I did a bit of reading on the internet, and it looks like most computers will not boot into 32-bit mode by default with 10.6. It appears that if while booting the user holds the 6 and 4 keys, the computer will boot into 64-bit mode.
Does anyone know anything about this? Will the computer always boot into 64-bit mode if this is done once? Will it even make a difference? Will the average user want to do this?