OS X V10.7 Lion :: Time Machine Stuck On Indexing Using WD NAS Drive
Apr 26, 2012
I'm using a my book western digital nas drive for my time machine backups and time machine has been stuck on indexing for days. I saw some solutions in other threads, however on the my book the backup partition of the drive is private, locked, or hidden? and I have no idea how to get into that area of the drive if I was going to apply any of the solution I have previously seen...
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 2, 2014
Time Machine says it is indexing the backup and it has been going on for hours. How long will this take with a 2T HD?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Mar 6, 2012
Last night I accidently deleted some files off my desktop. I went into Time Machine to restore them and thought I had made the correct selection but instead it appears that I changed ALL the backups to the current state of my desktop. I've checked other folders on my hard drive and they all seem to be identical throughout the dates in Time Machine instead of each being unique as well. Is my Time Machine stuck and not saving properly or was it something I possibly did? Is there a way to undo that or am I now stuck?
Mac Pro 2008, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Jun 4, 2014
I am really careful about OXS upgrades, I have a Macbook Air 13" 4GB/256GB ssd, 2013. last monday I finally did the Mavericks upgrade; Mountain Lion was working great, but as Yosemite coming soon, I thought that was a good time to do it. Guess what...Â
Time Machine is NOT WORKING. I never had a problem with TM, and I use Mac since 90's, so I even can't remember when it came out, but I trade at least 4 Macs using TM and never had an issue.
Now, over Mavericks, it is taking forever. By just now, after almost 30 hours, it is backing up 8.57 GB of 60 GB. I already did the reformating of the TM's drive, it did not work.
I got a new HD external, reformatted on Disk Utility, turno ON and OFF and ON TIme Machine as I read it many times on other posts, and nothing.. It is just taking forever. I never saw this on any other OSX.
Spotlight is indexing too, taking too long, and probably this is the reason (or one of the reasons...) for TM take so long.
I started over wifi, I have an Aiport Express Extended thing, but my Macbook is really close to the first one, on the chain. I made sure that airport is connected to this one, and, it is.
I plugged my TrendNet USB-Ethernet cable, which works really great and fast. Nothing changes, System Preferences recognizes both connections, wifi and ethernet, both are working, but speed did not change at all... Â
I can't really believe that Apple will leave Time Machine users on this ridiculous situation. But what to do next.Â
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
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Jun 26, 2012
Is there any way to set Spotlight indexing to only work at midnight or some other time? The amount of indexing that goes on constantly is slowing down my work time and finder access during the day.
Mac OS X (10.7.4), ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT, 6 gigs RAM
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Mar 17, 2012
I was using a 1TB drive for Time Machine; I've now upped it to a 3TB drive. The new drive is an exact copy of the old one. But when I try to do a Time Machine backup, it's been stuck in "Preparing Backup..." for over 12 hours.
Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.5 GHZ Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
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Jul 2, 2012
I would like to use FileVault to encrypt both my hard drive and time machine back up external drive. Does encryption noticeable slow down the computer.
MacBook Air (13-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 19, 2012
How do I get Time Machine setup on this hard drive?
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 7, 2012
My external time machine drive will not show on my imac, the disk cant be found when trying to do a backup, it is plugged in and connected can be viewed in disk utility and system profile but will not show up anywhere else, its usually visible on the desktop, ive unplugged it , turned it off and on , powered down my imac and tried viewing it in other accounts all to no avail also it cant be seen using terminal, ive used disk utility to repair and it says the drive is fine, how do i get it back to show up.
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 9, 2012
I have a 1 TB drive in in my iMac that was recently replaced. The restored data uses about 850GB. I have been using a 2TB drive as a Time Machine backup drive. With the new internal drive in the iMac, TM said that it couldn't back up the drive, that 4.91TB were needed, and only 2TB available. I reformated the TM drive and I get the same error message. How can a 1TB no longer be backed up on 2TB?
iMac (24-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 25, 2012
I had been using Time Machine successfully for a while now but I am going traveling and thought I better encrypt my backup just in case it get's lost or stolen. I turned on encryption and chose a password, I don't really know if it completed the process as I was away from my computer, I susepct it failed, what I do know is every-time I plug the drive in I get the popup FileVault window and once I put my password in and select unlock it just goes grey, it's not saying it's incorrect just nothing happens and the drive does not mount.Â
I can see the drive in Disk Utility but if I select it I get the spinning beach-ball. I'm afraid encryption has destroyed my new 2TB drive (less than a month old). I don't really want to attempt to erase the drive as it contains other data that is not back of the Time Machine backup. I'm running 10.7.4. What can I do to get the drive mounted?
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Aug 23, 2010
I was trying to set up my Time Machine to an external hard drive. I didn't continue because it asked to "initialize" the hard drive which I had a lot of important things on.
I have another external hard drive I'd like to use but, my Time Machine has this error code of -43. What is this and how can I use my Time Machine on another external hard drive?
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Oct 13, 2009
I've finally gotten Snow Leopard on my Mac Book Pro, after jumping through hoops to get there - Disc not GUID, then when it was, SL not believing that the disc was bootable.
Due to this, I nuked the hard drive, installed SL and then restored all settings and apps from my latest time machine back up, whilst physically cabled to my Airport Extreme Base Station. Whilst I left it do that, it finished the restore, and also did a couple of hourly back ups. All hunky dorey so far.
Now that I'm using wireless, I notice that Time Machine kicks in as normal to do a back up. The icon starts whizzing round, and it starts calculating the changes to back up. But that's it. It progresses up to 99%, and then just sits there. I've left it like that for several hours, to see if it's actually going to complete, but nothing happens.
Is there something I can look at to see if I can prod it into action?
My backups go to a Drobo hanging off a Power Mac G4 on FW800, physically networked to the AEBS.
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Feb 5, 2012
I have a Drobo external drive array connected by firewire to my primary home computer - a Mac Pro. the last year I've backed up two Macbook Pros (mine and my wife's) to this Drobo using Time Machine (The Mac Pro is always on and the laptops backup through the home network, through the Map Pro, to the Drobo). I recently did a fresh reinstall of Lion to all 3 computers. Now for some reason Time Machine can't kick the backup off. It gives me a "Can't backup - the backup drive us not available," or something like that.
A couple of key points:
* Through the primary computer, I have opened read/write file sharing permissions for all drives, including the FW connected Drobo
* From the laptops, I can see and read/write to the Drobo through Finder
* Through Time Machine preferences, I can select the Drobo as a backup destination - it's only when I kick off the backup that I run into the error.
* If I create a test admin account to try, I get the same problem when trying to back up.
* As a safegard, I have run a manual backup successfully to a separate external drive (mobile g-drive)
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Feb 24, 2012
I've just replaced an old MacBook Pro with a new one and used Time Machine to get the new MBP set up. All is well and it looks like my new computer is a mirror of the old (tested for a week now). If I turn on Time Machine with the new MBP using the same hardrive as the former, will the files remain and be accessible? Presently, I can only access the old files by going into the hard drive through Finder and even then, most are locked.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 3, 2012
Tried unlocking and allowing myself to read and write. Nope. Tried holding down the option key. Nope.
This drive is no longer being used by time machine and I want to delete some files on it. Is there a way to do it without wiping the entire drive?
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Mar 28, 2012
Time Machine is not working correctly since installing Lion. I found (from using Adobe Bridge) that there seem to be automatic back ups being made 20 times a day and onto my hard drive! Usually I back up to an external drive specifically for back up using Time Machine. Now time machine takes several hours to back up when I have that disk wired in (with USB) and the Time Machine icon in the Apple menu is always showing that the back up is delayed. Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 27, 2012
I used my external hard drive to store important documents off of my previous Mac. None of these documents are on my new Mac. Will I lose these docs if Time Machine backs up to this external hard drive? Will Time Machine save over those docs?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 14, 2012
How to copy your Time Machine contents to a new larger Time Capsule drive ? I have three Time Capsule , two new (3 and 2 TB) and one old (1TB) contaniing all my backups. Only the 3TB have WiFi enabled, the other two are using ethernet only. my Macbook Pro are using ethernet only. I want to migrate from the old 1TB to the new 2TB for backup and other contents. Problem: my Time Capsultes dont show up in Disk Utility.
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May 15, 2012
I am trying to get Time Machine to backup my external hard drive. I have the external drive formated as Mac OS Extended (journaled) and I have also removed the drive from the Excluded list.I put some 'test' files on the external drive and told TM to do a backup and when it is finished the only way I can see my external hard drive in TM is if it is connected to the computer. It doesn't seem to be backed up anywhere in TM that I can see.
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May 16, 2012
Is there a way or a utility to sync a Time Machine backup with the source drive?
I mean, so that all files which no longer exist on the source drive would be removed from the Time Machne backup too?
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 27, 2012
I have a 500 GB external drive that uses FireWire. Recently Time Machine started deleting several backups to make room for new ones. It now says the oldest backup is May 4th, 2012. I thought this sounded like a problem. When I looked into the details, my iMac now thinks my hard drive has 400GB instead of 500GB.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
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May 29, 2012
from there I only need my mail messages and folders.Â
How do I go about getting them on another machine (not the one that did the Time Machine backups)?Â
Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jul 4, 2012
I have a Windows LAN to connect to a USB backup drive. I cannot find out how to set up Time Machine to connect to the USB backup drive. Does Time Machine only work with Airport devices? If not, then how do I set up Time Machine to see my USB drive on the network?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Windows LAN via Netgear router
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Aug 22, 2014
Mac Mini running 10.8.5. Time Machine will not back up brand new OWC MiniStack external HD. I've trashed TM prefs, reformatted the TM drive, verified that there are no exclusions, but it won't back up the external HD which contains only data files -- no system, no applications. TM does back up the internal HD.
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Aug 31, 2014
I was using an external drive for Time Machine for the past year and a few months On Saturday a message came up that it failed. I tried initiating the Time Machine again but failed. I decided to get a new bigger external drive to use for Time Machine. When trying to eject the external drive I was using it gives me this message:
Would it be safe just to force eject or log out and then log back in again to eject it so I can use my new external drive?
Mac mini, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3)
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Jun 25, 2014
I can't copy a Time Machine backup file (Backups.backupb) from one external hard drive to another. Both hard drives are Seagate 1TB Backup Plus. The Backups.backupb file is about 275GB. When I try to drag and drop the Backups.backupb file from one drive to the other (which I've tried three times) it to begins copy but after about 3GBs are copied I get a message that says "The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -50)."Â
I formatted (erased) the new hard drive with Disk Utility as Mac OS Extended (Journaled). Apple Support says I should format the new drive in Mac OS Extended (Journaled) "with a GUID partition," but I don't see the GUID partition as an option when I format the drive. Is this necessary, and if so, how do it do it? I'm using OS 10.8.6 on a 2012 MacBook Pro retna.Â
I also tried copying the backup files to another drive (a Maxtor HD) and got the same error message.
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Nov 1, 2007
I set up Time Machine the yesterday, it completed it's initial backup fine, and performed about 10 or so hourly backups, then randomly on one of it's hourly backups it got stuck. It never actually started the backup. The preferences said it was backing up, but the progress bar wasn't moving, and there was no activity on the drive. I stopped the "backup", and from then on I could not get it to do another backup.
So last night I reformatted the external and decided to let TM start over. Once again it finished the initial backup fine, and I went to bed. While I was in bed it finished 3 more hourly backups, and I woke up this morning to find it stuck again, trying to do it's 2:05AM backup. The computer was awake all night, so it should have no problems. The preferences say it is backing up, but never makes any progress, and there is no drive activity.
Here is the relavent errors from my System log:
Nov 1 02:05:50 todd-sullivans-imac /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[304]: Backup requested by automatic scheduler
Nov 1 02:05:50 todd-sullivans-imac /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[304]: Starting standard backup
Nov 1 02:05:57 todd-sullivans-imac /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[304]: Backing up to: /Volumes/Backup/Backups.backupdb
Nov 1 02:05:57 todd-sullivans-imac /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[304]: Ownership is disabled on the backup destination volume. Enabling.
Nov 1 02:05:57 todd-sullivans-imac KernelEventAgent[35]: tid 00000000 received unknown event (256)
Nov 1 02:05:59 todd-sullivans-imac /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[304]: Event store UUIDs don't match for volume  Macintosh HD
Nov 1 02:05:59 todd-sullivans-imac /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[304]: Node requires deep traversal:/ reason:kFSEDBEventFlagMustScanSubDirs|kFSEDBEventFlagReasonEventDBUntrustable|
Nov 1 02:09:45 todd-sullivans-imac /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[304]: No pre-backup thinning needed: 14.57 GB requested (including padding), 132.30 GB available
Nov 1 02:09:46 todd-sullivans-imac /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[304]: MDBackupBegin() returned result (909) > 0, waiting
Nov 1 02:10:16 todd-sullivans-imac /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[304]: MDBackupBegin() returned result (906) > 0, waiting
Nov 1 02:10:46 todd-sullivans-imac /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[304]: MDBackupBegin() returned result (906) > 0, waiting
I bolded the entries that I assume are the problem, but I don't know what it could be. Why does it randomly get stuck on hourly backups. BTW The "waiting" is just repeating over and over etc. Tried it a 3rd time, and this time it managed to do 25 hourly backups before getting stuck. does anyone have a clue here, I'd like to get this working. Every time it stops working I have to format the drive and start over to get it to backup again.
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Aug 29, 2009
I installed SL a few days ago and had to rebuild my Time Machine backup. It powered through all 700GB today and then it kept going. The progress bar got to the max: 700/700, then went to 700.02/700.02 ,, 700.03/700.03 ,, 700.04/ 700.04 ,, etc. Currently it's adding onto the "inprogress" file and filling up the drive with more data than I had to backup! It's done 844GB out of 700. Keep in mind, this is a totally-from scratch backup here! Do I stop it? Do I wait until it fills up the drive and "figures it out" ?
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Feb 10, 2012
I noticed that Time Machine backs up the system ever so often. What happens if I disconnect the external hard drive I'm using as the back up and Time Machine tries to initiate a back up? Will it corrupt anything?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
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